Decades of research have confirmed the prominent role of reversible acetylation in tumorigenesis and metastasis, and outlining the fundamental role of HDACs that mediate this process. These findings have gained the interest of researchers, pharmaceutical companies, and medical practitioners. Among all HDACs, SIRT7 remains the most underinvestigated member. Its upregulation is associated with an aggressive phenotype and correlates with poor disease outcomes in prostate, breast, and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) [30], [31], [32], [33], [34]. Mechanistically, SIRT7’s deacetylation of H318Ac has been found to favor oncogenic transformation[35] Conversely, other studies propose the anti-tumor role of SIRT7 by impeding epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) in breast cancer in various in vivo models and suppressing proliferation and cell motility while enhancing apoptosis in bladder cancer [36], [37].
In HNSCC, the role of SIRT7 is complex and probably ambiguous. On the one hand, the downregulation of SIRT7 has been shown to facilitate tumor progression [22]. On the other hand, SIRT7 expression was associated with increased stromal lymphocyte infiltration, suggesting its involvement in influencing the invasiveness of the cancer [30]. Despite conflicting findings, the frequent occurrence of SIRT7 genomic alterations and its substantial overexpression, on par with the most abundant family members such as SIRT1 and HDAC1, intrigued us to investigate its role in HNSCC.
To address whether SIRT7 plays an oncoprotein in HNSCC progression, SIRT7-KO in vitro model using patient-derived cell lines were used to test the effects of SIRT7 on functional properties of the cells. We observed a 40% reduction in cell viability and a significant decrease in cell proliferation in SIRT7-KO clones that was similar to the reduction previously confirmed in prostate and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) [38], [39]. The loss of SIRT7 also inhibited tumor cell motility and invasiveness, which is often associated with an active EMT. Thus, we specifically investigated altered expression of genes involved in cell motility, which may besimultaneously engaged in HNSCC progression, and potentially critical for EMT. We observed the significant downregulation of CD44, Fibronectin, and Twist1 gene expression in SIRT7-KO lines. This is in line with the observation that in patient samples, CD44 and fibronectin were significantly upregulated in HNSCC tissues and correlated with poor survival [40], [41]. Moreover, Twist1 was found to promote EMT through downregulation of E-cadherin in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) [42]. E-cadherin to N-cadherin switching is a significant marker in the EMT in HNSCC, which we observed in UT-SCC-42B SIRT7-KO clones [43]. Meanwhile, in UT-SCC-24B SIRT7-KO clones, the N-cadherin mRNA level remained unchanged, and E-cadherin was upregulated. Overall, these data showed that SIRT7 deletion suppresses cancer cell growth and migration, suggesting that SIRT7 could act as an oncoprotein. Yet, another published report observed that high expression levels of SIRT7 may reduce HNSCC metastasis by suppressing EMT [44]. Since the role of SIRT7 in cancer is complex, cellular- and context-dependent, the different origins of the cell lines in this study could, at least partly, explain these opposite effects. SIRT7 expression and activity may strongly depend on the context, the genetic mutation background of the tumor cells, and their differentiation status.
In the more physiologically representative 3D model, we observed a slower rate of organoid formation along with morphological changes such as a reduction in the size of the SIRT7-KO organoids coupled with lower metabolic viability compared to controls. The irregular morphology of control organoids that show more protrusions and a less round may signify poorly differentiated organoids with a heightened invasion potential, compared to the more round, more differentiated, and less invasive SIRT7-KO organoids [26]. This could correlate with a significant decrease in vimentin expression observed in SIRT7-KO clones, which is in line with another report demonstrating that overexpression of SIRT7 was associated with upregulation of vimentin expression and increased invasion in colorectal cancer [32], [45].
We further tested whether SIRT7-KO-mediated reduction in proliferation could be associated with changes in the cell cycle progression It has been reported that SIRT7 is required for p53-dependent cell cycle arrest in the G1 phase (cyt). TP53 is one of the most frequently mutated genes in HNSCC. Therefore, we would speculate that this functional link may provide an alternative explanation through which SIRT7 modulates the cell cycle progression in HNSCC [46]. Our data indicate that SIRT7 deletion caused a general reduction in the S phase progression during cell cycle progression. A similar result was observed when SIRT7 was knocked down in non-small cell lung cancer, indicating that SIRT7 may facilitate tumour progression through cell cycle regulation [47]. The involvement of SIRT7 in cell growth and its importance in promoting or facilitating entry into the S phase could be associated with its ability to regulate DNA replication and repair. SIRT7 has been linked to DNA damage response by indirectly promoting non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) DNA repair, and thus promoting genome stability [48] We also addressed whether SIRT7-KO could affect cell cycle distribution following 5-FU treatment. As a nucleotide analogon, 5-FU is well known to induce S-phase arrest in HNSCC [49]. Interestingly, we observed a significant enhancement in 5-FU-mediated S-phase arrest in SIRT7-KO clones, whereas a similar effect was not found in the controls. The lower IC50 observed for 5-FU in SIRT7-KO cells compared to control cells suggests that lack of SIRT7 makes these HNSCC cell lines more susceptible to the growth-inhibitory effects of 5-FU. Moreover, we observed a similar pattern for G1 phase reduction after 5-FU treatment for both controls and SIRT7-KO clones, which partly confirms the SIRT7-KO mediated sensitization. The reduction of the number of cells in the G1 phase is indicative of decreased tumorigenesis, especially since 5-FU is accompanied by the general downregulation of G1 master regulators Cyclin D and CDK4 in SIRT7-KO clones upon treatment [50]. Notably, the area (= size) of the organoids in SIRT7-KO clones was significantly further reduced after 5-FU treatment compared to both untreated SIRT7-KO clones and controls. Simultaneously, there was an increase in the ratio of dead cells (stained ethidium homodimer) in 5-FU treated SIRT7-KO clones compared to 5-FU treated control in UT-SCC-24B. In UT-SCC-42B, while the use of 5-FU did not increase the dead cell in 5-FU treated SIRT7-KO clones, we found that SIRT7-KO itself elevates the ethidium homodimer positive cells. The data from 3D organoid cultures partly confirm the potential SIRT7-KO mediated sensitization to 5-FU treatment. Lower 5-FU dosages induced a similar or more pronounced effect in SIRT7- KO clones than the high dosage of 5-FU used in the control treatment. This is indicated by the general reduction of growth and decreased morphological irregularity observed already at the beginning of organoid formation. However, the exact mechanism for these phenotypic changes should be more deeply investigated, including genome-wide expression analyses.