Using a combination of traditional and non-traditional data sources, we found substantial change in the marine community over half a century. Despite the serendipitous nature of much of our data, we detected evidence of major long-term human impacts and stewardship through citizen science over timescales exceeding more traditional scientific studies. Substantial changes, elaborated and discussed below, include declines in the foundation species Ecklonia radiata; arrival of the invasive species Caulerpa taxifolia; arrival of significantly more northern, tropical species than southern species; declines in some mobile invertebrates; local extirpation of a depleted species Argyrosomus japonicus; and arrival of several previously-fished species including the now-protected black cod Epinephelus daemelii (Fig. 9).
Climate change
The clearest indication of the impacts of climate change at Shiprock is in the disproportionate arrival of tropical species from the north. Tropicalisation of marine communities has been documented in numerous studies along the east coast of Australia and worldwide (Vergés et al. 2016; Vergés et al. 2019). Whilst large-scale change cannot be generalised from a single site, it is instructive that Shiprock provides evidence of this global change process in the non-traditional data record. Closely observed sites like Shiprock can function as long-term sentinels of change (Micheli et al. 2020), informing the design of broader studies that can provide more generalisable conclusions.
Several northern arrivals have the potential for substantial ecological impacts. The black rabbitfish Siganus fuscescens is a schooling herbivore that can impact the health of kelp forests (Gajdzik et al. 2021) and may become invasive in the future. The congeneric S. rivulatus, for example, is considered invasive in other jurisdictions (Pickholtz et al. 2018) and, together with other rabbitfish species, can severely deplete macroalgae biomass over large areas (Vergés et al. 2014). Surgeonfishes (Acanthurus spp.) can increase herbivory pressure through schooling (Basford et al. 2015), and large-bodied predators from the Epinephelus genus (gropers) can impact communities both through predation and habitat engineering (Stallings 2008; Ellis 2019).
Declines in kelp at Shiprock may also be related to direct impacts of climate change. Kelp declines related to warmer, nutrient-poor tropical waters have been documented in multiple jurisdictions (Smale 2020). Such losses can have flow-on effects through the loss of the ecosystem services that kelp provides, such as shelter, habitat, nutrient cycling and productivity (Steneck et al. 2013). Loss of kelp may then provide space for fast-growing, opportunistic species such as turfing algae and invasive species (Filbee-Dexter et al. 2016).
Invasive species
Surprisingly few invasive species were detected at Shiprock, possibly due in part to the restriction of our study to CATAMI categories for sessile species and lack of awareness of invasive species by citizen scientists. Many invasive species are cryptic, unremarkable and uncharismatic ( accessed 8/6/22).
The invasive colonial ascidian Didemnum vexillum and fanworm Sabella spallanzanii have both been recorded in iNaturalist in the estuary but not at Shiprock (www.inaturalist.orgaccessed8/6/22). An encrusting colonial ascidian most likely to be D. vexillum was found to be abundant at Shiprock by the authors over the course of this study (e.g. accessed 8/6/22).
The Pacific oyster Magellana gigas had a single sighting at Shiprock in 2020. No other declared marine invasives were recorded in our study except the alga Caulerpa taxifolia. C. taxifolia was salient among divers as its invasive status was promoted in 2002 and URG began monitoring it in nearby Sydney Harbour at that time ( accessed 6/6/22). There are multiple records of C. taxifolia in Port Hacking, including two at Shiprock in 2011 and 2018 (www.inaturalist.orgaccessed9/6/22).
Whilst opportunistic data collection has been found to be useful for monitoring invasive species (Crall et al. 2010), our study highlights that care must be taken to manage biases arising from (lack of) awareness and detectability of species.
Over-exploitation and Marine Protected Areas
Whilst Shiprock is a very small Aquatic Reserve, small MPAs can be effective for some species if they are no-take (sanctuary zone), well-located and supported by the local community (Turnbull et al. 2018). We found an observable but non-significant increase in fished species’ abundance between the historical and contemporary periods, and there was a wide range of fished species which were not recorded at Shiprock before MPA gazettal in the 1980s but which were now regularly reported, sometimes in substantial numbers. Many winners such as yellow-fin bream Acanthopagrus australis and snapper Pagrus auratus were recorded on our transects, together with morwong, leatherjackets, drummer, trevally and tarwhine. Fished invertebrates were also recorded for the first time since the 1980s including octopus, blue swimmer crabs and cuttlefish.
Mulloway (A. japonicus) have not been recorded in recent times, despite having been recorded at Shiprock in the 1960s. Once widely distributed in subtropical and temperate Australian shallow waters ( accessed 7/6/22), mulloway have been the subject of widescale commercial and recreational fishing, with commercial landings declining over the last 50 years to arrive at today’s depleted stock status. The Shiprock Aquatic Reserve does not appear to have been sufficient to restore local mulloway populations, most likely due to the small size of the reserve being inadequate to offer effective protection for this wide-ranging species (Moffitt, Botsford et al. 2009).
The Shiprock MPA may also have protected aquaria-targeted species (Madrigal-Mora, Hannes Eisele et al. 2022), including colourful fishes such as Canthigaster callisterna, Chromis hypsilepis, Dendrochirus brachypterus, Mecaenichthys immaculatus, Thalassoma lunare, Abudefduf spp., Acanthurus spp. and Chaetodon spp. listed as winners in our study.
Multiple stressors
Most of our loser species were invertebrates, particularly molluscs. Mobile invertebrates in Australia’s cool latitudes are particularly vulnerable as warming waters from the north squeeze populations against deep ocean barriers in the south, putting over 30% of species at high risk of extinction (Edgar et al. 2023). Nine of our twelve mollusc losers rely on calcium carbonate shells – the cowries, whelks and bivalves – resulting in a possible additional threat from climate change through ocean acidification (Parker et al. 2013).
In addition to global climate change pressures, the bivalves Ostrea angasi and Pecten fumatus have been impacted by local human exploitation (Flood et al. 2012; Cook et al. 2021). Ostrea angasi is endemic to Australia’s southern waters but has experienced declines in many locations. It is the subject of recent restoration programs (Pereira et al. 2019), but restoration can be challenging as multiple stressors are at play. In addition to climate change and over-exploitation, habitat loss, sedimentation and nutrient inflows have contributed to population reductions in this socially-valuable species (Cook et al. 2021).
These additional stressors may also be at play in other results in our study. Whilst fishing pressure is moderate in Port Hacking (Steffe & Murphy 2011), even small levels of exploitation can impact on populations, and the small size of the Shiprock reserve may limit its effectiveness (Edgar et al, 2014b; Turnbull et al, 2018). The majority of the shoreline and catchment in Port Hacking is undeveloped and pollution levels are reported to be low, but pollutants are higher in concentration in northern embayments and so may also be impacting on the community at Shiprock (Birch et al, 2021; Alyazichi et al, 2020).
Threatened, vulnerable and protected species
Several threatened, vulnerable and protected species were recorded at Shiprock ( accessed 9/6/22). The charismatic blue groper Achoerodus viridis is protected from spearfishing in NSW ( and has increased in numbers over the period of our study. White’s seahorse Hippocampus whitei was first recorded in 1965 (Lawler 1998) then not again for over 30 years until being photographed in 1998, 2004 and 2008 ( Another seahorse, H. abdominalis, and the ornate ghost pipefish Solenostomus paradoxus have not been recorded since the 1960s. Whilst H. whitei is specifically listed as endangered under Australia’s EPBC Act ( accessed 9/6/22), these latter two species fall under more generalised protection from take, trade or movement under Part 13 of the EPBC Act ( accessed 8/6/22).
Black cod (Epinephelus daemelii) were only recorded at Shiprock after the establishment of the Aquatic Reserve, in 1999 and again in 2003 URG diver logs, and subsequently in recent years on RLS and iNaturalist. Black cod are listed as Near Threatened on the IUCN Red List and Vulnerable in NSW after declines due to overfishing dating back over a century (Francis et al. 2015). Slow-growing, long-lived and a target for spear-fishers, this species has been protected in NSW since 1983 but has been slow to recover (Harasti & Malcolm 2013).
Sampling and technology change
Our conclusions must be considered in light of the historical and structural limitations of the data collection methods and technologies employed. Early data collection at Shiprock required hand-written notes, drawings, memory and physical sample collection. Underwater cameras were not widely available nor affordable. Illustrating this, the first species photograph featured in iNaturalist was taken in March 1998, digitised and uploaded in 2020 ( accessed 9/6/22) There were no photographs in iNaturalist that had been backdated to our historical time period (prior to 1980s). Over the 58 years of our study there was an observable increase in the ease and volume of data collection, ranging from several species able to be recorded by hand or collected on a dive in the 1960s, to 24–36 photographs that could be taken on a single roll of film, to hundreds of photographs taken per dive with a modern digital camera.
The publication process has also accelerated in efficiency over that time, and contemporary online technologies provide a novel layer of personal motivation and reinforcement (Jennett et al. 2016). Historical data were either rarely published, for example in personal dive logs and collections, or required extensive manual effort in hand drawing, colouring, stencilling and physical printing and distribution as in the early URG Bulletins. It is probable therefore that many species may have been present at Shiprock without ever appearing in the historical record.
Structured vs unstructured data collection
Whilst it is difficult to compare structured surveys to unstructured opportunistic sampling due to the wide variation in sampling effort, our study standardises the spatial scale to a single site and provides a basis for temporal comparison by using parallel structured and unstructured projects. The structured project involved trained professional and citizen scientists conducting surveys over standardised areas, and the unstructured project involved initiating an online effort for anyone with an underwater camera to record species in the same time and space. Despite the divergent methods, the rate at which these two projects identified species was surprisingly similar (Fig. 7).
The strongest correlation in the data sets was between the abundances recorded in the two structured methods, perpendicular surveys and RLS (Fig. 8). Frequency of sightings (ie presence on a survey) was correlated between structured methods, but only weakly correlated between iNaturalist and perpendicular surveys. Even though the data sets aren’t directly comparable, we found a weak negative correlation between the frequency of sighting (as a possible proxy for abundance of a species) and abundance in the perpendicular surveys. This appeared to be due to the most abundant, but non-charismatic species such as T. taeniatus, S. lineolata, T. novozelandiae and A. strigatus being infrequently noticed and recorded in iNaturalist (Supplementary Table S3).
The potential application of structured and opportunistic data sets therefore varied substantially. Whilst structured surveys provided reliable information beyond a list of species, such as densities, species absence, community structure and change over time, unstructured sightings provided primarily species presence. Structured surveys can also be designed to target inconvenient or inaccessible times and places (Callaghan et al, 2020) particularly if part of a broader program such as Reef Life Survey. As opportunistic records represented no systematic search in either time or space, there were no reliable absence records, and sighting frequencies were widely divergent from structured survey abundances and densities.
As part of our analysis we observed that colourful, photogenic and charismatic species were frequently reported in iNaturalist despite comprising a small proportion of individuals on a standardised transect (eg in the case of S. jacksoniensis, less than 1%). Other studies have noted this bias (Roberts et al. 2022). Whilst modelling may be used to attempt to compensate for the limitations of unstructured data such as by mimicking randomness in absence and hypothesising factors such as detectability and observer effort (Brown & Williams 2019), such models require their own set of assumptions. Such assumptions do not consider observer-driven variations in sampling effort, for example a diver focusing on photographing gobies for a period, which then gives a false signal of change in the opportunistic data record.
There were also notable differences between RLS and perpendicular surveys. RLS places transects along a depth contour on hard substrate, avoiding sand, and at Shiprock the chosen RLS depths were between 6 and 10 m. Perpendicular surveys ran down from the water surface to the deepest point on the site, spanning sand and rubble both above and below the wall and incorporating very shallow areas. Sand- and sub-surface-dwelling fish were therefore more abundant on perpendicular transects, for example G. subfasciatus and A. vaigiensis juveniles respectively. Fish which prefer structured habitat were more abundant on RLS transects, for example T. taeniatus and O. limenus. It is evident that, even with structured survey methods, it is important to understand methodological foci and limitations.
Overall, we found that structured surveys provided broader community, population and temporal change information whilst unstructured sampling provided better recording of rare, threatened and invasive species (Roberts et al. 2022), and the potential for retrospectivity (Table 4).
Table 4
Ecological information available from structured surveys and opportunistic sampling methods
Ecological information | Structured surveys | Opportunistic sampling |
Species presence | Yes | Yes |
Species absence | Yes | No |
Species richness | Yes | Limited (not standardised) |
Invasive species distribution | Limited | Yes, if salient |
Threatened species distribution | Limited | Yes, if salient |
Coverage in remote areas | Yes, if planned | Likely to be low |
Abundance | Yes | Limited |
Biomass | Yes | No |
Population change | Yes | No |
Community structure | Yes | No |
Potential for retrospectivity | No | Yes |
Relevance to management, governance and sustainability
Our study highlights the value and potentially irreplaceable nature of historical ecological information at high stewardship sites such as Shiprock. Such sites represent an opportunity for managers to discover indicators of change spanning retrospective timescales which are impossible in newly designed forward-looking studies.
Both structured and unstructured data have limitations. For example loser species may be detected in unstructured, opportunistic data, particularly if they are explicitly searched for in a current project, but winners cannot be conclusively determined without historical structured searches that reliably detect absences. Frequency of opportunistic observation is not a suitable proxy for abundance, and biomass, population and community structural information can at best be modelled using assumptions. Structured surveys are superior for broad-scope, reliable community change information however such data are less abundant and so are of very high value where they do exist. Merged data sets incorporating structured and unstructured data therefore provide the most comprehensive insights.
Our study shows that a single site such as Shiprock can be a sentinel for change including detecting declines in foundation species, community shifts relating to global factors such as climate change, and local winner and loser species. This depends, however, on an active, engaged local community that takes on the challenge of monitoring and conserving the site. Management actions that encourage such local stewardship can therefore have wide-ranging benefits for the long-term sustainability of the social-ecological system.