Previous studies showed that H. pylori infection introduces DSB in the gastric tissue [17]. In a study by Hartung et al., activation of the NHEJ DNA repair pathway as a consequence of H. pylori induced DSB was elucidated. They showed that the siRNA-mediated knockdown of XRCC4 and P53 binding protein 1 (53BP1), but not the homologous recombination repair factor BRCA1, can reduce the cells’ repair capability, which supported that H. pylori-induced DSBs are preferentially addressed by the NHEJ pathway [18]. Baseline expression of TP53 is low in normal histological status but increases greatly upon cellular stresses, like DNA damage. Although the role of TP53 mutations in chromosomal instability, amplification of oncogenes, and deletion of tumor suppressor genes is well described in different types of cancers, its interplay with chronic gastritis and H. pylori infection, and involvement in the progression of pre-neoplastic lesions is not well known. As was shown in our study, overexpression of wild type TP53 in the gastric tissue of H. pylori infected patients with chronic gastritis seems to be linked to the induction of the inflammatory pathway and DNA damage [19, 20]. DNA damage can cause the stabilization and accumulation of TP53 in the nucleus leading to cell cycle arrest, which supports the activation of DNA repair systems [20]. miRNAs–MDM2–P53 feedback loop is probably the main mechanism for the overexpression and activation of TP53 in response to a stress signal, like DNA damage [21]. Overexpression of TP53, itself could play an inhibitory effect on the error-prone NHEJ pathway [22]. It seems that by counteracting with the error-prone repair system, TP53 plays a stabilizing role against genomic instability. This protective role will be lost due to a decrease in the TP53 levels, as observed in the late stages of the disease. This reduction is associated with increased mutation rates, proteasome degradation, and post-transcriptional modification, all linked to the cell proliferation and progression toward gastric cancer [20].
In this study, a comparison in the transcription of XRCC4, XRCC5, XRCC6, Lig4, TP53 and LINP1 genes was done between the H. pylori infected and non-infected patients with chronic gastritis. The results showed an increase in the transcription of TP53, Lig4 and XRCC4 and a decrease in the transcription of LinP1 and XRCC5 in the case group. Consistent with these results, in our previous study 5.0-fold increase in transcription of TP53 was reported in gastric biopsies of H. pylori infected compared with non-infected patients with chronic gastritis [23], which was accompanied by overexpression of other mediators of NHEJ and HR pathways. The overexpression of TP53 was also confirmed by Mahmoudzadeh Sagheb et al. in the gastric tissue of H. pylori patients with pre-neoplastic histological changes [24].
DNA Ligase 4(IV) protein plays an essential role in V(D)J recombination and DNA double strand break repair through non-homologous end joining. This protein forms a complex with XRCC4 and interacts with DNA-dependent protein kinase. In the present study, the expression of Lig4 showed an increase of 5.28 times in the case group compared with the median transcription value of the control group. According to our knowledge, the relationship between the expression level of Lig4 and an inflammatory state of the gastric tissue in the H. pylori infection is presented for the first time in this study; however, a significant increase in the expression level of Lig4 was shown in some non-gastric cancers, like prostate and breast cancer [25]. Lig4 plays its unique function in the NHEJ DNA repair system, which supports the involvement of H. pylori infection in the induction of DSB and the promotion of error-prone DNA repair system. The LIG4 complex (Lig4, XRCC4, and XLF) mediates ligation as the last step of the NHEJ repair. XRCC4 can stimulate Lig4, which supports the observed correlation between these two mediators among controls in our study [26]. In the current study, the relative increase in the transcription of this gene in H. pylori infected patients was correlated with increased transcription of LinP1, XRCC6 and TP53 genes. The observed correlation between TP53, as a tumor suppressor gene, and Lig4 in both the case and control groups proposed the existence of a feedback loop against the activation of NHEJ DNA repair system in the patients with chronic gastritis.
Although transcriptional alteration of LinP1 in patients with chronic gastritis was investigated for the first time in our study, its role as long non-coding RNA and scaffold, linking XRCC6 and DNA-PKcs in NHEJ pathway, was already described in breast cancers [27]. LINP1 is negatively regulated by TP53 through mir-29 and LINP1 could partially reverse the inhibitory effects of TP53 on proliferation and migration [28]. The positive correlation of Lig4 transcription with LinP1 and XRCC4/5, as was shown in both the case and control groups, proposed the activation of a regulatory pathway associated with DNA repair at the early stages of chronic gastritis regardless of the infection status. A positive correlation between the transcription of this lncRNA and XRCC6 was shown only in the case group, which highlights the role of H. pylori infection in the induction and the formation of a primary complex of NHEJ DNA repair system following the formation of DNA DSB. The higher amount of TP53 transcription in the H. pylori infected patients at this stage of the disease proposed a protective role against the progress of NHEJ pathway. Knockout of TP53, micro RNAs and LncRNAs which play regulatory roles in the activation of NHEJ pathway, and study of their effects on the activation of this pathway in response to H. pylori infection could better reveal this interplay at different stages of gastritis.
In the current study, while a correlation was detected among LinP1, XRCC4, XRCC5, and Lig4 in the case and control groups, we found a significant difference in the transcriptional levels of LinP1, TP53, and XRCC5 in the case in compare to the control group. Accordingly, infection with H. pylori caused an increase in the transcription of TP53 and a decrease in the transcription of XRCC5 and LinP1. The overexpression of LinP1 in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma and the impact of its Knockdown in the suppression of esophageal cancer tumorigenesis through an increase in the apoptotic rate was established in a study by Lu et al [29]. Low expression of LinP1, which plays a role as a scaffold for the localization of XRCC5 and DNA-PKcs at the site of DSB, in correlation to a relatively lower level of XRCC5 expression in the H. pylori infected cases, proposed the existence of a negative feedback loop that may be linked to the increased levels of TP53, Lig4, and XRCC6 in the infected tissue. This negative feedback loop emphasized the role of H. pylori in this interplay. Overexpression of TP53 in the pre-neoplastic tissue highlights the protective role of this protein as the “guardian of the genome” against the introduction of new mutations and genomic instability in response to damaged DNA that is linked to gastric cancer. The impact of miR-29-TP53 on transcriptional regulation of LinP1 as negative feedback was described by Sakthianandeswaren A. et al [30]. TP53 positively regulates the expression of miR-29, and TP53–miR-29 through degradation of LinP1 may play their negative regulatory mechanism to restrict NHEJ activity in gastric tissue of patients with chronic gastritis [31, 32].
Study limitation
In this study, the impact of H. pylori infection on transcription of NHEJ gene mediators was investigated only in patients with chronic gastritis, and a comparison of our results with samples of patients with other pre-neoplastic lesions, like intestinal metaplasia and dysplasia, was not done. Lack of funds and facilities for doing a transcriptomic analysis, and study of animal models and cell lines carrying knockout genes of the NHEJ mediators, inability to track differences in protein levels, and the low number of patients in the case and control groups were among the problems in our study.
Overall, our results confirmed the role of H. pylori infection in the induction of double-stranded DNA breaks in the gastric mucosa and the activation of the non-homologous end-joining repair pathway in patients with chronic gastritis. Activation of Lig4, as a key mediator involved in the non-homologous end-joining pathway, and the detected correlation of LinP1/XRCC6 in the H. pylori infected patients proposed a role for this infection for promotion of DSB and accumulation of somatic mutations in the gastric mucosa. The relative increase in transcription of TP53 in the H. pylori infected patients highlights its protective role against genomic instability in the early phase of the disease in the stomach. This negative effect could be attributed to a negative feedback loop mediated by the mir-29 and LinP1 interaction. Investigating other mediators affecting the non-homologous end-joining pathway, such as MALAT1 and ATM, as well as characterization of regulators of guardians of the genome, like TP53, to play their protective roles against the activation of the error-prone repair pathway, can help introducing new therapeutics in preventing the progression of pre-neoplastic lesion to cancer.