Sample demographic and taxonomic summary.
After quality filtering and removal of samples with low read counts, we retained 14,111 unique ASVs assigned to a total of 1,960 individual supragingival plaque samples collected from 565 children. Our final sample demographic includes 900 samples collected from female participants and 1,060 from male participants. Of the plaque samples, 746 were collected at visit one, 596 at visit two, and 618 at visit three. The average age of participants at visit one was 6.9 years old (SD ± 1.9) and 7.2 years old (SD ± 2.0) at visit three. Of all plaque samples retained post-quality filtering, 38% originated from an HI participant, 31% from a HEU participant, and 31% from a HUU participant. Full sample metadata can be found in Table S1. The top phyla found across all samples and all visits included Bacteroidetes (average proportion 31%), followed by Firmicutes (26%), Proteobacteria (21%), Actinobacteria (16%), and Fusobacteria (15%). Top genera include Streptococcus (66%), Ligilactobacillus (64%), Rothia (56%), Capnocytophaga (55%), and Prevotella (55%) (Table S2). HEU samples across all three visits had significantly higher alpha diversity as measured by the observed number of ASVs as compared to HI samples (p = 0.017) but not compared to HUU samples, and D-CD samples had significantly lower alpha diversity as measured by Shannon diversity as compared to E-CD and any healthy tooth independent of the overall oral health (p < 0.0001) (Figure S2).
Children unexposed and uninfected with HIV have a higher rate of taxonomic turnover over time as compared to other children in this cohort.
We defined taxonomic turnover on the same tooth over time as the absolute Euclidean distance between paired plaque samples using an Aitchison distance matrix. Teeth with high taxonomic turnover will be less similar over time while those with low taxonomic turnover will be more similar. A total of 184 teeth were sampled at both visit one and visit two with an average of 182 days between sampling periods, 255 individual teeth were sampled at both visit two and visit three with an average of 222 days separating sampling visits, and 203 individual teeth were sampled at both visit one and visit three with an average of 403 days between sampling visits. Among all teeth from all individuals, we detected a high degree of taxonomic turnover with no significant differences between the HIV status groups comparing visit one and visit two or visit two versus visit three. We did, however, detect a significant difference in taxonomic turnover between groups when comparing visit one and visit three. When comparing all teeth independent of individual tooth health status, we detected a significantly higher degree of taxonomic turnover among teeth sampled from HUU children as compared to teeth sampled from HEU children (p = 0.045) and a moderately higher degree of taxonomic turnover when compared to HI children (p = 0.058) (Fig. 1a, 1b). Comparing only healthy teeth (H), however, we detected a significant increase in turnover among teeth collected from HUU children as compared to HEU children (p = 0.049) but no significant difference comparing HUU and HI children (p = 0.154) or HI to HEU children (p = 0.67).
We next identified microbial signatures of high or low taxonomic turnover across any tooth with two or more sampling time points. The resulting microbial signature is defined by the relative abundance of two groups of taxa where taxa with negative coefficients are correlated with low taxonomic turnover and those with positive coefficients are correlated with high taxonomic turnover. The absolute value of the coefficient is reflective of the degree of impact of that taxon on the model. From this analysis, we found a positive linear association between the degree of taxonomic turnover and the resulting microbial signature prediction (R = 0.79, p < 2.2e-16) (Fig. 1c). Among samples from children living with HIV, taxa associated with low taxonomic turnover include S. mutans (coeff: -0.42), Haemophilus paraphrohaemolyticus (coeff: -0.21), Mitsuokella sp. oral taxon 131 (coeff: -0.15), Prevotella multisaccharivorax (coeff: -0.14), and Neisseria cinerea (coeff: -0.08) (Fig. 1d). Taxa associated with high taxonomic turnover in children living with HIV include Peptostreptococcaceae bacterium oral taxon 081 (coeff: 0.29) followed by Fusobacterium nucleatum subsp. vincentii (coeff: 0.24), Enterocloster bolteae (coeff: 0.21), Prevotella intermedia (coeff: 0.16), Leptotrichia buccalis (coeff: 0.08), and Treponema phagedenis (coeff: 0.02) (R = 0.8, p = 3.9e-13). Among HUU children, Prevotella denticola (coeff: -0.5), P. multisaccharivorax (coeff: -0.43), and H. paraphrohaemolyticus (coeff: -0.07) are associated with low taxonomic turnover while Catonella morbi (coeff: 0.6), Olsenella sp. oral taxon 807 (coeff: 0.15), an unknown species of Proteobacteria (coeff: 0.15), and Solobacterium moorei (coeff: 0.09) are associated with high taxonomic turnover (Fig. 1d; Table S4). We detected no microbial signature of taxonomic turnover among HEU children.
Despite differences in taxonomic turnover on individual teeth, across all samples there are groups of species that are consistently co-associated over time.
We next used core microbial association networks (CANs) to identify clusters of species that are consistently co-associated with one another on teeth over all three clinical visits. First, we created a “global” CAN generated from all plaque samples across all three visits to act as a baseline comparison to group-specific CANs. In our global CAN we detected six distinct cluster communities, the largest of which were Cluster 2 (n = 35), Cluster 3 (n = 38), and Cluster 4 (n = 39) and the smallest, Cluster 6 (n = 10) (Fig. 2a; Table S5). In general, co-associated species within clusters appear to have similar functional or clinical relevance. For example, commensal
and structural plaque species (i.e., bacteria previously described as important in biofilm formation and structure) dominate Cluster 4 (e.g., Streptococcus sanguinis, Streptococcus gordonii, Neisseria mucosa, Haemophilus parainfluenzae, Streptococcus oralis, Streptococcus mitis, and Corynebacterium durum) and Cluster 5 (e.g., Leptotrichia sp. oral taxon 215, Leptotrichia sp. oral taxon 212, Corynebacterium matruchotii, Streptococcus cristatus) [60–62] while Cluster 1, Cluster 2, and Cluster 3 include a mixture of suspected commensal and potential pathogenic species. For example, Cluster 2 includes a variety of periodontal pathogens including members of the classic “red complex” in the etiology of periodontal disease (i.e., Treponema denticola, Tannerella forsythia, and Porphyromonas gingivalis) as well as species that previously have been isolated from periodontal pockets or coaggregate with other periodontal pathogens including Eubacterium nodatum, Eubacterium saphenum, Filifactor alocis, Porphyromonas endodontalis, and Treponema medium [63–68]. The smallest cluster, Cluster 6, includes species almost exclusively associated with caries disease including S. mutans, Scardovia wiggsiae, Propionibacterium acidifaciens, P. multisaccharivorax, P. denticola, and Scardovia inopinata [15, 57, 69–75].
Next, to better understand how these core association networks differ across tooth health and HIV status groups, we calculated community modularity (Q) across all three visits within individual tooth health and HIV status groups. Modularity is a quantitative measure of network community structure wherein networks with high community modularity have more distinct (but potentially smaller) clusters that are themselves densely connected to other members of that cluster and at the same time are only loosely connected (or disconnected) from other clusters [76]. Conversely, low community modularity is reflective of fewer distinct, but potentially larger clusters of densely connected taxa. As our networks represent a consensus of co-associated taxa across all three sample visits, we expect that low community modularity (i.e., fewer distinct cluster groups) reflects higher core taxonomic stability over time.
We find that community modularity among all healthy teeth (H) is relatively low (Q = 0.75) and increases as the disease progresses to enamel lesions (Q = 0.87) and eventually to dentin lesions (Q = 0.95) (Fig. 2b). Within HIV groups, modularity of both our HUU and HI CAN networks were equivalent at Q = 0.80 while our HEU CAN network had slightly higher modularity at Q = 0.83 (Fig. 2c). This suggests that while the bacterial community inhabiting individual teeth among HEU children changes little over time (i.e., low turnover), the community is less cohesive and more fragmented. Moreover, Cluster 6 is completely absent from the HEU CAN network and conversely is the only of the three HIV status groups to have a substantial cluster representative of global Cluster 2, potentially indicative of differences in susceptibility to caries vs periodontal disease.
High S. mutans on an individual tooth is preceded by taxa typically associated with health and does not recapitulate the original community after S. mutans community collapse.
Evidence from cross-sectional studies (e.g.,[28, 57] suggest that caries disease progression is characterized by a rapid propagation of S. mutans and other acidogenic/aciduric bacteria during late-stage tooth decay, followed by a collapse of the community, and eventual recolonization. For our next analysis, we wanted to determine if this process is preceded or followed by predictable taxa or groups of taxa in the plaque community. To better understand the temporal dynamics of the oral microbiome before and after high levels of S. mutans, we performed a random forest classification and post-hoc explanatory analysis on individual teeth with low S. mutans ( < = 5%) either before or after the community on the same tooth had a high level of S. mutans ( > = 10%). Our random forest model had high classification accuracy for teeth with high S. mutans (during high S. mutans: 83% correct) but had relatively low predictive accuracy for teeth designated as “before” or “after” high S. mutans. Accurate classification of teeth after high S. mutans was only 47% with most being misclassified as “during” and none as “before”. Teeth before high S. mutans were only classified correctly in 33% of cases with most being misidentified as during (50%) or after (17%). Taxa that were associated with teeth before high S. mutans include a variety of commensal species including S. sanguinis, S. cristatus, S. gordonii, Abiotrophia defectiva, Aggregatibacter aphrophilus, and L. buccalis as well as suspected opportunistic pathogens (e.g., Leptotrichia shahii, Cardiobacterium valvarum, Kingella dentrificans) (Fig. 3). Interestingly, the community after high S. mutans is distinct from that found before high S. mutans with the top explanatory taxa including Cantonella morbi, Leptotrichia sp. oral taxon 215, and Bacteroidetes oral taxon 274 (Fig. 3). Importantly, the lack of S. sanguinis is indicative of the community after colonization of high abundance of S. mutans which suggests that the community does not recover to its previous state, at least not initially or within the period sampled here. More fine-grained longitudinal sampling is necessary to elucidate some of these patterns over time.
HIV infection homogenizes the plaque microbiome across the posterior and anterior dentition.
Next, we investigated the impact of HIV status on the spatial distribution of the microbial community across the dentition of adult teeth with no carious lesions (H-CF) from all three visits. We focused on healthy teeth only for this analysis to eliminate the effect of differences in oral health among the children. We detected conspicuous differentiation among the bacterial community colonizing the anterior dentition (i.e., central and lateral incisors, canines) as compared to the posterior dentition (i.e., premolars and molars) across all adult teeth with the posterior teeth exhibiting a higher relative abundance of Lachnoanaerobaculum saburreum, S. gordonii, and Porphyromonas sp. oral taxon 278 and a more minor contribution of species belonging to the genera Capnocytophaga, Campylobacter, Selenomonas, Leptotrichia, Streptococcus, Neisseria, Pseudoleptotrichia, Actinomyces, Actinobaculum, Aggregatibacter, and Fusobacterium. Anterior teeth, conversely, were strongly associated with C. durum followed by Prevotella sp. oral taxon 473, and S. sanguinis followed by species belonging to the genera Prevotella, Peptostreptococcus, Abiotrophia, Neisseria, Capnocytophaga, Granulicatella, Leptotrichia, Gemella, Parvimonas, Eubacterium, and Porphyromonas (Fig. 4a, 4b). Importantly, however, this differentiation is primarily driven by HEU and HUU samples where there is a clear distinction between the anterior and posterior community composition (pairwise PERMANOVA with Bonferroni adjusted p value, HUU: R2 = 0.6, p = 0.001; HEU: R2 = 0.06, p = 0.001). Conversely, while the oral community living on anterior and posterior teeth among children living with HIV show the same Capscale clustering pattern, the difference between communities is not significant (pairwise PERMANOVA with Bonferroni adjusted p value, R2 = 0.4, p = 0.7) (Fig. 3c). Additionally, differences between the anterior and posterior oral microbiome in HUU and HEU children are predicted by fewer taxa than in HI children. Among HUU children, posterior teeth are associated with a higher relative abundance of Neisseria weaveri, L. saburreum, Actinomyces sp. oral taxon 848, and Capnocytophaga granulosa using coda4microbiome balance analysis. In HEU children, posterior teeth are strongly associated with L. saburreum only. Anterior teeth in both HEU and HUU children are strongly associated with C. durum. In HI children, 25 taxa are needed to differentiate between the anterior and posterior teeth and while C. durum also is the highest predictive taxon for anterior teeth in HI children, L. saburreum is not associated with posterior teeth prediction.
Depressed immune status is associated with a higher prevalence of cariogenic taxa.
We next investigated the correlation of CD4 counts on the oral microbiome across all three visits. Across all samples, CD4 counts among HI children are significantly lower as compared to both HEU (p < 0.0001) and HUU children (p < 0.0001). Considering plaque samples collected at each visit, however, CD4 counts among children living with HIV (HI) significantly increased between visit one and visit two (p = 0.00016) and slightly decreased again between visit two and visit three (p = 0.014) (Figure S3). We detected no significant differences in CD4 count among HEU children between all three visits. Interestingly, HUU children had a slight but significant decrease in CD4 counts between visit one and visit three (p < 0.0001) and between visits two and three (p = 0.00016), a pattern also observed among HI children between visits two and three.
Finally, we identified microbial signatures that were most predictive of CD4 counts in children living with HIV across our three sampling periods. We found that as CD4 counts increased over the three visits, the predictive power of microbial taxa decreased with visit one having the highest correlation coefficient (R = 0.6, p < 2.2e-16) followed by visit two (R = 0.53, p < 2.2e-16) and the lowest correlation coefficient at visit three (R = 0.38, p = 4.3e-09) (Figure S4). Taxa predictive of the lowest CD4 counts among children at visit one where the mean CD4 count is the lowest of our three sampling periods (775 ± 472) include a variety of taxa involved or associated with the progression of caries disease including S. mutans, Leptotrichia wadei, and L. saburreum [77]. Conversely, high CD4 counts are associated with a variety of taxa previously identified as potentially protective against caries development (e.g., Leptotrichia sp. oral taxon 212 [78]) but also taxa that have been identified with higher caries risk (e.g., Lachnospiraceae bacterium oral taxon 082) [77]. At visit two where the mean CD4 count increased to 961 (± 572) fewer taxa were identified to be predictive of CD4 count but included some overlap between taxa identified in visit one including L. wadei, Capnocytophaga sp. oral taxon 412, Lachnospiraceae oral taxon 107 str. F0167, C. sp. FDAARGOS 737, and Aggregatibacter sp. 2125159857. Additionally, T. phagedenis, a non-pathogenic spirochete that is not considered to be a resident oral taxon, but is closely related to the periodontal pathogen T. denticola [79, 80], was found to be associated with low CD4 counts among children living with HIV in both visit one and visit two. While there are fewer pathogenic taxa contributing to the microbial signature of CD4 counts in visit two, Selenomonas sputigena, recently classified as a pathobiont capable of exacerbating the acidogenic activity of S. mutans in early childhood caries is highly weighted in the correlation coefficients driving lower CD4 counts [77]. Finally, while the mean CD4 count among children living with HIV drops at visit three (850 ± 521), the correlation coefficient between the relative balance of abundance between specific taxonomic groups is relatively weak (R = 0.38, p = 4.3e-09).