Pore structure characterization and single-gas sorption isotherm of Cu-ZIF- gis
Cu-ZIF-gis was synthesized according to the previous literature method, a solvothermal reaction between Cu(NO3)2·3H2O and 2-nitroimidazole (nImH) in N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) (see experimental section).31 The powder X-ray Diffraction (XRD), FT-IR, and thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA) data of Cu-ZIF-gis, matched well with the previous report (Figs. 1a, b and Supplementary Figs. 1–2).31 Cu-ZIF-gis is a remarkably stable material in air, for almost three years, which is a beneficial property for practical application (Fig. 1b). The structure consists of 2-nitroimidazolate (nIm) linkers and highly-flattened tetrahedral copper(II) nodes, resulting in narrow cylindrical channels with a cross-sectional diameter of 2.32 ~ 2.44 Å. Considering the kinetic diameter of H2 (2.89 Å) and incorporating nitroimidazole linkers, it may possess a great structural deformation potential realized by H2 stimuli-responsive ZIF.32 For instance, although the Cu-ZIF-gis has an internal void (Fig. 1), nitrogen cannot enter at 77 K due to the larger probe (N2) size of 3.64 Å.31 However, H2 can diffuse inside at 77 K with a large sorption hysteresis (Supplementary Fig. 3). Similarly, at even higher temperatures (90–210 K), oxygen sorption exhibits a growing hysteresis with increasing temperature, reaching a maximum uptake before gradually decreasing uptake with eventually disappearing the hysteresis phenomenon (Fig. 1c and Supplementary Fig. 4). The hysteresis and the complex gas adsorption behavior might originate from the temperature-dependent, adsorption-induced structural response of the Cu-ZIF-gis (Supplementary Figs. 5–7 and Supplementary Table 1). Therefore, the Cu-ZIF-gis is anticipated to efficiently separate D2/H2 when the pore size is optimal for KQS at a certain temperature range.
The single-component equilibrium adsorption isotherms of Cu-ZIF-gis for H2 and D2 were measured at temperatures ranging from 40 K to 150 K, as shown in Figs. 2a, b. D2 and H2 isotherms at 40 K exhibit negligible uptake, as expected. This is because the size of the channel aperture is smaller than the kinetic diameter of the hydrogen isotope (2.89 Å), which prevents gas molecules from penetrating the channel, known as pore-blocking. Generally, increasing isotherm temperature results in a decrease in gas uptake due to adsorption thermodynamics. However, at 77 K, the H2/D2 isotherms exhibited a noticeable uptake increase with significant desorption hysteresis (similar to O2 isotherms). Consequently, Cu-ZIF-gis showed a clear thermal gate opening, increasing the sorption amount for both H2 and D2 with temperature. This is attributed to the gradual lattice expansion, which results in a larger aperture and leads to an increase in uptake for both isotopes up to 100 K. Notably, there was a significant difference in the amount of H2 and D2 uptake at 87 K and 100 K. Even at a temperature as high as 120 K, hysteresis loops were still observable for H2 and D2. This indicates that equilibration hadn't been achieved yet under measurable conditions, suggesting a substantial diffusion limitation for H2 and D2 under a temperature-dependent and confined 1D channel structure. In other words, the structure's thermal lattice expansion becomes more pronounced with increasing sorption temperature, resulting in increased uptake up to 100 K due to a weakened diffusion barrier for both isotopes. Please note that although the lattice expansion effects enable gate opening, the effective aperture is still not wide enough to allow the hydrogen isotope to move freely in the temperature range of 77–120 K. The maximum uptake of H2 and D2 are 1.7 mmol g− 1 and 2.3 mmol g− 1 at 100 K, respectively. The uptake of D2 is higher than H2 in all the isotherms, which is attributed to the quantum effect in confined Cu-ZIF-gis.33
Temperature-dependent XRD experiments are carried out to demonstrate in more detail how the Cu-ZIF-gis structure reacts to changes in temperature. The XRD patterns are recorded as the sample is ramped from 20 K to 300 K at a rate of 3 K min− 1 under high vacuum. As the temperature increased, the position of the major peaks (2θ ~ 15, 16, and 19.1°) shifted to a slightly but clearly lower angle, indicating a thermal expansion of the crystal lattice. These results also indirectly support the temperature-dependent LDG effects that may cause channel width changes in Cu-ZIF-gis (Fig. 2c). Indeed, this represents a departure from previously reported MOFs and ZIFs with rigid structures, which display consistent XRD patterns without clear peak shifts with temperature34,35,36.
Hydrogen Isotope Separation Performance
To further explore the desorption behavior and separation performance of hydrogen isotopes on Cu-ZIF-gis, advanced cryogenic thermal desorption spectroscopy (AC-TDS) measurements were employed. The TDS spectra of single-component H2 and D2 were measured at their respective liquefaction (20 K for H2 and 23 K for D2) temperature and room temperature (Supplementary Figs. 8–9). Similar to single-component H2 and D2 isotherm studies, no desorption signal was observed when gas was dosed at 20 K or 23 K, while the clear desorption curves starting from 80 K to 190 K were observed after loading at room temperature for both H2 and D2, with calculated amounts of 1.7 mmol g− 1 and 2.2 mmol g− 1, respectively. The desorption signal for pure isotope exposure at the liquefaction temperature was not observed because the structure of Cu-ZIF-gis was in a closed gate state, blocking hydrogen isotopes from entering the pore. When hydrogen isotopes are exposed to Cu-ZIF-gis at room temperature and then cooled to 18 K, the structure locks into a closed gate state after absorbing the isotopes. This means that any isotopes already inside the Cu-ZIF-gis from the room-temperature exposure are trapped inside. By that, desorption of trapped isotopes requires high thermal energy, extending up to 180 K for complete release. Notably, the desorption peak maxima of ca. 130 K is the highest desorption temperature among MOFs without strong binding sites (open metal sites) reported so far. As a result, the temperature-dependent LDG effect makes the pores accessible to isotopes at high temperatures.
Pure H2 and D2 TDS patterns of Cu-ZIF-gis were compared with various porous materials to gain insights into the desorption behavior of hydrogen isotope at high temperatures, as shown in Fig. 3a. Five representative samples are compared regarding the desorption curve, which is correlating sorption enthalpy and pore size. MOF-303, with an aperture size of 6 Å, exhibits a TDS spectrum that undergoes complete desorption below 60 K, indicating typical physical adsorption behavior (desorption energy ~ 5.61 kJ mol− 1).37 However, MOF-74(Ni) with open metal sites as strong adsorption sites shows the desorption of hydrogen isotopes even above 90 K (heat of adsorption ~ 13 kJ mol− 1).8,38 Partially fluorinated FMOF-Cu has three pores of different sizes, which are connected by a narrow bottleneck aperture.29 This aperture allows H2 access to the hidden third cavity through linker vibration. Due to this unique FMOF-Cu structure, hydrogen isotopes could adsorb till 120 K. As another similar example, the metal-organic cage (MOC) material reported by He et. al. consists of a flexible narrow window of 3.0 Å or less and organic macrocycles.30 This material also exhibits a partial gate-opening effect, resulting in maximal desorption occurring at 100 K even in the absence of an open metal site. Still, a desorption signal starts already to be observed at a very low temperature of 30 K too, which is caused by an interparticle spacing. Finally, it has been observed that in the Cu-ZIF-gis, hydrogen isotopes are desorbed completely at a temperature of 180 K, one of the highest compared to other materials reported previously. This observation highlights the importance of diffusion limitations caused by long and narrow cylindrical 1D channels, which enable the release of hydrogen isotopes at elevated temperatures, even in the absence of strong binding sites.
Furthermore, desorption energy (Ed) was calculated using the Falconer and Madix equation, assuming that at peak temperature, the desorption peak maxima correspond to the desorption rate, and fractional surface coverage at desorption peak maxima is not a function of heating rate.39 For Ed calculation, pure H2 and D2 TDS measured at the heating rate of 3, 4.5, and 6 K min− 1 were used. Please note that the desorption energy in porous materials is the sum of binding energy and diffusion barrier energy. In most cases, the diffusion barrier energy can be negligible for systems with large pores. However, for porous materials with highly confined systems like Cu-ZIF-gis, the diffusion barrier energy difference caused by heating ramp rates may become significant and affect the overall desorption energy due to very strong diffusion limitation. The Ed for H2 and D2 were almost identical values of 30.3 kJ mol− 1 and 29.7 kJ mol− 1, respectively. Indeed, the surface binding energy (physisorption) of D2 on Cu-ZIF-gis is typically higher than H2 due to the quantum statistical mass effect,33 but the diffusion energy barrier difference by heating ramp rates of H2 is higher than D2 due to the temperature-dependent gating effect in Cu-ZIF-gis during desorption (Supplementary Fig. 10).
The hydrogen isotope separation performance of Cu-ZIF-gis was investigated through TDS measurements for an equimolar H2/D2 mixture (Supplementary Fig. 8). TDS spectra and their selectivities (SD2/H2) obtained at various exposure times (texp ~ 0.5, 60, and 120 min) at 1000 mbar (exposure pressure, Pexp) were shown in Supplementary Figs. 11, 12. The isotope uptake increased with exposure time but became mostly saturated after 60 min. These results imply almost equilibrium of isotope uptake at 60 min. Moreover, no significant change in SD2/H2 was observed at all temperatures, even after 120 min exposure. Figure 3b and Supplementary Fig. 13 show TDS spectra of 1:1 H2/D2 mixture under different loading pressures (Pexp ~ up to 2000 mbar) and exposure temperatures (Texp = 77–120 K) after 60 min of exposure (texp). Note that the TDS mixture spectra have been re-plotted separately for each isotope (Fig. 3b, top D2, and bottom H2). TDS analysis showed that the uptake of isotope increased up to 100 K and revealed the existence of (at least) two major desorption peaks. As Cu-ZIF-gis has only one channel with no open metal site incorporated, the existence of two desorption peaks may imply two different desorbed phases caused by the thermal gating effect (Supplementary Fig. 14). Moreover, in the TDS spectrum, complete desorption was achieved at around 140 K at Texp ~ 77 K, but the desorption extended up to 180 K at Texp ~ 120 K. These results indicate that as the temperature increases, gas molecules can diffuse deeply into the internal channel, requiring higher temperatures to release internally trapped isotopes.
Figure 3c shows the D2/H2 selectivity (SD2/H2) corresponding to the loading pressure (10-2000 mbar) and exposure temperature (77–120 K) at 60 min of exposure time. The SD2/H2 at Texp ~ 77 K and Pexp ~ 10 mbar was found to be 4.0. As the loading pressure increased, the SD2/H2 decreased gradually and saturated to ca. 3.2 after 1000 mbar. At Texp ~ 87 K, the maximum SD2/H2 of 2.8 was achieved at Pexp ~ 10 mbar. With a further increase in the temperature, the SD2/H2 decreases. The decrease in SD2/H2 at higher temperatures can be ascribed to the progressive expansion of the lattice framework, resulting in getting larger channels and increased accessibility of both hydrogen isotopes. At 87, 100, and 120 K exposure temperatures, the SD2/H2 remains constant or increases/decreases negligibly. The comparison of SD2/H2 at 10 and 2000 mbar and various temperatures with respect to corresponding D2 uptake is shown in Fig. 3d. It can be seen that the maximum SD2/H2 of 4.0 at Texp ~ 77 K and 2000 mbar was obtained despite the lowest D2 uptake. Based on the sorption isotherms, the LDG effect starts to be observed from 77 K, forming narrow pores for hydrogen isotopes in Cu-ZIF-gis. Therefore, the molecular confinement caused by the gating effect at 77 K maximizes, resulting in a high SD2/H2 despite low isotope uptake. However, with increasing exposure temperature until 100 K, the signal intensity for both D2 and H2 increased, resulting in higher total isotope uptake, but due to the actively occurring gating effect caused by lattice expansion, accessibility of the pores to hydrogen isotopes is enhanced. As a result, the uptake of hydrogen isotope increased, leading to a decrease in SD2/H2. Nevertheless, SD2/H2 of 1.7 was still obtained even at a high temperature of 120 K and 2000 mbar, indicating that hydrogen isotope separation is possible at high temperatures and high pressures. These observations suggest that utilizing Cu-ZIF-gis can make the adsorptive D2/H2 separation process more energy efficient and benefit industrial processes requiring high pressure, such as the PSA process.
As shown in Fig. 3e, the SD2/H2 of Cu-ZIF-gis was compared with the previously reported SD2/H2 of various MOFs exploiting the ‘KQS’ effect (We intentionally excluded the CAQS materials due to their stability issues). Generally, the separation efficiency through KQS in most MOFs has been limited below 77 K, Supplementary Table 2. This is because, at high temperatures (above 77 K), hydrogen isotopes cannot attach to MOFs in an adsorbed state due to low binding energy. In the case of Cu-ZIF-gis, hydrogen isotopes are desorbed completely at a temperature of 180 K; therefore, the separation of D2 and H2 can be attempted at 120 K, which is one of the highest operating temperatures reported. As a result, Cu-ZIF-gis could be a promising adsorbent for increasing the operating temperature even above the LNG liquefaction temperature of 111 K of the KQS effect (The operating temperature of 111 K or higher means that LNG cryo-infrastructure already exists and can be used for isotope separation immediately).
Microscopic observation of diffusion dynamics
Quasi-Elastic Neutron Scattering (QENS) analysis further elucidates the role of thermal lattice expansion in Cu-ZIF-gis for hydrogen isotope separation, providing deeper insights into H2 and D2 motion in Cu-ZIF-gis.41,42,43 Our QENS analysis reveals the temperature-dependent mobility of adsorbed hydrogen isotopes within the Cu-ZIF-gis framework. The fitting process for QENS data was performed using the QCLIMAX package in the Integrated Computational Environment-Modeling & Analysis for Neutrons(ICE-MAN).44 Despite the experimental data's asymmetry (originating from the instrument), the obtained QENS spectra are well-fitted with delta, Lorentzian functions, and constant background (Figs. 4a, b & Supplementary Figs. 15–30). The delta Function (red line) represents the elastic scattering component, indicating the presence of immobile or very slow-moving isotopes within the pores of Cu-ZIF-gis. The broad Lorentzian (blue line) component accounts for the quasi-elastic scattering, indicating isotope molecules' diffusive motion. The width of the Lorentzian peak provides information about the diffusion coefficients and the nature of the molecular motion. Constant background (yellow line) accounts for any residual background noise of the measured data. We have analyzed the Elastic Incoherent Structure factor (EISF), which is the contribution of elastic scattering to the total scattering intensity (elastic + quasielastic) and provides details about localized hydrogen isotope motion geometry.45 (Eq. (1))
The geometry of the confined molecular motion of hydrogen isotopes can be determined by fitting the Q-dependence of the EISF. Therefore, the diffusion in a sphere model derived by Volino and Dianoux has been employed to describe the localized motions of isotopes within the confined space.46
where A is the fraction of immobile molecules, while (1-A) is the fraction of mobile molecules that undergo localized motions within a sphere of radius r, and j1 is the spherical Bessel function of the first order. As shown in Figs. 4c, d, the fitting of the EISF for H2 and D2 at various temperatures were obtained using Eq. 2. The diffusion in a sphere model analysis shows a greater confinement effect for D2 compared to H2 within the Cu-ZIF-gis structure, suggesting differential mobility that facilitates effective isotope separation. This is particularly evident at low loading (0.7 mmol g− 1), where the localization radius for H2 (1.6–1.7 Å) was also larger than that for D2 (1.7–1.9 Å) (Fig. 4e) across all exposure temperatures, indicating that H2 undergoes diffusive motion within these confined pores, whereas D2 appears to be more confined and immobilized (see mobile fraction of (1-A), Fig. 4f). This means D2 is more likely to remain within the porous framework than H2, which also aligns with previously reported results.47 Hence, this subtle difference in single-component isotopes of r and A values in Figs. 4e, f implies that the temperature-dependent mobility of D2 is more pronounced than H2, potentially affecting separation selectivity under the mixture.
Table 1
Fraction of mobile molecules and localization radius at various temperatures in Cu-ZIF-gis determined by hydrogen isotope diffusion model Eq. (2).
Temperature [k] | Mobile Fraction [%] | Localization of radius, r [Å] |
H2 | D2 | H2 | D2 |
77 | 0.20 ± 0.03 | 0.13 ± 0.02 | 1.68 ± 0.14 | 1.61 ± 0.09 |
100 | 0.28 ± 0.06 | 0.21 ± 0.04 | 1.70 ± 0.15 | 1.67 ± 0.13 |
150 | 0.43 ± 0.10 | 0.39 ± 0.07 | 1.91 ± 0.18 | 1.73 ± 0.15 |
* Please note that the immobile fraction also contains the Cu-ZIF-gis itself |