2.1. Design of modular peptide assemblies: A hallmark of de novo protein design is the ability to construct self-assemblies with different oligomeric states by changing the primary sequence. This is achieved by the KIH packing of a and d site residues in the heptad (abcdefg)n. For example, introducing an Ile at the a and d site of the heptad (IAAIKQE)n produces the trimeric 3SCC ArCuP.45 To design the tetrameric 4SCC assembly, the (LAAIKQE)n motif was chosen, having a Leu at the a site and an Ile at the d site.49 To introduce the His site in 4SCC, we chose the 9th position of the heptad, similar to the 3SCC, to allow a direct assessment of how the immediate coordination environment alters their physical and reactivity properties. The Ala residues favor the α-helix formation, while the Glu and Lys at e and g positions control the parallel orientation of the helices by ion pairs. An acetylated and amidated Gly residue caps the N- and C- termini, respectively. A Trp chromophore is introduced at an f site on the last heptad to aid in quantification. The final sequence of 4SCC is shown in Table 1.
Table 2
gx, gy
Ax,y (MHz)
Az (MHz)
14, 30
CuII-3SCC + H2O2
this work
CuI-3SCC + H2O2
this work
CuI-3SCC + O2
this work
AN = 51, 41, 44, 41
AN = 55, 41, 44, 41
this work
AN = 49, 41, 44, 41
AN = 53, 41, 45, 42
this work
2.2. Structure and electronic properties of 4SCC: 4SCC was crystallized in the Cu-bound form and diffracted to 1.36Å (statistics in Table S1). 4SCC crystallizes with a tetrameric quarternary structure produced by parallel assembly of the monomers (Fig. 2A), as designed. All four His residues point toward the helical axis and bind Cu exclusively via the Nε atoms. A water molecule occupies an axial position at 2.6 Å, forming an approximate square pyramidal Cu(His)4OH2 coordination (Fig. 2B). The His residues are slightly distorted from the Cu plane with Cu-Nε distances of 2.0–2.2 Å (Fig. 2C). In the CuB site of pMMO the Cu-N distances are in the range of 2.2–2.7 Å.24 Two of the opposing Nε atoms in 4SCC are located below Cu with an ∠Nε-Cu-Nε angle of 167° (Fig. 2D). The remaining two Nε atoms lie above the Cu with an ∠Nε-Cu-Nε angle of 189°. The orientation of His Cε atoms is also different, where the two of the opposing His residues are tilted away from each other at a greater extent (140° vs. 163°) than the others. The electronic spectrum of 4SCC has a d-d band (Fig. 2E) at ~ 600 nm. The EPR spectrum of 4SCC (Fig. 2F) is characteristic of a tetragonally elongated type-2 Cu center having an axial g tensor, with gx,y = 2.048, gz = 2.253 and resolved Cu hyperfine splittings of Ax,y = 71 MHz and Az = 543 MHz (Table 2). Additional superhyperfine splittings from the 14N nuclei of four His ligands are observed with AN(x,y) = 51, 41, 44, 41 MHz, and AN(z) = 55, 41, 44, 41 MHz. The superhyperfine splittings suggest a slight asymmetry in Cu-ligand interaction, which is also consistent with differences in the Cu-His geometry in the X-ray structure. The observation of well-resolved Cu-14N(His) superhyperfine splittings suggests a high degree of structural homogeneity in the Cu coordination sphere of 4SCC. Finally, the axial symmetry (gz > gx = gy) indicates that the unpaired electron resides in the dx2−y2 orbital, pointing toward the four N ligands on the tetragonal plane.
2.3. Reactivity differences between 3SCC and 4SCC: 3SCC catalyzes H2O2 reduction electrochemically,45 However, 4SCC does not, as no significant catalytic current corresponding to H2O2 reduction is observed with the latter (Fig. S1). 3SCC also electrocatalyzes the oxidation and peroxygenation of benzylic C-H substrates with catalytic proficiencies (1/kTS = kcat/KM/kuncat) in the range of 300–1200 M−1. The catalytic proficiencies can be enhanced by outer-sphere steric modifications that affect catalysis by facilitating substrate access, influencing the nature of Cu-oxygen species, and improving stabilities.46 On the contrary, 4SCC does not peroxygenate or oxidize these substrates. This is evidenced by the small catalytic current and charge (Fig. S2 A-B, blue) and a lack of product after electrolysis (Fig. S3). These results indicate that differences in metal coordination are significant determinants of their reactivity. This is consistent with the fact that Cu active sites with three protein-derived N ligands (e.g., LPMO, AO, CuB of CcO, NiR, etc.) are reactive, while the CuB site of pMMO, which has four protein-derived ligands, is not.
2.4. 3SCC is easier to reduce than 4SCC: Since the reactive CuI form is necessary for generating the Cu-oxygen intermediates,6, 16, 45, 46 we hypothesized that the inherent reducibility could influence the reactivity differences between 3SCC and 4SCC. To test this, we assessed the reduction kinetics using Trp fluorescence as a reporter of the Cu oxidation state. In the original designs, a Trp was present at the end of the peptide, which is too far from the Cu site to show any oxidation-state-dependent emission change. Thus, the Trp was moved to the 10th position (A10W variants), one residue away from the Cu site (Fig. 3A-B, Table 1). These constructs also form the type-2 Cu sites (Fig. S4). Kinetics of CuII à CuI reduction with ascorbate (Asc) shows that A10W-3SCC is reduced faster than A10W-4SCC (Fig. 3C, Fig. S5-S6). The rates vary linearly with [Asc] (Fig. 3D), yielding second-order rate constants of 1.9 ´ 10-6 M-1s-1 and 7.6 ´ 10-8 M-1s-1 for A10W-3SCC and A10W-4SCC, respectively
(Table 3). The two orders of magnitude rate difference suggests that the Cu(His)3 motif is easily reduced than Cu(His)4. This result supports our hypothesis that reactivity differences are influenced by the easy accessibility of the CuI form in a CuN3 environment than in a CuN4 environment, a conclusion consistent with the redox potentials (E°’) and experimentally determined λ of these ArCuPs (vide infra). In LPMO, the rate of reduction is fast and not rate-limiting.17 In
infra EPR). In contrast to CuII-3SCC, which produces the CuII-hydroperoxo species with H2O2,45 the CuI reactivity is more complex (Scheme 1). In the peroxide pathway, the CuI--H2O2 association complex undergoes homolytic O-O bond cleavage to produce CuII-OH and ·OH by Fenton-type chemistry. H-atom abstraction (HAA) by the ·OH produces the oxyl CuII-O· and H2O. In the O2-dependent pathway, cupric superoxo CuII-O2·- is produced initially, which, upon H+/e- transfer, is converted to CuII-OOH.
The distal O protonation and ET produce the oxyl and H2O, while the corresponding chemical event on the proximal O produces the CuI-H2O2 association complex, which enters the H2O2-dependent pathway. Thus, the reoxidation of CuI-LPMO with H2O2 can produce various Cu-oxygen species, such as CuII–OH---OH·, CuII–O·, or CuII–OH.17
The reaction of CuI-3SCC with H2O2 produces a prominent band at ~332 nm (Fig. 4A). A definitive assignment of this species is challenging due to many possibilities, as discussed above. In several model complexes, a CuII-hydroperoxo species appears in the range of 325-350 nm.50-52 Although CuII-hydroperoxo species are typically prepared with CuII and H2O2 or from CuI + O2 in the presence of an electron and proton source, Karlin and coworkers have reported a CuII-hydroperoxo species prepared from CuI and H2O2.53 After the initial formation of CuII-OH and ·OH from the homolytic cleavage, the ·OH reacts with CuI to produce more CuII-OH, which then reacts with H2O2 to produce CuII-hydroperoxo and H2O (Scheme S1). The CuI-H2O2 reaction also oxidizes the active site His,45 which is observed with LPMO in the absence of substrate as well.16, 20 The reaction product of CuI-3SCC and H2O2 is best assigned as a CuII-oxygen species with a partially oxidized His.
The reaction of CuI-3SCC with O2 is ~11-fold slower than with H2O2, producing a major band at ~336 nm plus a weaker feature at ~422 nm and another broad feature at ~540-570 nm (Fig. 4B). These features are typically observed for Cu-oxygen species, namely, CuII-hydroperoxo or CuII-alkylperoxo.54, 55 The ~575 nm feature is the CuII d-d band, suggesting the reoxidation of CuIàII with a peroxo ligation.
CuI-4SCC with both H2O2 and O2 produces a similar species, having weak features at ~430 nm and 545 nm, plus a broad shoulder around 360 nm (Fig. 4C, D). In comparison to 3SCC, the 4SCC reacts with H2O2 and O2 at ~40-fold and ~22-fold slower rates, respectively. This is consistent with the sluggish reactivity of 4SCC.
The reoxidation was also monitored by Trp quenching. An increased H2O2 (10 to 50-fold) concentration quenched the Trp signal (Fig. 4E-F) for A10W-3SCC, with a second-order rate (kreox) of 1.6 ´ 10-4 M-1s-1 (Table 3). A higher H2O2 concentration is needed to reoxidize A10W-4SCC (Fig. 4F) with a kreox of 2.8 ´ 10-5 M-1s-1. Analogous experiments with O2 saturated solutions show that CuI-A10W-3SCC reoxidation is faster than CuI-A10W-4SCC (Fig. S7), with a pseudo-first-order rate of 0.0019 s-1 for the former. No kinetic information was extracted for A10W-4SCC due to its poor reactivity with O2.
Time-dependent EPR is further used to examine the reoxidation of CuI-ArCuPs with saturated O2 solutions or with 100-fold excess H2O2 anaerobically. With O2, a gradual reoxidation is observed during the monitored 1h timeframe (Fig. 5 A, C), producing a major species (~70%) with gx,y of
2.059, gz of 2.276, and Az of 525 MHz (Table 2). The minor species have g values of 2.054, 2.309, and Az of 489 MHz. With H2O2, the signal saturates within ~30 min (Fig. 5 B, C), further validating the faster reoxidation process than O2. The major species (80%) produced with H2O2 have gx,y of 2.057 and gz of 2.265, and Az of 534 MHz (Table 2), while the remaining 20% of the species have g values of 2.063, 2.299, and Az of 489 MHz. In 4SCC, the reoxidation is much slower (Figs. S8-S9), as anticipated.
To summarize, 3SCC undergoes faster reoxidation, with the rates being higher with H2O2 than O2. The results with 3SCC are thus supportive of the initial higher reaction rate of LPMOs with H2O2 than O2,16 while the low reactivity of 4SCC resonates with the inertness of the CuB site of pMMO.25
2.6. Redox properties of the ArCuPs: Protein-film voltammetry was used to determine the redox properties of the ArCuPs adsorbed on pyrolytic graphite electrode (PGE). Repeated CV scans show that the ArCuPs remain stable on the electrode surface (Fig. S10).45 The cathodic and anodic peak currents vary linearly with the scan rate, suggesting a surface-controlled redox process. Both the ArCuPs have E°’ in a narrow range but with a resolvable difference of ∼16 mV, with E°’ of 256 mV for 3SCC (Fig. 6A red 45) and 240 mV for 4SCC (Fig. 6A blue) in deaerated pH 6.5 buffer. These E°’s are similar to the range of other His-coordinated type-2 Cu proteins irrespective of their role as catalytic or ET sites.1, 6 The CV for 4SCC is broader than 3SCC, which suggests a slower ET and that dispersion effects56 contribute to the redox process of the former.
2.7. 4SCC has a higher λ than 3SCC with a significant solvent contribution that is negligible in 3SCC: To reconcile the reactivity differences of the ArCuPs we have investigated their ET properties. As the Marcus equation (i) describes, ET is dependent on λ.57, 58\(\:{k}_{ET}=\frac{4{{\Pi\:}}^{2}{H}_{AB}^{2}}{h\sqrt{4{\Pi\:}\lambda\:{k}_{B}T}}\text{e}\text{x}\text{p}\left[-{\left({\Delta\:}{G}^{0}+\lambda\:\right)}^{2}/4\lambda\:{k}_{B}T\right]\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\left(\text{i}\right)\)
The total λ (λT) for metalloproteins is contributed by the inner sphere (λCu) and the outer sphere (λOS) reorganization, which comprises the surrounding protein matrix (λP) and the solvent (λH2O) reorganization.4, 59, 60 The λCu reports any geometrical changes associated with the redox event at the Cu site. Traditionally, λ for Cu proteins such as azurin (Az) has been determined by photoexcitation followed by flash-quench of Ru/Os modified Az60 or pulse radiolysis,61 where disulfide radical anions transfer electrons to the Cu center. Electrochemistry is an alternative method to derive λ from Arrhenius's analysis of temperature-dependent ET rates.62–65 We have employed two electrochemical methods to determine λ of the ArCuPs: rotating disk electrochemistry (RDE) and chronoamperometry (CA). In RDE, the ArCuPs are dissolved in solution, and their electrochemical response is measured as they diffuse to the electrode surface. Since the protein is in solution, λ measured from RDE has both the inner sphere (λCu) and outer sphere components (λP + λH2O) and thus reports λT. In contrast, the λ measured by CA involves direct immobilization of the ArCuPs on the electrode surface. Therefore, contributions from the solvent reorganization are expected to be minimal compared to situations where the protein is freely diffusing in solution.62, 63 Thus, the λ determined using CA has contributions from the Cu site and any changes to the polypeptide matrix during ET. We denote this sum as λCu−P. Naturally, the difference in λT measured by RDE and λCu−P measured from CA will yield the solvent contribution, λH2O (λH2O = λT – λCu−P).
In the RDE method, temperature-dependent linear sweep voltammograms (LSVs) are collected at different electrode rotation rates (Fig. 6B, Fig. S11-14). These data are then subjected to Koutecký-Levich (K-L) analysis (eq ii, Fig. 6B inset).66 The intercepts of these graphs in the mass-transport region yield the ET rate (kET), which are used to construct Arrhenius plots (Fig. 6C) ln(kETT−1/2) vs. T−1 (eq iii, Tables S2, S3, S7). The slopes of Arrhenius plots yield λT. The λT thus measured is 0.34 eV for 3SCC (Table 4). In contrast, 4SCC has a much higher λT of 0.89 eV (Fig. 6D).
For CA, temperature-dependent CVs of the ArCuPs immobilized on electrodes are recorded to extract E°’s (Fig. S15, Tables S4, S8). These E°’s are used to determine the overpotentials (η) at each temperature. The CA experiments were performed at various applied potentials (Eapp = E°’ ± η; η = 50, 100, and 150 mV) (Fig. S16) against η chosen on both anodic and cathodic sides of E°’. The ln(i) vs. time(t) plots are obtained at different temperatures (Fig. 6E, Fig. S17-S18), the slopes of which yield the heterogeneous ET rates, kapp (eq (iv)). These were then utilized to construct the Arrhenius plots (Fig. S19-S20) and obtain λCu−P.67 From this analysis, the average λCu−P of 0.36 eV is obtained for 4SCC and 0.27 eV for 3SCC (Fig. 6F, Table 4). Thus, λH2O for 3SCC is 0.07 eV and 0.53 eV for 4SCC. Combined RDE and CA analysis implies that not only does the 4SCC have a higher λT than 3SCC, but a significant solvent contribution, λH2O of 0.53 eV, is present in 4SCC but not in 3SCC.
2.8. λ comparison between ArCuPs and Cu proteins: In classical Cu complexes, the λ is quite high, ~ 1.88–2.4 eV.68 However, the protein fold significantly lowers λ.69 In WT Az, the λ is 0.82 eV,60, 70 and between 0.70–0.75 eV in plastocyanin (Table 4).71 In Az mutants, the range is 0.67–0.98 eV.72, 73 In CuA-Az, the λ is 0.4 eV,74 approximately half of the WT Az. The T1 Cu site of blue AxCuNiR has a λ of 0.77 eV, while that of the green AcCuNiR has 0.57 eV.75 The type-2 Cu site of blue AxCuNiR has a λ of 1.6 eV, much higher than the type-1 Cu site of the same protein. The type-2 site of C112D-Az has a relatively high λ of 2.1–2.3 eV, attributed to a loss of ligand and an expansion of the coordination sphere upon reduction, leading to a more flexible structure.76, 77 Interestingly, the double mutant C112D/M121L-Az produced a T0 Cu site, which lowered the λ to 0.9–1.1 eV, suggesting a constrained Cu site in the latter.76 An exception is Cu-Aβ16, which, despite being unstructured, has a low λ of 0.3 eV,78 which is similar to 3SCC. This has been ascribed to a preorganized ET (POET) process where the Cu coordination undergoes minimal structural changes upon ET. In select cases of designed synthetic Cu complexes, λ is reported to be ~ 0.9579 – 1.1 eV,80 with λCu of 0.4 eV in one example,80 similar to 4SCC.
2.9. Correlating structural differences to ET and catalysis: A less saturated Cu(His)3 coordination is expected to lower λCu−P than a more saturated 4SCC. However, to rationalize the presence of a significant solvent reorganization in 4SCC, one must look beyond the immediate coordination sphere. Indeed, differences in the 2° and outer coordination sphere interactions exist in the ArCuPs. Specifically, the His9 residues in 4SCC participate in 2°-sphere H-bonding with Glu8 from a neighboring helix via the available Nδ atoms (Fig. 7A). No such interaction is observed in 3SCC (Fig. 7B), even though both peptides have the -GluHis- motif in their heptads. Twelve H2O molecules constitute an extended outer-sphere H-bonding network in 4SCC involving Glu8 (Fig. 7A). These structural differences between 3SCC and 4SCC alter the physical properties of the ArCuPs, which are translated to their function.
First, the 2°-sphere H-bonding will increase the electron density on the imidazole ring, making the CuII state more stable than the CuI state. Indeed, the E°’ of 4SCC is lower than 3SCC (vide supra). Second, as seen here, the extended H2O-mediated H-bonding network will increase the outer sphere contribution to λT. Therefore, the combined 1°, 2°, and outer sphere H-bonding involving H2O molecules add to the higher λT in 4SCC, with the major contribution coming from the solvent reorganization. This observation is coherent with hybrid quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) simulation on Az, where the solvent reorganization around His117 is proposed to contribute ~ 80% of the total λ.82 The
coordination environment of 3SCC, along with the absence of 2°-sphere and outer-sphere water-mediated H-bond, contributes to a significantly lower λT, with nearly all the contribution coming from the Cu active site. In 3SCC, a single Glu8-H2O H-bond is present (PDB 7L33), but since Glu8 does not make an H-bond with primary sphere ligand His9, the effect of outer sphere solvent reorganization is expected to be negligible, which is indeed seen here. The slower reaction kinetics of 4SCC with O2 or H2O2 and its lack of reactivity for C-H oxidation can be attributed to the fact that the CuI form is relatively difficult to access in this construct owing to a large reorganization accompanying redox state change, compared to 3SCC.
One factor for the unreactivity of the pMMO CuB site, even to polar solutes such as nitrite and its non-reducibility, could be the inherently high reorganization energy of this site. The CuB site, being present in the soluble PmoB subunit, also brings the possibility of solvent contribution to the reorganization energy. Indeed, several 2°-sphere and outer-sphere H-bonds involving amino acid residues and solvent molecules are present around the CuB site (Fig. 7D).27 Although λ determination for the pMMO CuB site will be nearly impossible, given the presence of multiple mononuclear Cu sites, our de novo 4SCC system offers a plausible reason for this site’s unreactivity. The poor reactivity of CuN4 sites in a protein or polypeptide framework is intriguing, as several synthetic Cu complexes with tripodal tetradentate ligands can activate O2 and H2O2.29–32 We believe one important factor governing this reactivity difference is higher outer-sphere reorganization energy in the biomolecular systems than in the synthetic systems, which lack ligand and H2O-mediated extended H-bonding networks.
2.10. Deleting H-bonding interactions modulates λ H2O and enables C-H oxidation: An important question in metalloprotein design is “Is it possible to selectively alter reorganization energy by changing 2° and outer sphere H-bonding but keeping the 1° coordination sphere intact”? To address this, we designed a mutant to delete the Glu-His H-bond of 4SCC by replacing the Glu8 (g site heptad) with Lys.
Consequently, the Lys6 (e site heptad) was changed to Glu to maintain the charge neutrality and e-g ion pairs. From RDE and CA (Fig. S21-24), the λT and λCu−P determined for K6E/E8K-4SCC are 0.69 eV and 0.36 eV, respectively (Fig. 6D, F; Table 4). This result shows that although the λCu−P is identical to the parent 4SCC, the λH2O is significantly reduced to 0.33 eV compared to 0.53 eV in 4SCC.
To investigate if the experimental λ values correlate to structure, we solved the X-ray structure of the double mutant (Fig. 7C). The Cu site is nearly identical to 4SCC (Fig. S25), although some disorder in the N-terminal region of chain D is present in the mutant. As designed, the 2°-sphere His-Glu H-bond is eliminated. This, in turn, has removed the H2O-mediated outer-sphere H-bonds involving the Glu residue as it is now 3-residue away from the His. The only H2O-mediated H-bond is seen between the axial Cu-bound H2O and a second H2O nearby (Fig. 7C). Since the Cu site in 4SCC is located within the hydrophobic core, the deletion of 2°-sphere H-bonding does not alter the Cu(His)4 site, leading to a similar λCu−P for both 4SCC and the mutant. However, deletion of the 2°-sphere H-bond removes the outer-sphere H2O-mediated H-bonding besides the axial H2O—H2O H-bond, leading to a 0.2 eV lower λH2O in the mutant than 4SCC. The axial H2O-mediated H-bond also contributes to a higher λH2O in the mutant than in 3SCC, which lacks any H2O-mediated H-bond. These findings demonstrate that by protein design, it is possible to modulate λH2O via selective modification of 2° and outer-sphere H-bonding without perturbing the 1° coordination sphere.
Next, we probed whether deleting the extended hydrogen-bonding interactions would make the double mutant active toward C-H oxidation. Unlike 4SCC, K6E/E8K-4SCC produces a significant catalytic current for benzyl alcohol peroxidation (Fig. S2A) with H2O2. As a result, an appreciable amount of charge is observed in the CPE experiment (Fig. S2 B-C), leading to the detection of benzaldehyde in the GC (Fig. S3) with a catalytic proficiency of 500 M− 1. This value is still lower than that of 3SCC (1200 M− 1), suggesting that differences in the primary coordination sphere remain a major contributor to activity. However, with the same CuN4 primary coordination, K6E/E8K-4SCC is catalytically active, while 4SCC is not. We attribute this to differences in 2° and outer coordination-sphere H-bonding interactions. The lack of such interactions in K6E/E8K-4SCC makes the construct more flexible, which lowers its λH2O and enables it to act as an active peroxidation catalyst.
In summary, these results demonstrate that protein design not only allows for controlled tuning of outer-sphere solvent reorganization energies while maintaining the primary coordination but also renders an inactive metalloprotein functional by modulating H-bonding interactions.
2.11. Inner-sphere vs. outer-sphere ET pathways: The reoxidation of CuI to CuII can occur via either the inner-sphere or the outer-sphere ET mechanisms. To distinguish between these two processes, the relative rates for outer-sphere ET derived from the Marcus equation (i) are compared with the rates of reoxidation of CuI-ArCuPs. Combined with the Eo’s for ArCuPs and the Eo’ for 1e− reduction of O2 to superoxide (O2/O2•−), the rates of outer-sphere ET (kET) derived from the Marcus theory are 1.13 × 10−1 s−1 and 1.58 × 10−2 s−1 (for 1 mM O2) for 3SCC and 4SCC, respectively (see the SI for details). These rates for outer-sphere ET are faster than the rate of reoxidation with O2 measured from UV (1.2 x 10− 5 s− 1), implying that the outer-sphere mechanism of ET prevails in 3SCC where a one-step reoxidation of CuI-3SCC to CuII-3SCC occurs with O2. Due to slower kinetics, a similar mechanism is expected in 4SCC as well. In contrast to the ArCuPs, the reoxidation in LPMO is proposed to follow an energetically demanding inner-sphere mechanism where a CuII-superoxide species is produced, which is quickly released by water to regenerate the resting state of the enzyme.12 From DFT calculations, it has been suggested that this thermodynamically unfavorable inner-sphere mechanism is driven by the binding of superoxide to CuII-LPMO, where an end-on CuII-superoxide triplet is formed with favorable free energy, making the overall process feasible.