This study demonstrates that violation of the Alexander’s law is an occasional finding in patients with Wallenberg syndrome and an unstable neural integrator would be an underlying mechanism of the phenomenon. We provide evidence to support this hypothesis using a gaze-holding neural integrator model that incorporates lesion-induced changes.
An explanation for Alexander’s law is adaptive changes in the velocity-to-position neural integrator to reduce spontaneous vestibular nystagmus during the gaze in the slow-phase direction to bring about improvement of vision [2–5, 17]. The neural integrator is responsible for holding the eyes in eccentric position by mathematically integrating the eye velocity commands [2, 18, 19]. Impaired gaze holding and resultant gaze-evoked nystagmus (GEN) may be observed in lesions involving the nucleus prepositus hypoglossi (NPH) and medial vestibular nucleus (MVN) that play a crucial role in horizontal neural integration [20–23]. If the neural integrator becomes leaky in patients with direction-fixed vestibular nystagmus, the drift velocity of nystagmus increases during the gaze in the fast-phase direction and decreases during gaze in the slow-phase direction, conforming to the Alexander’s law.
When the neural integrator becomes unstable, the eyes drift away from the central position, causing centripetal nystagmus [2, 24–28]. Theoretically, when an unstable neural integrator is combined with direction-fixed vestibular nystagmus, the drift velocity may increase during the gaze in the slow-phase direction and decrease during the gaze in the fast-phase direction, thereby violating the Alexander’s law. In support of this hypothesis, our patients with Wallenberg syndrome and violation of the Alexander’s law showed that the Tc of nystagmus is increased only during the gaze where the Alexander's law was disobeyed. In addition, some patients exhibited the nystagmus with an accelerating (increasing velocity) slow phase or centripetal nystagmus. Our patients with the violation of Alexander’s law had invariable lesions in the lateral medulla. These lesions could directly affect the brainstem neural integrator itself or the neural synapse between Purkinje cells and the brainstem vestibular nucleus [29, 30]. The neural integration for horizontal eye movements depends on a distributed network of neurons lying in the brainstem and cerebellum [2, 20–23]. The flocculus and paraflocculus enhance the performance of an inherently leaky neural integrator in the brainstem either through positive or negative feedback [14, 31–33]. Our gaze-holding neural integrator model, incorporating lesion-induced changes showed that when the neural integrator becomes unstable, nystagmus violates Alexander’s law. Under normal integrator function, the false rotational cue generates nystagmus following Alexander’s law. In contrast, the lesion-induced change such that a hyperexcitable brainstem neural integrator abnormally accumulates neural signals, replacing leakiness, or that the cerebellar input exerts a positive, instead of a negative, effect on the vestibular nucleus, produces nystagmus that violates Alexander’s law. Increased intracellular Ca2 + concentration may cause neuronal hyperexcitability for the direct neural integrator lesions [15], while for the cerebellar positive feedback, it has been suggested that GABA, the inhibitory neurotransmitter utilized by Purkinje cells, may paradoxically exert an excitatory effect [16]. Consistent with our results, previous experimental studies also showed that injection of either bicuculline or muscimol into the MVN caused instability of gaze holding, in which the eye drifts away from the central position with increasing-velocity waveforms, implying an unstable neural integrator [34, 35]. These effects may be related to inactivation either of neurons within NPH-MVN or the cerebellar projections to them that control the fidelity of neural integration.
Patients with a lesion restricted to the vestibular nuclei may show diverse signs of both peripheral vestibulopathy (spontaneous nystagmus, caloric paresis, and positive head impulse tests) and central vestibular dysfunction (GEN) [30, 36–38]. Our study disclosed that lesions in the area of the vestibular nuclei can lead to diverse patterns of spontaneous nystagmus and its modulation by visual fixation and gaze. These findings may be explained by significant divergence of excitatory projections from the peripheral vestibular structures and brainstem neural integrators, along with inhibitory inputs from the cerebellum (Fig. 6) [2, 13, 29, 30].
Some patients exhibited a mixed pattern of slow-phase velocity of spontaneous nystagmus with a beat-to-beat and intrabeat variability. Even in a single beat, the nystagmus consisted of an initial decelerating and following linear or accelerating slow phases. Similar waveforms have been reported in vertical nystagmus observed in lesions involving the paramedian tract (PMT) [39] or in patients with ankylosing spondylitis [40]. According to a mathematical model, these unusual waveforms may occur due to the pulse-step mismatch creating the initially decreasing-velocity waveforms due to leaky neural integrators, and subsequent disruption of the cerebellar feedback for gaze holding through PMT, resulting in unstable neural integrators and nystagmus with an increasing-velocity waveform [39, 40]. GEN and superimposed pendular nystagmus observed in patients with multiple sclerosis also imply that the neural integrator can be simultaneously leaky and unstable [41].
Our patients more frequently showed a violation of the Alexander’s law only in one direction. This indicates that dysfunction of the neural integration depends on gaze direction. Thus, the neural integrators may become unstable in one direction while they become leaky in other directions of gaze [42–44]. Indeed, asymmetrical GEN has been described in patients with unilateral lesions of the NPH or MVN [30, 37, 38, 45]. In unilateral lesion of the NPH, the neural integration is more severely impaired with a decrease in the Tc of postsaccadic drift after ipsilesional eccentric gaze [45].