Assessment of weather conditions
The weather conditions created by different planting dates are presented in Fig. 1. The earlier planting date exhibited a broader range of values in most of the meteorological parameters (Fig. 1).
The mean minimum air temperature was comparatively higher in the earlier than in the later planting dates from 0–29 DAP, 30–59 DAP, and 60–89 DAP, and was higher in the later than in the earlier planting dates from 90 DAP until plant maturity.
The µean µiniµuµ air teµperature was highest (18.9°C) for very early planting date followed by early planting date (17.2°C) at the start of growing season (0–29 DAP), dropped sharply to 5.8°C and 6.0°C at 90–119 DAP, started rising again from 120 DAP until plant maturity (9.3°C and 11.6°C, respectively). In case of late and very late planting dates, the mean minimum air temperature started at 14.9°C and 12.7°C in the beginning of growing season (0–29 DAP), decreased to 6.2°C and 5.9°C at 60–89 DAP and then started rising again from 90 DAP (20.8°C) peaking at 12.7°C and 14.3°C, respectively at maturity.
The µean µaxiµuµ air teµperature was highest (28.8°C) for very early planting date at the start, decreased steadily to 16.8°C at 90–119 DAP, then rose to 20.8°C at plant maturity. In case of early and late planting dates, the mean maximum air temperature started at 25.5°C and 22.6°C decreased to 16.7°C at 60–89 DAP and then peaked at 22.7°C and 24.4°C, respectively at maturity. In case of very late planting date, mean maximum air temperature was 21.1°C in the
beginning dropped to 17.5°C at 60–89 DAP and then started rising at 90–119 DAP (20.8°C) peaking at 27.4°C at plant maturity.
The µean air teµperature was highest (24.0°C) for very early planting date at the start (0–29 DAP), declined to 11.3°C at 90–119 DAP, then rose to 15.1°C at plant maturity. In case of early planting date, the mean air temperature started at 21.4°C decreased to 11.5°C at 60–89 DAP and then peaked to 17.1°C at maturity. In case of late and very late planting dates, mean air temperature started lowest at 18.9°C and 17.0°C, dipped to 11.4°C and 11.7°C at 60–89 DAP and then peaked to 18.7°C and 20.8°C, respectively at maturity.
The µean soil teµperature was highest (22.0°C) for very early planting date at the start (0–29 DAP), declined to 10.9°C at 90–119 DAP, then rose to 14.3°C at plant maturity. In case of early planting date, the mean soil temperature started at 20.3°C and decreased to 10.2°C at 60–89 DAP and then peaked to 16.2°C, respectively at plant maturity. In case of late and very late planting dates, mean soil temperature started lowest at 17.0°C and 15.1°C, dipped to 10.0°C and 9.8°C at 60–89 DAP and then peaked to 17.0°C and 19.9°C at maturity, respectively.
The daylength was maximum (11:10 and 10.48 hours) in the beginning (0–29 DAP) and decreased sharply to 09:57 hours at 60–89 DAP and later extended from 90 DAP peaking at 10:56 and 11:12 hours at maturity in case of very early and early planting dates, respectively. For late and very late planting dates, daylength started shorter at 10:29 and 10:14 hours and started extending from 60 DAP peaking at 11:26 and 11:36 hours at maturity, respectively.
The solar radiation was higher in the earlier planting dates throughout the growing season in comparison to later planting dates. The early planting date had higher accumulated maximum solar radiation (712.6 MJ m− 2) followed by very early planting date (562.2 MJ m− 2) in the start of growing season (0–29 DAP). The solar radiation decreased gradually at 90–119 DAP (492.0 and 478.8 MJ m− 2) and later peaked at maturity (596.7 and 497.3 MJ m− 2) in both planting dates, respectively. The late and very late planting dates accumulated comparatively lower solar radiation (530.1 and 514.4 MJ m− 2) in the beginning of growing season (0–29 DAP), later fluctuated and then dropped significantly to 353.8 and 138.6 MJ m− 2, respectively at plant maturity. It was interesting to note that daylength increased at the time of plant maturity in very late planting, however, high maximum air temperature (27.4°C) had a detrimental effect on foliage resulting into early plant maturity and reduction in accumulated solar radiation (Fig. 1).
The rainfall varied among the planting dates and was especially high between 120 DAP to maturity for very early (40.5 mm) and early (34.0 mm) planting dates and from 90 to 119 DAP for late (23.5 mm) and very late (28.0 mm) planting dates.
Effect of planting date on phenology and vegetative growth
Planting date had a significant (P ≤ 0.01) impact on all the traits determining plant phenology and vegetative growth of potato (Table 4).
Table 4
Analysis of variance in F values of potato traits among two growing seasons, four planting dates, and eleven potato genotypes.
| ED | EP (%) | CG (%) | HP (cm) | MSN |
Experimental year (Y) | 325.13** | 4.17* | 16942.63** | 3258.95** | 1178.58** |
Planting date (P) | 35407.07** | 460.78** | 10969.09** | 8499.20** | 981.77** |
Genotype (G) | 11838.95** | 32.09** | 2685.42** | 1845.17** | 929.06** |
Y×G | ˗ | ˗ | ˗ | ˗ | ˗ |
Y×P | ˗ | ˗ | ˗ | ˗ | ˗ |
P×G | 1565.77** | 23.01** | 152.11** | 129.99** | 157.71** |
Y×P×G | ˗ | ˗ | ˗ | ˗ | ˗ |
| LN | LAP (cm2) | PMD | PARINTC (MJ m− 2) | TDC (td) |
Experimental year (Y) | 1715.64** | 1167.69** | 325.13** | 2264.32** | 35.55** |
Planting date (P) | 2311.14** | 1450.12** | 1.175E + 05** | 53873.67** | 11766.24** |
Genotype (G) | 528.82** | 233.63** | 11838.95** | 8943.67** | 1789.67** |
Y×G | ˗ | ˗ | ˗ | ˗ | ˗ |
Y×P | ˗ | ˗ | ˗ | ˗ | ˗ |
P×G | 36.98** | 19.82** | 1565.77** | 1426.68** | 303.80** |
Y×P×G | ˗ | ˗ | ˗ | ˗ | ˗ |
| TN | TWM (g) | TYM (t ha− 1) | TYU (t ha− 1) | TYT (t ha− 1) |
Experimental year (Y) | 260.20** | 471.48** | 10530.11** | 255.66** | 12834.64** |
Planting date (P) | 439.37** | 351.53** | 17705.45** | 1941.98** | 17136.20** |
Genotype (G) | 270.57** | 96.36** | 1017.73** | 2269.63** | 856.13** |
Y×G | ˗ | ˗ | ˗ | ˗ | ˗ |
Y×P | ˗ | ˗ | ˗ | ˗ | ˗ |
P×G | 9.92** | 4.83** | 59.37** | 204.4** | 39.80** |
Y×P×G | ˗ | ˗ | ˗ | ˗ | ˗ |
** Significant at P ≤ 0.01; * Significant at P ≤ 0.05; ˗ Non-significant |
Where ED = Days to 50% plant emergence, EP = Plant emergence, CG = Green canopy cover, HP = Plant height, MSN = Number of mother stems plant− 1, LN = Number of leaves plant− 1, LAP = Leaf area plant− 1, PMD = Days to plant maturity, PARINTC = Cumulative PAR intercepted, TDC = Cumulative thermal days, TN = Number of tubers plant− 1, TWM = Mean weight of marketable tuber, TYM = Marketable tuber yield, TYU = Unmarketable tuber yield, TYT = Total tuber yield. |
Plants required 12.0 to 23.3 days for emergence (ED) as a resultant of different planting dates (Fig. 3). ED advanced with a delay in planting and vice versa. Minimum ED (12.0 days) was recorded for very late followed by late planting (14.02 days). Both planting dates were statistically unique from each other. A maximum delay in plant emergence (23.3 and 15.9 days) was noted for the very early and early planting dates, respectively. However, both these planting dates were statistically different from each other.
E P ranged between 73.8 and 99.2% across different planting dates (Fig. 3). EP increased for the later planting dates. The highest and statistically similar EP (99.2 and 98.4%) was observed for the very late and late planting dates, respectively. EP was smallest (73.8%) for the very early planting succeeded by early planting (95.1%). However, both planting dates were statistically different.
PM D varied across the planting dates and ranged from 115 to 134 (Fig. 3). Days required for plant maturity declined with a delay in planting and vice versa. Seed-tubers planted very late took the smallest number of days to maturity (115 days). It was succeeded by late planting taking 125 days to plant maturity. A maximum delay in plant maturity (134 days) was found for the very early planting followed by early planting (132 days). All these planting dates were statistically different from each other.
C G ranged from 43.0 to 72.3% across the planting dates (Fig. 3). The highest CG (72.3%) was observed for early planting followed by late planting (64.1%). The lowest CG (43.0%) was recorded for very late planting. The very early planting exhibited an intermediate CG (57.0%). All the planting dates were statistically different from each other.
H P varied statistically across planting dates with values ranging between 35.3 and 62.4 cm. HP declined with delay in planting. HP was maximum (62.4 cm) for the very early planting date followed by statistically different early (53.3 cm) and late (49.4 cm) planting dates. The lowest HP (35.3 cm) was observed in very late planting.
MS N ranged between 3.4 and 4.1 across the different planting dates (Fig. 3). Results indicated a slight decline in MSN (3.7) with very early planting. MSN was maximum (4.1 and 4.0) in early and late planting dates, while lowest (3.4) in very late planting.
The results showed that there was a differential response of the four planting dates with respect to LN with values ranging from 38.2 to 50.8 (Fig. 3). Overall, LN declined with a delay in planting. A significantly higher LN (50.8) was noted for the early planting pursued by late planting (45.1). LN was lowest (38.2) for the very late planting. The results also showed a decline in LN (42.8) for the very early planting date.
LA P ranged from 2657 to 5343 cm2 across the different planting dates (Fig. 3). LAP progressed with early planting but declined with delayed in planting. As a result, the highest LAP (5343 cm2) was noted for early planting succeeded by 4792 cm2 LAP in late planting. The lowest LAP (2657 cm2) was observed in very late planting. The results also showed that the very early planting date initiated intermediate values for LAP (4299 cm2).
Effect of planting date on cumulative PAR intercepted and thermal days
PAR INTC and TDC varied significantly (P ≤ 0.01) for different planting dates (Table 4). The PARINTC ranged between 325 and 816 MJ m− 2 across the planting dates (Fig. 3). PARINTC declined with the delay in planting. PARINTC was highest (816 MJ m− 2) for the early planting date followed by statistically different late planting date (653 MJ m− 2). The lowest PARINTC (325 MJ m− 2) was noted for very late planting. It was also noted that very early planting also caused a lower PARINTC (530 MJ m− 2).
The TDC ranged from 46.1 to 59.2 td (Fig. 3) across the planting dates. TDC values increased with very early (57.5 td) to early planting (59.2 td) and further declined with a delay in planting. The lowest TDC (46.1 td) was noted for very late planting followed by late planting (52.8 td).
Effect of planting date on tuber yield and yield components
Different planting dates significantly (P ≤ 0.01) affected the tuber yield and yield components (Table 4). TN ranged from 8.8 to 11.8 across the four planting dates (Fig. 3). TN values indicated an increasing trend from very early (10.8) to early (11.8) planting and a decreasing trend with a delay in planting. As a result, TN was lowest (8.8) for the very late planting followed by the late planting (10.1).
Data concerning TWM displayed a noteworthy contrast across planting dates with values ranging between 66.6 and 103.0 (Fig. 3). TWM values improved from very early (94.2 g) to early planting (103.0 g) and further declined with delay in planting. TWM was lowest (66.6 g) in very late planting followed by late planting (88.0 g).
T YM ranged from 13.3 to 30.7 t ha− 1 and indicated distinct statistical differences across the planting times (Fig. 3). TYM values indicated an increasing trend from very early (26.5 t ha− 1) to early (30.7 t ha− 1) planting and a decreasing trend with further delay in planting. The lowest TYM (13.3 t ha− 1) was recorded for the very late planting followed by the late planting (21.9 t ha− 1).
T YU ranged from 2.2 to 3.9 t ha− 1 across the planting dates (Fig. 3). TYU values indicated a declining trend from very early (2.5 t ha− 1) to early (2.2 t ha− 1) planting and an increasing trend with a delay in planting. TYU was highest (3.9 t ha− 1) for the late planting followed by very late planting (3.2 t ha− 1).
T YT indicated a wide range (16.5–32.9 t ha− 1) across the planting dates (Fig. 3). The values for TYT indicated an increasing trend from very early (29.0 9 t ha− 1) to early (32.9 9 t ha− 1) planting and a declining trend with a delay in planting. TYT was lowest (16.5 t ha− 1) for the very late planting followed by the late planting (25.8 t ha− 1).
Effect of genotype on plant phenology and vegetative growth
Analysis of variance revealed presence of significant (P ≤ 0.01) genetic variability for all the traits determining crop phenology and crop vegetative growth (Table 4).
E D ranged from 10.5 to 24.5 days across the genotypes (Fig. 4). Earliest emergence (10.5 days) was noted for genotype El Beïda followed by Elodie (10.6 days). Delayed ED was observed for genotype Constance (24.5 days) followed by genotype Désirée (23.8 days). The remaining genotypes recorded intermediate days to plant emergence. All the genotypes were statistically different from each other.
Emergence percentage (EP) ranged from 83.1 to 100% among the eleven potato genotypes (Fig. 4). EP was highest (100%) for genotypes Elodie and El Bïeda and both were statistically akin. EP was lowest (83.1%) for genotype Désirée. The rest of the genotypes (Constance, Fado, Sarpo Mira, Arsenal, Red Valentine, Red Sun, Arizona, and Rock) followed an ascending and statistically different trend with values ranging from (87.20‒96.29%).
Days to plant maturity (PMD) ranged from 113.9 to 139.2 across the genotypes (Fig. 4). The genotype Elodie had minimum PMD (113.9 days) followed by statistically different PMD (117.2 days) noted for genotype El Beïda. In contrast, genotypes Désirée and Fado had the maximum and statistically different values of PMD (139.2 and 138.4 days, respectively). The remaining genotypes showed intermediate results for PMD and were placed in ascending order as: Red Sun < Rock < Red Valentine < Arsenal < Arizona < Constance < Sarpo Mira.
C G ranged between 41.1 and 82.5% among the genotypes (Fig. 4). The maximum CG (82.5%) was observed for genotype Arizona (65.41%) followed by genotype Constance (66.4%) and both genotypes were statistically different from each other. The lowest CG (41.1 and 53.2%) was noted for the statistically different genotypes Désirée and Elodie, respectively. Intermediate values of CG were noted for the remainder of the genotypes including Red Sun (62.6%), Fado (61.4%), Sarpo Mira (60.5%), Red Valentine (57.0%), Rock (56.8%), El Beïda (55.0%), and Arsenal (53.8%).
Genotypic variation indicated wide ranges (35.1–62.3 cm) in HP (Fig. 4). HP was highest (62.3 cm) and lowest (35.1 cm) for genotypes Fado and Sarpo Mira, respectively. The remainder of the genotypes (Constance, Elodie, El Beïda, Rock, Arsenal, Désirée, Arizona, Red Sun, and Red Valentine) had intermediate values of HP (41.94–60.61 cm).
MS N ranged from 20.8 to 4.5 among the genotypes (Fig. 4). Genotypes Red Valentine and Constance exceeded the rest of genotypes with maximum and statistically different values of MSN (4.5 and 4.3, respectively). The lowest MSN was noted for genotypes Sarpo Mira (2.8) and Fado (3.0). However, these genotypes were statistically unique from each other. Almost intermediate MSN (3.5–4.1) was noticed in the remaining genotypes (Elodie, El Beïda, Arizona. Arsenal, Désirée, Red Sun, and Rock).
Genotypic differences were high for LN and LAP with values ranging between 36.1–51.9 and 2766–5837 cm2, respectively (Fig. 4). The maximum values of LN (51.9) and LAP (5837 cm2) were recorded for genotype Arizona. The genotype Désirée had the least values of LN (36.1) and LAP (2766 cm2). These two extremes were interceded by genotypes (Elodie, El Beïda, Arsenal, Rock, Sarpo Mira, Red Valentine, Fado, Red Sun, and Constance).
Effect of genotype on cumulative PAR intercepted and thermal days
There was a significant (P ≤ 0.01) genotypic variation for PARINTC and TDC (Table 4). The PARINTC ranged between 382.5 and 962.8 MJ m− 2 (Fig. 4). The maximum PARINTC (962.8 MJ m− 2) was noted for genotype Arizona followed by statistically different genotype Fado (729.0 MJ m− 2). The lowest PARINTC (382.5 MJ m− 2) was exhibited by genotype Désirée. The rest of the genotypes recorded intermediate values of PARINTC and were ranked in following ascending order: El Beïda < Elodie < Rock < Arsenal < Red Valentine < Constance < Sarpo Mira.
The TDC ranged from 42.6 to 49.5 td (Fig. 4). The genotype Arizona attained maximum TDC (49.5 td) among the eleven genotypes. It was followed by statistically different genotype Fado with 48.1 td TDC. In contrast, genotype Elodie recorded the lowest value of TDC (42.6 td). The remaining genotypes followed an ascending trend as: Constance < El Beïda < Désirée < Rock < Arsenal < Red Valentine < Red Sun < Sarpo Mira.
Effect of genotype on tuber yield and yield components
Results indicated presence of significant genetic variability (P ≤ 0.01) for all the traits determining tuber yield and yield components (Table 4).
T N ranged from 7.6 to13.3 among the genotypes (Fig. 4). Highest TN (13.3) was noted for the genotype Fado, and it was accompanied by statistically different genotype Constance (12.6). Furthermore, the lowest TN (7.6) was noted for genotype Désirée. TN interceded among the other genotypes.
T WM extended from 67.6 to106.5 g among the genotypes (Fig. 4). The maximum values of TWM were observed in statistically similar genotypes: Arizona (106.5 g), El Beïda (105.7 g) and Elodie (103.3 g). The lowest TWM (67.6 g) was found for genotype Fado while the remaining genotypes had intermediary values of TWM (72.5–95.8 g).
The assessment of genotypic divergence disclosed broad fluctuations in TYM ranging from 18.4 to 29.2 t ha− 1 (Fig. 4). Genotype Arizona excelled among the genotypes with the highest TYM (29.2 t ha− 1) and pursued by statistically dissimilar genotype El Beïda (26.3 t ha− 1). The smallest TYM was recorded for genotype Désirée (18.4 t ha− 1). An intermediary TYM was noted for the remaining genotypes including Fado (20.6 t ha− 1), Constance (20.7 t ha− 1), Arsenal (21.7 t ha− 1), Red Valentine (22.5 t ha− 1), Rock (23.0 t ha− 1), Red Sun (23.3 t ha− 1), Sarpo Mira (23.6 t ha− 1), and Elodie (24.9 t ha− 1).
The TYU ranged between 1.2 and 5.2 t ha− 1 (Fig. 4). The genotypes Arizona and El Beïda produced the smallest TYU (1.2 and 1.3 t ha− 1, respectively). TYU was highest (5.2 t ha− 1) for genotype Fado followed by the statistically different genotype Constance with a 5.0 t ha− 1 TYU. The values of TYU interceded throughout the remaining genotypes.
Assessing the impact of genotype on TYT showed broad fluctuations in total tube yield ranging from 20.1 to 30.4 t ha− 1 (Fig. 4). The highest TYT was found for genotype Arizona (30.4 t ha− 1) followed by the statistically similar genotypes Red Sun (27.7 t ha− 1), Elodie (27.6 t ha− 1), and El Beïda (27.5 t ha− 1). The smallest TYT was recorded for genotype Désirée (18.4 t ha− 1) followed by statistically similar genotypes Arsenal (24.5 t ha− 1) and Red Valentine (24.6 t ha− 1). Intermediate values of TYT were found for the remainder of the genotypes (Constance, Fado, Sarpo Mira, and Rock).
Interactive response of planting date and genotype on plant phenology and vegetative growth
The interactive effects of P×G were highly significant (P ≤ 0.01) on the traits controlling plant phenology and vegetative growth of potato (Table 4). ED ranged from 9.5‒34.4 days due to the G×E interaction (Fig. 5a). Emergence was accelerated with a delay in planting among all the genotypes. Genotypes Elodie, El Beïda, and Red Sun had a small ED (9.5 days) for very late planting, while genotype Désirée had the highest ED (34.4 days) for the very early planting.
E P ranged from 48.8 to 100% due to P×G interaction (Fig. 5a). Most of the genotypes exhibited the highest EP for the later planting dates (i.e., late to very late), while the lowest EP was found for the earlier planting dates (i.e., very early to early). The highest and/or complete EP (100%) was found for the genotypes Elodie and El Bïeda across all planting dates. Among the genotypes, Constance and Fado had the lowest EP (48.8 and 51.3%, respectively) for the very early planting date.
PM D ranged from 97.5 to 153.5 days due to prevalence of P×G interaction (Fig. 5b). PMD declined with a delay in planting among all genotypes. Among the genotypes, Elodie took minimum days (97.7, 130.5, 119.0, and 113.0 days) to mature across all the four planting dates (i.e., very early, early, late, and very late, respectively). The genotype Désirée had the highest value for PMD (108 days) for the very late planting.
C G ranged from 49.2 to 94.7% on account of P×G interaction (Fig. 5a). Plant canopy expanded most in early planting in comparison to other planting dates among all the genotypes. The highest value of CG (94.7, 90.9, 80.3, and 64.1%) was exhibited by genotype Arizona across all the planting dates (i.e., very early, early, late, and very late, respectively). On the other hand, genotype Désirée had lower values of CG among the genotypes across planting dates. It had the lowest CG (28.4%) for the very late planting.
The impact of P×G interaction was visible on HP with values ranging from 23.9 to 84.0 cm (Fig. 5a). A marked decline in HP was recorded among all the genotypes with a delay in planting and vice versa. The genotype Red Valentine had the highest HP (84.0 cm) for the very early planting followed by genotype Fado in both early (67.0 cm) and late (63.3 cm) planting date, and genotype Arizona for the very late planting (43.4 cm). The genotype Sarpo Mira attained lower values of HP across the four planting dates with lowest HP (23.9 cm) for the very late planting.
The response of P×G interaction revealed wide range of variation for MSN (2.5–4.9) (Fig. 5a). Most of the genotypes indicated a differential response to different planting dates. Among the genotypes, Red Valentine had the highest MSN (4.8–4.9) for the very early to late planting dates, respectively. Most of the genotypes attained lower values of MSN for the very late planting date. The genotype Sarpo Mira had lower values of MSN among the genotypes across the four planting dates. It produced the lowest value of MSN (2.5) in very late planting.
The impact of P×G interaction showed a marked range of variation for LN (32.0–57.1) (Fig. 5b). For nearly all the genotypes, LN declined with a delay in planting. The most noteworthy LN (57.1, 55.2, 52.0, and 43.5) was found for the genotype Arizona for early, late, very early, and very late planting dates, respectively. The genotype Désirée showed smaller values of LN for all planting dates with the lowest number of leaves (32.0) for very late planting.
LA P was markedly affected by P×G interactions with values ranging from 1966 to7289 cm2 (Fig. 5b). Most of the genotypes obtained higher values of LAP for the early planting dates. LAP values declined among the genotypes for the very early and very late planting dates. The genotype Arizona had a high LAP among the genotypes throughout the planting dates. It produced maximum LAP (7289 and 7039 cm2) for the early and late planting dates, respectively. Lower values of LAP were found for the genotype Désirée for all the planting dates with the smallest LAP (1966 cm2) found for the very late planting.
Interactive response of planting date and genotype on cumulative PAR intercepted and thermal days
The effect of P×G interaction was highly significant (P ≤ 0.01) on PARINTC and TDC (Table 4). PARINTC ranged from 109 to 1120 MJ m− 2 (Fig. 5b). PARINTC declined in all the genotypes with a delay in planting. The genotype Arizona attained high value of PARINTC throughout the four planting dates. It had the highest PARINTC (1120 MJ m− 2) in early planting followed by late (1057 MJ m− 2), very early (757 MJ m− 2), and very late (588 MJ m− 2) planting. The genotype Désirée had a low PARINTC for the majority of the planting dates with the lowest PARINTC value (108.7 MJ m− 2) for the very late planting dates.
TD C ranged between 40.6 and 69.0 td (Fig. 5b). Nearly all the genotypes indicated a declining trend in TDC with a delay in planting. The genotype El Beïda achieved high values of TDC throughout the planting dates. It recorded the maximum TDC (69.0 td) in very early planting followed by early (63.9 td), late (56.2 td), and very late (47.1 td) planting. The lowest TDC (40.6 td) was exhibited by genotype Désirée in very late planting among the genotype and planting date treatment combinations.
Interactive response of planting date and genotype on tuber yield and yield components
The impact of P×G interaction was highly significant (P ≤ 0.01) on tuber yield and yield components (Table 4). There was a wide range for TN (5.3‒15.4) (Fig. 5c). All genotypes showed a decline in TN with a delay in planting. Genotype Fado had the highest TN (15.4, 13.7, 13.0, and 11.0) throughout the planting dates. The genotype Désirée had a reduced TN for most planting dates with minimum TN (5.3) in very late planting.
Examination of the interaction response of P×G revealed that TWM ranged from 46.9 to130.6 g (Fig. 5c). Most of the genotypes attained high TWM values with earlier planting and indicated a declining trend with delayed planting. The maximum and statistically at par TWM was recorded for genotypes Arizona (130.6 g), Elodie (125.4 g), and El Beïda (124.8 g) in early planting. Least TWM (46.9 g) was noted for genotype Constance in very late planting.
T YM ranged from 9.7 to 39.1 t ha− 1 due to P×G interaction effects (Fig. 5c). TYM enhanced with early planting date and declined with late and very late planting dates in all the genotypes. All the genotypes produced a greater TYM for the early planting. Genotype Arizona out-performed the rest of genotypes with highest marketable tuber yield (39.1, 30.8, 29.0, and 17.8 t ha− 1) in all four planting dates (i.e., early, very early, late, and very late, respectively). Least TYM (9.7 t ha− 1) was noted for genotype Désirée in very late planting.
The P×G interaction effects revealed a wide range for TYU (0.84–8.8 t ha− 1) as shown by (Fig. 5c). TYU values indicated an increasing trend with a delay in planting for most of the genotypes. The smallest TYU (0.84 t ha− 1) was observed in genotype Arizona followed by genotype El Beïda attaining statistically at par TYU (0.86 and 0.87 t ha− 1) in early and very early planting, respectively. The genotype Fado recorded the highest TYU (8.8 and 5.7 t ha− 1) for the late and very late planting dates, respectively.
T YT ranged from 11.7 to 40.0 t ha− 1 because of P×G interaction (Fig. 5c). The values for TYT were high for the early planting date and declined with a delay in planting (i.e., late and very late planting dates) for all the genotypes. The genotype Arizona outdid the rest of genotypes by obtaining the highest tuber yield (40.0, 31.9, 30.5, and 19.2 t ha− 1) for all four planting dates i.e., early, very early, late, and very late planting, respectively. The genotypes Désirée recorded least TYT (11.7 t ha− 1) for the very late planting date.
Inter-relationships among the growth and yield determining traits of potato
The examination of the correlation coefficients revealed statistically significant (P ≤ 0.01) associations among the majority of the traits investigated (Fig. 6). There were positive and very strong (r ≥ 0.70) correlations among CG and LN, LAP, and TN with r values ranging from 0.71–0.96; among PMD, TDC, and TWM (r = 0.78–0.98); between PARINTC and CG, LN, and LAP (r = 0.91–0.95).
The results further indicated moderately strong positive correlations (0.30 < r < 0.70) between CG and HP, MSN, PMD, TDC, and TWM (r = 0.33–0.55); between HP and ED, LN, LAP, PMD, TDC, and TN (r = 0.30–0.56); between LN and MSN, PMD, TDC, and TWM (r = 0.41–0.50); between LAP and MSN, PMD, TDC, and TWM (r = 0.0.38–0.57); between PARINTC and HP, MSN, PMD, TDC, TN, and TWM (r = 0.31–0.66); between TN and ED, PMD (r = 0.31–0.35). The results illustrated very strong negative correlations (r ≥ − 0.70) between ED and EP (r = -0.73) and moderately strong negative correlations (r = -0.48) between HP and EP.
Additional examination of the data revealed highly significant and very strong (r ≥ 0.70) positive correlations between TYM or TYT and most of the traits including CG, LN, LAP, PMD, TDC, PARINTC, and TWM with value of r ranging between 0.71 to 0.87 (Fig. 6). As expected, TYT showed a strong positive relationship with TYM (r = 0.97). There were moderately strong negative correlations (− 0.40 ≤ r ≤ − 0.70) between TYU and PMD, TDC, TWM, and TYM (r = − 0.34 to − 0.51).
Identification of key yield determining traits in potato
Considering our prior results, we observed that determining potato yield is a complicated phenomenon since it depends on several interconnected component traits that regulate crop growth and development. In this part, we attempted to create a method for identifying crucial features that are connected to genotype(s) with higher yield potential across a variety of conditions (i.e., planting dates). Identifying these traits could be helpful in creating a different strategy for increasing potato crop productivity. Therefore, using tuber yield as the dependent variable and the other studied traits as the independent variables, we did a stepwise multiple linear regression for all the traits in two rounds (i.e., forward, and backward selection; cf. materials and methods). This approach resulted into minimum number of key independent traits controlling tuber yield.
The procedure of stepwise regression analysis is elaborated in Table 5. A total of 23 models were tested based on the principles discussed previously. Among these, model Nos. 12, 22, and 23 explained most as well as sufficient variance (R2 = 96.3, 94.7, and 94.2%, respectively) in tuber yield (Table 6). In model No. 12, all the traits except LN, in model No. 22, four traits (ED, CG, PARINTC, and TDC), while in model No. 23, only three traits (ED, CG, and TDC) had a significant (P ≤ 0.01) combined effect on tuber yield among a large set of traits. There was a significant increase in each of these traits may lead to an increase in the total tuber yield in potato. This was evident from a close relationship between predicted versus observed tuber yield (data not shown).