Animal studies were conducted in accordance with the UK Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act (1986) and local ethical guidelines (Medical Research Council Responsibility in the Use of Animals for Medical Research, July 1993). Thirty-six healthy male Wistar rats (~200 g) were randomly divided into four groups. All animals were fasted overnight and then either made diabetic with one intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection of streptozotocin (STZ, 55 mg/kg) or kept as controls via an injection of citrate buffer. Two weeks after STZ/citrate buffer injection, all animals were initiated on daily morning i.p. treatment with either saline or Meldonium (100 mg/kg/day). After two weeks of treatment, all animals were anesthetized with isoflurane and subjected to MRI and hyperpolarized MRS.
After three weeks of treatment, all animals were euthanized in the fed state with 5 % isoflurane vol:vol in 2 litres/min O2, followed by removal of the heart for Langendorff perfusion, with blood and tissue collected for analysis. Blood samples, taken from the chest cavity, were centrifuged (1,200 g, 10 min, 4˚C) and plasma stored at -80˚C for later biochemical analysis. The right tibia length was measured and the kidneys and epididymal fat pads (from the posterior subcutaneous depots) were weighed[16]. The hypertrophy index (HI) was calculated as the sum of the left and right kidney weights normalized to body weight. Other investigators have previously reported HI in the literature when investigating STZ animals[17–19] as it is used as a progressive marker of diabetic renal disease. Following perfusion, the hearts were immediately freeze-clamped in liquid nitrogen and stored at -80˚C for later biochemical analysis.
CINE Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
All rodents were imaged on a 7T horizontal bore MRI instrument (Varian Medical Systems), using a 72 mm 1H/13C volume transmit coil and a 1H four-channel phased array surface receive coil (RAPID Biomedical GmbH, Germany). Eight to ten short-axis slices (slice thickness, 1.6 mm; matrix size, 128×128; TE/TR, 4.6/1.45 ms; flip angle, 18°; number of averages, 4) were acquired with a CINE-FLASH sequence[20]. Left ventricular volumes at end systole and end diastole were derived using the free-hand drawing function in ImageJ (NIH, USA). For each heart, left ventricular mass, ejection fraction, stroke volume and cardiac output were calculated. The average myocardial mass of the left ventricle was obtained from the average of end diastolic and end systolic masses. Stroke volume was obtained from the difference between the end diastolic and end systolic volumes. All structural and functional parameters were also indexed to body weight to account for significant differences in body weight between the control and diabetic animals.
Hyperpolarized Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS)
Experiments were performed between 7am and 1pm when rodents were in the fed state. Samples were prepared from 40 mg of either [1-13C]pyruvic acid or [2-13C]pyruvic acid (Sigma), doped with 15 mM trityl radical (OXO63, GE Healthcare) and 3 μl Dotarem (1:50 dilution, Guerbet), and hyperpolarized in a prototype polarizer, with 30-40 min of microwave irradiation[14]. The sample was subsequently dissolved in a pressurized and heated alkaline solution, containing 2.4 g/l sodium hydroxide and 100 mg/l EDTA dipotassium salt (Sigma-Aldrich), to yield a solution of 80 mM hyperpolarized sodium [1-13C]pyruvate or [2-13C]pyruvate with a polarization of 30% or 20% respectively, at physiological temperature and pH. From the resulting solution, 1 ml was injected over 10 s via a tail vein catheter into a rat located in the 7T MRI system described above. Using the 72 mm 1H/13C volume transmit coil and a two-channel 13C surface receive coil (RAPID Biomedical GmbH, Germany), cardiac 13C spectra were acquired using a simple ECG-gated pulse-acquire spectroscopy sequence over 60 s following the injection of the hyperpolarized pyruvate (repetition time 1s; excitation flip angle 15°; sweep width 13,021 Hz; acquired points 2,048; frequency centered on the C1 pyruvate resonance)[21].
Each rat received two injections, one with [1-13C]pyruvate and one with [2-13C]pyruvate, given in a random order and separated by at least one hour. Following data acquisition, the 13C label from pyruvate and its metabolic products were summed over 30 s from the first appearance of pyruvate in the acquired spectra and fitted with the AMARES algorithm within jMRUI[22]. Each of the metabolites was quantified as the ratio of the metabolites to either [1-13C]pyruvate or [2-13C]pyruvate. In order to assess any changes within the Krebs cycle independent of changes in 13C flux through PDH, all metabolites obtained from [2-13C]pyruvate were normalized to pyruvate dehydrogenase flux, as calculated from the ratio of CO2 + bicarbonate to [1-13C]pyruvate measured in the [1-13C]pyruvate experiment conducted in the same animal.
Langendorff Perfusions
All animals were continued on the treatment protocol for one additional week, after which hearts were excised for a Langendorff ischemia-reperfusion protocol. The hearts were cannulated and perfused with warm oxygenated Krebs-Henseleit buffer (37 ˚C) containing 11 mM glucose and 0.4 mM of palmitate, at a constant pressure of 100 mmHg as described by Heather et al[23]. A water-filled PVC balloon, which was connected via a polythene tube to a calibrated pressure transducer and a PowerLab data acquisition system (AD Instruments, Oxfordshire, UK), was inserted into the left ventricle to measure cardiac function. The balloon was inflated to an end-diastolic pressure of 4-8 mmHg. Hearts were subjected to 20 minutes of normal flow (t=1:20 min), followed by 30 minutes of a low-flow ischemia (0.4 ml/min/gww, t=21:50 min) and reperfused again at normal flow for another 30 minutes (t=51:80 min). The hearts were freeze-clamped with liquid nitrogen-cooled Wallenberger tongs whilst still beating on the perfusion apparatus at t=80 min.
Blood metabolites
Glucose concentrations were measured from fasted blood samples acquired at one, two- and five-weeks post-STZ injection. Insulin and non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) were also measured in the fasted blood samples obtained five weeks post STZ/citrate buffer injection using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (Mercodia, Sweeden) and an assay kit (Randox Laboratories, UK), respectively. Terminal fed blood samples were analysed for 3-hydroxybutyrate (3-OHB), triglycerides (TAG) and lactic acid using an ABX Pentra 400 (Horiba ABX Diagnostics, California, USA). The homeostatic model assessment for insulin resistance (HOMA IR) was calculated based on fasted glucose and fasted insulin levels using the following standard formula; HOMA IR = glucose (nmol/L) x insulin (mU/L) / 22.5[24].
Terminal fed blood samples were assessed for low molecular weight metabolites with Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS) within the Department of Chemistry, University of Oxford. Plasma samples were filtered through molecular weight cut-off filters (10kD) to remove proteins[25]. The infranatant was recovered and evaporated to dryness under reduced pressure. Sample residue was then resuspended in acetonitrile:water (95%:5%). Authenticated standards for selected acylcarnitines (up to 1.0μg/ml) were prepared using an identical method.
LC-MS: Acyl-carnitines were separated and resolved using hydrophobic-interaction liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (HILIC). Samples were separated as previously outlined[25,26]. Briefly, samples were eluted using a binary solvent, acetonitrile:water (50%:50%) containing ammonium acetate (10mM final concentration [Solvent A]) and acetonitrile:water (95%:5%) containing ammonium acetate (10mM final concentration [Solvent B]). Samples were resolved using a linear gradient (10min: 100% Solvent A to 100% Solvent B) and re-equilibrated with 100% Solvent A. Putative compounds were identified with reference to authenticated standards for selected acyl-carnitines using retention time, accurate mass and fragmentation pattern to identify individual compounds[25]. Concentrations were calculated with reference to specific standard curves.
All data are presented as mean ± standard deviation (SD) of the indicated number of rodents (n). Two-way ANOVA was used for assessment of the effect of STZ injection and the effect of Meldonium treatment. When an interaction term was significant in the two-way ANOVA, post-hoc multiple comparison testing using Sidak’s correction was used to investigate the effect of Meldonium treatment on both the control and diabetic groups respectively. Differences between groups were considered statistically significant if p < 0.05.