Participants and Ethics
Data from the first assessment (T1) from the GERO cohort was used [19]. Participants were recruited between October 2017 and July 2021 from the general population through a door-to-door strategy across three districts in Santiago – Chile (Macul, Peñalolen and La Reina), assigned to three primary healthcare centres and selected according to their socioeconomic heterogeneity. Eligible participants were ≥70 years old, without dementia diagnosis and cognitive complaint either self-reported or by a close informant. Eligible participants underwent a first evaluation to confirm inclusion criteria after signing a written informed consent. The Geroscience Center for Brain Health and Metabolism Research Project Nº 1140423 and informed consents, was approved in May 2015 by the Scientific Ethics Committee (SEC) of the Western Metropolitan Health Service (WMHS), Santiago (Chile). A written informed consent to participate in the study is obtained for all participants of the GERO cohort. The study is registered under the clinical trial Number: NCT04265482 (
Biomarkers collection
Fourteen biomarkers were used to derive an AL index. The inflammatory component included Creatinine, albumin, C-reactive protein (CRP) and Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR). The latter was included as a reliable proxy measure to replace serum fibrinogen [23] used in the original composite. Cardiovascular included systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), resting heart rate (RHR), and waist-to-hip ratio (WHR), and metabolic system included total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, glycemia, triglycerides, and body-mass index (BMI). Interlukin-6 (IL6), also commonly used for AL score creation [11, 24], was selected as additional inflammatory biomarker for potential model corrections. Samples were taken between 9 A.M. and 11 A.M. and peripheral blood was processed within 2h. Whole blood, buffy coat, plasma, and serum were collected in a fasted state at baseline evaluation and processed according to the guidelines published previously [25]. Subsequently, blood samples were stored in the GERO biobank for long-term storage at − 80°C at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Chile. IL-6 and CRP inflammatory biomarkers were analysed using Luminex platform at the University of Chile (see full details in Slachevsky, 2020 [19]).
Original and corrected comprehensive AL algorithm (ALCS)
166 participants from a total of 291 selected for inclusion to the GERO cohort, with participants excluded if they had missing data in the variables used to create the AL index. (n = 125). All biomarkers were scored to create a comprehensive AL index (ALCS), as previously described[18]. Initial categories for “no-risk” (zero points), “at-risk” (one point), and “high-risk” (two points) were defined for each marker, based on both clinical reference values provided by Hospital Salvador (Santiago, Chile) and quartile calculations based on sex-specific sample distribution. When clinical upper limit (clinical-up) was higher than the 75th percentile, at-risk category was defined between ≥ p75 - ≤ clinical-up (no-risk: <p75 and high-risk: >clinical-up). When clinical upper limit was lower than p75, at-risk was defined between ≥ clinical-up - ≤p75 (no-risk: <clinical-up, high-risk: >p75). For reverse biomarkers (albumin, HDL cholesterol), if clinical lower limit (clinical-low) was below the 25th percentile (p25), at-risk was defined as ≤ clinical-low - ≥p25 (no-risk: >p25 and high-risk: <clinical-low).
Medication treatments coded through the Anatomic Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) classification system [26] were scored as high-risk (two points) as could potentially mask some biomarkers values, as follows: total cholesterol, triglycerides and LDL for lipid modifying agents (C10); systolic and diastolic blood pressure for anti-hypertensive medication (C02, C03, C09); resting heart rate for beta-blockers (C07) or calcium blockers (C08); and glycemia for insulin or analogues (A10).
After summing the scores and given only three female participants scored 0 points, percentiles of total scores – including zeros - were calculated from sex-specific distributions, to generate final AL risk categories: Very-low risk: 0 - <p5; Low risk: ≥p5 - ≤p25; Medium risk: >p25 - <p75; High risk: ≥p75. The decision algorithm is detailed in Supplementary Fig. S1a.
Given the age of the sample, age-corrected clinical thresholds were included for ESR [27], CRP [28] and age and gender categories for RHR provided by the British Cardiovascular Society. High and low quartiles were calculated from the whole sample distribution of total scores to generate final AL risk categories. Clinical thresholds and quartiles values are detailed in Supplementary Table S1.
Original and corrected empirical AL algorithm (ALES)
Following the empirical approach [29], a purely quartile-based AL index was derived from sex-specific distributions. Biomarkers were awarded 1 point if their value was ≥ p75, or ≤ p25 for albumin and HDL cholesterol. After scoring for medications, AL risk categories were generated from total scores by the same method used in ALCS. Corrected ALES final risk categories were generated by calculating percentiles from the whole sample distribution of total scores. The decision algorithm is detailed in Supplementary Fig. S1b.
Demographic covariates included age, sex, and years of education. Household income was assessed as self-reported estimated total income in Chilean pesos from all members of the household, categorized from 65,000 to over 1,650,000 in variable ranges of 50,000, 100,000 or 200,000, according to criteria from the National Health Survey. For APOEε4 genotype status, DNA was extracted using the protocol Q suggested by the international human microbiome standards (IHMS SOP 06 V1), and binary categories were generated where 0 = no APOEε4 allele and 1 = one or both APOEε4 alleles. As additional modulator of AL, self-reported frequency of engagement in stimulating activities was assessed through a 15-item reverse-coded Likert scale (see details in Supplementary Table S2), with points ranging from 1 to 5 for “several times a week” to “never” (Thumala, et al. Article in preparation). Activity types were sub-divided as cognitive, social, recreational, physical, and productive.
Statistical analysis
All analysis were conducted using IBM SPSS Statistics v.27.0 [30]. Statistical differences between sex for age, years of education and original AL raw scores were evaluated by two-tailed unpaired t-test when normality and homoscedasticity were above the rejection value of < 0.05 (estimated by Shapiro–Wilk and Levene’s tests respectively). Otherwise, Mann Whitney-U rank sum test was used for non-parametric unpaired two-sample comparison.
For validation, original, corrected and IL6-included ALCS and ALES algorithms were analysed separately, including age, sex, and years of education as covariates in Multinomial Logistic Regression (MLR) models, with the very-low risk category used as reference. Algorithms showing satisfactory model fit (Likelihood ratio χ² tests with α = 0.05) were further assessed for final selection by highest Mc Fadden’s pseudo-R² [29], the Bayesian Information Criterion difference (ΔBIC)>-10 [31], and highest log-likelihood parameters. Classification tables were used to compare the accuracy of correct classification into each AL category, and differences were assessed through pooled probabilities and z-transformations. Inter-rater reliability was evaluated through contingency tables and Cohen’s kappa index. After model validation, a MLR was fitted to assess relationships between AL risk categories generated from the selected algorithm and age, sex, years of education, household income, APOEε4 genotype status, and engagement in cognitive, social, recreational, physical, and productive stimulating activities.