This study was carried out with approval of the Shepherd Center Research Review Committee. All participants gave written informed consent prior to study enrollment in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. This study was funded by National Institutes of Health grant R01HD101812 (ECF-F) and the Hulse SCI Research Fund. The funders played no role in the design, conduct, or reporting of this study.
Individuals who met the following inclusion criteria were eligible for study participation: ≥18 years of age, no changes in prescription medication use over the prior 2 weeks, ability and willingness to authorize use of protected health information, ability to follow multiple directions, and ability to communicate pain/discomfort. Individuals were excluded from study participation if they had any of the following exclusion criteria: history of neurologic injury/disease, or cardiovascular irregularities, current pregnancy, implanted stimulators, or skin lesions, irregularities, or sensitivities.
Electrode Montages
Utilizing a randomized, crossover design, six electrode montages were tested in pairs over three sessions. Electrode montages evaluated in this study were selected based on use in recent SCI literature and named based on expected current flow. Order of montage testing was randomized both between and within sessions. Participant allocation to each montage order is depicted in the CONSORT diagram (Fig. 1A). Sessions were separated by ≥ 24 hours to prevent potential carryover effects of repeated electrical stimulation. Four DV and two DM montages were evaluated (Fig. 2). DV montages included [1] dorsal-ventral iliac crests (DV-I): cathode over T11/T12 and anodes over iliac crests, [2] dorsal-ventral umbilicus (DV-U): cathode over T11/T12 and anodes over umbilicus, [3] dorsal-ventral paraspinal iliac crests (DV-PI): paraspinal cathodes at T11/12 and anodes over iliac crests, and [4] dorsal-ventral paraspinal umbilicus (DV-PU): paraspinal cathodes at T11/12 and anodes over umbilicus. DM montages included [5] dorsal-midline caudal (DM-C): cathode over T11/12 and anode 5cm caudal, and [6] dorsal-midline rostral (DM-R): cathode over T11/12 and anode 5cm rostral. For DV montages, cathode(s) were 5cm round electrodes and anodes were 9x5cm rectangular interconnected electrodes. For DM montages, 5cm round electrodes were used for cathode and anode. For umbilical montages, anodes were placed 5cm apart on either side of the umbilicus. For iliac crest montages, anodes were placed with superior border oriented laterally and inferior border oriented medially. Manual palpation of spinous processes by a physical therapist (author KLT/EBS) was used to determine cathode placement. Skin under the cathode was swabbed with isopropyl alcohol and abraded (NuPrep, Weaver and Company, Aurora, CO) to decrease impedance. Conductive gel (Spectra 360, Parker Laboratories, Fairfield, NJ) was placed around the border of the cathode(s) to reduce risk of skin irritation at the interface between skin tissue and electrode edge. To ensure consistent stimulating electrode placement across sessions, cathode location and referencing anatomical landmarks were marked on transparent film and used for reference in subsequent sessions.
Figure 1. A) Consort diagram outlining participant enrollment and randomization order. In this cross-over design, participants were randomized into groups dictating the order they received six electrode montages. All participants received all six montages across three sessions. B) Participant demographics and reflex thresholds obtained per individual in each montage.
Figure 2. Cathode (black) and anode (red) positions for 6 electrode montages (left) with associated recruitment curves (center) and posterior root muscle reflex response traces elicited by a stimulation intensity of 1.2xRT (right) from a representative participant (P13). Dorsal-ventral umbilicus (DV-U): cathode over T11/T12 with anodes over the umbilicus; dorsal-ventral iliac crests (DV-I): cathode over T11/T12 with anodes over iliac crests; dorsal-ventral paraspinal umbilicus (DV-PU): paraspinal cathodes at T11/12 with anodes over the umbilicus; dorsal-ventral paraspinal iliac crests (DV-PI): paraspinal cathodes at T11/12 with anodes over iliac crests; dorsal-midline caudal (DM-C): cathode over T11/12 with an anode 5 cm caudal; and dorsal-midline rostral (DM-R): cathode over T11/12 with an anode 5 cm rostral. Blue = dominant lower extremity, red = nondominant lower extremity, inverted triangles = time of stimulus application. Note the different scales for response traces across montages.
PRM Reflexes
Electromyographic activity (EMG) was measured in the soleus muscle bilaterally using pre-amplified surface EMG electrodes (Motion Lab Systems, Baton Rouge, LA). Prior to EMG electrode placement, the skin over the soleus was swabbed with isopropyl alcohol and abraded to decrease impedance. To ensure consistent EMG electrode placement across sessions, EMG electrode location and referencing anatomical landmarks were marked on stockinette sleeves placed on each lower extremity. EMG signals were acquired (MA300, Motion Lab Systems, Baton Rouge, LA), digitized (Power 1401, Cambridge Electronic Design, Cambridge, UK), and recorded at a sampling rate of 2 kHz for offline analysis [17, 29, 30] using sweep-based data capture and analysis software (Signal, Cambridge Electronic Design, Cambridge, UK).
Data were acquired with the participant lying supine. Pillows supported the participant’s head and knees as needed for comfort. As position influences PRM reflex responses,[31] position was determined during the first session and remained consistent across subsequent sessions within each participant. PRM reflexes were elicited by monophasic, rectangular stimulation pulses with a 1ms pulse width[32] using a constant current stimulator (Digitimer DS7AH, Hertforshire, UK). Paired stimulation pulses (40ms inter-pulse interval)[33] were delivered (Grass S88X, Natus Neurology, Middleton, WI) with a minimum of 7 seconds between pulse pairs.[24] Paired pulses confirmed the reflex origin of the evoked responses, as depression of the second response confirms activation of primary afferent neurons (as opposed to direct activation of the anterior motor root).[13, 16] Depression was determined by calculating the difference between response amplitudes for the first and second stimuli and dividing by the response amplitude of the first stimulus. RT was defined as the stimulation intensity required to elicit a peak-to-peak PRM reflex response amplitude of ≥ 100 µV in at least 50% of trials[20] in each lower extremity independently. PRM reflex recruitment curves were collected beginning at a subthreshold stimulation intensity (≤ 30mA, dependent upon RT). Stimulation intensity was increased in increments of 5mA until the soleus response plateaued or a stimulation intensity of 100mA was achieved. A maximum stimulation intensity of 100mA was imposed to avoid acute discomfort accompanying higher stimulation intensities. In addition to the 5mA increments in stimulation intensity, PRM reflexes were collected at the stimulation intensity equivalent to 120% of RT (1.2xRT) if 1.2xRT fell below 100mA. Three or five stimuli were repeated at each stimulation intensity for subthreshold responses and responses ≥ RT, respectively. Following recruitment curve acquisition, participants reported stimulation tolerability for each montage on a 0–10 visual analog scale with 0 indicating “absolutely tolerable” and 10 indicating “not at all tolerable.” Sensation descriptors contributing to the participant’s tolerability rating were recorded.
Extremity Dominance
The dominant lower extremity was determined by the following question taken from the Waterloo Footedness Questionnaire-Revised, “If you were asked to shoot a ball on target, which leg would you use to shoot the ball?”.[34]
Data Processing
Peak-to-peak soleus PRM reflex response amplitudes were exported and processed using custom MATLAB codes (MathWorks, Inc., Natick, MA). For all participants, soleus recruitment curves were generated for the dominant and nondominant leg for each montage by averaging PRM reflex response amplitudes for each stimulation intensity tested. Within each recruitment curve, stimulation intensity, s, was normalized to the acquired RT (i.e. s/RT) to account for inter-individual variability. Using a modified Boltzmann equation, non-linear curve fitting was performed for all recruitment curves for which both RT and 1.2xRT were obtained:
where PRMRmax is the maximum response amplitude estimated by the function, S50 is the stimulation intensity required to elicit a response amplitude 50% of PRMRmax, and m is the slope parameter of the Boltzmann function (Fig. 3).[29, 35] The Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm (lsqcurvefit, Optimization Toolbox, The MathWorks, Natick, MA) was used to solve non-linear least-squares curve fitting. Initial guess inputs for the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm were calculated as follows: PRMRmax – maximum average response amplitude acquired during data collection; S50 – mean normalized stimulation intensity averaged from the nearest data point above and below the value of 50% of PRMRmax; m – slope of a linear regression fitted to the data points from RT to 1.2xRT, inclusive. Default termination criteria for the optimization function were used (600 for the maximum number of function evaluations and 1e− 6 for function tolerance). Area under the recruitment curve (AUC) was calculated by numerically integrating the optimized Boltzmann equation from RT to S50.
Figure 3. Model posterior root muscle reflex recruitment curve with labeled outcomes. Values acquired during data collection include RT. Values derived from curve fitting include S50, AUC, and PRMRmax. Reflex threshold (RT): stimulation intensity required to elicit a reflex response > 100µV in at least 50% of trials; S50: stimulation intensity required to elicit a response that is 50% of maximum posterior root muscle reflex amplitude (PRMRmax); Area under the curve (AUC): integrated recruitment curve area from RT to S50.
Statistical Analysis
Statistical analyses were completed in R (R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria). Outcomes were visualized and descriptive statistics calculated to check model assumptions and identify potential outliers. For each outcome, multilevel models with random intercept for participant and fixed effects for montage, lower extremity, and interaction between montage and lower extremity were the starting point for analyses, with modifications described below for specific tests. Pairwise comparisons were calculated as differences in estimated marginal means using the Tukey method for p-value adjustment for multiple testing and Kenward-Roger degrees of freedom following estimation of the multilevel model.
To assess the proportion of variability in each outcome explained by the participant for each montage, we used ICC model ICC(1,1). We selected this model as it does not include lower extremity in the underlying multilevel model, thereby reflecting an assumption that the dominant and nondominant lower extremities are exchangeable.