This study explored various aspects of genome-wide methylation patterns in a cohort enriched with offspring of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder patients. We utilized methylation data to create two epigenetic constructs – methylation profile scores and epigenetic clocks. Our aim was to examine these constructs, both as a consequence of exposure to early-life stress and as potential modulators of sub-clinical features in children and asolescents. Indeed, these epigenetic constructs provided evidence of a greater impact of stressful intrauterine events and a delay in biological aging in the offspring of patients with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Furthermore, these changes in methylation patterns exhibited specific associations with the manifestation of prodromal psychotic symptoms, although solely in the schizophrenia offspring group. Collectively, the findings of this study contribute to a deeper understanding of epigenetic methylation as a potential biological process linking the impact of environmental factors to the emergence of subthreshold clinical manifestations of mental health disorders.
The groups at familial high risk reported greater epigenetic scores indicative of maternal overweight/obesity, hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes, early preterm birth and higher birth weight. These altered methylation patterns align with large epidemiological studies that have demonstrated an elevated frequency of perinatal complications in mothers diagnosed with schizophrenia, schizoaffective and bipolar disorders (55–58). Within this cohort, 73.3% of SZoff individuals were born to affected women, and despite adjusting for this confounding factor, we still observed associations of MPS and IEAA with prodromal psychotic symptoms. However, we found no associations between genetic susceptibility to several psychiatric disorders and MPS reflecting intrauterine stress. Research indicates that women with mental disorders are more likely to experience greater incidence and severity of perinatal events due to unhealthy lifestyles and inadequate monitoring of pregnancy (59), rather than due to biological traits related to the disorder itself. In contrast, Ursini and colleagues proposed that genetic variants associated with schizophrenia risk may influence early neurodevelopmental processes through the placental response to stress, suggesting a shared genetic susceptibility for schizophrenia and intrauterine complications (60). These findings suggest that adverse events during pregnancy may be more prevalent in families with mental disorders, independent of the genetic background or the polygenic basis of the disorder. Noticeably, individuals at familial high risk exhibited epigenetic patterns associated with increased birth weight. Although this finding may seem contradictory, given that low birth weight is interpreted as a proxy for unspecific complications during pregnancy that restrict fetal growth (4), we observed a strong positive correlation between MPS in the prenatal environment and birth weight in our sample. The epigenetic patterns in individuals at high familial risk suggest that intrauterine sustained exposure to higher glucose levels, such as in cases of maternal obesity and gestational diabetes, may not only contribute to preterm deliveries but also potentially result in higher birth weight (61–63). Notably, gestational diabetes stands as one of the risk factors with higher odds ratios for schizophrenia (3, 4).
Epigenetic age acceleration, estimated through epigenetic clocks, provides insights into the biological aging pace of individuals exposed to various intrauterine and early-life environmental factors. In the current study, encompassing a larger sample size that included individuals from the previous study, we replicated previous findings indicating deceleration of the Horvath and Hannum epigenetic clocks among individuals at familial high risk (26). Our findings further evidence the complexity and dynamism of aging mechanisms, suggesting not only that each epigenetic clock may capture different aspects of aging, but also their sensitivity to external inputs (6, 64, 65). Notwistanding, the deaccelerations in Horvath and Hannum clocks challenge the accelerated aging hypothesis of schizophrenia, which is often inferred from the higher prevalence of age-related conditions in younger schizophrenia patients (10, 11). A recent review proposed that prenatal events may prompt abnormal fetal development, intricately associated with a slower pace of biological aging in epigenetic clocks estimating chronological age (e.g., Horvath) and a faster pace in those capturing mortality-associated phenotypes (e.g., Levine), ultimately linked to schizophrenia (64). Age acceleration may vary throughout the lifespan (66–68), adding complexity to the understanding of epigenetic aging dynamics, its interplay with early-life stressors and its role in the manifestation of mortality-associated phenotypes (69) and clinical symptoms later in life (70).
Analyses examining the associations between epigenetic constructs and clinical outcomes revealed that pre-pregnancy BMI and overweight/obesity MPS, as well as accelerated epigenetic aging were linked to the manifestation of positive and general prodromal psychotic symptoms exclusively in SZoff individuals. These findings suggest a potential connection between specific prenatal conditions and later-life prodromal psychotic features, mediated by epigenetic alterations and consistent with the developmental hypothesis of schizophrenia (71). Notably, this association appears unique to individuals raised in a family with a parent diagnosed with schizophrenia, emphasizing the interplay of the pre- and postnatal environment in triggering prodromal psychotic symptoms within this specific group. Previous studies have found associations between MPS for C-reactive protein and tobacco smoking with cognitive performence (20, 21, 72). Two studies found increased MPS for schizophrenia in schizophrenia patients (73) and but not with age at onset, clozapine use, cognitive status or global functioning (74). Regarding epigenetic age acceleration, it is intriguing to note that SZoff individuals exhibited deaceleration compared to controls, yet acceleration was associated with more severe prodromal psychotic symptoms. Studies on this subject are scarce, and their results are conflicting, reporting epigenetic age acceleration in schizophrenia patients with more severe prodromal psychotic symptoms or no acceleration in in psychiatric and healthy populations (20, 64, 67, 75–77).
The findings of this study should be interpreted within the scope of its limitations. First, the sample size, particularly when conducting independent analyses for the three study groups, may constrain the statistical power of association analyses (78). Additionally, epigenetic methylation is a dynamic process modulated by factors such as time, environmental conditions and sample tissue (16, 79). Therefore, the range of ages in our sample and the two tissues used to obtain methylation data may have contributed to heterogeneity in the epigenetic constructs. Finally, this study focused solely on prodromal psychotic symptoms and did not encompass prodromal symptoms of other mental conditions, such as affective disorders, thereby limiting its scope. Despite these limitations, we included a study sample of individuals at familial high risk in a critical stage for the development of mental disorders, complemented by a comprehensive battery of clinical assessments. The simultaneous use of these two epigenetic constructs is highly innovative, representing a promising approach to capturing long-lasting epigenetic patterns associated with severe mental disorders. The reference data used for constructing MPS were sourced from publicly available EWAS datasets, which, although unlikely to perfectly match the methylation array, tissue, age, and ethnicity of the study sample, encompass greater sample sizes. Genome-wide epigenetic constructs, particularly MPS, currently lack standardized methods and complementary procedures to optimize the technique, such as the imputation of CpG methylation sites (80). In this study, we implemented a thresholding method for CpG selection, building upon previous studies (19, 81, 82) and publicly shared the code for replication and refinement, in
Genetic and environmental factors critically influence the onset and prognosis of severe mental disorders; however, neither is sufficient. Building upon previous genetic and epigenetic findings in this sample (25, 26), our study suggested that changes of specific methylation patterns may pose as key biological mechanisms linking external stress with the clinical manifestation of these disorders. Epigenetic constructs offer a promising solution to certain limitations of retrospective assessments, such as the Lewis-Murray scale for obstetric complications (2, 83), by quantifying the long-lasting biological repercussions of environmental inputs in peripheral tissues. If validated, methylation constructs could yield novel insights into the etiopathological mechanisms underlying the manifestation of severe mental disorders. Integrating genetic and epigenetic measures could provide a more comprehensive understanding of the dynamic interplay between the genetic architecture of disorders and environmental exposures (15). Ultimately, the integration of epigenetic data into prediction models in personalized psychiatry could enhance the detection of individuals at high risk, thereby facilitating the formulation of preventive policies.