In this simulation study, we investigate the potential performance of VLBI intensives using the AuScope 12-metre VLBI network. This continental Australian network consisting of three stations, has recently been fully upgraded with VGOS receivers and has the capacity for observing the first southern hemisphere VGOS intensive series. This intensive series can be conducted entirely in-house, from the scheduling through to the correlation and post-processing. We determine such a VGOS intensive series could achieve a median performance, with respect to the estimation of UT1-UTC, of 9.74 μs for mean formal error and 17.95 μs for repeatabiliy, which is comparable to existing inter-continental S/X intensive series. Additionally, we investigate the effects of varying observation duration and session duration on the accuracy of the UT1-UTC estimate from this network. The ideal location for a 4th station on continental Australia is also evaluated under the context of optimising UT1-UTC performance, with north-eastern Tasmania providing the greatest increase to UT1-UTC accuracy. Finally, we investigate the effect of adding the Warkworth 12-metre into the network and determine the best location for a future antenna to be situated to maximise UT1-UTC performance.