Dokdo sea lion samples and genomic data
Our study focused on the genomic analysis of Dokdo sea lion using 16 bone samples (Z1, Z3-Z9, Z11-Z18) excavated from Dokdo and Ulleungdo islands (Figure 1a, Additional file 1: Fig. S1, Additional file 1: Fig. S2). These skeletal remains, mainly limb and rib bones, underwent DNA extraction and deep DNA sequencing using next-generation sequencing (NGS) methods, despite challenges posed by the small size of the fragments (Additional file 2: Data S1). Detailed information about laboratory techniques used is presented in Supplementary Material. Initial tests on sample Z3 using single-end (SE) and paired-end (PE) NGS revealed higher mapping rates with PE against a Z. californianus reference genome, leading us to construct PE NGS libraries for all samples. We generated 8.4 Tb of data with individual mapping rates ranging from 0.1% to 1.3%. Mapping Z. japonicus reads to E. jubatus genome covered 83.35% of its genome and 90.83% of protein-coding genes (Figure 1c, Additional file 2: Data S2). This coverage was compared to other Otariidae species, including Z. californianus, Z. wollebaeki, E. jubatus, and C. ursinus. For the bioinformatics analysis, we utilized the PALEOMIX pipeline [15], aligning 43G reads to the Z. californianus genome (Additional file 1: Table S1), with an average read length of 140 bp (Additional file 1: Fig. S3). DNA misincorporation levels were low (Additional file 1: Fig. S4), consistent with the species' fairly recent extinction. Additionally, we sequenced modern Z. californianus and obtained other pinniped species’ DNA for comprehensive comparative analysis (Additional file 2: Data S2) of Z. japonicus and broader knowledge on Otariidae phylogenetics and evolutionary history.
Congeneric Zalophus speciation involved introgression
Dokdo sea lion genetic ancestry and relationship with other Otariidae species, is not yet well understood and has not yet been studied outside the morphological classification and mtDNA analysis [7, 16, 17]. To elucidate the genomic composition of Zalophus sea lions beyond mtDNA [7, 17], we estimated the gene flow and possible admixture scenarios among Zalophus and with other pinnipeds.
Firstly, the f4-statistics unsurprisingly show that congeneric Zalophus species share the highest genetic affinities among each other compared to the E. jubatus (Additional file 1: Table S2). Secondly, Z. japonicus exhibits a relatively more distinct genetic makeup compared to its closest species, Z. californianus and Z. wollebaeki (Fig. 2a-c). In Z. japonicus, we could not identify gene flow or introgression from E. jubatus, which was observed in both Z. californianus and Z. wollebaeki (Fig. 2a, b, Additional file 1: Table S3, and Additional file 1: Table S4). Consistently, genetic modeling using qpGraph suggests that Z. japonicus diverged early in the evolution of the Zalophus genus, with 98% of its genetic components derived from the common ancestor of Zalophus and 2% derived from the lineage of E. jubatus and C. ursinus (Fig. 2c). After the divergence, we observed no additional genetic admixture between Z. japonicus and other Zalophus species. Third, we suggest that gene flow came from E. jubatus and the common ancestor of Z. californianus and Z. wollebaeki as well as after Z. japonicus divergence (Figure 2a, b). E. jubatus appeared to share significantly less genetic affinity and gene flow with Z. japonicus compared to Z. californianus and Z. wollebaeki (Figure 2a, b).
Interestingly, the latter two species not only received more gene flow and derived alleles from E. jubatus, but also their levels of genetic affinity to E. jubatus were nearly identical (Figure 2a). This provides further support to a scenario wherein E. jubatus introgressed into the common ancestor of Z. californianus and Z. wollebaeki prior to the divergence and isolation of Z. californianus and Z. wollebaeki as it is quite unlikely that E. jubatus introgressed the two modern geographically isolated Zalophus species at the same rate (while not sharing any known habitats with Z. wollebaeki). Furthermore, following the divergence of Z. japonicus, we suggest that more than one major introgression event had occurred between Z. californianus and Z. wollebaeki (Fig. 2a, b). Lastly, we observed an inconsistent and complex genetic relationship between Z. japonicus and other Zalophus species, likely due to repeated interspecific and intergeneric introgression events. f4-statistics revealed a higher genetic affinity between Z. japonicus with Z. californianus compared to Z. wollebaeki (Fig. 2a). However, admixture f3-statistics showed no genetic admixture between Z. japonicus and either C. ursinus or E. jubatus in the Z. californianus genome (Fig. 2b). These contradictory finding suggest Z. californianus played a significant role in the evolution of the Zalophus genus, potentially neutralizing previous admixture effects with Z. japonicus through recent genetic interactions with Z. wollebaeki (Fig. 2c). In contrast, Z. wollebaeki still retains genetic traces of ancestral genetic admixture with Z. japonicus. It includes a 17% genetic component shared with all Zalophus species (Fig. 2c), indicating a lesser divergence. Additionally, Z. wollebaeki did not experience significant genetic exchange with other species (which include introgression from either C. ursinus or E. jubatus) until its admixture with the common ancestor of Z. californianus. These lines of evidence suggest that Z. japonicus not only is a unique species with a distinct genetic makeup, that for major part evolved directly from the common ancestor of the Z. californianus and Z. wollebaeki, but also that Z. japonicus may be the earliest diverged species in this genus.
Complex introgressive speciation of Zalophus species explains their phylogenetic ambiguities
Our study for the first time validated Z. japonicus phylogeny using 1,581,963 autosomal SNVs (Additional file 2: Data S5) and compared it with whole-mtDNA-based classification (Fig. 3). The mtDNA phylogeny of Z. japonicus specimens revealed two genetically uniform and nearly indistinguishable mtDNA haplotypes (Additional file 1: Fig. S6). The genetic distances between them were sufficient to identify different mtDNA haplotypes but subtle enough to be possibly derived from the same maternal Z. japonicus ancestor (0.0007 vs 0.0005). Both autosomal SNV and mtDNA-based phylogenetic trees presented the same topology with two distinct Otariidae clades and Northern fur seal (C. ursinus) as an outgroup: one of Northern pinnipeds composed of Zalophus and Eumetopias sea lions, and one of Southern pinnipeds composed of Phocarctos and Neophoca sea lions with Arctocephalus fur seals (Fig. 3a, b). In this context, Z. japonicus showed almost equal phylogenetic distance to Z. wollebaeki and Z. californianus (mtDNA: 0.014 and 0.014; WGS: 0.015 and 0.015, respectively) (Additional file 2: Data S6). Even though Z. japonicus was similarly related to its congenerics, the genetic distance between the Z. wollebaeki and Z. japonicus was about 40% greater compared to the distance between the Z. wollebaeki and Z. californianus. This observation held true regardless of whether the genetic distances were estimated using autosomal SNVs or mtDNA (Additional file 2: Data S6). Our and previously reported [18] intrageneric Zalophus phylogeny aligns with f4-statistic that showed higher genetic affinity between Z. wollebaeki and Z. californianus compared to the affinity each of them had with Z. japonicus.
The genetic distances between Z. japonicus and its extant genetic donors, C. ursinus and E. jubatus, showed significant disparities between estimates based on mtDNA and autosomal SNVs (Fig. 3C). The genetic distances based on mtDNA were approximately two times greater than those based on the autosomal SNVs, and reflected in the phylogenetic tree branching (Fig. 3a-c, Additional file 2: Data S5). However, this disparity in genetic distance from Z. japonicus did not apply to the already mentioned Z. japonicus’ congenerics and other phylogenetically distant species, such as those under the genera Phoca and Pusa (Fig. 3c, Additional file 2: Data S6). These findings imply either a significant divergence of maternal lineages between Zalophus and the pair of C. ursinus and E. jubatus or a genetic legacy of Z. japonicus introgression from C. ursinus and E. jubatus. The introgression scenario obscures phylogenetic relationships, as the relative reduction in autosome-based genetic distance may falsely suggest a more recent common ancestry than it actually is. Nevertheless, both scenarios may be true, and it underscores the multifaceted nature of evolutionary dynamics within the Otariidae, which is also largely consistent with our previously shown genetic ancestry modeling (Fig. 2).
Heterozygosity of extinct Dokdo sea lion
Our subsequent objective was to elucidate the genetic diversity of the Z. japonicus samples within the context of population analyses. To accurately estimate heterozygosity (theta) from low depth Z. japonicus data, we pooled reads from multiple individuals, enabling genome-wide calculation of heterozygosity across more than 200M loci with a depth of coverage exceeding ten (Additional file 2: Data S6). We obtained moderate heterozygosity value of Z. japonicus (0.00101) which was greater than any other Zalophus species and several other marine mammal species that are recognized as “Least concern” regarding their vulnerability to extinction according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) (Fig. 4). Interestingly, the heterozygosity levels of C. ursinus and E. jubatus (“Vulnerable” and “Near threatened”, respectively) differed drastically from each other (Fig. 4). Despite C. ursinus having been extirpated from most of its range over the past 200–800 years due to hunting and environmental factors, its heterozygosity remains at a relatively high level, which corresponds with the historical DNA analysis previously published [19]. In contrast, the heterozygosity estimate for E. jubatus was almost as low as that of Z. wollebaeki (“Endangered”) (Fig. 4). We suggest that this fact is related to the nowadays population decline of E. jubatus, which began in the 1980s and continues to this day across its distribution range [20, 21].
Moreover, one of Z. japonicus’ closest living relatives, the non-endangered Z. californianus, exhibited about two times lower heterozygosity (0.000491 and 0.000595), suggesting that even a halved estimate for Z. japonicus (to compensate for sample merging effect) would not indicate low genetic diversity. Among Z. californianus, relatively low heterozygosity value was observed in a potentially inbred individual from a Korean zoo exhibit (0.000491, SRR11434789). This analysis suggests Z. japonicus’ heterozygosity (0.00101) is not so low as to raise concerns about extinction, and therefore does not indicate severe inbreeding.
Figure 4. Heterozygosity of Dokdo sea lion in the context of other marine mammals. The average heterozygosity values in log scale (from the left to right) for: Steller’s sea cow – H. gigas, Dokdo sea lion – Z. japonicus, Galapagos sea lion – Z. wollebaeki, Northern fur seal – C. ursinus, dugong – D. dugon, West Indian manatee – T. manatus, walrus – O. rosmarus, Steller sea lion – E. jubatus, beluga whale – D. leucas, grey seal – H. grypus, narwhal – M. monoceros, California sea lion – Z. californianus, and California sea lion – Z. californianus (from zoo). Samples are colored according to IUCN conservation status (2024).
Population decline of Dokdo sea lion started over 1,000 years ago
One crucial determinant of a species' vulnerability to extinction is its population size, therefore, we inferred the retrospective history of effective population size (Ne) changes in Z. japonicus and other Otariidae species (Z. californianus, Z. wollebaeki, E. jubatus and C. ursinus) for comparison, using the pairwise sequentially Markovian coalescent (PSMC) algorithm [22] (Fig. 5). For reliable Ne inference over time, we used Z. japonicus SNVs identified from genomic loci with a minimum depth of more than ten reads. The population dynamics of Z. japonicus present a unique pattern compared to its Otariidae counterparts.
While other Otariidae mammals showed a population decline around 10,000 years ago, possibly due to the climatic shifts of the Holocene including warming temperatures and sea level rises, Z. japonicus experienced this decline later, around 4,500 years ago. This suggests a different adaptative response to environmental changes. Notably, the distinct population trajectory of Z. japonicus could be linked to genetic introgression with E. jubatus and C. ursinus. We also observed a unique small rebound in population numbers about 1,500 years ago, which has not been observed in the other species. This resurgence was short-lived as a continued decrease in Z. japonicus population numbers is apparent ever since. In addition to the PSMC analysis, demographic dynamics inferred using PopSizeABC further ascertained Z. japonicus population decline since one thousand years ago with 95% confidence interval. While a more robust dataset of Z. japonicus and other Otariidae species is essential to fully understand the interplay between climatic factors and population trends, our analysis provides the first whole-genome-based insights into the downward trend in of Z. japonicus’ demographic history.