Genetic map and QTL mapping precision
In this study, high-quality SNP markers were obtained using the hyper-seq simplified sequencing technology, and genetic maps were constructed for two populations. Previous studies have constructed multiple cassava maps using markers such as RFLP,, SSR, etc., with a range of 100–510 markers and map lengths from 845.2cM to 1420.3cM with spacing of 5.6cM/marker to 17.92cM/marker 6,11,34–37. This study increased marker density based on previous work, resulting in a final genetic map spacing of 0.37cM/marker to 0.43cM/marker, providing a higher precision cassava genetic map.And 15 QTLs related to traits were identified, and the researchers38 used GWAS to locate multiple significant loci for cassava agronomic traits, The positioning results of qRN-17a and qRW-18a are consistent, Ewa16 found in his study that QTLs related to RW traits were located on chromosomes 3, 4, and 7, while QTLs related to RN traits were located on chromosomes 3 and 7, consistent with some of the results of this study.
Joint analysis of trait localization results
Crop yield is usually the main goal of breeding programs. Due to the increase in world population, food demand is expected to grow by 110% in the next 30–35 years. The population of sub-Saharan Africa is expected to grow by over 120%. In this region, cassava is the second largest source of calories, accounting for about 30% of daily calorie requirements per person. Despite its importance, the average cassava yield in Africa has not significantly increased since 1961. This study further selected three traits related to yield and cassava root: single plant root number (RN), root weight (RW), and tuber aspect ratio (RLW) for QTL localization analysis based on the high-precision cassava genetic map constructed. There is a high positive correlation between the three traits, and RN and RW can effectively evaluate crop yield, while RLW can effectively evaluate tuber shape, which is also an important factor affecting yield. This study found that Manes.09G001500 is associated with RN and RW traits have been identified, and this gene belongs to the DHHC type zinc finger family protein which affects plant growth and development. OsDHHC01 was reported to increase the number of tillers and grain yield in rice and oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) 39,40. OsDHHC13 was preliminarily found to positively regulate the oxidative stress response40. DHHC type zinc finger protein (DHHC) and S-acylated protein mainly serve as substrates for S-acyltransferase. S-acylation, also known as palmitoylation, is an important protein lipid modification that plays a crucial role in plant growth, development, and stress response41. Researchers have found a rapid method for screening and identifying DHHC proteins related to S-acylation proteins, and have found that OsDHHC30 participates in regulating salt tolerance in rice through S-acylation modification of OsCBL2/342. It is speculated that this gene may affect the growth and development of cassava by regulating its stress resistance, thereby affecting the weight and quantity of root tubers. Further research will be conducted to elucidate the molecular mechanism by which this gene affects root tuber traits.
Meanwhile, Manes.03G051300, Manes.17G066200, Manes.17G102000 belongs to the WRKY family, in which Manes.03G051300, Manes.17G066200 is associated with RN traits and Manes.17G102000 is associated with RW. This family is an important regulator in higher plants, involved in plant growth and development. Studies have shown that the WRKY transcription factor OsWRKY78 regulates rice stem elongation and seed size43 Singh et al. identified a WRKY transcription factor SIWRKY23 expressed mainly in roots of tomato, which was found to be associated with seed size44. In cassava research, the MeWRKY20 gene was found to promote ABA accumulation45, and high ABA levels can promote radial expansion of cortical cells and reduce root penetration ability46. Manes.18G015400 and Manes.17G100500 belong to the AFR transcription factor family, Manes.17G073900 belongs to the Auxin efflux carrier family protein, auxin, Aux) Indole-3-acetic acid, IAA is almost involved in all processes of plant growth and development, and the vast majority of these processes are regulated by gene expression47. Auxin response factor, ARF is a new family of transcription factors discovered by Ulmasov et al. that regulate the expression of auxin responsive genes48,49. It can specifically interact with auxin response elements in the promoter region of auxin responsive genes, AuxRE binds to "TGTCTC" to activate or inhibit gene expression50. The auxin signaling pathway mediated by ARF transcription affects plant growth and development by regulating cell division, elongation, and differentiation51,52. Gutierrez et al. found that miRNA160 and miRNA167 are involved in Arabidopsis AtARF6, regulating adventitious root formation, and Arabidopsis AtARF17 is also involved in this process53,54. Ren et al. found that the SlARF2 gene in tomatoes regulates lateral root formation55. Carey et al. found that DnARF11 is specifically expressed in the roots of Dendrobium officinale, indicating its important role in root system establishment56. It is speculated that these genes affect RN and RW by regulating the development of root tubers.
The candidate gene Manes.18G023500 belongs to the MYB transcription factor family, which is one of the largest transcription factor families in plants with complex functional differentiation that plays an important role in physiological and biochemical processes in plant growth and development. Studies have shown that MeMYB108 can reduce leaf shedding and regulate cassava biomass57. In Arabidopsis, AtMYB3R1 and AtMYB3R4 (AtMYB3R1/4) act as transcriptional activation factors, expressed in proliferating tissue, regulating the cell cycle process and affecting circadian rhythms58–60. Ectopic expression of AtMYB56 can inhibit root growth, leading to failed root regeneration after stem cell damage61. In soybeans, GmMYB81 regulates the development of soybean tissues and embryos and has a significant effect on abiotic stress62. It is further speculated that the MeMYB67 and MeMYB61 genes may affect cassava yield by influencing leaf shedding and regulating the cell cycle process.
Cassava RLW is not only related to yield traits, but can also effectively evaluate the shape of potato blocks. In this study, Manes.09G004500 was identified as related to RLW, which belongs to the bZIP family. This family is an important regulatory factor present in higher plants and participates in plant growth and development63. Studies have shown that, BZIP is involved in regulating certain signaling pathways related to the ABA pathway. During the germination and flowering period of Arabidopsis seeds, The bZIP transcription factors ABI5 (ABA sensitive 5) and ABFs (ABRE binding factors) are key factors that regulate ABA signaling Hossain. Arabidopsis abi5 mutant is less sensitive to ABA. Due to ABA inhibiting seed germination, ABI5 can activate the expression of specific genes in seeds through ABA mediated signaling pathways, thereby promoting seed germination64. In addition, research has found that Arabidopsis AtbZIP29 is specifically expressed in proliferative tissues, regulating the number of cells in leaf and root meristem tissues and promoting tissue regeneration by specifically binding to cell cycle regulatory factors and cell wall regeneration related genes. During the cell division cycle, BZIP29 can interact with bZIP69 to form dimers, which play a role in the root primordia, root crown, and meristem of lateral roots, thereby affecting the shape of roots65. It is speculated that this gene may affect RLW through similar molecular mechanisms.