We used a 16s rRNA gene amplicon sequencing approach to study/characterize the gut microbiota of overwintering adult worker bees between (a) two commercial bees (Bolton Bees and Mann Lake bees), (b) different storage status/conditions and, (c) different months during storage/ a season. In this study, we hypothesized that temperature would be one of the most important environmental stressors affecting the gut microbiota in overwintering honey bees. Surprisingly, we found no changes in the diversity, composition, or abundance of the microbiota when the bees were stored at constant 6°C or outside during the winter. Despite the physiological stress induced by cold temperatures on honey bee physiology, this study demonstrates that honey bees have the potential to acclimatize their gut microbiota despite the cold stress conditions. One possible explanation for these findings is that honey bees rely on specific bacterial species to maintain their health and utilize the functions performed by the gut microbiota, and therefore the bees retain and maintain these bacterial species to extract sufficient resources from them.
Interestingly, the overwintering bees’ gut microbiome was dominated by Lactobacillus genus, which contributed to an increased bacterial load across all samples, regardless of storage conditions. As the most important genus in the guts of honey bees 33,34, Lactobacillus plays an important role in the health of bees by showing probiotic characteristics. Lactobacilli have shown an ability to digest flavonoids and other compounds present in the pollen wall 35, to inhibit pathogens36–38 and to release short chain fatty acids and vitamins used by midgut cells as an energy resource 39. A higher abundance of Lactobacillus during overwintering phase may support heat production by worker bees, stabilizing colonies temperature. The only differences in bacterial composition at the species level were observed between both bee types. Bolton bees exhibited significantly higher abundance of Bartonella (in some instances), Bifidobacterium, and Wolbachia, whereas Mann lake showed significantly higher abundance of Commensalibacter when compared to Bolton bees.
The bees obtained from Bolton Bees represent specific genetic lines known for their resilience in Minnesota's harsh climate. This genetic line, named after the location, where the parent Queen overwintered (Bolton, Minnesota), is derived from the base stock called MN Hygienic. The queens from the MN-Hardy line, used as grafts for queen production, have successfully endured the challenges of a prolonged and frigid Minnesota winter. Typically, such severe winters could affect honey stores, cleansing flights, and brood-laying, but these MN-Hardy Queens are claimed to have demonstrated ability to thrive under these cold winter conditions (https://boltonbees.com/pages/mn-hardy-hives). On the other hand, “OHB Italian” Mann Lake bees, sourced from Olivarez Honey Bees (OHB) in Northern California, are accompanied by claims for their hive performance, disease resistance, and overall robust health. The Italian Queens from OHB have reportedly undergone extensive breeding and careful genetic selection. The incorporation of traits such as "Minnesota Hygienic" and "VSH" (Varroa Sensitive Hygiene) further strengthens their innate ability to resist diseases and combat mite infestations. These two distinct types of bees have been specifically employed for their resilience to withstand the challenging winters typical of the Midwest, making them interesting subjects to study the gut microbiome during the overwintering period.
Among the social bees, the transmission of symbiotic bacteria in the gut occurs among successive generations of siblings through social interactions. In a previous study on honey bees, the colonization of specific sets of bacteria, such as Lactobacillus Firm5 and Bifidobacterium Bifido-1.2, in genetically varied hosts strongly suggests that the genotype significantly influences the microbiota structure 29. Another study on honey bees has identified marked differences in the core gut microbial community when comparing different lineages, which include Maltese honey bees (lineage A) to the Italian honey bees (lineage C). Notably, Maltese honey bees exhibited an inverse proportion of Lactobacillaceae and Bartonellaceae when compared to Italian honey bees 40. The functionality of these differences between bee strains have not been studied. This finding underscores the extent of strain-level diversity within the bacterial communities. Our study showed extensive overlapping of the gut microbial strains among both bee types and differences in specific bacterial species. The results of the current study raises several fundamental questions regarding the evolution and maintenance of stable microbiota with slight change in specific host-associated bacterial communities.
The findings in this study reveal varying degrees of presence of bacterial species in overwintering honeybees across different months. There were significant differences in the richness and evenness (Shannon Diversity Index) between October and November but no differences were noted in the bees sampled in November when compared to December samples. Additionally, beta diversity shows difference in species diversity in different months. Before overwintering, foragers collect pollen, water, nectar, and propolis. Remarkably, the overwintering honeybee samples exhibited consistent dominance in species composition with no significant difference in their abundance across different months. However, a significant difference in beta diversity was observed and this is consistent with findings from prior studies 41,42. These findings could be interpreted as that during the timeframe when the honey bee workers are confined to their hives without access to foraging, there is a lack of exposure to new environmental microorganisms to colonize and populate the bee gut.
Previous studies have noted that the gut microbiota differs between winter and summer honey bees, with the long-lived winter bees exhibiting a stable microbiota with reduced α-diversity and higher levels of Bartonella and Commensalibacter 24. This lower community alpha diversity with Bartonella and Commensalibacter as dominant bacterial species may confer certain physiological benefits. However, these studies also collectively reveal minor variations in gut microbial communities in temperate honey bee colonies during winter, indicating a shift in dominance, with the non-core bacterium Bartonella surpassing the core bacterial species 24,42,43. Another recent study also highlighted the significance of Bartonella, highlighting its expanded capability to convert metabolic wastes such as lactate and ethanol into pyruvate, which potentially provides energy for the host as well as other symbionts 44. Considering the importance of Bartonella in previous studies, we analyzed two different species of Bartonella for their taxonomic abundance. However, we found the Lactobacillus genus as dominant, present in higher abundance, contrasting with the findings of a previous study where the Bartonella genus showed dominance in winter bees. Lower diversity in the gut microbiota was observed in both summer and winter, with predominance of Gilliamella apicola and Snodgrasella alvi 25. Overall, we observed that the honey bee gut microbiota remains stable across different months whether under storage of natural conditions in mid-western part of the United States.
In this study, it is possible that seasonal- or storage condition-dependent variations in the hind gut core bacteria are either not detectable, or are being overridden by the non-core, non-stable midgut bacteria. It is possible that slight differences in the relative abundance of bee-associated bacterial species are influenced by changes in other non-core hive-associated bacteria. A previous study 45 identified co-evolutionary relationship of core gut bacteria and honey bee that is generally very similar and share the same core bacterial species. Measuring slight differences between bee strains in terms of absolute abundance would be challenging due to costs associated with increasing the depth of 16S sequencing. Additionally, 16S rRNA data cannot measure absolute abundances, only the relative abundance and general compositional nature of the microbiome. To enhance bacterial species detection resolution and functional profiling at the gene level, future studies could employ shotgun sequencing instead of 16S amplicon sequencing. Our study was also limited in timeframe, only sampling in the fall and early winter. We observed beta diversity drastically decline in the month of November, and it is likely that this pattern could change if bees were sampled during subsequent months, such as January, February, and March.
In conclusion, our study shows that the gut microbiota of overwintering honey bees is dominated by one specific bacterial genus, Lactobacillus, which contribute to the bees’ ability to withstand environmental stressors due to known functionality 33–39. Our study of the gut microbiota in overwintering honey bees reveals significant stability across different months and storage conditions. However, there was a significant difference in alpha and beta diversity, which was influences by month irrespective of storage conditions and different bee strain. Furthermore, our analysis reveals minor differences in the gut microbiota between different bee types, viz. Bolton and Mann Lake bees. Despite the microbial differences among the bee types, the overall stability of the gut microbiota across different months and storage conditions suggests a remarkable resilience of honey bee gut bacteria to environmental changes. This resilience may be attributed to the co-evolutionary relationship between honey bees and their gut microbiota, which has developed over millions of years 45. Finally, our findings suggest that beekeepers need not be overly concerned about changes in the gut microbiota during the winter months, as the bacteria appear to remain stable regardless of storage conditions. Overall, our study contributes to the growing body of research on the gut microbiota of honey bees and its role in bee health during winter. By demonstrating the stability of the gut microbiota across different months of storage and storage conditions, this study provides important insights for beekeepers and researchers alike. Further research is needed to explore the mechanisms underlying the resilience of honey bee gut bacteria and its implications for bee health.