Mutant ph1b gene can effectively induce wheat-relative translocation lines
Development of wheat-relative disease-resistant translocation lines as an important method for genetic improvement of wheat. However, homoeologous chromosome recombinations between common wheat and wheat relatives are frequently suppressed, which causes trouble for introducing alien genes into common wheat (Lin et al. 2023). The mutant ph1b gene can significantly increase the recombination of homoeologous chromosomes and effectively induce the production of wheat-relative small translocation lines (Sears 1977). For example, using this method, Wan et al. (2020) obtained 182 recombinant plants of wheat chr2B with T. timopheevii chr2G, and successfully narrowed down the powdery mildew R gene Pm6 to an interval of 0.9 Mb. Li et al. (2019b) successfully localized Sr52 to 6V#3L bin FL 0.92-1.00 using six wheat-D. villosum 6V#3L small fragment translocation lines. Men et al. (2022) produced 65 CS-Ae. biuncialis recombinants, the Pm2Mb was mapped to the FL 0.49–0.66 interval using these recombinants. Wang et al. (2020) obtained 200 7E1-7E2 recombinants by ph1b gene-induced recombination of FHB-susceptible 7E1 (7D) substitution line with FHB-resistant 7E2 (7D) substitution line, localized the Fhb7 in the 1.2 Mb region of chr7EL, and cloned it successfully.
In this study, we obtained T4DS·4DL-4EL and T5AS·5AL-4EL carrying Yr4EL by ph1b gene-induced recombination of chromosome 4E with common wheat chromosomes (Fig. 2). Both T4DS·4DL-4EL and T5AS·5AL-4EL carry about 45 Mb of the terminal fragment of chromosome 4EL, which is still large for the fine location of Yr4EL. In the future, we will utilize the ph1b gene to induce recombination of chr4DS·4DL-4EL with chr4D of common wheat to obtain the smaller fragment of chr4EL translocation line with stripe rust resistance for fine mapping Yr4EL. In addition, we will use the T4DS·4DL-4EL to construct mutants that are susceptible to stripe rust, for further cloning Yr4EL by long-read sequencing of whole genome combined mutant RNA sequencing analysis (Li et al. 2024).
Yr4EL enhances the diversity of the stripe rust resistance gene pool
Wild wheat relatives harbor numerous valuable genes, such as R genes to stripe rust, powdery mildew, and FHB (Jia et al. 2022). Exploiting excellent genes from wheat relatives can effectively enrich the wheat breeding gene pool (Lin et al. 2023). Several R genes from wheat relatives have been successfully introduced into common wheat and deployed in wheat breeding, such as Fhb7, Sr24, Sr25, Sr26, Sr43, Sr61, Lr19, and Lr29 from Th. elongatum (Friebe et al. 1996; Konkin et al. 2022; McIntosh et al. 1977; Mago et al. 2005; Wang et al. 2020; Zhang et al. 2021). In addition, Yr50 identified from Th. intermedium was translocated at chr4BL with flanking markers Xbarc1096 at 8.0 cM proximal and Xwmc47 at 7.2 cM distal (Liu et al. 2013). The Yr69 from Th. ponticum is highly resistant to all Pst races prevalent in China and was localized to bin 2AS-0.78-1.00 (Yang et al. 2022). The Yr83 from S. cereale was mapped to the 6RL bin (FL) 0.73-1.00 by genotyping and phenotyping of 10 chr6R deletion lines and five wheat-rye chr6R translocation lines (Li et al. 2020).
In this study, Yr4EL was mapped to the about 35 Mb (577.76-612.97 Mb) region at the terminal of chr4EL and showed all-stage wide-spectrum resistance to multiple Pst races (Sull-4, Sull-5, Sull-7, G22-14, CYR32, CYR33, and CYR34) (Fig. 4). Currently, seven of the officially named genes (Yr22, Yr28, Yr46, Yr50, Yr51, Yr62, and Yr68) are from group 4 chromosomes, and only Yr22, Yr28, Yr50, and Yr51 are all stage R genes (Liu et al. 2024). Yr22 was localized on chr4D of the spring wheat cultivar Lee, but the gene is not designated to a specific chromosomal location (Chen et al. 1995). Yr28 was localized on chr4DS of Ae. tauschii (Singh et al. 2000; Zhang et al. 2019). Yr51 from the wheat landrace AUS27858 was mapped to chr4AL proximal centromere (Randhawa et al. 2014). Moreover, YrE and Yr2E from Th. elongatum were located on chromosomes 3E and 2E, respectively (Liu 2007; Ma et al. 1996). In conclusion, Yr4EL is located in a novel genetic region and provides a new genetic resource for the wheat R gene pool.
Translocation lines with Yr4EL are valuable for wheat disease resistance breeding
Favored alien R genes can be introduced into common wheat in the form of addition, substitution, and translocation lines, but large segments of alien chromosomes usually adversely affect wheat agronomic traits, making it difficult for wheat breeding (Jia et al. 2022). At present, some wheat-relative translocation lines have been successfully used in wheat breeding programs. For example, the wheat-rye 1RS·1BL translocation line carrying Lr26, Yr9, and Pm8 and the wheat-H. villosa 6VS·6AL translocation line carrying Pm21 (Wang et al. 2017; Xing et al. 2021). However, it is noteworthy that the 1RS chromosome arm harbors the Sec-1 locus, which reduces bread quality. Breeders subsequently developed a wheat-rye 1RS small fragment translocation line, which effectively broke the linkage between the Sec-1 locus and the disease R gene (Fu et al. 2010; Wang et al. 2023). Moreover, the wheat-H. villosa 6VS small fragment translocation lines exhibited greater potential for developing high-yielding wheat varieties compared to the 6VS·6AL translocation lines (Chen et al. 2013). Therefore, the small fragment alien chromosome translocation lines can effectively reduce the effects of unfavorable genes on agronomic traits and quality of wheat. In this study, T4DS·4DL-4EL and T5AS·5AL-4EL contain small fragment translocations (Fig. 2). Compared to the E (4D) substitution line, T4DS·4DL-4EL had significantly higher tiller number, grain numbers per spike, and 1,000-grain weight. In addition, compared to the T4DS·4EL, the two small fragment translocations showed higher resistance to leaf rust in the field (data not show), probably due to the recovered Lr67 resistance which was lost in the chr4DL (Herrera-Foessel et al. 2011) of T4DS·4EL.
Compensatory translocations often are more easily used in wheat breeding due to the higher genetic similarity between the exchanged wheat chromosome segment and alien segment (Gong et al. 2024), and the T4DS·4DL-4EL might have more potential for application as a compensatory translocation than T5AS·5AL-4EL. Although T4DS·4DL-4EL had a higher plant height, however, its progenies carrying Yr4EL from crosses with multiple common wheat varieties exhibited lower plant height, which suggests that this trait was probably inherited from CSph1b and not linked to Yr4EL, since T4DS·4EL showed a normal plant height (Gong et al. 2024). The double top-cross two-stage selection strategy can rapidly polymerize multiple superior traits from different wheat varieties, several elite wheat varieties have been successfully produced using this strategy, such as SM580, SM969, and SM830 (Hao et al. 2019). By this strategy, we developed several pre-breeding lines with Yr4EL resistance and improved agronomic traits (Fig. 6). In the future, we will further evaluate these pre-breeding lines and continue to develop new wheat varieties/lines exhibiting high resistance to stripe rust along with excellent agronomic traits.