3.1. Effects of pH solution
The effect of pH solution on NH4+ adsorption is presented in Fig. 2. Generally, the NH4+ adsorption capacity of BRK was strongly affected by pH solution (2.0–12.0). As a result, the adsorption process of NH4+ on adsorbents was not favorably affected by acidic or alkaline conditions, with the pH range of 6 to 9 typically yielding the greatest equilibrium adsorption quantity.
In this study, the ability of BRK to adsorb NH4+ increases following the increase of initial pH and decreases sharply when pH > 9 (Fig. 2). Essentially, pH solution is also a significant factor as it determines NH4+ speciation in water [25]. According to the NH4+ species stability and a function of pH diagram, NH4+ and its pKa value were determined to be approximately 9.3 (pKa) [25]. In other words, NH4+ often exists as ionized NH4+ when the pH solution is lower than 9.3. When the pH solution is greater than 9.3, the ammonia is found to be abundant and exists with its form of no charge (NH3). Raising the pH of the solution will hasten the NH3’s release from the solution since NH3 in solution can readily cause volatility. As a result, solutions with pH values greater than 9.3 are anticipated to have a limited NH4+ adsorption capability.
At low pH values (2–4), proton H+ from the acid environment had strong competition with ion NH4+ in the active side of the material, as the repulsion between positive ions and NH4+ in solution; therefore, BRK adsorbed a negligible amount of NH4+ Fig. 2. The removal efficiency of NH4+ was remarkably reduced in an acid environment (pH < 3) [26]. This is because extremely acidic pH will enrich the solution with protons and limit the ionization process of the acidic functional groups on adsorbents, which will reduce the ion-exchange sites available for the adsorption of NH4+.
Under weak acid and weak alkaline conditions (pH = 5–9), the ability to remove NH4+ from the water of BRK was higher than in strong acid conditions and reached the highest value at pH = 6 (Fig. 2). As reported by Eturki et al. [27], their investigation also found that an ideal pH from 6 to 8 produced the greatest results. This change could be explained by: (1) the decrease of ion H+ in solution led to the competition between H+ and NH4+ also reduced, (2) when the pH value reached 6–8, the deprotonation of some groups might occur on the surface of the material, so NH4+ can be easily adsorbed onto BRK. Particularly, the prepared BRK adsorbent in this study had a point of zero charge (pHPZC) at 9.1 (Fig. 2). These results demonstrate that the surface of BRK has a positive charge when pH solution < pHPZC, and vice versa, the surface of BRK has a negative charge when pH solution > pHPZC. At this time, positively charged NH4+ ions were adsorbed on BRK via an ion exchange mechanism because the surface charge of BRK was positive when pH solution < pHPZC. When pH solution > pHPZC, the negatively charged BRK can adsorb positively charged NH4+ through an electrostatic attraction mechanism.
On the other hand, with a pH value > 9, the solution was strongly alkaline and more negative due to the existence of the –OH group. Therefore, ion NH4+ preferentially reacts with –OH to produce gas (NH3). This result is in agreement with prior studies [11, 28].
3.2. Adsorption kinetics
Figure 3 shows the effects of the contact time on the removal capacity of BRK toward NH4+. Adsorption kinetic data showed NH4+ adsorption rate by BRK was rapid within the first 5 mins, then decreased with time, and reached the equilibrium state after 30 mins. Approximately 35, 43, and 50% NH4+ from the solution was absorbed onto BRK at the early stage of 1, 5, and 10 mins, which indicated that BRK had a strong affinity toward NH4+ ion. Obviously, within the first contact time of 15 mins, the adsorption performance of BRK increased significantly. This can be explained by the fact that at the initial stage, a large amount of vacant sites on the adsorbent’s surface that are available and not yet occupied readily interact with NH4+. Additionally, the active functional groups on BRK’s surface were available and readily for bonding with NH4+ ions.
After 30 mins, the adsorption capacity reached equilibrium, with their removal efficiency reaching 53%. In this period, the BRK’s active site had already started to connect to and bond with NH4+. As a result, there was a reduced space for NH4+ to be adsorbed, which led to the amount of NH4+ adsorbed by BRK reducing and BRK’s adsorption capacity decreasing. Therefore, the adsorption process approached saturation gradually. The adsorption capacity remained almost constant after 60 mins of adsorption when compared to the first 30 mins. The adsorption capacity and removal efficiency of BRK at 24 h was 5.34 mg/g and 54%, respectively. The adsorption capacity did not fluctuate significantly or was virtually unchanged. This is due to the fact that almost all BRK’s active site was occupied during this time.
The experimental data were fitted using the Pseudo-First Order (PFO), Pseudo-Second Order (PSO), and Elovich models (Fig. 3). Kinetic adsorption data calculated from three models for NH4+ is given in Table 1. The value of Chi-squared (χ2) and the coefficient of determination (R2) for PFO, PSO, and Elovich model of BRK material were 0.13–0.95, 0.038–0.99, and 0.12–0.95, respectively. Adsorption by BRK was better described by the PSO model (with higher R2 and lower χ2) than that for the two other models. While the adsorption rate of the PFO model normally depends on the diffusion of adsorbates on the adsorbent’s surface, the adsorption rate by PSO is controlled by the interaction of adsorption sites with the adsorbate. On the other hand, in the PFO adsorption kinetic model, the number of uncopied adsorption active sites on the adsorbent’s surface does not control the adsorption rate. In contrast, the PSO model was related to the uncopied active site in the adsorbent. It is considered a chemical interaction between the adsorbent and the adsorbate. This result suggests that NH4+ adsorption may be controlled by the chemisorption mechanism (ion exchange, electrostatic attraction, and complexation), which is primarily responsible for managing the contaminant's adsorption [29]. Alshameri et al. [30] investigated the adsorption test of natural clay materials toward NH4+; they stated that the adsorption process of NH4+ onto clay materials was presented by PSO kinetics. The NH4+ adsorption process can be explained by the following steps: (1) moving NH4+ from the liquid phase to the liquid-solid interface; (2) transferring the solid phase on the BRK’s surface; and (3) then diffusing into the BRK’s pores.
Moreover, the experimentally derived adsorption capacities (qt,exp = 5.336 mg/g ) were nearly close to the computed data (qt,cal) from the PSO model (Table 1) (qe = 5.31 mg/g). The adsorption capacity obtained from the PFO kinetic model (qe = 5.17 mg/g) was lower than that of experiment adsorption capacity.
Table 1
Kinetic parameters for NH4+ adsorption by BRK
Models | Unit | BRK |
qexp | mg/g | 5.34 |
Pseudo-first order |
qe | mg/g | 5.17 |
k1 | 1/min | 1.06 |
R2 | | 0.95 |
ꭓ2 | | 0.13 |
Pseudo-second order |
qe | mg/g | 5.31 |
K2 | g/ mg × min | 0.29 |
R2 | | 0.99 |
ꭓ2 | | 0.038 |
Elovich model |
α | mg/(g×min) | 4.97 x 10^6 |
β | g/mg | 4.21 |
R2 | | 0.95 |
ꭓ2 | | 0.12 |
3.3. Adsorption isotherms
The effect of initial NH4+ concentrations (Co = 5–300 mg/L) on the adsorption capacity by BRK were evaluated at various temperatures through adsorption isotherms (Fig. 4). The results showed that temperature was a significant factor in the NH4+ adsorption process. The NH4+ absorption capability of BRK reduced as the temperature rose from 10°C to 50°C. In other words, the NH4+ removal by BRK reached its highest at 10 ℃, and lowest at 50 ℃. These results also suggested that the NH4+ adsorption process on BRK adsorbent was exothermic and the low-temperature environment is favorable. The observed trend of temperature influence was in agreement with previous findings on activated carbon made from coconut shells [31], corncobs [11], and modified bentonite [28]. The NH4+ adsorption process onto modified bentonite and corncob waste-derived activated carbon constituted an exothermic reaction [11, 28]. In addition, many others have documented comparable isotherm shape observations [28], when studying NH4+ adsorption by materials derived from agriculture wastes or bentonite materials and their modified forms.
The isothermal model fitting for NH4+ adsorption onto BRK is provided in Fig. 4. In this study, the adsorption process and adsorption behavior of NH4+ on BRK were adequately described by the fit models, which comprised the Langmuir and Freundlich. The isotherm model fit data was calculated and presented in Table 2. The results show that the Langmuir isotherm model was the best match for the experimental data of BRK at all three investigated temperatures (10, 30, and 50 ℃). This is due to R2 and χ2 values at 10, 30, and 50 ℃ of the Langmuir model, which were larger and smaller, respectively, when compared to those of the Freundlich model. The NH4+ maximum adsorption of BRK obtained from the Langmuir model were 22.51, 20.57, and 16.22 mg/g at 10, 30, and 50 ℃, respectively. Therefore, when the temperature increases to 50 ℃, the capability to absorb NH4+ decreases approximately 28%, indicating that the interaction between BRK and NH4+ becomes weaker following the increase in temperature. In addition, the results of the experiments demonstrated a good agreement with the Langmuir model, suggesting that the adsorption behavior of NH4+ on the BRK was mainly determined by the formation of the adsorption monolayer. The adsorption process of NH4+ on six natural clay materials (NCM) are also monolayer due to the isotherm adsorption data obtained which were coincident with the Langmuir model [30].
Table 2
Parameters of the adsorption isotherm onto BRK material
Model | Unit | Temperatures |
10 ℃ | 30 ℃ | 50 ℃ |
Langmuir model |
Qmax | mg/g | 22.51 | 20.57 | 16.22 |
KL | L/mg | 0.037 | 0.04 | 0.054 |
R2 | | 0.99 | 0.98 | 0.99 |
X2 | | 0.47 | 0.83 | 0.32 |
Freundlich model |
KF | (mg/g)/(mg/L)n | 3.15 | 3.07 | 2.94 |
nF | | 0.36 | 0.35 | 0.32 |
R2 | | 0.93 | 0.91 | 0.90 |
X2 | | 3.11 | 3.63 | 2.63 |
Table 3 presents a comparison between the Langmuir maximum adsorption capacity of BRK and some other materials studied in the literature on removal of NH4+. As, expected, BRK adsorbents (Qmax = 20.57) demonstrated a higher adsorption capacity of NH4+ than other materials such as the pristine biochar derived from maple wood (5.44 mg/g) [32], pine sawdust (5.38 mg/g) [33], the natural bentonite from Algeria (19.01 mg/g) [5], bentonite from Indonesia (12.37 mg/g) [34], the modified biochar of waste spruce sawdust (17.96 mg/g) [35], of corncob (17.03 mg/g) [11], the modified bentonite (5.66 mg/g) [28], and the composite of bentonite and hydrochar (23.67 mg/g) [34].
Table 3
The Langmuir maximum adsorption capacity of some investigated adsorbents toward NH4+
Adsorbent | Initial concentrations | pH | m/V | Qmax | References |
BRK | 5-300 | 7 | 2 | 20.57 | This study |
Maple wood biochar | 0–100 | - | 10 | 5.44 | [32] |
Pine sawdust biochar | 0–100 | 6 | 3 | 5.38 | [33] |
Bentonite from Algeria | 10–10000 | 7 | 5 | 19. | [5] |
Bentonite from Indonesia | 200 | 6 | 0.1–10 | 12.37 | [34] |
Modified Biochar | 10–110 | 7 | 2 | 17.96 | [35] |
Corncob activated carbon | 10–105 | 7 | 2 | 17.03 | [11] |
Chemically Activated Biochar | 50–600 | 8.4 | 4 | 14.34 | [36] |
Modified bentonite | 0–200 | 5–9 | – | 5.66 | [28] |
Hydrochar from Koi fish | 200 | 6 | 0.1–10 | 12.37 | [34] |
Bentonite hydrochar composite | 200 | 6 | 0.1–10 | 23.67 |
3.4. Effects of existing ions
In this study, four commonly encountered cations (Na+, K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+) have been selected to examine the (inhibitory) influence of these ions on the NH4+ removal process by BRK (Fig. 5). These cations were tested at three initial concentrations of 10, 50, and 100 mg/L. The results showed that the removal efficiencies of NH4+ had significantly decreased due to the strong competition between cations (Na+, K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+) and NH4+ ions in aqueous solution. Generally, when the concentration of co-existence cation was at 100 mg/L, the removal capacity of BRK toward NH4+ decreased in the order of no competitor > K+ > Na+ > Mg2+ > Ca2+. Similar trends were found in other studies [11, 35, 37].
Among investigated co-existing cations, divalent cations (Ca2+ and Mg2+) were found to possess more sway than monovalent cations (Na+ and K+) (Fig. 5). Because divalent cations have a divalent charge as opposed to monovalent cations, as a result, they have occupied more adsorption sites. In other words, they were stronger competitors for the adsorption site leading to reducing the removal efficiency of BRK [33, 35]. Furthermore, it was shown that the two major components of water hardness, Ca and Mg, had concentration ranges between 80 and 200 mg/L. In fact, hard water inhibits the NH4+ removal efficiency in wastewater treatment plants. Furthermore, the removal capacity of the adsorbent is observed to be influenced by the concentrations of cations. An increased amount of co-existing cations leads to a lower adsorption capacity (Fig. 5).
3.5. Adsorbent characteristics
Figure 6a displays the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images of BRK before NH4+ adsorption. The surface of BRK displays a multitude of holes and huge grooves of varying widths, indicating the composite of bentonite and biochar derived from rice husk materials had a porous and asymmetric surface structure. With its composition containing biochar materials, BRK had a rich porous structure. The SEM images of BRK showed that the activation mediated by KOH may promote BRK pore development, leading to the adsorption capacity of materials. This result is similar to those reported by others [38, 39]. In addition, via the SEM image, it can be concluded that the BRK not only contains biochar adsorbent but also has bentonite in its composition. The presence of bentonite clay can be confirmed through the overlaid layer or plate-like appearance of bentonite (Fig. 6a). Et-Tayea et al. [40] stated that the surface microscopic morphology of bentonite features aggregates of spherical, heterogeneous-sized bentonite grains with an impressive compact structure, as well as layered, overlapping layers. Or Ashiq et al. [17] prepared the composite of biochar based bentonite (MSW-BC) for removing antibiotic ciprofloxacin. The MSW-BC surface shares many similarities with the BRK surface. Its SEM image is characterized by a significant amount of pores, which constitute a property of biochar, and a plate-like layer, known to be a feature of bentonite. These results suggest that the BRK was successfully prepared.
Figure 6a also indicates the EDX results for composite of bentonite and biochar derived from rice husk (BRK) treated by KOH solution. Obviously, the BRK’s composition possesses C, O, Si, K, Ca, Fe. The presence of a large amount of K could be explained for the successful activation by KOH solution.
Figure 6b shows that there are no visible changes in the surface morphology of BRK after NH4+ adsorption. The NH4+-laden BRK still exhibited a lot of pore and had a porous structure. There is one significant change in the weight percent of metal elements (K, Ca, Fe) in the NH4+-laden BRK. EDX data indicated that the weight percent of K, Ca, Fe decreased from 6,43–0.36%; 1,39% to 1,06%; 2,22 5 to 1.04%, respectively. Among them, the K element indicated a remarkably decreased rate than two other elements. This result is in line with the reports of Alshameri et al. [30] and Yu et al. [41]. This result suggests that it could be due to ion exchange of these elements with NH4+ or called ion exchange mechanism.
The FTIR spectra provide valuable information on the surface chemistry of BRK both before and after adsorption (Fig. 7). It can be seen that BRK possesses a lot of common functional groups that are found in other biochar adsorbents, such as OH, C = O, C = C, and CO [39]. They are pieces of evidence for confirming the presence of the biochar adsorbent in its component of BRK. The stretching vibration of –OH is specifically responsible for a noticeable broad peak located at 3425 cm− 1 on the surface of the BRK adsorbents before and after NH4+ adsorption. The peak at about 1622 cm− 1 was identified as the stretching vibration of C = O in carboxyl groups or aliphatic ketone, whereas the bands at around 2372 cm− 1 were associated with the stretching vibrations of C = C and C-H [38, 42]. In addition, a small peak at about 1031 cm− 1 observed in BRK pristine material was featured as the stretching vibration of Si-O, which is commonly found in bentonite clay materials [23, 43]. All things considered, BRK was rich in functional surface groups which provided the basis for removing NH4+ ions from aqueous solution. The infrared spectrum also revealed that the distinctive peaks at –OH had clearly shifted following adsorption, which was caused by the complexation of NH4+ with oxygen-containing functional groups [44].
The surface properties information of BRK obtained by the nitrogen adsorption/desorption isotherm technique is provided in Table 4. It can be seen from Table 4, that the specific surface areas of BRK pristine and NH4+-laden BRK were 4.89 and 17.72 m2/g, respectively. Obviously, after NH4+ adsorption, the specific surface area of BRK was gently increased. In addition, the pore volume of BRK was increased from 0.009 cm3/g to 0.024 cm3/g after the adsorption process. These particular results suggest that NH4+ adsorbed on BRK via a pore-filling mechanism might be negligible.
Table 4
The surface properties information of BRK
Surface properties | BRK pristine | NH4+-laden BRK |
BET specific surface area (SBET - m2/g) | 4.89 | 17.72 |
Pore volume cm3/g | 0.009 | 0.024 |
Pore radius (nm) | 1.92 | 1.72 |
3.6. Possible adsorption mechanisms
The previous mechanism studies found that the most predominant adsorption mechanisms in removal of NH4+ by the clay materials and biochar adsorbents were ion exchange [11, 30], electrostatic attraction [45], pore-filling mechanism, and surface complexation. Through a series of batch experiments conducted at a pH of 7.0 and characterization of pristine and NH4+ laden BRK, the potential NH4+ adsorption mechanism on BRK was identified. Firstly, the pristine BRK had a tiny specific surface area (4.89 m2/g). However, after the adsorption process, the BRK loaded with NH4+ had a greater SBET (17.72 m2/g) than the pristine BRK. The findings suggested that the pore-filling mechanism may not be crucial to the adsorption process. Moreover, according to [41], there was no relationship between the NH4+ adsorption capacity and the specific surface area.
As mentioned in Section 3.1, with its pHPZC at 9.1, BRK possessed a positive charge when pH solution of 7.0, thus positively charged NH4+ ions were exchanged with positively charged BRK through an ion exchange mechanism. In other words, the ion exchange is of great significance in removing NH4+ from the water environment. The ion exchange mechanism is also supported by the results of SEM/EDX that the percentage of K elements in pristine BRK decreased significantly (from 6.43–0.36%) after adsorption process, possibly due to ion exchange of K+ with NH4+ ions in solution [30, 41]. Additionally, it was discovered by the FTIR analysis above that NH4+ complexed with oxygen-containing functional groups on the surface of BRK, such as –OH, during the adsorption process.