The higher concentrations of Hg, in all of them sediment, seston and oyster, in BhC compared to CGSM (Fig. 2B, Supplementary Table S1) raise concerns about environmental quality and ecosystem health in the region. Hg contamination in BhC is linked to the connection of the Sinú River through the Sicará stream, suggesting contamination associated with water and sediment flows from surrounding agricultural areas [36], as well as the use of fungicides containing phenylmercury (C6H5Hg) and extensive spraying of rice fields with mercury agrochemicals [37]. Other sources identified include regional gold mining, wastewater discharge, use of Hg in ship paints as an anti-corrosion compound, and air pollution [38, 39].
In CGSM, the sources of Hg contamination are less clear; the entry of this metal into the swamp is associated with atmospheric deposits and anthropogenic activities [40], gold mining and industrial activities [41, 42] mainly from the Magdalena River [43].
Although the levels of Hg in sediments in BhC and CGSM are lower than those reported in other regions, such as in Cartagena Bay, Colombia (0.094–10.293 µg/g Hg d.w.) [40] and in San Vicente Bay, Chile (0.37 to 0.95 µg/g Hg d.w.) [44], and considering that the Hg content was below the tolerable threshold for the ecosystem and associated biota (TEL) of 0.13 µg/g [45], the risk of Hg contamination is higher in BhC compared to CGSM. In previous assessments conducted by Feria et al. [46], Campos et al. [36] and Marrugo-Negrete et al. [37], Hg concentrations exceeding the TEL threshold have been reported in sediments along the Sinú riverbed and at the mouth of the BhC. In contrast, in CGSM, Hg concentrations reported in sediments have been less than 0.11 µg/g Hg d.w., being similar to what was found in this study (Fig. 2B).
The slight increase in Hg content in sediment and seston during the rainy season compared to the dry season (Fig. 2B) could be attributed to metal flushing from land-based sources, influenced by increased sediment and freshwater input [47, 48]. These factors are especially relevant in the CGSM with significant contributions from the Magdalena River in the CGSM [40] and the Sinú River in BhC [37]. Although these variations between climatic seasons were not significant for Hg content in the mangrove oyster (Table 2, Fig. 3A), the importance of sediment-seston interaction and the influence of local conditions in the coastal areas of the Colombian Caribbean on Hg availability in the oyster is highlighted [9].
Variables such as temperature and organic matter may be playing an important role in the Hg content of sediments and seston. In BhC, the highest Hg contents in the seston during the rainy season were significantly correlated with the highest temperature values (Fig. 2), this being a variable that can affect the rate of chemical reactions, including its methylation [49]. In turn, higher Hg values in sediments were related to higher organic matter content in the rainy season, underlining the fundamental role of organic matter in the retention of metals in sediments, together with fine sediments and a sulfate-reducing environment [11], as in CGSM [43] and BhC (Fig. 2A).
Although no direct correlation was identified between pH and Hg concentrations in sediments and seston (Supplementary Table S3), slightly acidic or neutral pH conditions result in higher Hg precipitation in sediments [50], which could possibly explain why BhC, with lower pH values, had higher Hg contents in sediments compared to CGSM (Fig. 2).
Another aspect to take into account in the precipitation of Hg in sediments is the variations from sulfates to sulfides, which possibly increase the flux of reactive phosphate and ammonium at the sediment-water interface [51]. This process favors that Hg tends to precipitate in the sediments as insoluble hydroxides, oxides, carbonates or phosphates [52, 53]. The interaction of these processes could help to understand the variations of Hg content in sediments, taking into account the pH values in each climatic season. This pattern is particularly noticeable in BhC because of the differences in pH from rainy to dry season (Fig. 2).
With respect to the mangrove oyster, the influence of the environmental variables analyzed on the concentration and bioconcentration factor (BCF) of Hg was not significant (Tables 2, Fig. 3, Material Supplementary S4). This finding responds to what has been reported in other investigations, in which the influence of variables such as temperature, salinity and pH on the uptake and accumulation of Hg is not completely understood in bivalves [53], unlike what occurs in sediments and seston in which the processes of accumulation, uptake, toxicity and speciation of Hg are known [54, 55].
Although no significant relationship could be established between Hg BCF with environmental conditions in CGSM and BhC, it is important to consider that high concentrations of dissolved oxygen in CGSM, together with changes in the chemical composition of the sediments, may increase and/or alter the metabolic activity of bivalves [56, 57], which could affect the capacity for Hg uptake and excretion in bivalves such as the oyster [55].
The mangrove oyster is known for its ability to filter large volumes of water during feeding [17] and particulate matter from sediments [58]; therefore, Hg concentrations in the oyster were closely related to the metal content in its environment (Fig. 2B). Hg bioconcentration was significantly associated with seston, which was to be expected considering that collection of the organism was mainly on mangrove roots. As with seston, metal accumulation and hyperaccumulation were obtained with respect to Hg concentrations in the sediment (Table 1). In this regard, measurements of metals in sediments, such as with seston, provide crucial data on the availability and uptake of Hg by the bivalve, providing a comprehensive view of the interaction between these organisms and their contaminated environment.
The results in BhC are consistent with previous studies. Coimbra [59] in Sepetiba Bay in Brazil in Mytela guyanensis and Díaz et al. [44] in San Vicente Bay in Chile in Tagelus dombeii, reported inverse correlations between Hg content and species size. They suggested that there are metal assimilation rates similar to the excretion rate in larger individuals, which may be generated by decreased metabolism and less water pumping with bivalve growth [60].
During the growth of bivalves, several mechanisms are involved that regulate the accumulation of toxic metals such as Hg in their tissues. The formation of mineralized granules allows storage and possibly detoxification by Hg [61]. For its release, bivalves develop a homeostatic regulation system during their growth that includes several excretion mechanisms through urine and feces, which contribute to maintain adequate Hg concentrations [62].
Another aspect is the development of new gill systems; their formation plays a key role in the filtration of particles, including metals from the aquatic environment [48]. This progressive development of gill systems contributes to the efficiency of bivalves in capturing and regulating Hg in their tissues as they develop.
The emission of gametes during reproduction is another important strategy that bivalves deploy to mitigate the accumulation of toxic metals [60]. During the release of gametes from the mangrove oyster, an increase in Hg BCF could have been experienced during the rainy season, as it is associated with a decrease in organism biomass with spawning [63]. However, in both CGSM and BhC the highest values of BCF in oysters were obtained during the dry season (Table 1, Fig. 3B). During gamete release, which generally occurs during the rainy season and encompasses several breeding peaks in the Colombian Caribbean [17], mineralized granules stored in the lysosomes may be released along with the gametes. This process, called exocytosis, allows the contents of lysosomes, including metals such as Hg, to be released into the aquatic environment [61]. This possible release of mineralized Hg granules in lysosomes together with the expulsion of gametophytes could have contributed to the lower Hg BCF values during the rainy season.
As for CGSM, slightly higher concentrations and BCF in adult lengths were observed in dry season, similar to what was reported by Costa et al. [64] and De Gregori et al. [65], and being the inverse of what was found in BhC in both climatic seasons. This result highlights the complexity of the relationship between the various environmental and organismal factors that influence Hg bioconcentration.
4.1 Hg intake risk in C. rhizophorae at CGSM and BhC
Variability in contamination sources and Hg concentrations in CGSM and BhC stands out as a key factor influencing contamination risk. In particular, BhC shows values close to the permissible limit for Hg in bivalves for human consumption of 0.5 µg/g Hg d.w. [33], raising concerns about the health of the ecosystem. This situation is similar to what has been reported on Cayo el Pigeon Island in Nicaragua and Santa Marta in Colombia by Aguirre-Rubí et al. [9] (Fig. 4). However, both ecosystems are far from what has been reported for this species in coastal areas of the Dominican Republic, where Sbriz et al. [66] recorded one of the highest Hg contents in the mangrove oyster (7.02 µg/g Hg d.w.).
When comparing Hg concentrations in mangrove oysters with other bivalve species globally over the last decade, CGSM and BhC stand out as ecosystems that maintain low to no risk of Hg contamination. This contrasts with findings in coastal areas of China [67–69], Italy [70] and Montenegro [71], with a lower risk of Hg contamination in the world and serves as a reference for the potential risk of contamination in CGSM and BhC (Fig. 4).
The relevance of this study is intensified when considering the current situation of Hg contamination in Colombia. In the bay of Cartagena with C. rhizophorae its has reported the highest risk of Hg contamination in the last decade in the world [9] (Fig. 4, Supplementary Table S6 and S7). In a historical context, the Bay had a direct discharge of Hg from the Alcalis chlorine plant [40, 72]. Similar cases prior to 2010 have been reported in Tagelus dombeii (San Vicente Bay, Chile) [44], in Archivesica gigas (Gulf of California, United States) [73] and in Mytilus galloprovincialis (Adriatic Sea, Croatia) [74] with concentrations above 0.5 µg/g Hg d.w. These findings underscore the need for continuous monitoring at CGSM and BhC to identify specific sources of contamination and generate appropriate preventive measures.