Socio-economic characteristics of respondents
Table 2 presents results on socioeconomic characteristics of the okra farmers including age, marital status, and religion, among others. Results showed that the majority (92.2%) of the respondents were males, 38.0% of them were young adults between 31 to 40 years, and 31.4% were between 41 to 50 years. The aged and old comprised the lowest percentage (26.9%) of the respondents. A greater population (75.9%) of the respondents were full-time farmers, 35.1% were degree holders, 31.4% were diploma holders, and 20.4% had the first school leaving certificate (FSLC). These findings are consistent with the report by Adewole (2018) that okra farmers in Kwara State are mostly males and are married with formal education. Additionally, Imoloame et al. (2021) reported that the majority of farmers in Kwara State are young, between the ages of 31 and 40 years and are employed in the agricultural sector due to the high unemployment rate in Nigeria. This is in line with the report of (NBS, 2020), that 13.9 million youths were unemployed in Nigeria in 2020. Most of the farmers are still in their active and productive stages in life. They are also educated, a factor that will inspire them to be more open to accepting innovation such as IPM. The findings of Uwagboe et al. (2012) and Ejechi (2015) give credence to this because most of the farmers who were and adopted IPM were still in their prime age.
Table 2
Socioeconomic characteristics of respondents (n = 245)
Variables | Frequency | Percentage (%) |
Gender | | |
Male | 226 | 92.2 |
Female | 19 | 7.8 |
Age (years) | | |
18–30 | 9 | 3.7 |
31–40 | 93 | 38.0 |
41–50 | 77 | 31.4 |
Above 50 | 66 | 26.9 |
Farming status | | |
Full time | 186 | 75.9 |
Part-time | 59 | 24.1 |
Qualifications | | |
Degree | 86 | 35.1 |
Diploma | 77 | 31.4 |
FSLC | 50 | 20.4 |
Others | 32 | 13.1 |
Source: Field survey, 2023 |
Table 3 shows that a greater percentage of farmers (93.5%) applied insecticides to okra. In a review by Ofuya et al. (2023), Cypermethrin is the recommended insecticide for controlling insects in okra farms. However, it has been reported that synthetic chemicals are often indiscriminately used giving rise to health and environmental concerns (Stoll, 2001; Avav & Ayuba, 2016; Best-Odinohia & Ataga, 2017). Similarly, 73.1% of respondents applied 200ml /15 l or less of a knapsack sprayer on the volume of insecticides applied. This dose is considered to be significantly higher than the recommended rate which is 1.2ml/l. A higher dosage of the insecticide used by farmers in Kwara State could have toxic effects on both target and non-target organisms including man, especially when used in high concentrations (Agwu et al. 2016). Ekoja et al. (2023) believe that cypermethrin application on okra plants at the rate of 1.0 ml/ L at both vegetative and reproductive growth stages achieved significantly lower fruit damage by insects and consequently higher yields. The frequency of applications of insecticides by the respondents was mainly once (47.8%) and twice (42.5%). Furthermore, 60.0% of the respondents applied the insecticides at the early stage of growth and flowering. A great number of farmers in developing countries consider pesticide use as the panacea to protecting their crops from pest attacks, however, these pesticides are not utilized properly with the potential of resulting in pesticide residue or may increase insecticide resistance in the vectors as also reported by Matowo et al. (2020).
Table 3
The use of insecticides among Respondents (n = 245)
Variables | Frequency | Percentage |
Use of insecticides | | |
Yes | 229 | 93.5 |
No | 16 | 6.5 |
Quantity of insecticide used (ml) | | |
Not used | 19 | 7.8 |
≤ 200 | 179 | 73.1 |
> 200 | 47 | 19.2 |
Effectiveness of insecticide used for okra | | |
Yes | 229 | 93.5 |
No | 16 | 6.5 |
Frequency of insecticide application for okra | | |
Once | 117 | 47.8 |
Twice | 104 | 42.4 |
Thrice | 11 | 4.5 |
Nil | 13 | 5.3 |
Stage of insecticide application | | |
Early stage of growth only | 37 | 15.1 |
Early stage of growth and flowering | 147 | 60.0 |
Early stage of growth, flowing and fruiting | 48 | 19.6 |
Nil | 13 | 5.3 |
Source: Field survey, 2023 |
The use of herbicides among respondents |
Table 4, shows that herbicide is highly used among okra farmers in the study as 93.5% of them use the product, while 6.5% do not, for okra production. The brand of herbicide used by more than half of the respondents (56.1%) was Force Up (glyphosate). Other herbicides include Champion (12.6) and Para Force (6.7%). On the quantity of herbicides used, 90.2% of the farmers applied above 200ml per 15-liter knapsack sprayer for pre-emergence herbicides (82.0%). It has been reported that most farmers in different ecological zones in Nigeria use herbicides more than the other methods of weed control and that the most used herbicide by the farmers in Kwara and Niger States of Nigeria, is Force Up, mostly applied pre-emergence (Kolo, 2004; Imoloame 2013; Imoloame et al., 2021). The dose of herbicide applied may be higher than the recommended rates. Furthermore, the herbicides may be poorly applied as farmers are known not to calibrate their sprayers before use, resulting in insufficient or excessive application of herbicides (Imoloame et al., 2021)
Table 4
Use of herbicides among okra farmers (n = 245)
Variables | Frequency | Percentage |
Use herbicides | | |
Yes | 229 | 93.5 |
No | 16 | 6.5 |
Names of some herbicides used (*) | | |
Champion | 45 | 12.6 |
Force Up (Glyphosate) | 201 | 56.1 |
Uproot | 10 | 2.7 |
Gramazone | 16 | 4.5 |
4D | 11 | 3.1 |
ParaForce | 32 | 8.9 |
Gobara | 22 | 6.1 |
Atrazine | 21 | 5.9 |
Quantity of Herbicides used (ml)/knapsack sprayer | | |
Nil | 16 | 6.5 |
< 200 | 8 | 3.3 |
> 200 | 221 | 90.2 |
Types of herbicides used | | |
Pre-emergence | 201 | 82.0 |
Post-emergence | 4 | 1.6 |
Pre and Postemergence | 24 | 9.8 |
Not applicable | 16 | 6.5 |
Source: Field Survey, 2023 |
Farmers' knowledge level of IPM practices (n = 245) |
Responses of the okra farmers regarding their level of knowledge about the use of IPM are detailed in Table 5. The majority of the farmers, 41.6% had limited knowledge, 35.1% indicated good knowledge, 10.6% indicated moderate knowledge, 9.4% indicated no knowledge and 3.3% indicated excellent knowledge. This finding implies that okra farmers in the study area had limited knowledge about the use of IPM. This may not be unconnected with the limited Knowledge of the extension staff, who are supposed to educate farmers, due to insufficient training (Agbamu, 2005). There may therefore be a need for farmers to be trained on IPM.
Table 5
Farmers' knowledge level of IPM practices (n = 245)
IPM | Frequency | Percentage |
No knowledge | 23 | 9.4 |
Limited knowledge | 102 | 41.6 |
Moderate knowledge | 26 | 10.6 |
Good knowledge | 86 | 35.1 |
Excellent knowledge | 8 | 3.3 |
Source: Field Survey, 2023 |
The practice of IPM for pest control |
Results presented in Table 6 indicate that the majority (98.4%) of respondents apply IPM for the management of pests in okra farms, despite their limited knowledge of the use of the technology (Table 5). A similar finding of IPM adoption among the majority of farmers was reported by Olasunkanmi et al. (2021). The type of IPM adopted in this study by a majority of the respondents (88.5%), was the combination of chemical and cultural methods (hoeing + insecticide + herbicide) while a few (4.5%) each, adopted chemical method only, herbicide and insecticides, cultural and chemical (hoeing + mulching + insecticide) and Cultural + biological (hoeing + insect-resistant variety) respectively. This implies that the combination of chemical and cultural methods (hoeing + insecticide + herbicide) was the highly adopted IPM practice for the control of pests in okra farms in the study area, despite their limited knowledge about this technology. This high adoption of IPM among farmers in Kwara State is a departure from the findings of Afuoku et al. (2012) that only 15.6% of the farmers in Central Agro-Ecology of Delta State Nigeria, adopted IPM and that there was a need to increase awareness of this technology and its benefits among the farmers. More than half of the population of the farmers (55.9%) depend on the extension workers for their source of information on agricultural innovation. However, such information may be inadequate, stale and unreliable due to the limited knowledge of the extension workers in Nigeria resulting from inadequate training and retraining (Ikuenobe et al. 2005; Imoloame et al., 2021)
Table 6
The use of IPM for pest control (n = 245)
Variables | Frequency | Percentage |
Do you apply IPM practices? | | |
Yes | 241 | 98.4 |
No | 4 | 1.6 |
Types of IPM applied | | |
Chemical method only: herbicide and insecticides | 11 | 4.5 |
Chemical and cultural methods (hoeing + insecticide + herbicide) | 212 | 88.5 |
Cultural and chemical (hoeing + mulching + insecticide) | 11 | 4.5 |
Cultural + biological (hoeing + insect resistance variety) | 11 | 4.5 |
Sources of information on IPM | | |
Researcher | 58 | 23.7 |
Extension | 137 | 55.9 |
Intuition | 14 | 5.7 |
Friends | 36 | 14.7 |
Source: Field Survey, 2023 |
Constraints to use of IPM for okra production
The constraints to the utilization of IPM for okra production are presented in Table 7. Findings show that inadequate information on IPM from extension agents (mean = 4.24) ranked 1st, inadequate demonstration of new technologies (mean = 4.11) ranked 2nd, lack of proper training (mean = 4.06) ranked 3rd, inadequate irrigation facilities (mean = 3.88) ranked 4th, while the high cost of execution (mean = 3.58) ranked the least constraints to the use of IPM for okra production in the study area. These findings show that inadequate information on IPM from extension agents, inadequate demonstration of new technologies and lack of proper training were the leading constraints facing farmers on the use of IPM for okra production in the study area. The extension services offered in Nigeria have been described as weak and ineffectual depriving the extension workers of adequate training (Agbamu, 2005). Since extension is the bedrock of agricultural development, Imoloame and Olarewaju (2013) have suggested the need for the government of Kwara State to inject adequate resources towards the training of extension agents for better service delivery.
Table 7
Constraints to the use of IPM for okra production
Constraints | SA (%) | A (%) | SD (%) | D (%) | N (%) | Mean | Rank |
Inadequate information on IPM from extension agents | 105(42.9) | 112(45.7) | 14(5.7) | 10(4.1) | 4(1.6) | 4.24 ± .874 | 1st |
Inadequate demonstration of new technologies | 72(29.4) | 152(62.0) | 8(3.3) | 3(1.2) | 10(4.1) | 4.11 ± .856 | 2nd |
Lack of proper training | 54(22.0) | 167(68.2) | 14(5.7) | 5(2.0) | 5(2.0) | 4.06 ± .736 | 3rd |
Inadequate irrigation facilities | 46(18.8) | 150(61.2) | 28(11.4) | 17(6.9) | 3(1.2) | 3.88 ± .858 | 4th |
High cost of execution | 25(10.2) | 127(51.8) | 66(26.9) | 20(8.2) | 7(2.9) | 3.58 ± .886 | 5th |
Source: Field Survey, 2023 |
Hypothesis of the Study |
HO1: There is no significant relationship between gender, age and the use of IPM for okra production among respondents. However, farming status (r = 0.229), qualification (r = 0.235), years of experience (r = 0.132) and okra farm size (r = 0.228) showed a significant positive correlation with the use of IPM among okra farmers (Table 8). These findings suggest that that higher level of education, years of experience and farm size will lead to greater use of IPM for okra production in the study area. The result on the farm size of okra is consistent with the finding of Olasunkanmi et al. (2021) who also reported a positive relationship between farm size and the adoption of IPM practices among farmers in Nigeria. The significant relationship between education and the adoption of IPM implies that highly educated people are more inspired and open-minded to learn about innovations that will help to improve their farming practices and productivity. This category of people can be appointed to act as contact farmers for the diffusion of IPM in Kwara State of Nigeria.
Table 8
PPMC result of the relationship between socioeconomic characteristics and the use of IPM among respondents
Do you apply IPM (for usage) | Pearson correlation (r) | Sig. (p-value) |
Gender | 0.037 | 0.561 |
Age | -0.27 | 0.673 |
Farming status | 0.229 | 0.000** |
Qualification | 0.235 | 0.000** |
Years of experience | 0.132 | 0.039** |
Okra farm size | 0.228 | 0.000** |
Source: field survey, 2023 ** significant |
Pesticide residue analysis of okra
Table 9 presents the GC-MS okra analysis results. It shows that pesticide residues were not detected in the samples of okra obtained from Ilorin South, while in Ifelodun Local Government Area, only spiromesifen (0.38 mg/kg) was detected. In the case of Asa Local Government area, fipronil (0.02 mg/kg), propiconazole (0.006 mg/kg), phosmet (0.004 mg/kg), imidacloprid (0.29 mg/kg) and acetamiprid (0.21 mg/kg) residues were detected, while only imidacloprid (0.37 mg/kg) residue was detected in samples obtained from Oyun Local Government Area. Imidacloprid (0.24 mg/kg), phosmet (0.003 mg/kg) and propiconazole (0.04 mg/kg) residues were detected in samples from Baruten Local Government, while diazinon (0.008 mg/kg), imidacloprid (0.34 mg/kg) and propiconazole (0.004 mg/kg) were also detected in samples obtained from Edu Local Government Area. Acetamiprid and fipronil were detected at concentrations higher than the maximum residue levels of 0.2 mg/kg and 0.01 mg/kg, respectively. Other pesticides were detected at concentrations lower than the MRLs (spiromesifen 0.5 mg/kg; propiconazole, 0.01 mg/kg; phosmet, 0.05 mg/kg; imidacloprid, 0.5 mg/kg; and acetamiprid,02 mg/kg) (EU, 2024; FAO/WHO, 2024). The above result demonstrates that only insecticide residues were present in okra produced in Kwara State and no herbicide residues were found. This could be because herbicides were applied pre-emergence and all of it could have been metabolized in the plant system before the ripening stage. Previous research has shown that residues of herbicides in food are generally low and human intakes are normally below acceptable levels (Dewhurst, 2014). This finding is consistent with the report of Sondhia (2014), that at harvest, herbicides in various commodities were found either below the maximum residue limit or below detectable limits. According to Yiran et al. (2021), as soon as herbicides are applied, considerable processes immediately begin to impact the residue of those compounds in crops such as rainfall, and photodegradation. e.t.c. The indiscriminate application and poor use of insecticides could have resulted in the above maximum residue limits of Acetamiprid and fipronil insecticide in okra. This corroborates the report of Ellionet et al.,2000; Mukherjee and Gopal, 2003 that the indiscriminate use of pesticides leads to an undesirable load of pesticide residues in marketable vegetables, sometimes residues exceed their maximum limit and pose health hazards to customers. Similarly, Bempah et al. (2011), reported the presence of Gamma HCH, Endrin,,; DDE, Fenvalerate, Deltamethrin, Cyfluthrin, Cypermethrin and; DDE in okra obtained from the local market of Kumasi, in Ghana at different concentrations levels. Pesticide residues, such as Lindane, HCB, HCH, Aldrin, p,p; DDE and DDT, were also detected at different concentrations in okra obtained from Nigeria markets (Adeyeye & Osibanjo, 1999), although the levels were found below the maximum residue levels (MRLs). Although in this study, the other residues in okra are in trace quantities, below acceptable maximum residue limits, the accumulation of this residue in the human body over time could be toxic and dangerous. It is reported that many of the chemical residues, especially derivatives of chlorinated pesticides, exhibit bio-accumulation which could build up to harmful levels in the body as well as in the environment (Jayaraj et al., 2017). Irrespective of where the pesticide residue of okra was found to be high or low, farmers in Kwara State must be trained on integrated pest management (IPM) and its proper application as it is the best approach for preventing pesticide residue in crops. It is a strategy that integrates available pest control techniques including the minimum application of pesticides to minimize risks to human health and the environment.
Table 9
Pesticides residue nnalysis of okra
Agricultural Zones | Types of Residue | Quantity of Residue (Mg/kg) |
Ilorin South | None | 0 |
Ifelodun | Spiromesifen | 0.38 |
Asa Local Government | Fipronil | 0.02 |
| Propiconazole | 0.006 |
| Phosmet | 0.004 |
Oyun | Imidacloprid Acetamiprid Imidacloprid | 0.29 0.21 0.37 |
Baruteen | Imidacloprid Phosmet Propiconazole | 0.24 0.003 0.04 |
Edu | Diazinon Imidacloprid Propiconazole | 0.008 0.34 0.004 |
Source: Field Survey, 2023 |