The study was conducted in Ain Shams University hospitals on 50 patients presented with established systemic arterial hypertension. All patients were adequately controlled on medications at follow up. Proper history for demographical data, risk factors, the current treatment, general and local examination with emphasis on blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR) and heart sounds
Approval was obtained from the ethical committee at Ain shams University before starting the research.
All participants had an informed written consent with consideration of adequate privacy and confidentiality.
The Inclusion criteria were: Both sexes, Age > 18 years old, and recently diagnosed systemic arterial hypertension within 6 to 12 months, on antihypertensive medications uncontrolled according to JNC 8 guidelines.(6) While the exclusion criteria were: Patients < 18 years old, Patients having Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) or Chronic coronary Syndrome (CCS), Patients having valvular affection, Patient having atrial arrhythmias, Patient with (left ventricle ejection fraction [LVEF] < 50 and Patients with comorbidities as thyroid dysfunction.
Type of the Study
Prospective observational cohort study
Checklist for assessment of all the clinical data relevant to the patients. All these sheets were collected then the data entry was carried out through a computer system to establish a data-based system for all the patients and all the collected data were applied to adequate confidentiality.
All patients after written informed consent were subjected to the following at baseline:
Careful history taking including: Clinical, Demographic data including age and sex, Risk factors, Co-morbidities including smoking, diabetes, obesity, dyslipidemia, and presence of family history.
Duration of the study: Study started from October 2022 to July 2023, Collection of the patients at base line from October 2022 to November 2022, follow up ECG and Echocardiography were done after 6 months from proper control of BP to be below 140 Systolic BP and below 90 Diastolic BP according to JNC 8 guidelines.(6)
Comprehensive Physical examination including Vital signs including Blood pressure, heart rate and Auscultation of the heart and lungs.
Investigations: 12 lead surface ECG: with special emphasis on P wave amplitude and P wave duration, CBC, Creatinine, Sodium and potassium, Trans-thoracic Echocardiography.
Two-dimensional (2D) speckle tracking echocardiography (STE):
Vivid e95 GE Healthcare cardiac ultrasound with a multifrequency transducer (3-8MHz) was used to perform the echocardiography. All patients had standard transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) study in the four windows (Parasternal, Apical, Subcostal, and Suprasternal). All studies were performed by a single cardiologist.
Apical four and two chamber view images of the LA were obtained using conventional 2-dimensional echocardiography, at relatively high frame rates (60– 80 fps). The LA endocardium was traced in both four and two chamber views and the region of interest (ROI) was adjusted to the left atrium. In regions of discontinuities of the LA wall, such as areas corresponding to pulmonary veins and LA appendage, extrapolation of the LA endocardial and epicardial surfaces at the junction of these structures was performed to obtain the ROI.
The ROI was divided into six segments and the totals of 12 segments were analyzed with the software generating the individual segmental longitudinal strain curves together with global strain in each view. Also used to measure (PALS, peak atrial longitudinal strain) or LA systolic strain and (PACS, peak atrial contraction strain) or late diastolic strain.
The mitral peak early (E) and atrial contraction (A) flow velocities, septal mitral annular velocities (e`) used as a measure to determine diastolic function, mitral inflow signals were obtained by pulsed wave Doppler echocardiography. Early diastolic inflow velocity (E), velocity during active atrial contraction (A), and E to A wave (E/A) ratio.
Left atrial volume index (LAVI) was measured: the volume was assessed by the biplane area-length method from apical 4- and 2-chamber views. Measurements were obtained in end systole from the frame preceding mitral valve opening, and the volume was indexed for body surface area.
LV systolic function: Was measured in 2D apical 4-chamber and 2-chamber views using biplane method of discs (modified Simpson’s rule).
LA emptying fraction (LAEF) was calculated using biplane Simpson’s method with the following formula: (LA maximum volume–LA minimum volume)/LA maximum volume × 100.
LA max volume: LA volume at end-systole, immediately before mitral valve opening.
LA minimum volume: LA volume at end-diastole, immediately before mitral valve closure.
Left atrial stiffness index (LASI) calculation based on global longitudinal strain (GLS), LASI was calculated as the ratio of E/e` to LA-GLS.
Follow up data:
All enrolled patients should have their blood pressure properly controlled according to JNC 8 guidelines and followed up BP after one week of increasing medication dose and then monthly at our outpatient clinics.
ECG and Echocardiography assessment were performed for all patients with the above-mentioned baseline parameters reassessed after 6 months of properly controlled blood pressure and then both data were compared for each patient.
Statistical Analysis
Data were collected, revised, coded and entered to the Statistical Package for Social Science (IBM SPSS) version 20. Qualitative data were presented as number and percentages while quantitative data were presented as mean, standard deviations and ranges when parametric and median with interquartile ranges (IQR) when nonparametric.
The comparison between two groups with qualitative data were done by using Chi-square test and/or Fisher exact test was used instead of Chi-square test when the expected count in any cell was found less than 5.
The comparison between two groups regarding quantitative data with parametric distribution was done by using independent t-test while data with non-parametric distribution was done using Mann-Whitney test.
The comparison between more than two groups regarding quantitative data with parametric distribution was done by using One Way ANOVA while data with non-parametric distribution was done using Kruskal Wallis test.
The confidence interval was set to 95% and the margin of error accepted was set to 5%. So, the p-value was considered significant as the following: P > 0.05: Non-significant (NS), P < 0.05: Significant (S), P < 0.01: Highly significant.(HS)