According to the literature screened in our review, multiple studies have aimed to determine the optimum treatment for lactose intolerance. To achieve this goal, several prebiotics have been studied, from which we selected the most thoroughly investigated ones, in comparison to the body of literature available on the topic, as mentioned above. With respect to the use of naturally occurring lactose in dairy products as a prebiotic, lactase expression generally cannot be upregulated or induced in humans, unlike in some rodent models (Szilagyi and Ishayek, 2018); rather, tolerance is suggested to be indirectly induced through microfloral adaptation (Labrie et. al., 2016). It was proven in previous literature that this metabolic shift in the gut microbiota, which in turn leads to adaptation, decreased BH2 test outcomes, and an increase in the incidence of lactose intolerance symptoms (Hertzler and Savaiano, 1996; Hertzler et. al., 1997).
In contrast, the normal intake of lactose was found in some cases to influence the lactase persistent population, with full functional lactase in terms of validity and sufficiency, where they can encounter up to 8% indigested segments of a lactose dosage, as reported by (Bond and Levitt, 1976), where at the same time, (Deng et. al., 2015) stated that lactose intolerance symptoms can only be spotted in the case of lactase activity below 50% in the gut.
(Briet et. al., 1997) confirmed the incidence of metabolic adaptation alongside decreased records of all symptoms except diarrhea. However, the study did not attribute this decrease to adaptation; rather, it was attributed to acclimatization to the process. Hence, the study suggested the avoidance of ingesting large doses of lactose following a fasting state. (Hertzler and Savaiano, 1996) showed that lactose ingestion led to metabolic adaptation as well as an unexpected outcome in which subjects tolerated a large dose of lactose (800:1500 ml of milk). Accordingly, suggesting that colonic adaptation can be a cost-effective approach for dealing with lactose-intolerant populations. Additionally, due to the elevated tolerability, the study indicated that regular lactose ingestion should be considered among the reasons why the BH2 test should not be considered an accurate indicator for diagnosing lactose intolerance alongside severe diarrhea and recent antibiotic ingestion (Hertzler and Savaiano, 1996).
Aside from lactose, there has been a growing body of evidence regarding lactulose’s beneficial effect on the gut microbiome when it is ingested in combination with other regimens for treating other complications. On a chemical basis, lactulose is a synthetic disaccharide consisting of D-galactose and D-fructose that can only be synthesized using the milk sugar lactose at relatively high temperatures (Hertzler and Savaiano, 1996; Nooshkam et. al., 2018). In addition to its multiple applications in the food technology sector, it has various applications in the medical field. These include the treatment of chronic constipation, portal systemic encephalopathy, and other intestinal and hepatic disorders. (Mayer et. al., 1996). Additionally, it was found to have a similar impact on the gut microbiota to that of lactose when ingested chronically (Hertzler and Savaiano, 1996; Hertzler et. al., 1997).
Similarly, in studies addressing lactulose, (Florent et. al., 1985) confirmed a potential modification in the microbial fermentation pathway as a result of frequent lactulose load ingestion. Subsequently, a greater abundance of lactic acid-fermenting bacteria was induced, which can also be attributed to the decreased pH of the cecal contents. (Flourie et. al., 1993) suggested that the symptoms induced by lactose ingestion are caused by the small intestine rather than the fermentation processes occurring in the colon. Moreover, this study supported the notion of improved microbial fermentation due to regular lactulose ingestion. In addition, we suspect that colonic motility and altered microbial fermentation pathways might have a synergistic relationship. Additionally, the study attributed the acknowledged decrease in the incidence of diarrhea to the reduction in the colonic osmotic load as well as the elevated absorption of organic acids (Flourie et. al., 1993). Later, (Szilagyi et. al., 2001) claimed that both lactose and lactulose are likely to have the same effect and mechanism of action while leading to microbial alterations in the colon, which has been supported by the recorded nonsignificant doubling of fecal β-galactosidase. The consideration of lactulose as a therapy for lactose-intolerant populations is recommended by previous studies (Szilagyi et. al., 2001).
For the articles in the literature dedicated to investigating the use of the galacto-oligo saccharide (GOS, RP-G28) approach for enhancing the alleviation of symptoms due to lactose intolerance and gastric-distress-causing diseases, we found RP-G28 to be a proprietary product that is greater than 95% galacto-oligosaccharide. Its empirical formula is C(n+2)6 H22 + 10n O(n+2)5 (Savaiano et. al., 2013). Generally, GOSs reach the colon in an intact form, where they start their action in stimulating lactose-fermenting gut microbiota to grow and flourish; this in turn leads to the abundant bacteria (Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium) obtaining enhanced β-galactosidase activity, thus utilizing GOS (Silk et. al., 2009; Depeint et. al., 2008). Subsequently, the fermentation rates of lactose into galactose, glucose, and SCFAs increase, and the rates of gas production decrease. Eventually, this leads to alleviated symptoms of lactose intolerance (Jiang et. al., 1996). For instance, one of the screened studies that addressed GOSs revealed gradational alterations in specific types of β-galactosidase enzymes as a result of implementing GOSs and dairy products in the diet (Azcarate-Peril et. al., 2017). This, in turn, suggests that the gut microbiome has shifted toward non-gas-forming lactose-fermenting microbiota. The same study suggested that gastric distress symptoms are negatively correlated with Bifidobacterium but positively correlated with the species Coprobacillus/ Rickenellaceae. Thus, the use of GOS may enhance beneficial microbiome abundance while decreasing the population of the microbiome, which has a negative effect on lactose intolerance (Azcarate-Peril et. al., 2017). Recently, it was indicated by (Chey et. al., 2020) that RP-G28 has a high safety profile while alleviating lactose intolerance symptoms, which leads to an increased tolerable upper limit of dairy intake and enhances the abundance and quality of the gut microbiota. This study also revealed a very important concern regarding the possible effect of RP-G28 on gastrointestinal symptoms in patients with IBS, as RP-G28 is a component of FODMAPs, which are known for negatively affecting gastrointestinal symptoms. No records of increased gastrointestinal symptoms were observed during the study (Chey et. al., 2020). Moreover, although RP-G28 is still not approved by the FDA for this purpose (Szilagyi and Ishayek, 2018), (Savaiano et. al., 2013) agreed that RP-G28 treatment affects the functional pain associated with lactose intolerance, which is mostly a key symptom that drives other symptoms of gastric distress.
Overall, against the bluntly misinformed belief that dairy products should be avoided in the case of lactose-intolerant patients, several authors have proven this approach wrong by studying some observed sequences of colonic microbiota adaptation after repeatedly reporting that chronic milk consumption, especially in developing countries’ school feeding programs, increases the extent to which lactose can be tolerated without causing symptoms (Johnson et. al., 1993; Hertzler and Savaiano, 1996). Admittedly, the colon has an elevated capacity for SCFA absorbance (Ruppin et. al., 1980; Høverstad et. al., 1982), which suggests that the more capable the gut microbiota is of fermenting lactose, the more it will positively affect the lactose intolerance symptom profile. However, this thought was not supported by (He et. al., 2006) in his study, as rather than attributing the distress commonly to the residual lactose, relying on the fact that the residual lactose is more prone to being hydrolyzed into glucose and galactose either by lactase in lactose-tolerant populations or by the gut microbiota to a sufficient extent in others. He suggested that the accumulated end products of microbial metabolism in specific parts of the colon affect its osmotic load, causing alterations in intestinal motility and colonic hypersensitivity that subsequently also lead to intolerance symptoms (He et. al., 2006). This drives us to a legitimate assumption that if a suitable rate of SCFA absorbance could be attained or regulated in the gut to reach a state of SCFA production/absorbance synchronicity, then all the leads, even the contradictory ones, will agree on the possibility of attaining an enhanced symptom profile that can further be applied to treatment regimens for lactose intolerance and other gastric distress-triggering diseases.