3.1 Influence of deformable drainage system on soil crack development
Fig.4 shows the crack development patterns on the surface soil at w0=0.7wL. As the strain of the drainage system increased, the crack parameters such as the number, length, and area all gradually increased. The cracks on the surface soil were mainly distributed within an approximately 5 cm radius of the drainage system and appeared to be flattened and elongated. The direction of crack development was perpendicular to the drainage system. When the expansion strain of the drainage system (ε) reached 3.0%, cracks began to emerge on the surface soil. Notably, one observable crack measured 2.4 mm in length, 0.8 mm in width, and 1.1 mm² in area. When the values of ε were 3.0%, 5.0%, 8.0%, 10.0%, 12.0%, 15.0%, 17.0%, 19.0%, 22.0%, and 27.0%, corresponding crack numbers on the surface soil were 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, and 9, respectively.
Fig.4 shows that the majority of cracks initially appeared at the interface between the vertical drainage system and the sample. This phenomenon resembled stress changes observed in soil near a driven pile during pile-driving. As the pile penetrated the soil foundation, the soil adjacent to the pile progressively reached a plastic state. With the increase in stress, the plastic zone gradually expanded, while the soil beyond the plastic zone maintained its elastic state. Therefore, by assuming the soil was ideal elastoplastic, cavity expansion theory could be used to explain the observed results.
Fig. 5 shows the schematic diagram of the influence zone of adjacent soil near the expanded drainage system. According to the disturbance degree, the soil sample was divided into four regions: the strong disturbance region (A), the moderate disturbance region (B), the elastic compression region (C), and the undisturbed region (D). The strong disturbance region (A) was located close to the drainage system. As the drainage system underwent radial expansion, region A was subjected to the highest compression pressure. Consequently, an extremely high excess pore pressure was generated due to the sudden increase in horizontal stress. Over time, the excess pore water pressure gradually dissipated, leading to a gradual increase in tensile stress within the soil. When the tensile stress of the soil exceeded its tensile strength, it resulted in the formation of horizontal or vertical cracks within this region, ultimately leading to structural damage to the test sample (e.g.,Tian et al., 2022). The moderate disturbance region (B) also encountered significant excess pore water pressure due to horizontal compression. The elastic compression region (C) experienced a lesser impact from the radial expansion strain of the drainage system, with the soil maintaining its elastic state. The undisturbed region (D) of the sample remained unaffected by the deformable drainage system.
For the example with w0=0.7wL, when the ε ranged from 0.5% to 2.0%, the sample experienced lower horizontal stress, and the soil remained in its elastic state without exhibiting cracks. However, when the ε reached 3.0%, the soil underwent plastic deformation. Hence, the structure of the soil was disrupted, leading to the initiation of cracks. These cracks continued to expand as the ε increased beyond 3.0%. Upon removal of the drainage system, the crack width on the surface soil diminished, but they persisted as tiny cracks, as depicted in Fig.6. With increasing strain, these remaining tiny cracks reopened and extended outward from the crack tips, concurrently widening in width. The presence of these cracks could increase the water permeability coefficient of the soil (e.g.,
Zhang et al.,2009; Feng et al.,2023). It can be deduced that expanded drainage systems could enhance the permeability coefficient of the soil, facilitating the drainage of dredged sediment. This further indicated the feasibility of utilizing a deformable drainage system to enhance the treatment effectiveness of dredged sediment. As the values of ε increased, some cracks exhibited a reduction in width and even closed during the test, as shown in Fig. 7(a). Due to the amplified radial expansion of the drainage system, the stress in the sample near the drainage system increased. Consequently, the compressed soil expanded
outward, resulting in the closure of these small cracks that had not fully developed. Concurrently, some cracks gradually intersected with others during the test, as shown in Fig. 7(b). Since these cracks were linked to the drainage systems, they further increased the drainage area.
Figs.8 and 9 show the crack development patterns on the surface soil at w0=0.8wL and w0=0.9wL, respectively. The crack development patterns for these cases were similar to that of w0=0.7wL. As the ε increased, the crack parameters such as the number, length, and area of cracks also increased. Additionally, the cracks primarily clustered near the drainage systems. As the ε gradually increased, new branched cracks appeared along the main cracks, propagating in a direction perpendicular to them. This phenomenon was observed in samples with w0=0.8wL in Fig. 8 at ε=17.0%, ε=19.0%, and ε=22.0%. At w0=0.8wL, when ε was 3.0%, a single small crack appeared on the surface soil, measuring 3.2 mm in length, 0.6 mm in width, and covering an area of 1.2 mm2. When ε values were 3.0%, 5.0%, 8.0%, 10.0%, 12.0%, 15.0%, 17.0%, 19.0%, 22.0%, and 27.0%, the corresponding crack numbers on the surface soil were 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 4, 5, 7, and 7, respectively. At w0=0.9wL, when the ε was 8.0%, three small cracks appeared on the surface soil. These cracks were measuring 2.4 mm, 3.6 mm, and 6.5 mm in length, 0.8 mm, 1.1 mm, and 0.9 mm in width, and 5.4 mm2, 1.5 mm2, and 3.1 mm2 in area, respectively. When the values of ε were 8.0%, 10.0%, 12.0%, 15.0%, 17.0%, 19.0%, 22.0%, and 27.0%, the corresponding crack numbers on the surface soil were 3, 3, 5, 7, 9, 9, 9, and 9, respectively.
A heave phenomenon was observed on the surface soil near the drainage system, as shown in Fig.10. This phenomenon resembled the soil-squeezing effect observed during pile sinking (e.g., Ding et al., 2021). It resulted from the radial expansion of vertical drainage system, which disturbed the soil structure and induced plastic deformation in the soil near the drainage system. The expansion volume of the vertical drainage system displaced the soil sample and pushed soil particles upward, causing an uplift of the surface soil.
Fig. 11 shows the crack development patterns on the surface soil at w0 = 1.0wL. As the radial strain of the drainage system increased, a ground heave phenomenon near the surface was observed. However, no cracks appeared on the surface soil, even at ε = 27.0%. It can be deduced that cracks would also not appear on the soil surface at ε = 27.0% when w0 was larger than 1.0wL. This speculative conclusion was consistent with the test results, where no cracks appeared on the surface soil near the drainage system when the value of w0 was equal to 1.1wL.
The threshold strain of the drainage system is defined as the strain value corresponding to the initiation of a single crack. Fig.12 shows the typical relationship curves between the expansion strain of the drainage system and the crack development patterns. The crack numbers gradually increased with the expansion strain of the drainage system, exhibiting a roughly quadratic distribution, as illustrated in Fig.12(a). This phenomenon occurred because the sample experienced higher stress, leading to gradual structural deterioration and entry into the plastic zone. When w0 was 0.7wL and 0.8wL,
During the initial stages of the test, the crack numbers remained relatively stable. However, as the strain approached 10%, there was a rapid increase in the number of cracks, followed by stabilization. When w0 = 0.7wL, w0 = 0.8wL, and w0 = 0.9wL, the final numbers of observable cracks were 9, 7, and 9, respectively. Fig.12(b) and Fig.12(c) depict the curves between the total crack length, the maximum crack width, and the strain of the drainage system for different initial water contents. As the strain increased, both the total crack length and the maximum crack width gradually increased. When ε = 27.0%, compared to the samples with w0 = 0.8wL and w0 = 0.9wL, the total crack length of the samples with w0 = 0.7wL increased by 80.9% and 113.4%, respectively. The maximum crack width increased by 29.3% and 63.0% respectively. Moreover, a lower initial water content resulted in more pronounced development of soil cracks near the ground surface.
The crack area serves as a crucial indicator for evaluating crack development patterns. Fig.12(d) shows the relationship curves between the total crack area and the strain of the drainage system for different initial water contents. It can be observed that as the strain of the drainage system increased, the crack area gradually increased, exhibiting a bimodal variation pattern. Taking the sample with w0 = 0.7wL as an example, the crack development patterns on surface soil near the drainage systems can be divided into two stages:
1. When ε ≤ 10%, the cracks were in a slow development stage.
Although the sample near the drainage system underwent plastic deformation, most of the soil outside the plastic zone remained in an elastic state (e.g., Ding et al., 2021). This exhibited a relatively strong capacity to impede crack propagation. The transmission of stress caused by the deformable drainage system was hindered. This resulted in a gradual development of soil microcracks, typically numbering 2-3. During this stage, the total length of cracks increased from 2.4 mm to 42.6 mm, with the maximum crack width expanding by 2.5 times, from 0.8 mm to 2.3 mm. The crack area enlarged from 1.3 mm² to 10.4 mm², signifying an 8.1-fold increase.
2. When ε > 10%, the cracks were in a rapid development stage.
With the radial expansion strain of drainage system, region A was subjected to the higher compression pressure. Initially, the pressure was completely borne by the excess pore water pressure. Over time, the excess pore water pressure gradually dissipated, leading to a gradual increase in the tensile stress of the soil. The increased horizontal stress applied to the sample led to continuous expansion of the plastic zone. When the tensile stress of the soil surpassed its tensile strength, cracks were formed, ultimately causing structural damage to the test sample. At this stage, surface soil cracks developed rapidly, with the crack numbers increasing from 2 to 9. The total crack length expanded from 42.6 mm to 248.3 mm. The maximum crack width increased from 2.3 mm to 26.8 mm, representing a 10.5-fold growth. The crack area grew from 10.4 mm² to 506.8 mm², indicating a 47.6-fold increase. It can be inferred that soil crack development exhibited a threshold concerning the strain of the drainage system.
The above results indicate that cracks mainly initiated near the drainage system, displaying a radial distribution pattern. The crack ratio, a frequently employed parameter for evaluating crack progression (e.g., Tang et al., 2013), was used. The area within a 9 cm diameter from the perimeter of the drainage system was defined as the "crack zone". The method proposed by Tang et al. (2013) was employed to determine the crack ratio of soil samples with varying initial water contents and expansion strains of drainage systems. Fig.13 illustrates the relationship curves between the crack ratio on surface soil and the strain of the drainage system. When the expansion strain was less than 10.0%, the crack ratio of the soil increased slowly as the strain of drainage systems increased. The influence of the initial water content can be negligibly ignored. However, when the expansion strain exceeded 10.0%, the crack ratio on surface soil increased rapidly as the strain of the drainage system increased. The initial water content had a significant impact on the crack ratio of the specimen. Furthermore, when the strain of the drainage system reached 27.0%, the crack ratio on surface soil with w0 = 0.7wL increased by 216% and 262%, compared to the cases of w0 = 0.8wL and w0 = 0.9wL, respectively.
3.2 Influence of initial water content of sample on soil crack characteristics
The initial water content of the sample is also a critical factor influencing crack development patterns. The crack development patterns on the surface soil at different initial water contents are illustrated in Figs.4, 8, 9, and 11. At the same strain value of the drainage system, a lower initial water content correlated with a faster growth rate in crack parameters. This indicates that the threshold strain value of the vertical drainage system for soil crack formation is influenced by initial water contents. For samples with w0 = 0.7wL, and w0=0.8wL, one observable crack began to appear on the surface soil at ε = 3.0%. For the sample with w0 = 0.9wL, three cracks began to appear at ε = 8.0%. Clearly, with an increase in initial water content, the threshold strain values of drainage system for the formation of soil cracks gradually increased. When w0 = 1.0wL, no cracks developed on the surface soil due to the significant presence of free water in the sample. As a result, the sample essentially could not withstand shear stress. When the soil reached its liquid limit, it transitioned from a plastic state to a fluid state, and the deformation of the drainage system could not induce crack formation on the surface soil. Hence, the crack formation is related to the initial water content of the soil. For the dredged sediment in this study, w0 < 1.0wL was a necessary condition for crack initiation.
Fig.14 illustrates the typical relationship curves between soil crack development patterns on the surface soil and the initial water contents of soil samples. As the initial water content increased, there was a consistent decreasing trend in the values of total crack length, total crack area, and maximum crack width. After the test, when w0 = 0.7wL, the specimen exhibited a total crack length of 248.3 mm, a total crack area of 500.0 mm², and a maximum crack width of 26.9 mm. Compared to the sample with w0 = 0.8wL, these values increased by 81%, 193%, and 29%, respectively. Compared to the case of w0 = 0.9wL, these values increased by 113%, 261%, and 64%, respectively. In the case of w0 = 0.9wL, although there were slightly more cracks on the surface soil, their total length, total area, and maximum width were all smaller than those in other samples. For soil samples with relatively high initial water content, crack development was not significant and there were primarily micro-cracks and intermediate-sized cracks, as shown in Fig.15. It can be observed from Fig.14(b) that when w0 ≥ 1.0wL (wL = 63.7%), an increase in the expansion strain of the drainage system would not cause the occurrence of cracks on the surface soil.
From Fig.14, it can be observed that when the strain of the vertical drainage system was relatively small, the initial water content had a minimal impact on the development of surface soil cracks. However, at higher strains, the initial water content significantly affected crack development patterns on the surface soil. For example, in the sample with ε = 8.0%, when w0 = 0.7wL, the total crack length measured 34.2 mm, with a maximum width of 1.9 mm. This represented a 157.4% and 60.4% increase, respectively, compared to the sample with w0 = 0.9wL. For the sample with ε = 22.0% at w0 = 0.7wL, the total crack length extended to 210.7 mm, with a total area of 397.9 mm² and a maximum width of 23.0 mm. Compared to the sample with w0=0.9wL, it represented an increase by 107%, 221%, and 73%, respectively. These findings implied that the initial water content was a crucial factor in influencing crack development patterns on the surface soil. The crack development patterns on surface soil were closely linked to both the expansion strain of the drainage system and the initial water content of soil samples.