Marine macroalgae, or seaweeds, encompass a great diversity of organisms including representatives of three lineages, red algae (Rhodophyta), green algae (Chlorophyta), and brown algae (Ochrophyta, Phaeophyceae). They form the most extensive and productive coastal habitat in the world, covering an area of around 3.4 million km2 (Krause-Jensen et al. 2018). Macroalgae beds perform various services and provide several important goods for the ecosystem in terms of supply, regulation, support, and cultural functions, serving as subsistence for millions of people and habitats for various marine organisms, absorbing and cycling nutrients, and protecting against ocean acidification and deoxygenation (Sondak et al. 2017). As photosynthesizing organisms, they also contribute to the carbon cycle by fixing CO2. Their high net primary production supports around 1.32 x 109 tons of carbon per year (Duarte et al. 2022), of which 11% is potentially sequestered in the sediment or deep sea, where carbon is kept for hundreds to thousands of years (Krause-Jensen et al. 2018).
For the past 50 years, macroalgae aquaculture has become one of the fastest-growing sectors in the world, with an average growth rate of 8% per year (Duarte et al. 2017), and now accounts for nearly 30% of all aquaculture production worldwide. In 2019, there was a total production of 35.7 million tons of fresh biomass, 99.1% of which was produced on the Asian continent. However, most seaweed cultivation relies on a small number of genera, such as the brown algae Saccharina and Undaria, and the red algae Kappaphycus, Eucheuma, Gracilaria, and Pyropia (FAO 2021). The produced macroalgal biomass is used by diverse sectors of society, such as the phycocolloid industry, human food, fertilizers for agriculture, industrial, pharmaceutical, or cosmetic applications, and biofuels (Sondak et al. 2017). Although current production is nowhere near the size of natural beds, there is great potential for expansion in this sector. A survey by Spillias et al. (2023) found an area of approximately 6.5 million km2 ecologically available for macroalgae aquaculture, compared to the 1,900 km2 cultivated in 2014.
Gracilarioids species, red seaweeds from the Gracilariaceae family, are widely used commercially for food and especially for extracting agar. According to FAO (2021), they accounted for around 10% of the world's macroalgae production in 2019 and had the third highest produce value per kilo (USD 0.54/kg). The greatest specific diversity occurs in the genera Gracilaria (199 species) and Gracilariopsis (24 species), which together produce approximately 91% of all agar (Porse and Rudolph 2017). Agar is a high-value product used in many industries such as food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and textile, due to its emulsifying, stabilizing, and gelling properties (Zhang et al. 2024). In 2015, it had a market size of USD 246 million with an average growth rate of 7% (Porse and Rudolph 2017). Moreover, in recent studies, the sulfated constituent of agar has been evidenced with diverse biological activity, including antioxidant, antiviral, antitumor, and anti-inflammatory properties (Torres et al. 2019).
The Brazilian coast is home to more than 800 species of seaweeds, 62% of which are Rhodophyta. Species from Gracilaria, Gracilariopsis, and Hypnea have been exploited in the northeast region since 1960 and for many years were an important source of income for local communities, which would export the biomass to Japan (Marinho-Soriano 2017). However, overexploitation of the natural beds led to a drop in seaweed availability and consequently a decline in local supply and exports to negligible amounts. In the following years, Gracilaria birdiae E.M. Plastino & E.C. Oliveira started to be locally cultivated in the states of Paraíba, Rio Grande do Norte, and Ceará, but its reliance on natural beds for seedlings risked uncontrolled harvesting (Alemañ et al. 2019). Nowadays, the seaweed aquaculture industry in Brazil is still in its infancy, with the exotic carrageenophyte species Kappaphycus alvarezii (Doty) L.M. Liao being the first with a commercial farming scale in the south and southeast Brazilian regions. However, with its 8,000 km coastline and favorable environmental conditions, Brazil has great potential for seaweed aquaculture (Barbosa-Silva et al. 2023).
As observed in the northeast of Brazil, industrial dependency on natural beds for biomass harvest is unsustainable for both the maintenance of wild stocks and for supplying the growing demand for seaweed material. Also, it is often seen as a cause of market volatility (Gupta et al. 2018). Therefore, seaweed cultivation in the sea can thus reduce the pressure of extractivism on natural populations and ensure the production of macroalgae for various sectors of society. However, another challenge related to the seaweed biomass supply chain is the production of seed materials for farming, since many producers depend on seed stocks harvested from natural beds (Jiksing et al. 2022). On top of that, as the seaweed industry continues to grow, also increases the demand for biomass which the existing resources cannot meet. Hence, creating an uninterrupted supply of seedlings for cultivation is essential to manage the growing market demands and the seaweed industry in Brazil (Naik and Naik 2020).
Many strategies for seedling production have been proposed by the literature, the two most common ones through vegetative fragments and reproductive cells (Jiksing et al. 2022). The former is recommended for species with higher proliferation potential, such as Kappaphycus, Gracilaria, and Gelidium, while the latter is for species with greater reproductive potential, such as Pyropia, Saccharina, and Undaria (Gupta et al. 2018). Clonal propagation through vegetative fragments has the advantage of having rapid regeneration, better survival, and uniform productivity, as well as having a shorter culture time and lower costs compared to reproductive techniques (Jaiswar et al. 2021). Moreover, it helps avoid overexploitation of natural beds through thallus reuse. On the other hand, it is believed that it can lead to decreased genetic variability, lower growth rates, and higher vulnerability to pathogens, due to clonal repetition (Arbaiza et al. 2023).
The problems related to vegetative reproduction could be alleviated by laboratory cultivation methods in controlled environments and by selecting fast-growing, disease-resistant plantlets from different parental lines (Radulovich et al. 2015). The possibility of cultivating seedlings in stable environmental conditions could enhance productivity and allow species-specific protocols, in contrast to cultivation in the sea, where conditions are unstable and unpredictable. Furthermore, clonal propagation could inhibit reproductive development, leading to higher growth rates due to less energy being used for reproduction (Saminathan et al. 2015). Consequently, a higher yield and quality could be obtained, allowing a continuous and reliable supply of quality seed material.
In a cultivation system, nutrient availability is one of the key factors controlling the primary production of macroalgae, with phosphorus and nitrogen being the main limiting nutrients, as they are crucial elements for energy metabolism and the production of structural molecules (Barbosa-Silva et al. 2023). Culture media used for laboratory experiments are normally expensive and complex to produce and, therefore, cannot be used for large-scale seaweed cultivation. As an alternative, commercial fertilizers are a cheaper and more viable option, which are also able to provide the nutrients required by seaweed (Fernandes et al. 2017). However, since different species show different responses to nutrient concentration (Murakami and Rodrigues 2009), it is essential to study the nutritional needs of different groups. Hence, as a first step towards understanding nutritional demands and their influence, laboratory experiments under controlled conditions are important to estimate physiological patterns, phenotypic plasticity, and tolerance and stress limits, which will allow cultivation success.
Several studies have described the macroalgae aquaculture potential for carbon sequestration and as an additional help to mitigate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (Chung et al. 2011; Sondak et al. 2016; Duarte et al. 2017; Krause-Jensen et al. 2018). Moreover, including this aspect in the cultivation process may represent an additional income for producers, since it could be incorporated in carbon credit markets. However, its use as a potential carbon sequester depends on the destination of the produced biomass. For instance, applications such as food, animal feed, or biofuels do not work as long-term storage, since the CO2 is re-emitted into the atmosphere (Sondak et al. 2017), while its use as biochar or to produce biopolymers could represent longer-term storage. On the other hand, even temporary carbon storage through seaweed products could be beneficial to the climatic system by substituting other products with associated carbon emissions or by possible carbon flows from seaweed cultivation sites to the deep ocean (Hasselström and Thomas 2022).
In the case of seedling cultivation on land, using carbon sequestration as an added value to the process could help alleviate some of the problems related to this method, such as the high costs of infrastructure and maintenance, as well as high energy and water consumption (Jiksing et al. 2022), increasing, therefore, its economic viability. However, since carbon content, dry weight rate, and biomass yield vary between species and environmental conditions, it is essential to study different species with economic value in controlled environments, to create cultivation protocols that maximize growth and quality.
Accordingly, the cultivation of Gracilariaceae species could be an option to increase Brazil’s seaweed industry, more specifically for agar, or biopolymer and bioactive compounds applications, and could be additionally used as an important tool for reducing GHG emissions and mitigating the effects of global climate change. Furthermore, the development of cultivation farms will depend on a constant supply of high-quality seedlings, provided through vegetative fragments cultivated in controlled environments such as laboratories. Also, the application of commercial fertilizers could be used as an extra tool to increase growth and quality, as well as decrease production costs. Finally, accounting for CO2 sequestration during production can act as an added value that increases the economic viability of cultivation.
The red alga Gracilariopsis tenuifrons (C.J. Bird & E.C. Oliveira) Fredericq & Hommersand is found in Brazil from the states of Ceará to São Paulo (Oliveira 1998; Oliveira et al. 2002) and is also present in Mexico, Cuba, and Venezuela (Faria 2022). It is considered to have a high growth rate and produces good quality agar (Brito and Silva 2004). In addition, it can be used as a biofilter to absorb nutrients from aquaculture, such as marine fish and shrimp (Hernández et al. 2006; Carneiro et al. 2021), is easy to grow in the laboratory and has the potential for large-scale production in Brazil (Plastino 1991; Oliveira 1998). This research aims to analyze the biomass production and CO2 sequestration potential of G. tenuifrons under laboratory cultivation of two concentrations of a low-cost commercial fertilizer. We aspire to contribute to future RD&I projects that value G. tenuifrons in multiphase exploitation dimensions and add value to this species' cultivation activity.