Theoretical Gaps
Quantitative researchers have commonly adopted the DeLone and McLean (D&M) models to evaluate the effectiveness of IS [17, 18]. This evaluation framework has been generally applied to assess how several success factors can positively affect individuals and organizations. However, the D&M models appear to be common and therefore, additional assessments are required to identify other potential factors that can positively influence the performance of clinicians in using the EHR systems.
An EHR system can manage and disseminate information to share knowledge and advance clinical research across multiple interoperable systems. Hence, a quality evaluation of IS should integrate knowledge quality for completion [19]. The use of the D&M model is also irrelevant due to the mandatory use of the EHR system [4, 20], and therefore, the model must be revised with improved measure for IS user performance when the usage is compulsory [2].
In measuring the success of IS, the D&M models delineate user satisfaction. However, a high relationship exists among system quality, information quality, and individual effect of user satisfaction construct [21], thus the low explanatory capability due to recurring measures [22]. Based on these justifications, user satisfaction is excluded in performance measurement of care providers, but actual use will be improved with effective use.
Research Model
Sets of relationships among exogenous, mediating, and endogenous constructs of the proposed study model are illustrated in Figure 1. Each path possesses a positive hypothesized effect. The model comprises three exogenous constructs adopted from the DeLone and McLean (D&M) models, namely, system quality, record quality improvement through information quality replacement, service quality [17, 18], and knowledge quality (new construct), which are used as quality predictors. The D&M models are more appropriate for the problems being studied, the technical characteristics, the functionalities of local EHR systems, and prediction of the final performance outcome of end users (health care providers) than other IT acceptance and user models, such as unified theory of acceptance and use of technology, technology acceptance model 2, and technology acceptance model 3.
The proposed study model evaluated the care provider effect at the individual level of analysis for those who are delivering primary health care to patients by excluding the organizational impact as framed in the conventional generic D&M Models. Organizational effect is more applicable in measuring the perceptions of IS success among diverse EHR stakeholders including hospital administrators, pharmacists, radiologists, laboratory technologists, sponsors, system developers, vendors or contractors, and IT support personnel. Hence, the efficacy of the EHR system adoption is assumed when the primary care providers exhibit increased performance level as predicted by the proposed predictors (system quality, record quality, service quality, knowledge quality, and effective use).
Operationalization of Constructs
In a clinical setting, “system quality” refers to adequate IT infrastructure, system interoperability, perceived security concern, and compatibility of EHR systems with clinical tasks performed by care providers [16]. In this study, system quality is one of the quality factors used to measure the effective use and performance of care providers. Second, record quality depends on timely access, consistency, standardization, accuracy, duplication prevention, and the completeness of EHRs generated from the system. Record term is preferred to information output because the former accurately describes the definition of EHRs as the repository of patient data available in digital format, which is stored, shared, secured, and accessed by authorized providers to support continuous and quality care [3, 23] Examples of EHRs are patient treatment notes, images, laboratory test results, prescriptions, discharge summaries, patient histories, and medical reports [23]. Third, service quality denotes the quality of technical support delivered by EHR system vendors and internal IT personnel used to measure effective use and clinician performance.
As a newly proposed fourth exogenous construct, knowledge quality refers to the extent to which the health care providers can learn, create new knowledge, and apply what they have learned from an EHR system [19]. All of these can be done by consulting EHRs, clinician workflows, and best clinical practices, which can be applied in making the right decisions and solving patient problems. A prior study by Chang et al. [19] found that knowledge quality had an insignificant effect on user satisfaction in using knowledge management systems (KMSs). In particular, the study disclosed that only a few Taiwan medical centers have EMR repository, provide data analysis services to their clinicians, and manage EMRs to acquire hospital accreditation, but not totally to support primary care. In contrast, knowledge quality was found to be the main factor contributing to user satisfaction and the benefits of KMS, as perceived by the top 50 Taiwanese firms, proving that the use of KMSs supported the dissemination of useful knowledge and enabled the firms to gain a competitive advantage [24].
An enhanced effective use is identified as a mediator that enables clinicians to accomplish their clinical tasks without committing significant medical errors, misdiagnosis or prescribing inaccurate medications. Accordingly, the performance of the health care providers relies on the quality of the system, the EHRs, the technical support service, their clinical knowledge, and effective use as the final endogenous or outcome construct.
Study Hypotheses
System Quality
In the execution of clinical operations, the use of EHRs relies on IT facilities, which in turn, influence the quality of patient care [25]. Doctors’ professional practices can be enhanced with excellent network connectivity [26].
In essence, interoperability means the capability of an EHR system to access, use, transmit, and exchange EHRs from multiple integrated systems [27]. The interoperability of systems enables timely access to patient records for the benefits of cost reduction, speedy treatment, prevention of duplicated tests, and gradual improvement of doctor-patient relationships [16, 28].
In a clinical setting, system security is the capability of HIS to protect the users and records from unauthorized access and against virus and bug threats [29]. Audit trails should be continuously improved to ensure that an EHR system grants access to authorized persons in the right location at the right time. In addition, these records should be acquired, stored, preserved, and used correctly and safely for high-standard care delivery [30].
Compatibility of technology with the work environment and organizational culture of health care providers is critical during system adoption [31]. The user will recognize the relative advantage of a system, that is, whether it suits his/her job or style. In addition to task and workflow compatibility, a system design must also comply with standardized clinical practice guidelines (CPGs). CPGs are medical practice statements for a particular disease and are systematically developed from clinical studies and the most reliable evidence [32]. CPGs document every detail of clinicians’ decisions with respect to patients’ conditions and recommendations for diagnostic tests or interventions [33]. Evidence has shown a positive influence of EHR on job effect among physicians in California hospitals [20]. Hence, the related hypotheses are as follows:
H1a: System quality has a positive effect on the effective use of EHR systems.
H1b: System quality has a positive effect on the performance of health care providers.
Record Quality
EHR is a summarized version of patient health information compiled from the medical records [5]. Implementation of critical-care IS reduces documentation time and increases EHR quality and access time [34], positively affecting the acceptance of the system by doctors and nurses [7]. Similarly, the use of EHR was found to positively affect the clinical tasks of physicians in intensive care units. The positive effects included increased time spent on clinical review and documentation [35]. Thus, the related hypotheses are as follows:
H2a: Record quality has a positive effect on the effective use of EHR systems.
H2b: Record quality has a positive effect on the performance of health care providers.
Service Quality
Clinicians often assess IT products supplied and the quality of support service to ensure that they satisfy the specifications and requirements of health care practices. The positive attitude, performance, and satisfaction of clinical staff will improve when service providers deliver a high-quality support service [36]. Notably, the frequency of visits by technical assistance will positively improve the use of an EHR system and the quality of physicians’ works [37]. Hence, the related hypotheses are as follows:
H3a: Service quality has a positive effect on the effective use of EHR systems.
H3b: Service quality has a positive effect on the performance of health care providers.
Knowledge Quality
EHRs primarily aim to integrate knowledge from patient health information in averting medical errors, thereby simplifying the analysis, presentation, and use of knowledge from EHRs. Clinical knowledge is generated from tacit knowledge (experiences or professional practices of care provider), which is then converted into the explicit or documented form of CPGs, clinical workflows, and EHRs [19, 24]. An EHR system generates EHRs and stores CPGs and clinical workflows that contain knowledge [38], increasing its quality through sound clinical decisions and improved task productivity of clinicians [5, 12]. Hence, the related hypotheses are as follows:
H4a: Knowledge quality has a positive effect on the effective use of EHR systems.
H4b: Knowledge quality has a positive effect on the performance of health care providers.
Effective Use
The use of an integrated EHR system must enable physicians to complete their clinical tasks without making significant errors. Furthermore, its effective or extended use will positively affect the performance outcomes of physicians and medical practice [39, 40]. The actual use of an EHR system that was previously measured on frequency or duration and extent of use has to be refined with effective use to achieve high individual and organization performance levels [41]. The use of an effective system increases the needs, productivity, satisfaction, and motivation of clinicians to maximize the capabilities of the system [42]. Hence, the related hypothesis is as follows:
H5: The effective use of EHR systems has a positive effect on the performance of health care providers.
Survey Questionnaire
An EHR system–user evaluation survey was designed by selecting appropriate questions from past quantitative instruments that were designed based on the D&M models related to the constructs of the proposed study and the local context of EHR system adoption. Responses were submitted through a 7-point Likert scale in which 1 represents “strongly disagree” and 7 denotes “strongly agree.” This scale offers the respondents considerable freedom of selection, as suggested by Redd et al. [43, 44], and should thus be used in a survey instrument for improved reliability and validity after analysis. Prior to data collection, the questionnaire draft was further reviewed by IT officers from targeted hospitals because they have considerable experience in conducting HIS satisfaction surveys. These officers then recommended that the number of questions be limited to fewer than 50 items to prevent poor response [5]. Three new items were designed to improve the construct of effective use, and five adopted items were proposed as new constructs of knowledge quality to fit the features and functions of the local EHR system [19, 24]. These additional constructs were also chosen because they were not too technical for the target sample, particularly the nurses, to understand.
Pilot Testing
Subsequently, pilot testing of the revised questionnaire was conducted among 100 medical professionals (five specialists, 55 medical officers, 20 assistant medical officers, and 20 nurses) at one general hospital with an EHR system in Selangor state. The result was further analyzed by Principal Component Analysis using orthogonal rotation technique (Varimax) in IBM Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Specifically, for all measured constructs, Kaiser Meyer Olkin (KMO) measure of sampling adequacy were higher than 0.5, Bartlett’s test of sphericity showed a significant value (p<0.05), and the construct’s eigenvalue was larger than 1, which explained more than 50% of the variance in every construct with individual item loads higher than 0.4 [45], except for two System Quality items that were removed; therefore, the construct validity was confirmed. In total, 37 items were finalized for the field survey (Appendix I).
Sample Size Estimation
By applying Faul et al.’s [46] guideline, a priori analysis was executed in G*Power 3.1 to compute the required sample size for the field study. The recommended samples were N = 146 (f2 = 0.15 [medium effect], α = 0.05, latent constructs = 6) to ensure the power of 0.95 at 5% level of statistical significance. Hence, a total sample of 438 was required to gather data from the three hospitals.
Data Collection
Convenience sampling was employed to collect the data due to the hectic schedules of the specialists and medical officers in the busy hospital environment limiting the use of random sampling. The samples consisted of primary health care providers (specialists, medical officers, nurses) who were directly engaged in patient care and the active users of EHR systems [5, 12]. Upon receiving approval from the Medical Research and Ethics Committee (MREC), the survey questionnaire was administered (a) to the target samples during the continuing medical education (CME) programs for specialists, medical officers, and assistant medical officers, and (b) to the continuing nursing education (CNE) programs for nurses organized in different government hospitals that were implementing multiple EHR system packages with similar clinical functionalities. In the field survey, sample data were gathered from three respective MOH hospitals (a) with more than 500 patient beds and (b) that were implementing fully integrated or total EHR systems. Data were collected over a seven-month period. A total of 1200 survey questionnaires were distributed, and Alpha Hospital exhibited the highest usable responses (40%), followed by Gamma Hospital (36%), and Beta Hospital (24%).
Data Analysis Technique
IS researchers applied partial least squares-structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) due to small sample size, nonnormally distributed data, and formative indicators that are inaccurately modeled in covariance-based structural equation modeling (CB-SEM)[47]. PLS path modeling evaluation permits researchers to identify the most potential factors or determinants in predicting target constructs with the aim of extending the present theories. This measure was performed along with the formative measures of system quality that contains different components of technological characteristics [48, 49], and therefore, is considered as the appropriate statistical method for confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) using SmartPLS 3.2.
Descriptive Analysis
A total of 888 usable responses from the total distributed 1200 surveys, representing a 74% response rate, were subjected to descriptive analysis in SPSS. Table 1 depicts the profile of the respondents. The sample exhibited unequal representation of male (29%) and female (71%) care providers due to a larger percentage of female nurses, specialists, and medical officers in the surveyed hospitals. There was an unbalanced number of respondents who were nurses (44%) out of the total number of respondents due to large recruitment of nurses and shortage of medical officers (doctors) and specialists in MOH hospitals [50] that limits the selection of sample quota for this convenience sampling, despite the confidentiality of population information.
Approximately 64% of the respondents were largely aged between 25 and 35 years (64%) who were nurses and junior medical officers (housemen). More than half of the respondents were nurses (44%) and assistant medical officers (11%) who had a diploma qualification (53%), whereas the medical officers (37%) consisted of those with a bachelor’s or specialist degrees (8%), a master’s degree (7%), and a doctoral degree (1%). Many of them (53%) had less than 5 years of practice with less than 3 years of experience using an EHR system. They were considered active EHR system users for less than 3 years because they were junior assistant medical officers, medical officers/doctors, and nurses who were required to perform major tasks with the systems from data entry of clinical documentation to reporting of test results compared to those doctors of more than 10 years of clinical practice and specialists who performed fewer tasks with the systems of than to review, confirm, and validate the patients’ diagnosis and treatment entered by the juniors.
Common Method Bias
A common method bias (CMB) was assessed to identify whether the measuring latent constructs explained more than 50% of the variance [51]. Using Harman’s one-factor test, the results demonstrated that the total variance explained was 32.6%, indicating that CMB did not exist in the collected data. Subsequently, a measured latent marker variable (MLMV) method was performed to further detect CMB using PLS as suggested by Chin et al [52]. In the model, a CMB control or marker construct measured by five “attitude towards using technology” items (unrelated to the study construct measures) was added to each exogenous construct. Table II displays the results before (original estimates) and after adding a CMB control (MLMV estimates). Changes in path coefficients and t-values in the original PLS estimates and MLMV estimates were very small and not significant, confirming that CMB was not an issue in this study.
Formative Measurement Model Analysis
In the hypothesized model, system quality is measured by adequate IT infrastructure, system interoperability, perceived security concerns, and system compatibility. These formative components represented by indicators that do not highly correlate with each other [48, 53]. For instance, IT infrastructure (required computer hardware, software, and EHR system) is different from an interoperable system (connectivity and workability of different integrated systems), and perceived security concerns are also different from compatibility of system to the clinical tasks performed by care providers. In this study, the formative model was first assessed using a collinearity test. The results however showed that the score of variance inflation factor (VIF) for every formative indicator or item did not reach the critical level of 5, thus confirming that collinearity was not a major issue [54].
The assessment continued with the significance and contributions of formative indicators using the bootstrapping feature (with 5000 subsamples) [48, 53]. The results exhibit that all the system quality indicators are scored higher than (t-value = 1.96) and significant at a level of 1% (p <0.01), thereby confirming the validity of system quality components and formative measurement model.
Reflective Measurement Model Analysis
The analysis proceeded with a reflective model assessment in PLS-SEM. As shown in Table III, the factor loadings for most reflective indicators were higher than a standard of 0.7 to achieve item reliability, except for three indicators, which were still acceptable [49]. Unfortunately, the knowqual_4 indicator with a poor loading of 0.542 was removed to improve composite reliability (CR) and average variance extracted (AVE) for its measuring construct. Furthermore, the CR and AVE for each latent construct exceeded the suggested thresholds of 0.7 for CR and 0.5 for AVE [49], establishing a convergent validity for the reflective measures.
Discriminant validity for the reflective measures was subsequently assessed by the mean of the Heterotrait-Monotrait Ratio of Correlations (HTMT) criterion [53]. This new standard provides the most conservative threshold of 0.85 for the reflective measures, and the bootstrap confidence intervals must not reach 1 (HTMT < 1) for the statistical inference [53]. As tabulated in Table IV, no value of correlations above 0.85 was recorded, and no upper bound of the confidence interval (CI) for every latent construct was recorded as above 1, confirming that a discriminant validity had been established, thus validating the reflective measurement model.
Path Model Analysis
Evaluation of the PLS path model began with the coefficients of determination (R2) for the predictive accuracy assessment. The estimated R2 score was 0.641, accounting for 64% of the variance for the final target construct. Health care provider performance was explained by the four quality constructs and effective use, which is interpreted as marginally substantial with higher predictive power [55] in the areas of IT acceptance and success.
The second step was to assess the significance of the path relationships among the latent constructs to validate the hypotheses. Again, using a complete bootstrapping of 5000 subsamples for the two-tailed tests with no sign changes, the hypothesis tests were executed. Figure 2 illustrates the path coefficient scores, t-values, and R² scores in the path model. Based on the literature review, system quality was formatively operationalized and was measured by four components. Before running the model assessment, thirteen items on system quality components (reflective indicators) were transformed into their four underlying attributes (formative indicators) using a two-stage approach [56]. This two-stage transformation approach is essential if the path model contains both reflective and formative measures to avoid too many relationships, extreme collinearity, and discriminant validity issues [48, 49].
Evaluation of this path model entailed five latent constructs to test nine hypothesized relationships and effects. Results revealed that all paths were statistically significant, except for service quality and effective use effects. In other words, hypotheses H1a, H1b, H2a, H2b, H3b, H4a, H4b, and H5 were supported when their individual effect scores were equivalent or higher than (t-value = 2.57) with significance level at 1% (p <0.01), or equivalent or higher than (t-value = 1.96) with significance level at 5% (p <0.05). System quality was the highest predictor for effective use (path coefficient = 0.317, t-value = 5.964), while knowledge quality exhibited the largest path coefficient (0.493) and positive effect (t-value = 13.059) on the final target construct.
Effect Size Assessment
Path model evaluation continued with the assessment of effect size (f2) for every study construct over its measuring target construct. In particular, knowledge quality has a large effect size on user performance (f2 = 0.370) followed by service quality (f2 = 0.040, small effect), records quality (f2 = 0.025, small effect), effective use (f2 = 0.024, small effect), and system quality (f2 = 0.012, no effect) [57] These results verify the significant contribution of quality of clinical knowledge learnt from EHR systems in predicting the care providers’ performance.