Although the removal rate of IBU and NPX can be up to 99% in wastewater treatment plants (Elmouatezz Bellah Kermia et al., 2016; Wojcieszyńska & Guzik, 2020; Kodom et al., 2021), the constant use of pharmaceuticals causes them to enter and contaminate the aquatic environment persistently (Gworek et al., 2019). Consequently, concerns have been raised about the potential consequences of pharmaceuticals reaching the environment, as these compounds can bioaccumulate and cause harmful effects on organisms due to chronic exposure (Rede et al., 2019). Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are in high demand worldwide, accounting for more than 15% of all drug groups detected in the environment (Świacka et al., 2021). However, data regarding the toxic effects of NSAIDs on lower species, such as invertebrates, are not substantial (Świacka et al., 2021). Our study contributes to the analysis of the effects of NSAIDs on aquatic organisms, particularly daphnids. Daphnids are essential organisms in freshwater ecosystems, playing a pivotal role in the food web by filtering smaller organisms and microalgae, thus helping control their numbers and composition (Jurgens, 1994). Observing that reproductive parameters of the daphnids were affected after one generation at environmentally relevant concentrations and when exposed to binary mixtures of pharmaceuticals in our present study, we inferred that the aquatic trophic structure could be modified and may suffer significant hazardous effects.
It is, therefore, evident that these drugs have delayed toxicity, emphasising the importance of multigenerational studies and the examination of binary mixtures of pharmaceuticals to detect continuing environmental effects.
5.2. Multigenerational assessment
Multigenerational tests are crucial assessments of the toxic effects of chemical compounds on environments due to higher sensitivity at a population level, in comparison to generation tests, and due to their capacity to represent more realistically natural scenarios of exposure (Nederstigt, et al., 2022). However, despite their importance, long-term tests of several generations are infrequently carried out (Nederstigt, et al., 2022).
A few multigenerational studies have demonstrated significant differences in reproductive and/or morphological traits of invertebrates exposed to NSAIDs. To our knowledge, few multigenerational studies, specifically with freshwater invertebrates, assess the effects of NSAIDs. Therefore, some studies that support ours involve invertebrate organisms in general. In a recent study by Prud'homme et al. (2017), Aedes aegypti mosquitoes were exposed to 1 µg/L of IBU over six generations, resulting in increased mortality during the development stage and an accelerated development rate in the offspring of generation six. A sex ratio imbalance was also observed, with female mosquitoes representing most of the population. Another study by Prud'homme et al. (2018) found that chronic exposure of Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes to environmentally relevant concentrations of IBU did not affect lifespan or development in the F0 generation, but survival and time to develop were impacted in the following generation (F1). These results are similar to our study's, in which the F0 generation was slightly affected. Still, effects on reproductive parameters were observed in subsequent generations following exposure to IBU at environmentally relevant concentrations.
In a study by Grzesiuk et al. (2020), the effects of IBU on D. magna were assessed, and results comparable to those of our study were obtained. The daphnids were exposed to an environmentally relevant concentration of 4 µg/L of IBU for five consecutive generations. Although no significant differences were observed for most life history traits, including age and size at first reproduction, number of first clutch eggs, and individual growth rate, the study revealed morphological changes in the offspring, providing unique information. The first generation showed up to 70% of deformed offspring, while the fifth generation showed up to 90%. Among the observed morphological deformities, undeveloped embryos, lack of eyes, and abnormal antennules were the most significant and discussed findings. While our studies did not analyse deformities in daphnia embryos, we observed a decrease in the numbers of neonates throughout the generations, indicating that IBU plays a toxic role in daphnia offspring. Additionally, it is possible that if we had continued the analysis over other generations, similar effects may have been observed in subsequent generations. It is difficult to determine at what generation the subsequent effects cease since maintaining cultures for multiple generations is costly in terms of time and effort; however, it should be considered in future studies with D. carinata. Other multigenerational studies have also documented reproductive impairments at environmentally relevant concentrations. In the Dietrich et al. (2010) study, daphnids were exposed to a concentration of 0.36 µg/L over five generations. The results showed a delay in age at first reproduction in the F0 and F2 generations, an increase in the body length of neonates in the F1 and F5 generations, and an increase in the number of offspring in the F1 generation.
Also, in a study conducted by Bouly et al. (2022), the effects of diclofenac (DCF), a pharmaceutical belonging to the NSAID family, were assessed on the offspring of the freshwater gastropod Lymnaea stagnalis across two generations. The snails were exposed to different concentrations of DCF (0.1, 2, and 10 µg/L). The results showcased an interesting influence of DCF on critical aspects of snail development. In the F1 generation, snail growth and shell sizes were affected by DCF. An increase in shell size was observed at 0.1 µg/L, while a decrease in shell size was observed at 2 µg/L and 10 µg/L. The adverse effects were also extended to food intake rates, exhibiting a reduction in egg masses. However, in the F2 generation, the snails displayed a shorter hatching time, increased time to growth, enhanced food intake, and greater production of egg masses. These findings correlate with the results in our study, where daphnids exposed to both IBU and NPX had a significant impact on the growth of daphnids and the number of neonates produced per female across multiple generations, especially in the cases of binary mixtures exposure, indicating that both IBU and NPX, whether in single or mixed concentrations, had a detrimental effect on the reproductive capacity of the daphnids throughout multiple generations.
Prostaglandins play a pivotal role in the inflammatory process, and we can link this role to the decrease in the reproduction of daphnids observed in our study. Prostaglandins (PGs) are a fundamental class of lipids with hormone-like effects, playing a crucial role in various bodily systems. They support essential homeostatic functions, regulating animals' nervous, respiratory, cardiovascular, reproductive, endocrine, and immunological functions (Gad, 2014; López-Doval et al., 2020). Moreover, PGs are key regulators of the inflammatory response. The precursor of the PGs is arachidonic acid (ARA), an essential fatty acid (Davies, 2008). While the pathway of the metabolic transformation of ARA to PGs is well known in mammals and it is mediated by the cyclooxygenase enzyme (COX), lipoxygenase (LOX) and cytochrome P450 (Fig. 6), it remains an area of limited understanding in invertebrates (Garavito & Mulichak, 2003; Ferreira Barletta et al., 2020).
In essence, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) work by inhibiting the activity of COX-1 or COX-2, isoforms of the cyclooxygenase enzyme (Bindu et al., 2020). These enzymes produce various PGs essential in the inflammatory response (Bindu et al., 2020). By blocking the function of these enzymes, NSAIDs prevent the transformation of ARA into prostaglandins, reducing inflammation and alleviating pain (López-Doval, et al., 2020). However, as these pollutants are blocking the action of COX enzymes, they could also be interrupting reproduction mechanisms associated with the enzyme (Heckmann, et al., 2008). Our findings align with these insights, as while the pathway of PGs in invertebrates remains less understood compared to mammals, a few studies suggest that PG synthesis between both groups could relate (Stanley & Kim, 2019; Ahmed & Kim, 2020). In a study by Heckmann et al. (2008), genes coding for COX and LOX enzymes but with more straightforward structures have been identified in Daphnia magna, indicating that NSAIDs could also play the same role in a diverse range of parameters, as in the mammals. We observed decreased neonate numbers across successive generations, indicating potential interference with reproductive mechanisms associated with blocking COX enzyme activity. Understanding the crucial role of PGs in the reproductive and immune systems of both mammals and invertebrates allows us to establish a direct correlation between the impact of NSAIDs and the vital parameters of these organisms.
Although the studies conducted by Prud'homme (2018 and 2017) and Grzesiuk (2010) mentioned above did not report statistically significant differences in life-history parameters, their findings are not to be dismissed. These studies highlight a common theme of reproductive effects of exposure to environmentally relevant concentrations of NSAIDs at different levels, ultimately impacting life trait parameters. Although the exact mode of action of NSAIDs in aquatic organisms that leads to harmful effects in their reproduction is still not well understood, a few authors shared their results alongside their hypothesis. According to Choi et al. (2022) and Heckmann et al. (2008), the impact of NSAIDs on the synthesis of COX enzymes can disrupt oogenesis and impair reproduction. The interference with vitellogenesis and steroidogenesis, both closely linked to sex hormones and organism development (Kwak et al., 2018; Gonzalez-Rey & Bebianno, 2012), has been proposed as potential mechanisms for reproduction impairment. However, the effects of NSAIDs on the enzyme families (COX, LOX, and CYP450) involved in eicosanoid biosynthesis may vary among different animal groups, as observed by diverse responses in aquatic organisms (Han, et al., 2010). This highlights the need for further investigations to understand the specific effects of NSAIDs on eicosanoid biosynthesis.
Our research findings further corroborate these observations, as we observed toxic effects of both IBU and NPX, even at the lowest concentrations, on the reproductive traits of daphnids for three consecutive generations (F1 to F3). In addition, previous studies assessing the impact of NSAIDs on aquatic organisms across a single generation suggested that these pollutants could interfere with eicosanoid synthesis, causing further hazardous effects on the reproduction of aquatic organisms (Han et al., 2010; Du et al., 2016). Thus, even low levels of NSAIDs in the environment may harm the reproductive success of invertebrates, potentially affecting communities, food chains and overall ecosystem function.
A few other studies presented a different approach when explaining the effects observed from generation to generation. According to Tsui & Wang (2004), Lam & Wang (2009), LaMontagne & McCauley (2008), and Vandegehuchte et al. (2010), the primary effects of multigenerational exposure to chemicals can be attributed to two mechanisms: maternal transfer or transgenerational exposure. While the exact mode of action for maternal transfer is not fully understood, it is known to transmit information from parents to offspring in a non-genomic manner. On the other hand, transgenerational exposure involves the transfer of epigenetic marks through the germline without altering the primary structure of DNA (Hao, 2014; Costello & Schones, 2018). in a study conducted by Baker et al. (2013) using zebrafish, significant reproductive changes were observed in the offspring after one generation after exposing the eggs of the F0 generation to sublethal levels of pollutants, suggesting that multigenerational exposure to contaminants during the developmental stage can have harmful effects on subsequent generations and their offspring.
Another intriguing and comparable finding in our study, which aligns with the investigation by Bouly et al. (2022) and Dietrich et al. (2010), is the observed pattern of a decrease in offspring number in one generation followed by an increase in the subsequent generation. Furthermore, the study by Dietrich et al. (2010) reinforces an additional finding in our research. In both studies, after exposure to NSAIDs across multiple generations, a delay in the age of first reproduction was observed. In our study, all single concentrations of IBU, NPX and binary mixtures displayed a delay in the age of first reproduction in F1 and F2 generation compared to the control. At all NPX doses and 2.5 + 2.5 µg/L and 0.1 + 0.1 µg/L, the daphnids reached maturity sooner than the F2 generation. As Bouly et al. (2022) suggested, the increased offspring production and acceleration of reproductive maturity age could indicate a fecundity compensation mechanism. This phenomenon suggests that organisms may employ this strategy, allocating more resources to reproduction to offset the detrimental effects on their life cycle (Minguez, et al., 2015).
Furthermore, Lei et al. (2022) highlighted a rise in the offspring count, coupled with a reduction in the body growth of the daphnids following exposure to prevavastin, a cholesterol-lowering medication. We observed a similar trend in our study. In line with Lei and collaborators' findings, this event may be attributed to energy allocation towards detoxification processes and survival rather than maintenance and growth under stressful conditions.
5.2.1. Presence of males and ephippia
In our study, males and dormant eggs were consistently observed across various concentrations of IBU, NPX, and their binary mixtures throughout all generations. These findings align with previous research by LeBlanc et al. (2005), who highlighted the crucial role of juvenile hormones in regulating reproduction and development in daphnids, including the production of males. Moreover, Tatarazako et al. (2003) demonstrated that exposure to juvenile hormones and their analogues resulted in an increased production of males in daphnids, suggesting a potential link to the trade-off mechanism from asexual to sexual reproduction.
The presence of daphnids and their reproductive activities play a significant role in the freshwater ecosystem by serving as a crucial link in the energy transfer between primary and secondary producers, contributing to the regulation of algae and the microbial community, thereby exerting important ecological control (Dodson & Hanazato, 1995; Miner et al., 2012; Wojtal-Frankiewicz, 2012). Non-sexual reproduction is generally regarded as an efficient mechanism, as it avoids the costs associated with male production and allows for the conversion of more resources into offspring (Gerber, et al., 2017). However, in the case of daphnids, which exhibit a cyclic life cycle involving both sexual and asexual reproduction, there are costs involved, as females can perform only one reproductive mode at a time, leading to a trade-off between the benefits of each strategy (Gerber, et al., 2017). This interplay between sexual and asexual reproduction in daphnids reflects the inherent complexities of reproductive optimisation, where organisms must choose strategies to ensure the survival and success of the next generation.
Under optimal environmental conditions, daphnids typically exhibit an asexual life cycle known as parthenogenesis, where the offspring are predominantly female (Eads, et al., 2008). However, in response to specific environmental triggers such as limited food availability, overcrowding, turbulent waters, or droughts can induce the development of males from the eggs, thus enhancing the reproductive fitness of the population (Wuerz et al., 2019; Eads et al., 2008). Stressful conditions also contribute to forming ephippia, which are sexual eggs that remain dormant until the habitat conditions become favourable again for optimal reproduction (Abrusán et al., 2007). However, this physiologically demanding process of sexual reproduction incurs costs for daphnids (Lynch, 1983), and the production of dormant eggs disrupts rapid population growth (Zhang et al., 2016). The presence of ephippium and male offspring in the populations exposed to both NSAIDs, both individually and in binary mixtures, unequivocally demonstrated a notable shift from asexual to sexual reproduction in the tested groups of D. carinata. This shift signifies an adaptive response to the environmental stressors imposed by the NSAIDs, as the organisms employ sexual reproduction as a survival strategy to ensure the long-term viability of their population. Thus, a shift might have happened when D. carinata was exposed to the NSAIDs in our study.
While recent studies in the literature did not report the presence of males or ephippium in daphnid populations when exposed to NSAIDs, investigations with Daphnia magna and pesticides have revealed that these pollutants act as juvenile hormone analogues, leading to a decrease in offspring numbers and the induction of male production (Oda et al., 2005; Ginjupalli & Baldwin, 2013; Olmstead & LeBlanc, 2003). Interestingly, studies by Heckmann et al. (2008) demonstrated that ibuprofen induced juvenile hormones in D. magna without observing male production. These findings suggest that IBU may mimic the effects of juvenile hormones in daphnids, potentially leading to an increase in male production.
5.4. Recovery assessment
When comparing all treatments of the F4 generation to the control group, we observed significant differences (p < 0.05) for all parameters assessed, inferring no recovery occurred after exposure to NSAID concentrations. However, following the exposure period to clean water, we observed an increase in the number of neonates in the single concentrations of IBU and binary mixtures when comparing the F3 and F4 generations, leading us to suppose that recovery is occurring slowly.
Nevertheless, there was no increase in the number of offspring in organisms from exposure to single concentrations of NPX (generation F4), except for concentration 0.1 µg/L. It is important to note that NSAIDs interfere with COX synthesis, and these enzymes play several roles in animals, including fertility functions. These roles may be linked to the control of reproduction not only in vertebrates but also in invertebrates, involving processes such as egg-laying, oogenesis, ovulation, vitellogenesis, and gonad maturation (Murdoch et al., 1993; Spaziani & Hinsch, 1997; Zahradnik et al., 1999; Stanley, 2006; Schlotz et al., 2012; Ahmed et al., 2018). Thus, this could assist in explaining why the recovery in reproduction observed in the tested daphnids occurs when they are no longer exposed to this pollutant, even at a slow pace.
Several studies have also reported a recovery mechanism following exposure to IBU, similar to our research findings. These studies observed a subsequent depuration phase after IBU exposure, leading to the restoration of normal physiological functions. For instance, in a study by Trombini et al. (2019), after exposing the marine clam Ruditapes philippinarum to diclofenac, ibuprofen, and carbamazepine for 14 days, biochemical changes were induced in the organisms. However, after 7 days of exposure to a clean medium, the clams could cope with the stress, showing recovery of their metabolic responses. Similarly, in another study by Trombini et al. (2021), crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) could recover their biochemical responses and gene expression functions after discontinuing exposure to IBU concentrations.
Furthermore, in a study by Heckmann et al. (2008), D. magna was exposed to IBU concentrations for 10 days, followed by 10 days of exposure to clean water. The results showed that during the exposure period, there was a decrease in the number of offspring produced. However, during the recovery period, the organisms exhibited accelerated reproduction and reached a population size equivalent to that of the control group. Heckmann et al. (2008) also discussed the results of a newly proposed recovery mechanism that could also apply to the recovery results observed in our study, shedding light on this mechanism and providing further insights into the potential factors influencing the recovery of reproductive functions after exposure to IBU. According to the investigators, daphnids could increase fecundity as a compensatory response to reproduction reduction during stressful periods. Drawing a parallel with the phenomenon of compensatory fecundity and increased body size, where after a period of stress, animals would allocate their energy budget to body growth instead of reproduction, Heckmann and colleagues propose a similar concept known as "catch-up reproduction". This concept suggests that after a period of reproduction inhibition, offspring production would increase when animals are more susceptible and the opportunity for reproduction is available within a specific timeframe.
No similar findings regarding the non-recovery effect of daphnids from the F4 generation resulting from single concentrations of NPX were found in the existing literature. Despite NPX being a widely used non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) and frequently detected in aquatic environments, recovery studies explicitly evaluating the toxicity of this pharmaceutical are not very common. However, a few chemical characteristics of NPX could assist us in explaining the nature of the results observed in this study. Compared to IBU drugs of equal concentrations, the extended duration of pain relief after a single dose of naproxen has been widely established. Naproxen exhibits a biological half-life of approximately 15 hours, whereas ibuprofen has a half-life of around 2 hours (Haley & von Recum, 2019). It is worth noting that NPX also has a half-life of 14.6 days in aquatic environments (Wang et al., 2022). Due to its prolonged half-life and pharmacological properties, naproxen is commonly prescribed to address acute pain and inflammation associated with chronic conditions, including post-operative pain, migraines, gout, and rheumatoid arthritis (Stoev et al., 2021). In this scenario, the daphnids exposed to NPX and subsequently introduced to a pharmaceutical-free environment in our study may experience a prolonged recovery period because they might continue to endure the effects of NPX longer than when exposed to IBU.
Upon entering the aquatic environment, pharmaceuticals undergo various processes, including biodegradation and photodegradation, leading to the formation of new compounds (Śliwka-Kaszyńska et al., 2019). Photolysis emerges as a key mechanism for generating novel chemical compounds in water. This photodegradation process significantly impacts the persistence and toxicity of pollutants within the water (Śliwka-Kaszyńska et al., 2019) (Wojcieszyńska & Guzik, 2020). In the case of NPX, upon release into water bodies, it undergoes photodegradation, resulting in the detection of three degradation products in aquatic environments (Śliwka-Kaszyńska et al., 2019). Remarkably, these products exhibit higher persistence and potential toxicity than the primary compound of NPX, raising concerns about their potential accumulation in the environment (Cory et al., 2019). Hence, NPX may have been susceptible to photodegradation during the exposure phase, leading to the release of transformation products into the water. These transformation products exhibit increased toxicity, impacting our study's daphnids. Interestingly, the F4 generation of organisms derived from the NPX exposure period may still suffer from the lingering toxic effects of these transformation products, resulting in a slower recovery than the daphnids exposed to IBU. A few studies also observed the increase in toxicity of transformation products of NPX in aquatic organisms (Maculewicz et al., 2022) (Ma et al., 2014) (Cory et al., 2019) (Isidori et al., 2005), which corroborates the discussion of our findings in this study.
Allocation of energy is also a possible mechanism that the daphnids could have utilised to control the toxic effects of the NSAIDs. Organisms from the NPX single concentrations of the F4 generation produced fewer neonates than the daphnids allocated in the IBU treatments, and this could have happened due to the allocation of energy towards growth or detoxification processes rather than reproduction. This observation aligns with the findings of Heckmann et al. (2007), who reported a trade-off mechanism in Daphnia magna after exposure to NSAIDs. They observed an increase in the body size growth of organisms following exposure to IBU. Similarly, Alkimin et al. (2020) noted the activation of the detoxification system in Daphnia magna after exposure to ketoprofen. These studies provide further evidence supporting the effects on reproduction and highlight the complex responses of organisms to NSAID exposure.