In this study, samples were taken from three different social environments: the period of pandemic normalized prevention and control of COVID-19 in 2021, the period of COVID-19 outbreak in 2022, and the lifting of epidemic prevention and control measures in 2023. The sample size for each year exceeded 1000 cases, meeting the requirements for modeling; it also met the conditions for testing the applicability of the model in different social environments. Changes in adolescents’ PAL, SD, GSE, and MH, and their absolute values of correlation coefficients indicate that the COVID-19 pandemic and corresponding social control measures have had a negative impact on adolescent physical activity and MH[17], and this adverse effect is long-term[18]. Different social control measures not only brought different effects on adolescent physical activity, SD, GSE, and MH, but also on the correlation between them each other. Especially during the COVID-19 outbreak, all factors in the model were significantly negatively affected, which could also affect the fit of the model. During different periods, SD and GSE in Physical and Mental Health Promotion Model for Adolescent had significant total effect, direct effect, and indirect total effect as well as the separate indirect effects through SD and GSE pathways, indicating the model is valid, and both SD and GSE only partially play a mediating role. During the COVID-19 outbreak period, the absolute value of the correlation coefficient between PAL and MH, GSE was the largest; the direct effect and total effect of PAL on MH increased, while the indirect effect value remained unchanged, but the proportion of indirect effect decreased. When facing a dangerous social environment, the direct effect of PAL on MH and GSE becomes more prominent. This suggests that when dealing with a critical social environment, in applying the Physical and Mental Health Promotion Model for Adolescent, we should focus on the direct effect of PAL on MH, as well as consider the indirect effects of SD and GSE on MH to maximize the effect of Physical and Mental Health Promotion Model for Adolescent.
Although, if the research purpose is validity verification, the attention to model fit indices is generally low and can be ignored[19]. This study still added a comparison of model fit indices. From the scores of model fit indices, only during the COVID-19 outbreak period did the model's cmin/df, RMSEA, AGFI, and TLI not reach ideal values. However, Hou Jietai et al believed that cmin/df only corrects for the influence of degrees of freedom without eliminating the effect of N, so it is difficult to determine the quality of the model based solely on its magnitude[20]. Chi square is also affected by the size of the correlations in the model: the larger the correlations, the poorer the fit[12]. During the period of COVID-19 outbreak, the correlation between PAL, GSE, and MH increased, which might be one of the main reasons. At the same time, during the period of COVID-19 outbreak, the PAL, SD, and GSE scores were significantly lower than those during the period of pandemic normalized prevention and control and after lifting epidemic prevention and control measures, while MH scores were significantly higher. This fully demonstrates that the COVID-19 outbreak itself and its corresponding social control measures had a significant negative impact on adolescent PAL, SD, GSE, and MH comprehensively, leading to a decrease in adolescent PAL, SD, GSE scores and an increase in MH scores, which inevitably had a certain adverse effect on the fit of the model.
Additionally, the benefits of physical activity and self-efficacy on MH seem to be achieved through the multifactorial impacts on neurobiological and psychosocial development[21]。Self-efficacy is rooted in the core belief that one has the power to effect changes by one’s actions[22]. Self-efficacy has been found to be a consistent predictor of health behaviour adherence in domains of physical activity[23]. The social relationships commonly inherent in physical activity, as well as the mutual support that occurs among individuals involved in exercise, play an important role in the effects of exercise on MH[24]. Self-efficacy plays an important role in influencing achievement outcomes through its dynamic interplay with environmental and behavioural determinants[25], and self-efficacy reflects internal personal beliefs that interact bi-directionally with behavioural and environmental determinants [26]. However, the lockdown management during the outbreak of COVID-19 has reflected people's feelings of helplessness towards external environments, fear of COVID-19, and concerns about family members and friends being infected or isolated. Those may lead to outliers in MH within the sample and other potential variables affecting the model.
In summary, the Physical and Mental Health Promotion Model for Adolescent in different social contexts is established, and SD and GSE play a partial multiple mediating role in it.
Insufficiency and Limitations
The data used in this study were obtained from cross-sectional surveys, and the accuracy of the data may be affected by recall bias in surveys; convenience sampling was adopted, and all samples came from the same city, which may limit the representativeness of the sample; the sample sizes of different grades in the sample are not equal, which may have a certain impact on the research results, etc.