Estimates of population sizes are essential for understanding the ecology of the entire species, providing reliable data on size fluctuations, and facilitating the tracking of population trends (Wang et. al. 2016; Wang 2010). The type and amount of biotic and abiotic resources that are available to ungulates at different time scales affect their distribution and abundance patterns (Gautam 2013). Therefore, keeping track of the expenses associated with population management initiatives requires accurate population size calculations (Donini et al. 2021).
The current research area's spotted hyena density (0.40 hyenas/km2) was greater than estimates of similar densities elsewhere in Africa.. For instance, spotted hyena densities in Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe, and Etosha National Park, Namibia, were reported by Holekamp and Dloniak (2006) to be 0.07 individuals/km2 and Trinkel (2009) to be 0.02 individuals/km2, respectively. These densities were lower than those reported by Deneke et al. (2022), which were 1.34 in farmland and 0.55 in forest hyena/km2 in Ethiopia. In southern Ethiopia, there was 0.61 and 0.55 hyena/km2 (Mesfin et al. 2023). These densities could be affected by fluctuations in the distribution and abundance of prey within the study area. In the current study area, the high number of spotted hyenas may also be explained by the abundance of prey species, accidental or diseased livestock carcasses, and organic wastes originating from humans surrounding the communities. In addition, spotted hyenas consume domestic animals for food. There is a positive correlation between carnivore density and prey abundance (Carbone et al. 2021; Karanth et al. 2004). As litter size and offspring survival rise, the relationship gets stronger (Fuller 2001). Many reasons, such as an abundance of food, a high birth rate, reduced competition for food and space, and less human pressure in the area, may be responsible for the spotted hyena population's great size.
Anubis baboon density was 11.83 individuals/km2 for the present study area, which was considerably higher than those estimated by Mesfin et al. (2023) at 3.66 and 5.35 individuals/km2 in Ethiopia; Se´gniagbeto et al. (2018) at 0.81 individuals/km2 in Togo; and Ajayi et al. (2020) at 0.042 ± 0.000 individuals/km2 in Nigeria, but considerably lower than those of Kifner et al. (2022) at 132.5 individuals/km2 in Lake Manyara National Park Tanzania. Grivet monkey densities estimated at 15.18 individuals/km2 in the current research area are significantly lower than those estimated by Menbere and Balakrishnan (2016) in Ethiopia, which were 133.1 individuals/km2, and higher than those of Mesfin et al. (2023) findings of 3.57 and 2.91 individuals/km2 in Ethiopia. Grivet monkeys are well-known agricultural pest monkeys that are challenging for guarders to control during flowering times. This could be a result of the farm fields being close to forest and the abundance of trees that give monkeys shelter and help them escape from the guards. They also impose serious harm by hiding among weeds and maize plants. According to the study, Anubis baboons caused the most damage to maize across all study sites, followed by grivet monkeys, and the least amount was damaged by other wild animals. This could be a result of the primates' high intelligence and capacity for social organization, which allowed them to recognize that there were no crop guards on the farm. Additionally, because of their large number in the group, they are difficult to chase and quickly escape into the farm fields, severely damaging the area. This result coincided with Hill's (2000) study conducted in Uganda.
In the present study area, the density estimate of black-backed jackal was 0.6 individuals/km2, which is higher than the density estimates of 34–40 individuals/100 km2 in South Africa (Rowe–Rowe 1982). Nature reserves in the country's center have recorded densities of 33–43 individuals/100 km2 (Klare et al. 2010), while our result was lower than the findings in Zimbabwe 53.9 to 79.1 per 100 km2 Loveridge et al. (2010) and Nel et al. (2013) observed jackal concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 13.1 individuals/ km2 of shoreline along the Namib Desert coast, depending on the availability of resources, black backed jackal density varied from 0.02 to 1.20 individuals/ km2 and density (0.31–9.80 jackals/km2) wasn't aware of and closely correlated with the distance to the food source were estimated in Namibia (Jenner et al. 2011)
Porcupine densities are now estimated to be 0.7 individuals/km2, which is less than those found in central Italy by Franchini et al. (2022) and Mesfin et al. (2023) in Ethiopia. Due to its damage to fields and abuse by nearby farmers, the porcupine is regarded as a "potentially problematic species." Within the research region, the porcupine's basic food consists of seeds, fruits, roots, epigeal portions, and other underground stems like enset. On the other hand, because porcupines eat potatoes, haricot beans, and maize, local farmers may be less tolerant of them. Due to their widespread reputation as crop raiders in the study area and the traditional medicinal value of their meat, porcupines are killed. To determine the proper course of conservation and management, determining its density is even more crucial.
The present estimated density of warthogs is lower, which is 1.2 individual/km2 compared to typical cluster densities investigated by Edossa et al. (2022) in Ethiopia (5.18/km2 and 2.37/km2), Creel et al. (2018) in Tanzania (1.7/km2), Marchal et al. (2012) in Burkina Faso (2.5 individuals/km2), and Cunningham (2016) in Namibia (4.05/km2 and 1.95/km2). The common warthog density estimate in the present area was in line with that found in central Kenyan protected areas (1–10 animals/km2) (De Jong et al. 2016). However, the current study's findings are higher than the warthog density estimates of 0.19/km2 (Augustine, 2010) and 0.25/km2 (Apio et al. 2015) found in the habitat of Acacia bushlands at Kenya's. The current research, however, was much less than the values (77 animals/km2) previously recorded in the South Africa (De Jong et al., 2016), and in the short grass of Kenya (22.8/km2, Swanepoel et al. 2016; 26.0/km2, White 2010). This variation of density might be due to the competition for resources and human activities.
Olive baboons were the most damaging crop-foraging species, according to local farmers, while the study area's grivet monkeys were the next most common animals to complain about when they visited farms. Apex carnivores were shown to be the most damaging small livestock pest, after crop foraging, in terms of economic impacts. In the current study area, the lack of wild food, habitat degradation, and constriction most likely enhance olive baboons' ability to predate small livestock. To verify the respondents' assessment of olive baboons as the leading livestock predator in the area, additional observational research is necessary. In a comparable manner, additional research revealed that baboons are known to outcompete small livestock in Ethiopia (Kifle and Bekele 2020) and Benin (Sogbohossou et al. 2011). This includes juvenile goats and sheep. In addition to causing crop damage, grivet monkeys also hunt chickens and steal and snatch human food and eggs from children and elderly people (Ejigu and Bekele 2010; Chapman and Peres 2001).
Most respondents agreed that the expansion of agriculture and deforestation for the purpose of harvesting firewood and expanding farmlands were the primary causes contributing to the impact of wildlife on the local community. This result is in line with a study by Hill (2000), which discovered that competition for resources between people and wild animal’s cause’s conflict between wildlife species and humans in forests. Similarly, a study conducted in south-western Ethiopia in Gera district reported that agricultural expansion around the forest edge was the main cause of wildlife impacts on the people (Gobosh et al. 2016).
The current study found that agricultural loss was greater in villages near the forest, including Bahita and Gola, than it was in areas further from the forest boundary. The farther cropland is from the forest boundary, the more damage crop raider’s cause to crops (Nibret et al. 2016). Costs associated with farming close to forests include crop loss, livestock predation, and the time and resources needed to protect the crops and livestock. This result agrees with the finding of Mackenzie (2012), in which, in many parts of Africa, the wildlife species in the forest are the most serious problems in the villages located adjacent to the natural forest or protected area. According to Nibret et al. (2016), a study conducted in Choke Mountain, Ethiopia, indicated that the crop damage caused by wildlife species was severe near the forest. The absence of a buffer zone between the farmlands and the park, according to Biset et al. (2019), is probably responsible for the highest crop damage incidence among the surrounding households. They emphasised that the absence of a buffer zone may result in increased interactions between agricultural areas and wildlife, hence increasing crop vulnerability to damage.
The majority of respondents agreed that the primary cause of olive baboon raids and the subsequent escalation of conflict was the tasty nature of cereal crops. Easy-to-digest human harvesting crops offer monkeys an alternative food supply and nutritional benefits in times of low natural food supplies (Wallace and Hill 2012; Kifle 2021; Kifle and Bekele 2020). Research has also shown that when habitat productivity in the surrounding areas declined, baboons' agricultural foraging increased (Kagoro-Rugunda 2004; Findlay and Hill 2020). Similarly, there's a greater chance of crop damage in the area due to intense farming practices and a lack of natural food in the habitats of olive baboons. According to Wallace and Hill (2012), primates experiencing habitat loss in Uganda could rely on field crops as a dependable and easily available source of food. According to Seiler and Robbins (2020), primates are compelled to go into marginal habitats and become crop foragers as their habitats diminish and human settlements encircle them more and more. Similar to this, the boundaries of protected areas, the separation between farms, and the proximity of crop fields all have a significant impact on the occurrence of crop damage (Matseketsa et al. 2019; Mamo et al. 2021).
This study shows how conflicts between wildlife and human populations get worse when wild animals damage crops and livestock. Predation of livestock and crop raiding by wild animals is a major cause of conflict between humans and wild animals, putting human-wild animal coexistence at risk globally (Jayson 2016). According to Wang et al. (2019), the act of wild animals preying on cattle and the subsequent retaliatory reactions can have detrimental effects on both humans and carnivores. Humans and wild animals are negatively impacted by conflicts between them (Mekonen 2020). Conflicts involving crop loss and livestock harm were the most prevalent (Pisa and Katsande 2021). Major obstacles face both wild animal management and rural lifestyles as a consequence of the conflict between the local people and wild animals (Tamrat et al. 2020). According to Dhakal et al. (2019), interactions between animals for food, shelter, and other needs might be advantageous or disadvantageous. Conflicts between humans and wild animals are highly dangerous due to crop raiding and livestock predation (Meena 2021; Neelakantan et al. 2019). A related study indicated that chickens, goats, sheep, dogs, and cats were among the animals that lost the most (Blair and Meredith 2018). Kilcullen (2015) and Gervasi et al. (2020) have noted that crop raiding and the killing of young goats and lambs are the primary causes of conflicts between farmers, semi-pastoralists, and wild animals. Other scholars have also suggested that crop raiding, livestock predation, and deforestation for different purposes are causes of human-wild animal conflict (Bond and Mkutu 2018; Gervasi et al. 2020).
The locals' means of livelihood were significantly impacted by the loss of crops and cattle as a result of wild animals. Farmers who made their living from livestock and farming reported greater losses from crops and animals. In a related survey, Biset et al. (2019) discovered that the majority of participants (85.6%) thought that people's interaction with wild animals harmed crops and livestock. The settlement distance was also associated with crop and animal losses caused by wild animals (Horgan and Kudavidanage 2020; Pisa and Katsande 2021; Dunnink et al. 2020).
This study shows that only a limited number of traditional practices were used in the nearby villages of the Mankira Forest to prevent and mitigate conflicts between humans and wild animals. The most widely used strategies for reducing crop damage and cattle depredation were guarding, fencing, chemicals, chasing, smoking, and throwing stones to repel wild animals, as well as having farmers and their families stand vigil and smoke on the edges of their fields and keep a constant eye on their livestock and crops. According to research conducted in the in Benin, which is similar to current findings, guarding crops was found to be the most efficient technique of crop protection by most farmers (Nyhus, 2016). In actuality, most households' farmland is located closer to the Mankira forest boundary. More harm by wild animals occurs when they are near forests, which is in line with research done in Nigeria (Eniang et al. 2011).