Morphology of the bio-CaO: High resolution field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) images with 10,000X magnification of the obtained bio-CaO prepared using different treatments and calcined at 800°C with 0.5 rpm and with 5% kiln effective volume feeding rate are shown in Figure 5. According to previous studies of the surface structure of the eggshells, decomposition of CaCO3 to CaO and CO2 in all samples at 800 °C changed the apparent morphologies of the eggshell surface structure from a smooth surface with some small pores to a porous structure. This is because of the decomposition of CaCO3 in the eggshell structure to CO2 and CaO. There is obviously no eggshell membrane left in the calcined samples (CESM and CESP500), which were derived from eggshell waste containing eggshell membrane. This is a result of thermal decomposition of eggshell membrane in the temperature range of 400-600 °C, which is in accordance with previous reports26. However, all bio-CaO products obtained from different treatments show similar morphology of CaO particles containing both rod and unsymmetrical particle forms. Size of the bio-CaO particles observed by FS-SEM is in the range of 2-5 μm. In comparison, surface morphology of bio-CaO calcined in the N2 atmosphere (CES-N2 and CESM-N2) were less porous than the bio-CaO calcined in the air atmosphere. This is probably due to calcination of eggshell at 800 °C is not enough for completing CaCO3 decomposition to CaO and CO2.
Yield and Color of the bio-CaO. The summary of yield and color characteristics of the samples and the bio-CaO products obtained via calcination in air and N2 atmospheres are shown in Table 1 and Table 2, respectively. Production yield is one of the crucial factors for determining the possibility of a scalable production process. This is because low production yield may lead to high production costs and low beneficial return. As shown in Table 1., the yield of the CaO product obtained from eggshells (CES) and eggshells containing eggshell membrane (CESM) was 54.9% and 51.8%, respectively. In comparison with the previous reports19, 29, thermal decomposition of the eggshells yielded total mass loss in the range of 44 – 51 wt% depending on calcination temperature in the range of 795-1000 °C and calcium carbonate content in the eggshells. Thus, the production yield of calcium oxide was estimated to be about 49-56 wt%, which is similar to this study.
Beside this, both calcined products CESP500 and CESPM500 derived from the 500 µm powder were obtained with a yield of 44.2% and 41.8 %, respectively. Additionally, the CESP250 product was obtained in a much lower yield than the samples mentioned earlier. These results show that the calcined samples made from eggshell waste containing eggshell membrane yielded about 2.1-3.8 % less product than samples made after eggshell membrane removal. This corresponds to the thermal decomposition of the membrane during the formation of both the CESM and CESPM500 products. It should be noted that the large particle size of the raw materials used to produce calcined samples CES resulted in yields that were 10.7 % and 17.7 % higher than for the powder samples CESP500 and CESP250, respectively. This is probably due to formation of calcined powder sample agglomerate, which sticks to the surface of the furnace. This phenomena is similar to the observations made by Valverde et al.31, who reported that agglomeration of CaO particles is probably due to natural lime entering directly into the high temperature kiln without preheating or with fast heating rate of the kiln. Overall, it can be clearly seen that both eggshell membranes contained in the sample and size of raw materials play an important role in the production yield of bio-CaO. Furthermore, the CESP250 sample was not used for further study of the effect of N2 atmosphere since it gave the lowest yield of the calcined products.
The yields of bio-CaO derived from calcination in N2 atmosphere show a similar trend to the previous calcination treatment in the air atmosphere. The CES-N2 product, derived from raw materials with large particle size and with eggshell membrane removal, gave the highest calcined production yield (51.81%), as shown in Table 2. The calcined samples CES-N2 and CESP500-N2 also had the production yield higher than products CESM-N2 (2.65%) and CESPM500-N2 (2.80%), which were derived from the eggshell membrane containing raw materials. As shown in Table 2, the raw material feeding rate was increased in the next experiment from 5% to 10% and 20 % of the kiln effective volume in order to determine the effect of feeding rate on the calcination product. The experiments CES-10% and CES-20% provided the CaO product in 54.65% and 54.40% yield, respectively. This demonstrates that the yield of bio-CaO did not decrease with the increase of the feeding rate from 5% to 20 %. However, the calcined products CESM-10% and CESM-20%, which were derived from the eggshell membrane containing raw materials, still gave a lower value of production yield than products CES-10% and CES-20%.
Color assessment of the bio-CaO is an important property of the filler as it may change the apparent color and could lead to an unpleasant color of the final product. A spectrophotometer (Konica Minolta CR-400) provides the lightness (L*), the red-green coordinate or redness (a*), and the blue-yellow coordinate or yellowness (b*) values of the samples as classified by the Commission International de L’Eclairage (CIE)32. The probe of the spectrophotometer was placed on the samples area and the L*, a*, and b* measurements were conducted in triplicate on the same sample. Subsequently, both mean values and standard deviation values were calculated. The mean values of L*, a *, and b* were used to calculate the color index of the eggshell (SCI) which is defined as: , where lower SCI values correspond to a darker color.33 Apparent color means and standard deviations of the L*, a*, b* parameters, and SCI values of the samples are reported in Table 1. The lightness (L*) values for the obtained bio-CaO calcite fabricated at 800 °C in air atmosphere have the average values in the range of 96.3-97.6. In these samples, the average values of redness (a*) were close to zero, whereas the yellowness (b*) values ranged between 1.2 to 1.4. Additionally, the SCI value of these samples was not significantly different, which indicates that neither eggshell membrane separation nor size of the eggshell raw material had any effect on the lightness color of the obtained bio-CaO. In comparison, very high SCI value of the bio-CaO shows that color of the obtained CaO is whiter than the raw eggshell and industrial grade CaO. This is probably due to the pigments present in the eggshells being completely decomposed at 800 °C.33 In addition, the white color of the bio-CaO product is comparable to laboratory grade CaO.
The eggshells treated with different methods were also calcined at 800 °C under N2 atmosphere to determine the effect of the inert gas on the properties of bio-CaO. The results show that the average values of a* were in the range of 0.24-0.29, whereas the b* values ranged between 1.2 and 1.4. In addition, the L* values of these samples ranged between 69.5-80.3. This indicates that the obtained bio-CaO samples calcined in an N2 atmosphere have darker color than bio-CaO samples calcined in air atmosphere. Likewise, the SCI values obtained for bio-CaO calcined in N2 atmosphere also show similar tends to the L* values. This is probably because the pigments in the eggshells are more completely thermally decomposed in the oxidizing air atmosphere. Furthermore, the color of the CaO derived from the eggshell samples containing eggshell membrane (CESM-N2 and CESPM500-N2) tends to be darker than for the CaO derived from the eggshells alone (CES-N2 and CESP500-N2). It is apparent that soot may form during the decomposition of eggshell membrane and lead to a darker CaO product.
In this study, the calcination was performed with the percentage of raw material filling in the kiln set at 10 % and 20 % of kiln effective volume in an air atmosphere in order to determine the scalability of the production of the bio-CaO in the rotary kiln. The L*, a*, b* and SCI values of the corresponding bio-CaO products were also in the range of white color, which is similar to the color values of bio-CaO obtained with calcinations conducted using raw material filling rate of 5 % of the effective kiln volume. However, the SCI value of the CaO derived from the eggshell alone (CES-10% and CES-20%) indicated a slightly whiter color than for the eggshell samples containing eggshell membrane (CESM-10% and CESM-20%). As mentioned earlier, this effect of membrane removal on the color of the obtained calcium oxide is consistent to the bio-CaO derived from calcination of eggshells in the N2 atmosphere. In summary, the increase of the material filling volume from 5 % to 20% of the kiln effective volume slightly reduced the SCI color index of the bio-CaO product.
Surface area and pore volume: The surface area, pore volume, and pore size of a bio-CaO material has a direct impact on its catalytic activity. Adsorption and desorption isotherms of N2 on the bio-CaO products obtained from various treatments measured at -196 °C are shown in Figure 6 (a) and (b). All isotherms exhibited Type III characteristics according to the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) classification scheme and no hysteresis loop is observed in these isotherms. These type III isotherms indicate weak adsorbate-adsorbent interactions and it should be noted that type III isotherms most commonly occur in both non-porous and macroporous adsorbents.34-35
Surface area, pore volume, and average pore size of bio-CaO products is shown in Table 3. Specific surface areas calculated by the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET)36method and pore volumes of the bio-CaO products derived from calcination at 800 °C for 1 hr in an air atmosphere with 5 % filling volume of kiln are relatively low and lie in the range of 3.07-6.88 m3/g and 0.008-0.028 cm3/g, respectively.The pore diameter values of the bio-CaO samples are in the range of mesopore or in the range of 20 Å - 500 Å.However,only the isotherm of the CES material prepared from calcination of ES with 3.3 mm mean particle size and without the eggshell membrane showed slightly higher N2 adsorption. In Addition, the CES product also has a slightly higher BET surface area (6.88 m3/g) and slightly higher pore volume (0.028 cm3/g) than products made with other treatments. Beside this, both surface areas and pore volumes of the bio-CaO products obtained from the treatment of eggshell waste by calcination in an N2 atmosphere had similar values to the bio-CaO products obtained from the treatment of eggshell waste by calcination in an air atmosphere. These results show that the effect of either eggshell membrane removal or particle size of raw materials have a small effect on the surface areas and pore volumes of the bio-CaO products.Moreover, conducting the calcination with increasing raw material filling from 5 to 20 % volume of the kiln also resulted in only a small effect on the surface areas and pore volumes of the obtained bio-CaO products.In comparison, the BET surface area of the CES product was found to be similar to a previous study37-38, which reported that BET surface area of raw eggshells is in the range of 2.33-6.34 m3/g. Sharma et al.39 reported that CaO derived from eggshell hass low total pore volume of 0.00722 cm3/g with 190 Å mesopore diameter. However, Pornchai et al.25, 38 and
Han et al.37 found that their calcined eggshell derived CaO had a BET surface area of 14.9 m3/g and 19.9 m3/g, respectively. The low BET surface areas and low pore volumes of these bio-CaO products might be due to the effect of long calcination times at a higher temperature, which leads to shrinkage of the pores of calcium oxide.11, 31, 40
XRD analysis: The comparisons of XRD patterns of industrial CaO, laboratory grade CaO, and the bio-CaO derived from various treatments conducted in this work are shown Figure 7(a) and 7(b). As shown in Figure 7(a), the XRD results reveal that the bio-CaO samples obtained from both CES and CESM starting materials calcined in the air atmosphere with 5% filling volume were found to be composted of CaO (2θ = 34.0°, 50.7°, 62.5°, and 71.7°) as their XRD diffractograms matched well with a standard diffractogram of a calcium oxide of the Joint Committee on Powder Diffraction Standards (JCPDS). Furthermore, the XRD patterns of powder samples CESP500, CESPM500, and CESP250 also reveal similarities of crystalline peaks when compared to the pattern of standard CaO provided by the JCPDS data. It is worth noting that neither differences in particle size or eggshell membrane removal had any effect on the crystal structure of the bio-CaO product. For the industrial grade CaO, the main peak was observed at 2θ = 29.0° and other peaks were present at 2θ = 36.0°, 39.0°, 44.0°, 47.0°, and 48.0°. These peak values are indicative of the presence of CaCO3. In comparison, the peaks CaCO3 present in the industrial grade CaO were not present in the bio-CaO products. These differences in the XRD profile of the bio-CaO products are caused by complete thermal decomposition of CaCO3 in the eggshells to CaO and CO2.
Figure 7 (b) shows the XRD patterns of CaO derived from either calcination carried out in N2 atmosphere with 5% feeding rate or calcination carried out in air atmosphere with the variation of raw material filling rate. The XRD results show that both crushed samples (CES-N2 and CESM-N2) and powder samples (CESP500-N2 and CESPM500-N2) calcined in N2 atmosphere with 5% filling volume mainly consisted of CaO. However, CaCO3 is present in these products as evidenced by medium intensity peaks of CaO3 (2θ = 36.0°, 39.0°, 44.0°, 47.0°, and 48.0°). This is attributed to the fact that the calcined eggshells were not totally converted to CaO. It is clear that calcination of the eggshell samples in N2 atmosphere at 800 °C is not sufficient to completely decompose CaCO3. These results are similar to the observation of Razali, et al.41 who reported that the optimum temperature for calcination of chicken eggshell waste in an inert atmosphere is in the range of 850-900 °C. Figure 7 (b) also shows the XRD patterns of the samples calcined in the air atmosphere with feeding rate of 10% and 20%. The XRD patterns of the samples without eggshell membrane (CES-10% and CES-20%) show intense peaks of CaO at 2θ = 32.2°, 37.3°, 53.8°, 64.2°, and 67.5 and these peaks also align with the spectrum of standard CaO. Similar XRD patterns were observed for the samples with eggshell membrane (CESM-10% and CESM 20%). It is obvious that the presence of the eggshell membrane in the raw materials has no effect on the crystal structure of the obtained CaO products. Moreover, increasing the filling volume of the kiln from 5% to 20% also did not alter the crystal structure of the CaO product. These observations agree well with previous findings about the CaO product with high SCI color index.
Chemical composition of the samples: Chemical composition of the obtained CaO products compared to various samples and Thailand industrial standard institute (TISI) is shown in Table 4. Based on the XRF analysis, bio-CaO content in the samples derived from the CES, CESP500, and CESP250 products calcined in the air atmosphere with 5% filling volume was 98.1%, 98.0%, and 97.9%, respectively. Similarly, bio-CaO content in the CESM and CESPM500 products was 97.1% and 97.0%, respectively. In addition to CaO, there are five major trace components present in the bio-CaO samples which were in the range of 1.03-1.20% for MgO, 0.29-0.35% for P2O5, 0.16-0.35% for SO3, 0.43-0.44% for SrO, and 0.027-0.032% for SiO2. Under these circumstances, the purity of these five calcined samples conformed to the Thailand industrial standard institute (TISI 319). It is clear that particle size of the raw samples does not show an effect on the purity of the CaO products while the purity of the CaO obtained from eggshells containing eggshell membrane was reduced by about 1%. This implies that the removal of the eggshell membrane from the raw eggshell waste is not necessary to produce an industrial grade CaO. This new finding can probably lead to an alternative process to reduce the production costs of bio-CaO from eggshell waste. In comparison, the percentage of bio-CaO in the products obtained from this study was like in previous reports, which found that the purity of CaO obtained from calcination of eggshell waste is in the range of 97-98%.
Table 5 shows chemical composition of the obtained CaO products derived from either calcination in N2 with 5% kiln volume filling or air atmosphere with variation of kiln filling volume. The XRF analysis shows that content of the bio-CaO in the samples derived from both CES-N2 and CESP500-N2 calcined in the N2 atmosphere with 5% kiln filling volume was 96.7% and 96.2 %, respectively. In the same way, the content of bio-CaO in the CESM-N2 and CESPM500-N2 products is 96.0% and 94.9%, respectively. Besides that, five major trace components found in the bio-CaO samples are MgO, SO3, P2O5, SrO, and SiO2. This is similar to the major trace components found in the bio-CaO obtained from calcined eggshell waste in air atmosphere. The XRF analysis also shows that the particle size of the starting samples does not have an effect on the purity of the CaO products. However, the purity of the CaO obtained from eggshell waste containing eggshell membrane was reduced by about 0.7-1.3 %. This slightly lower CaO content is consistent with the low SCI color index found in the previous section for these materials. The slightly lower CaO content might be caused by an incomplete decomposition of the CaCO3 in the eggshells.
The effect of further increasing the kiln filling volume and membrane removal on the purity of the obtained CaO is also shown in Table 6. The XRF analysis shows that the content of CaO present in the samples is 97.9 % for CES-10%, 97.8 % for CES-20%, 97.5 % CESM-10%, and 97.3 % for CESM-20%. Similarly, increasing the kiln filling volume from 5% to 20 % shows insignificant effect on the purity of the obtained bio-CaO samples. However, purity of the CaO obtained from eggshell waste containing eggshell membrane was reduced by approximately 0.5-0.6 % but the purity of the bio-CaO product from this kiln filling volume treatment still conforms to the TIS standard. It is clear that the membrane removal process might not be required for the production of bio-CaO with the rotary kiln. Furthermore, these results also demonstrate that large-scale continuous production of CaO is possible.
Specifications for food additives: The International Numbering System for Food Additives (INS) assigns CaO as the code INS 529 and classifies it as a food additive with the potential functions of altering and controlling the acidity or alkalinity of food. The Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA)29 announced the specification of food grade CaO as shown in Table 6.Both European Union (EU) andThailand Food and drug administration (FDA) also adopt this JECFA standard to control the specification of food grade CaO.42 The comparison of the bio-calcium products CES and CEMS with the JECFA standard using the mean values with standard deviations is shown in Table 6. It is clear that the specifications of the CES and CEMS samples meet the JECFA standard. The chemical content of impurities in the CEMS product, which was obtained from eggshells containing eggshell membrane, was slightly higher than for the CES samples. These results correspond well with the XRF data. This indicates that the impurities might have originated from the eggshell membrane. In addition, lead was not detected neither in the CES nor in the CEMS sample.