3.1 Effect of Stimulation Phase Duration and Frequency on Threshold Current and Charge
The effect of phase duration on the current and charge threshold was examined in this study using the stimulation pattern devoid of an interphase interval (Fig. 3). The charge threshold was obtained by multiplying the current stimulus threshold by the phase duration. This finding revealed that the F1 group exhibited a higher activation threshold compared to the LE group, in agreement with previous research 33,35,36. The thresholds of the LE and the F1 groups were also compared at various stimulation frequencies, such as 1, 5, and 10 Hz. The threshold-duration curve was shown in Fig. 3. Specifically, Fig. 3(a)-(c) demonstrated that the current threshold typically decreased with an increase in the stimulation phase duration. In contrast to the current threshold, an increase in the phase duration resulted in an upward trend in the corresponding charge threshold (Fig. 3(d)-(f)).
At a stimulation frequency of 1 Hz, there was a significant difference observed between the LE and F1 groups in terms of both charge threshold and current threshold (Fig. 3(a) and 3(d)), which was not evident at 5 Hz (Fig. 3(b) and 3(e)) or 10 Hz (Fig. 3(c) and 3(f)). Fig. 3(a) and 3(d) showed a noticeable difference in the current threshold and charge threshold between the LE and F1 group under 1 Hz stimulation with 1000 and 1500 µs phase duration (unpaired t-test, ∗p < 0.05). A more significant difference was observed in both the current threshold and charge threshold between the LE (76.94±11.33 µA and 38.47±5.67 nC, 16 trials, 8 rats) and F1 group (161.56±17.00 µA and 80.78±8.50 nC, 8 trials, 4 rats) (unpaired t-test, ∗∗p < 0.01) at 1 Hz stimulation with 500 µs phase duration (Fig. 3(a) and 3(d)). At 5 Hz (Fig. 3(b) and 3(e)), only the threshold of 1000 µs phase duration had apparent difference between the LE (94.85±8.19 µA and 94.85±8.19 nC, 16 trials, 8 rats) and F1 group (132.92±14.35 µA and 132.92±14.35 nC, 8 trials, 4 rats) (unpaired t-test, ∗p < 0.05). As the stimulation frequency increased to 10 Hz (Fig. 3(c) and 3(f)), there was no significant difference between the LE and the F1 groups. These results suggested that the degeneration of the retina may influence the sensitivity of retinal cells to low-frequency stimulation.
3.2 Effect of Phase Duration and Frequency on Spatial Activation in the Primary Visual Cortex
The activation ratio in V1 was analyzed in this section to explore the effect of the phase duration (500, 1000, and 1500 µs) and the frequency (1, 5, and 10 Hz) on the activation ratio of visual cortical response. The binary map (Fig. 4(a)) displayed the activated and inactivated area and showed the activation ratio. The activation ratio used for statistical analysis was normalized to a value of 1.0 for the stimulation with 500 µs phase duration within each animal to reduce the variance among different animals.
Fig. 4(a) showed examples of binary maps with different stimulation phase durations at 200 μA. Fig. 4(b)-(e) represented bar charts depicting the activation ratio evoked by threshold current and suprathreshold (i.e., 200 µA) for the LE and F1 groups, respectively. Although the activation ratio generally declined with pulse duration increasing at threshold current in the LE group (Fig. 4(b)), there was no statistical difference at 1 Hz stimulation in response to the stimulation at threshold current (ANOVA, ∗p < 0.05, 16 trials, 8 rats). To ensure complete activation of the cortical neurons, we further computed the activation ratio of these neurons in response to suprathreshold (i.e., 200 µA) stimulation (Fig. 4(c)). The ANOVA analysis showed that, at 1 Hz stimulation, the activation ratio decreased significantly from 1 for a 500 µs phase duration to 0.74±0.09 for a 1500 µs phase duration in LE group (ANOVA, ∗p < 0.05, 16 trials, 8 rats). Significant differences were also observed between the activation ratios elicited by 500 µs phase duration and 1500 µs phase duration (0.52±0.10 for 5 Hz, 0.36±0.15 for 10 Hz) (ANOVA, ∗p < 0.05, 16 trials, 8 rats).
As for the F1 group, no significant difference was observed in the activation ratio under threshold current stimulation (Fig. 4(d)). When the stimulation current was increased to the suprathreshold level of 200 µA, the cortical activation ratio in the F1 group exhibited trends similar to those in the LE group. Specifically, the activation ratio decreased as the phase duration increased (Fig. 4(e)).
3.3 The Cortical Response Level Declined with Increasing Epiretinal Stimulation Frequency Under Equal Charge Injection
The effect of stimulation frequency on cortical response level was investigated in this section. Separate plots of frequency versus charge contour figures (Fig. 5(a) and 5(b)) were generated to examine the overall trend of the impact of stimulation frequency on the response levels of EEPs in the LE and F1 groups, respectively. To determine the charge, the current was multiplied by the duration of a single phase. At 200 μA stimulation, four distinct charges (40, 100, 200 and 300 nC) were computed for varying phase durations. Under the same charge injection scale, it was observed that the response level was suppressed with stimulation frequency increasing, as shown in Fig. 5(c)-(f).
The cortical response level induced by electrical stimulation exhibited a decreasing trend with increasing stimulation frequency, regardless of the charge amount, as evidenced by the results of each of the four phase durations. With a charge injection of 40 nC, as the stimulation frequency increased from 1 to 20 Hz (Fig. 5(c)), the response level decreased from 195.39±74.56 μV and 71.87±55.39 μV to 49.41±14.38 μV and 16.21±2.90 μV for the LE (16 trials, 8 rats) and F1 (8 trials, 4 rats) groups, respectively. With a charge injection of 300 nC (Fig. 5(f)), the response level was 599.37±111.50 μV for the LE (16 trials, 8 rats) group and 426.91±184.47 μV for the F1 (8 trials, 4 rats) group at 1 Hz stimulation, and decreased to 63.28±17.25 μV for the LE group and 102.29±44.41 μV for the F1 group at 20 Hz stimulation. This finding was consistent with the results of previous studies that investigated the optic nerves of rabbits 37,38. Although the unpaired t-test did not indicate a significant difference between the LE and F1 groups, there was a noticeable distinction between the two groups. Specifically, the LE group exhibited a more pronounced difference in response level than the F1 group for the four typical injecting charges (40, 100, 200 and 300 nC) at 1 Hz stimulation (Fig. 5(g)), while responses of both groups were similar at high stimulation frequencies (10 and 20 Hz) (Fig. 5(i)-(j)). Notably, with a charge injection of 300 nC, the response level of the LE group even dropped below that of the F1 group at 10 and 20 Hz (Fig. 5(i)-(j)).
3.4 Effect of Interphase Interval on Evoked Response Amplitude in Retinal Electrical Stimulation
The effect of interphase intervals of electrical retinal stimulation on the cortical response level was investigated in this section. Our results showed that thresholds in response to the stimulation with different IPIs in the F1 group were higher than that in the LE group. Yet no significant difference was found between the two groups (Fig. 6(a)). As we aimed to explore the impact of inter-phase interval on the cortical response, the response level and activation ratio evoked by stimuli with various inter-phase intervals were compared at the same stimulation current amplitude in F1 and LE groups, respectively. To examine the effect of the interphase interval, Fig. 6(b)-(c) showed the interpolated contour plots for EEPs at 5 Hz stimulation with 1000 µs phase duration. The IPI values used in this investigation are 0, 500, 1000 and 1500 μs. Our results showed that a longer IPI can elicit a higher response level with the same stimulation current in LE group. In the F1 group, the introduction of IPI also increased the response level, while the response level strengthened with the increment of IPI only observed from 500 to 1000 μs. The impact of IPI peaked at 1000 μs and became weaker at 1500 μs. Moreover, the F1 group necessitated a longer IPI and a higher current level to produce a neural signal of the same magnitude as the LE group. Our results demonstrated that adding the IPI during electrical stimulation could elicit a stronger response at the cortical level.
3.5 Effect of Interphase Interval on Spatial Activation
To examine the effect of stimulation IPI on cortical EEPs, we analyzed the spatial responses by determining the activation ratio of cortical response elicited by this particular form of stimulation. Fig. 7(a) displayed a representation of the spatial activation of EEPs within the visual cortex in response to retinal stimulation at 200 µA, with different IPI durations (0, 500, 1000 and 1500 μs) normalized to the maximum response, highlighting the activation pattern. The top row showed the heat map and the bottom row showed the corresponding binary map plotted based on 50% of the maximum responses. As the IPI duration increased, the activation ratio decreased correspondingly. Additionally, contour figures were generated to visualize the activation ratio of EEPs versus the IPI and the stimulation current for both the LE and F1 groups in Fig. 7(b)-(c). Fig. 7(b) illustrated that, under identical stimulation current, the shorter IPI evoked a greater response in the LE group. A comparable trend was observed in the F1 group, as depicted in Fig. 7(c).
Quantitative analysis for spatial characteristics was performed using the responses elicited by threshold current and 200 μA in the LE (Fig. 7(d) and 7(e)) and F1 groups (Fig. 7(f) and 7(g)). The activation ratio used for statistical analysis was normalized to a value of 1.0 for the stimulation without IPI within each animal to reduce the variations among different animals. The response to current threshold showed that the addition of IPI diminished the activation ratio in both LE (Fig. 7 (d)) and F1 groups (Fig. 7 (f)). However, zero registrations at IPI of 1000 μs and 15000 μs indicate weak responses in certain experimental sets (Fig. 7 (f)). Considering that the response to 200 μA was maximum and saturated, further analysis of spatial activation was performed at 200 μA to better illustrate the results. The results showed an overall decreasing trend in activation ratio for both LE and F1 groups as the IPI increased (Fig. 7(d) and 7(e)). Specifically, in LE group (16 trials, 8 rats; Fig. 7(d)), the activation ratio declined significantly from 1 to 0.80±0.05 (for 500 μs IPI, ANOVA, ∗∗p < 0.01), 0.71±0.06 (for 1000 μs IPI, ANOVA, ∗∗p < 0.01), and 0.72±0.09 (for 1500 μs IPI, ANOVA, ∗∗p < 0.01). As for F1 group, Fig. 7(g) showed that at 200 μA stimulation, the activation ratio evoked by retinal stimulation without IPI was significantly higher than that elicited by stimulation with 1000 μs and 1500 μs. These results suggest that adding IPI does not enhance the effectiveness of retinal stimulation on cortical spatial response in both the LE and F1 groups.