2.1 Nanoelectrospay as a Molecular Beam Device
2.1.1 Nanoelectrospray Based Surface Preparation
Electrospray is routinely used to prepare thin films6 even though molecular-level design is not achieved. We used a home-built electrospray device to distribute a dissolved component uniformly over a metal target (figure 1). Figure 2 panel a, b show the surface prepared by spraying a rhodamine solution onto a flat target with a conventional instrument built in the late eighties of the twenties century at the Physics Department of the University of Münster, Germany7. The electrospray was operated at flow rates of 10 - 20 μL/min. The purpose was to distribute an analyte uniformly over a surface for subsequent analysis by a static secondary ion mass spectrometer (SIMS). Static SIMS is a sub-monolayer sensitive surface analysis technique. Such an electrospray preparation was state of the art at the time6, but far from monolayer characteristics. Subsequent theoretical and experimental studies of the electrospray process itself showed a way to improve the homogeneity of the preparation7. A stable liquid Taylor cone ejects droplets exclusively from its tip. The radius at the tip of the Taylor cone for droplet emission depends on the flow rate. The central equation describing the radius of the emission region from the tip of a Taylor cone is7:
Equation 1
The central equation linking the radius re of the droplet emission region at the tip of a Taylor cone with the flow rate V'. The lower the flow rate the smaller are the initially produced droplets.
Reducing the flow rate reduces the size of the initially produced droplets (figure 2 , panel b). The equation suggests that when spraying an aqueous solution of 1 pmol/μL at a flow rate of 20 nL/min, droplets with the size of the emission radius would contain, on average, only one analyte molecule.
Acetone has a high vapor pressure. When sprayed its droplets start to evaporate in flight and break up into smaller second generation droplets before they dry down and the non volatile rhodamine residuals reach the surface8. The droplet emission radius is only a description for the largest droplet generated by the spray, not the most common one. By replacing the metallic nozzle with a gold-coated, pulled glass capillary, the acetone flow rate was reduced to about 200 nL/min. This was the first - later called - nanoelectrospray instrument. 200 nL/min was the lowest flow rate achievable at the time with the first generation instrument. With this emitter, the metallic aluminum surface did not visibly change when the rhodamine solution was sprayed - even under prolonged preparation of 1 h or more. The obtained surfaces were investigated with a raster-electron microscope and a static SIMS mass spectrometer (figure 2, panel c, d). The raster electron microscopic picture showed no discernible particles even though rhodamine covered the surface of the target.
The following experiments were designed to determine whether the nanoelectrospray produced surfaces that behaved like monolayers under static SIMS examination. Such a preparation would allow the hypothesis that the final droplets were so small that they contained on average only one molecule of rhodamine. The experimental results obtained at this stage were not completely conclusive, but they provided enough evidence to continue this line of experimentation.
Figure 2, panel e shows the slow increase of the static SIMS signal with preparation time and a decrease when the rhodamine coverage becomes too thick. This behavior is similar to monolayer coverage on clean surfaces in vacuum by molecular beam deposition9. The question was whether the surface is covered by an increasing number of particles, as in panel a, or whether the coverage is monolayer-like. To answer this question, a series of experiments were performed to determine the time required to reach the maximum SIMS response signal tSIMSmax as a function of rhodamine concentration. When small rhodamine particles cover the target, tSIMSmax depends on their cross section and thus varies with (cRh)-2/3. However, if the coverage is monolayer-like, the static SIMS signal will respond to the total amount of rhodamine sprayed on the surface and will depend on (cRh)-1. Figure 2 panel f shows how the preparation time to reach the maximum SIMS signal t is indirectly proportional to the rhodamine concentration. The linearity indicates that the SIMS signal characteristic changes in proportion to the total amount of rhodamine sprayed onto the target. This result indicates that the surfaces generated by the nanoelectrospray preparation behave like molecular monolayers under static SIMS examination.
2.1.2 Molecular Beam Hypothesis
The surface preparation experiments concluded that when an acetone solution is electrosprayed from a stable Taylor cone using a metal-coated drawn glass capillary at a flow rate of the order of 200 nL/min, the compartmentalization of individual analyte molecules into separate droplets is complete or close to complete. Two hypotheses emerged from these experiments.
First, if such a device is pointed at a vacuum system, the volatile solvent would evaporate, releasing the non-volatile molecules into the vacuum. Thus, a nanoelectrospray could be an ion source for large molecules of virtually unlimited mass - which is what electrospray ion sources are today. And second, it should be possible to use a nanoelectrospray to synthesize molecularly designed layers of large organic compounds10.
Prof. Fenn et al. had published the first mass spectra of protein ions generated with a conventional electrospray ion source in 198811,12. They had no experimental evidence suggesting that the electrospray can produce droplets so small that they contain only one protein molecule. To explain the generation of these ions from larger droplets they proposed the ion evaporation mechanism12,13.
The first project, the implementation of the nanoelectrospray as an ion source at a mass spectrometer, was realized in 1992 at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), Heidelberg, Germany14. The direct coupling of the nanoelectrospray ion source to the vacuum system of a mass spectrometer, as shown in figure 3, demonstrated that the compartmentalization of analyte molecules is indeed complete. Under standard operational conditions no clustering of proteins was observed. The nanoelectrospray ion source is a very bright ion source, approximately 100 times more efficient than any other electrospray ion source at the time. The instrument provided the technical basis for the development of low-level protein identification by mass spectrometry. Over the years, it has been used to analyze hundreds of peptide and protein samples.
2.2 Self Assembly of Large Protein Containing Membranes
Can a nanoelectrospray ion source be used to synthesize membranes with incorporated membrane proteins from gas phase? Because purified membrane proteins are only stable when solubilized with detergent molecules, it is not possible to synthesize such membranes directly15,16. The question was whether nanoelectrosprayed layers could provide an environment in which membranes can self-assemble. The experimental basis for this was the ability of the nanoelectrospray to generate monomolecular films. The question to be addressed was: What are the requirements for self-assembly of protein-filled lipid bilayers when synthesized in a layered fashion? The course of the experiments suggested the answer: self assembly starts with a lipid monolayer as template and hydrostatic stabilization of the membrane proteins on both sides of the lipid bilayer. Although a lipid bilayer can form on the surface of a liquid, protein incorporation will only occur if a hydrostatic layer thick enough to enclose the proteins surrounds the lipid layer. This experimental finding is consistent with the observation that membrane proteins in a supported bilayer can denature if the distance between the membrane and the underlying support is too small3.
Recently, Yang et al. have confirmed this approach of using nanoelectrospray or low-flow electrospray to design flat films at the molecular level. They were able to prepare a thin aqueous film containing soluble proteins for cryo-EM studies2. Part of the prepared EM grid contained a layer thin enough to reconstruct the protein structure from the images. The researchers made the same observation as reported here, that in protein structure-preserving monolayers, the proteins are surrounded by a hydrophilic shell.
The first experimental result was the observation that lipid mono- and bilayers can assemble on a liquid surface when the lipids are sprayed onto it. The substrate chosen for layer formation was the liquid meniscus of a small round container with a diameter of 3 mm, the size of a standard electron microscope grid. This corresponds to a surface area of 7.07 mm2. With 66 pmol phosphatidylcholine evenly distributed over the surface the viscosity visibly changed and folds appeared in the surface after overnight incubation (see Supplementary Fig. 1). The viscosity change and folding of the surface did not occur when the layer contained only 33 pmol. This was taken as experimental evidence that 66 of pmol phosphatidylcholine was sufficient to form a lipid bilayer. This conclusion is consistent with the calculated surface occupancy of the phosphatidylcholine molecules. With 33 pmol phosphatidylcholine evenly distributed over the surface of the meniscus, the lipid density is 36 Å2 per molecule. 36 Å2 lies between the surface occupancy of 60 Å2 - 70 Å2 measured for phosphatidylcholine molecules in vesicles17 and approximately 20 Å2 for a saturated fatty acid molecule in a regular Langmuir-Blodgett film18. Considering the linear structure of saturated fatty acids and their dense packing in a regular array, 20 Å2 is certainly too small for the surface occupancy of a phosphatidylcholine molecule in a closed, flat phosphatidylcholine film. With the globular shape of vesicles 60 Å2 for a single phosphatidylcholine molecule is more than this molecule would occupy in a flat layer. Hence, 36 Å2 as calculated from the experimentally found conditions for the preparation of a monolayer is within in the expected range.
The behavior of Escherichia coli outer membrane protein G (OmpG) on surfaces generated by spraying 66 pmol and 33 pmol underscores their different nature. OmpG is a relatively robust 35 kDa monomeric channel protein. It is a membrane-spanning protein that denatures in an aqueous environment lacking detergent to cover its hydrophobic regions. Its crystal structure shows that its pore has an inner diameter of 2 nm - 2.5 nm15,16. It was observed that OmpG sprayed onto a surface prepared with 66 pmol phosphatidylcholine denatures upon removal of the detergent. When sprayed onto a surface with only 33 pmol phosphatidylcholine, it remains intact.
The preparation protocol to generate large membrane layers in a reproducible and robust manner (figure 4) has several steps. The first step consists of spraying 66 pmol of bipolar lipid onto a buffer containing SM-2 biobeads. The vessel was incubated overnight at room temperature. This creates a lipid bilayer that retains subsequent molecules at the surface. A thin layer of glycerol lays the foundation for membrane assembly in a hydrophilic environment by spraying a 1:2 glycerol/ethanol solution. The equivalent of a lipid monolayer is added (33 pmol phosphatidylcholine) followed by the detergent solution of OmpG and enough lipid to form a closed bilayer (20 pmol phosphatidylcholine). A final glycerol layer completes the hydrophilic environment.
The SM-2 beads in the buffer extracted the detergent from the surface during a six-days incubation period. After transfer to an EM grid and washing with distilled water, the grid was exposed to a platinum beam in vacuo. Figure 4 shows a series of images generated from such EM grids. A single, extended, intact OmpG-containing layer has formed. No denatured protein was visible. OmpG denatures in an aqueous environment unless stabilized by detergents or lipids. The presence of the observed structures depends on the addition of OmpG to the surface. The features they are virtually identical in size and shape to a projection of the space-filling model of OmpG calculated from crystallization data16 (see Supplementary Movie 1).
2.3 Protein Complex Formation in Nanoelectrospray Generated Layers
The assembly of a large protein-containing membrane occurs in a thin layer of glycerol, which is probably too thin to promote the formation of membrane stacks or tubes. The question is whether this highly artificial environment allows the assembly of membrane-based protein complexes. Although this has to be decided on a case-by-case basis, we have tested this using the proteins listeriolysin O and pneumolysin. Listeriolysin O and pneumolysin are both members of a group of pore-forming toxins. They are soluble 53 kDa and 60 kDa proteins, respectively. Up to 50 monomers form a non-covalent ring-shaped complex on membranes. The rings insert themselves and create large pores of about 30 nm in diameter19,20. Listeriolysin O assembles best at a slightly acidic pH of 5.5. Both proteins require phospholipids in the membrane for docking and complex formation.
2.3.1 Listeriolysin O Assembly on a Lipid Bilayer
The buffer chosen for the preparation of listeriolysin O layers allows the assembly of its complexes on membranes21. However, in these experiments, the local environment for the protein is a thin layer of glycerol, not the buffer itself. In thin layers, ion concentrations can be very different from bulk solution. In an experiment to test complex formation, the nanoelectrospray first generated a lipid bilayer film, then a film containing listeriolysin O, followed by a glycerol layer to complete the hydrophilic environment. Figure 5 shows the result. The overall appearance is consistent with published listeriolysin O complexes on membranes21. The assembly of the complex is highly efficient. The electron dense centers of many of the completed rings are probably due to residues of glycerol and salt from the buffer solution that were not successfully removed by the washing procedure.
2.3.2 Listeriolysin O and Pneumolysin Assembly on a Lipid Monolayer
The physiological mechanism of listeriolysin O and pneumolysin is to form a ring-shaped complex on a bilayer membrane. The ring inserts itself and forms a pore21,22. What would happen if the protein were prepared in the same way as an intramembrane protein, by spraying it onto a lipid monolayer ? Figure 6 shows the result.
Some ring-like structures of the expected size are visible, but the efficiency is dramatically reduced compared to the preparation on a lipid bilayer. This is consistent with the mechanism of formation of listeriolysin and pneumolysin pores. In analogy to the experiments with OmpG, which denatures when sprayed onto a lipid bilayer upon detergent removal, the experiment shows that nanoelectrospray is indeed capable of preparing lipid mono- and bilayer structures that behave radically different when interacting with membrane proteins or protein complexes.
2.3.3 Direct Observation of Protein Complex Formation
All observations reported so far were systematic results, repeated several times. Here, we present a sporadic observation that supports the interpretation that the electron dense centers of the ring-like structures are glycerol-filled pores and highlights the potential of nanoelectrospray-based preparation methods: the direct observation of the pore formation process of pneumolysine, from monomer to finished pore.
The images in figure 7 are from a preparation of pneumolysin on lipid monolayers. Initially, there should have been very few pores (see figure 6). However, in this case the spray was not operated at the desired low flow rate. Larger droplets formed that landed on the surface membrane and the water evaporated, leaving crystalline salt residues on the surface. Nanoelectrospray ion sources on mass spectrometers operate with volatile buffers, but for these experiments a more conservative approach was taken and the original solution in which the proteins were kept was not altered. After the preparation was complete, enough lipid was sprayed to form bilayers on the surface. The images in figure 7 suggest that during the incubation period, pneumolysin monomers slowly dissolve from the crystalline residue and diffuse into the glycerol layer. As they encounter a lipid bilayer, they begin to assemble and form pores. This step-wise pore forming process corresponds to the pore forming mechanism proposed by computer simulations of related proteins like listeriolysin O23. The whole process is visible and suggests that it is slow enough to be extended over the diffusion range. Glycerol has a much higher viscosity than water. And diffusion in thin layers is slower than in bulk solution. All this suggests that the formation of protein complexes in thin layers of glycerol may be directly observable, especially if the temperature of the layer is controlled.
Pore formation in a supported bilayer has been directly observed by atomic force microscopy for the membrane attack complex (MAC)24. The pore is completed in approximately 100 seconds.