This study aimed to investigate the circadian system and sleep in patients with synucleinopathy diagnosed with iRBD, PD and DLB, compared to age-matched healthy controls. In addition to subjective findings showing a predilection towards morning chronotypes, and reaffirming excessive daytime sleep, we found a significant trend of worsening objective sleep/wake cycle disruption, along the synucleinopathy spectrum with respect to actigraphy measures of rest-activity profiles and the expression of Bmal1. Through use of a unique and inclusive approach, regarding all groups along this synucleinopathy spectrum, our work supports the hypothesis of sleep/wake disruption being a marker of neuropathological severity across the synucleinopathy spectrum and is the first to demonstrate disruption of clock gene expression in DLB.
Disruption of sleep-wake cycles has been reported previously in iRBD, PD and DLB [44–46]. The high prevalence of clinical sleep disturbances have been hypothesised to reflect the specific pattern of neurodegeneration seen in these disorders, and thus may have diagnostic utility [46]. Of these, excessive daytime somnolence has been consistently reported in DLB at a greater severity than that seen in Alzheimer’s disease [47–49]. Such disturbance has been found to relate to other core symptoms including cognitive fluctuations [50, 51]. This finding was recapitulated in the present study, which showed greatest disturbances in patients with DLB, but with increasing daytime symptoms across the groups. Interestingly, daytime sleepiness in DLB has been associated with cholinergic neuronal loss within the nucleus basalis of Meynert [52], which is implicated in a number of cognitive functions including memory, perhaps suggesting that this symptom may be closely related to pathological progression towards dementia specifically.
Our actigraphy results also demonstrated evidence of sleep-wake daily rhythm disruption in the DLB group across various measures (Tables 2 and 3). Rest-activity mesor and amplitude was found to decrease across the groups, which we hypothesized to be related to worsening motor symptoms. This was confirmed in our post-hoc analyses, which demonstrated a significant moderate strength inverse correlation between these measures and motor parkinsonism measured by the MDS UPDRS-III. Even iRBD patients have been shown to demonstrate mild signs of motor parkinsonism, which predicts a higher risk of phenoconversion [53]. Therefore, our study suggests that actigraphy may be an objective surrogate of worsening motor symptoms and presumed dopaminergic depletion across synucleinopathies, and as such may reflect a marker of phenoconversion in iRBD, which has been suggested elsewhere [44].
Previous findings from circadian melatonin secretion studies in synucleinopathies have been limited and inconsistent. Two studies on newly diagnosed PD patients have shown opposite results in terms of finding melatonin rhythm alteration [16, 54]. In one study evaluating PD patients with a disease duration of less than 2 years, the authors found a reduced amplitude of melatonin secretion [16]. A second study looking at a similar patient group (1.5 ± 1.2 years since diagnosis), showed no difference in melatonin secretion levels compared to healthy controls [54]. In our dataset, the duration of disease after diagnosis was relatively short for the PD (2.7 ± 1.8y) group and we could not show any significant difference in melatonin rhythms across healthy control, iRBD and PD groups. There are several reasons for this discrepancy. One may be that our study is underpowered or that there is intrinsic intra-subject variability within this measure. Alternatively, PD itself is a heterogenous disorder with different patients manifesting different disease trajectories and clinical (especially non-motor) manifestations. With greater disease duration and severity, it is generally accepted that circadian variation of melatonin secretion (amplitude) seems to be more affected [17]. There have been very few studies in iRBD with one suggesting a delay in melatonin secretion of 2 hours in their sample [19]. This would be in keeping with the numerical but non-significant trend observed in our study. Interestingly, there is little data on melatonin secretion in DLB. Our study found that the melatonin secretion in our DLB group did not show a significant oscillation, suggesting a significant disruption of the circadian clock, at least for this hormonal output (Fig. 2).
We found a pattern of progressively reduced amplitude of daily Bmal1 expression profiles across the disease groups (Fig. 2 and Table 3). Bmal1 is a main driver of the circadian clock in mammals and acts as a component of the positive limb of the transcriptional-translational feedback loop, which underlies the 24 hour autonomous circadian rhythms in nearly all cells of the body ([55]. Altered Bmal1 rhythmicity (rather than amplitude) has been shown in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) in patients with iRBD compared to healthy controls [19]. Bmal1 has also been shown to be decreased in PBMCs taken at a single timepoint [56] and during the dark span over specific timepoints [21] in PD. Interestingly, the presence of probable RBD in PD patients was associated with reduced Bmal1 expression [56]. To our knowledge, no previous study has shown Bmal1 expression profiles in patients with DLB. However, a study assessing methylation status on circadian gene promoters including Bmal1 in patients with dementia found DLB patients had the highest frequency of circadian gene CpG island methylation compared to other dementias and age- and gender-matched controls [57]. Indeed, a variety of Bmal1 related alterations including aberrant cycles of methylation of Bmal1 and phase alterations have been shown in patients with AD [58–60]. However, there are few studies showing direct reductions in the amplitude of Bmal1 rhythmicity in AD, as seen here in DLB. Indeed, one recent study could not find any significant differences in oral mucosa Bmal1 or Per1 expression profiles in AD compared to controls, despite finding disruption in their activity rest cycles [61]. Based on the findings above, it is possible that such alterations may be greater in patients with DLB. Whether the changes in Bmal1 expression seen in synucleinopathies, and especially in DLB, is a result of neuropathology or directly interacts with the pathological process is unknown. Regardless of the mechanism, alteration of BMAL1 may be inextricably tied to the pathology of α-synucleinopathies, and perhaps DLB especially. Therefore, these changes may represent a biomarker of disease progression or even phenoconversion, specifically to DLB in prodromal patients with iRBD.
There are a number of strengths and limitations in the present study. Overall, this is the first study to examine a holistic set of objective and subjective variables of sleep and circadian rhythms across the spectrum of patients with synucleinopathies from prodromal stages through to established PD and DLB. Patients were all comprehensively phenotyped, and the diagnosis of iRBD was confirmed with video polysomnography. For all participants, saliva and oral mucosa samples were collected under the same controlled conditions. The minimally invasive nature and ease of this technique increases the practical utility of this method in clinical and research contexts. Finally, our findings conform to an a-priori statistical model with biological validity. Limitations of this work include the cross-sectional nature of the observations, which cannot be used to derive causality. Actigraphy was only assessed for 7 days due to the limitation of available Actiwatches. Furthermore, although our study samples are comparable or greater than those that have been previously published, it is possible that the study was underpowered for some of the measurements.