Radiation therapy at 10 Gy enhances the efficacy of Erb-(IL10)2 treatments
Although RT therapy often shows potent antitumor effects to a single tumor, the efficacy of RT monotherapy remains limited in many conditions, such as multiple tumors or tumor with special locations. Therefore, the combination of RT with other therapies, especially cancer immunotherapy, is necessary to achieve better outcomes. The combination of tumor local RT with immunotherapy can arouse antitumor immunity better than either stand-alone mode(27, 36). Previous study showed that IL10 targeted therapy can elicit strong antitumor immunity. To explore the strategy to combine RT and IL10 targeted therapy, we developed a IL10 target fusion protein Erb-(IL10)2 by linking IL10 with an anti-EGFR antibody, as well as a B16-EGFR-OVA melanoma cell line expressing a chimeric EGFR (cEGFR).
Firstly, we tested the effects of a single dose of RT on the growth of B16-EGFR-OVA tumors. By days 21 after treatment, a local single-dose of RT from 5 to 30 Gy (Supplementary Figure S1) inhibited B16-EGFR-OVA tumor growth compared to control group. Higher dose of RT showed better tumor growth inhibition. 30 Gy almost eliminated the tumors while 5 Gy had minor antitumor effect. These results suggest that a single dose of RT exhibits dose-dependent antitumor effect in the B16-EGFR-OVA tumor model.
To determine whether the time to administer Erb-(IL10)2 relative to radiotherapy could play a role in its ability to induce antitumor effect, Erb-(IL10)2 treatment was started on different days. We started to inject i.p. Erb-(IL10)2 on the same day of RT (day 10), three days after RT (day 13) or six days later (day 16) (Supplementary Figure S2). Although there was no significant difference in tumor growth for any of the treatment regimens, the administration of Erb-(IL10)2 and RT simultaneously or delaying administration of it until day 16 reduced the therapeutic effect. These data indicate that the administration of Erb-(IL10)2 three days after RT show the best trend to inhibit tumor growth.
In Supplementary Figure S1, we showed that tumor control increased with the dosage of radiation. Schaue’s studies suggest that only a single dose above 7.5 Gy were immunostimulatory(37), while Demaria showed that RT 2 Gy in combination with Flt3-Ligand could trigger antitumor T cells response(38). Therefore, we chose RT 5 Gy and 10 Gy to evaluate the impacts of RT dose on Erb-(IL10)2 treatments. C57BL/6 mice were inoculated s.c. with B16-EGFR-OVA cells on day 0, irradiated locally on day 10 and subsequently injected i.p. with 200 μl of Erb-(IL10)2 (1 mg/kg) or isotype control on day 13, every 3-4 days for a total of 3 treatments. RT 5 Gy had a slight impact on tumor growth compared with isotype control group, whereas RT 10 Gy or Erb-(IL10)2 monotherapy slowed tumor growth (Figures 1A, B). The combination of RT 10 Gy and Erb-(IL10)2 inhibited tumor growth compared with monotherapy (Figure 1B), while, RT 5 Gy plus Erb-(IL10)2 did not show better antitumor effect than Erb-(IL10)2 alone (Figure 1A). Tumors treated with RT 10 Gy and Erb-(IL10)2, 5/5 did not reach 2000 mm3 volume at day 40 post RT, as compared with 1/5 of the isotype control group (Figure 1C). Together, these data indicate that RT at 10 Gy improves the efficacy of Erb-(IL10)2 treatments and prolongs the survival in B16-EGFR-OVA tumors.
The combination of Erb-(IL10)2 and radiation therapy inhibits tumor growth in a CD8+ T cell dependent manner
We then investigated the mechanisms underlying tumor control following the combination of RT and Erb-(IL10)2 therapy. We collected tumor tissues and analyzed tumor-infiltrating immune cells. Although Erb-(IL10)2 treatments or RT alone did not change tumor-infiltrating CD8+ T cells, the combination of Erb-(IL10)2 treatments and RT significantly increased tumor-infiltrating CD8+ T cells, compared to control tumors (Figure 2). Erb-(IL10)2 treatments, RT or their combination therapy neither altered tumor-infiltrating CD4+ T cells (Figure 2), nor changed tumor-infiltrating myeloid cells, including neutrophils, monocytes and TAMs (Supplementary Figure S3). These results indicate that CD8+ T cells may mediate the antitumor effects of the combination of Erb-(IL10)2 treatments and RT. To determine the causal roles of major immune effectors in the combination therapy, we performed in vivo depletion of CD4+ T cells, CD8+ T cells or NK cells. In B16-EGFR-OVA tumor-bearing mice treated with RT and Erb-(IL10)2, we also i.p. injected anti-CD4 mAb (clone TIB207), anti-CD8a mAb (clone TIB210), or anti-NK1.1 mAb (clone PK136) (200 μg/mouse) twice a week starting on day 10 for two weeks. The depletion of CD8+ T cells significantly reduced the efficacy of the combination treatments (Figure 3B), while the depletion of CD4+ T cells or NK cells did not affect tumor growth in the combination treatment group (Figures 3A, C). These results demonstrate that CD8+ T cells are essential for the antitumor effect of the combination therapy.
Erb-(IL10)2 treatments induces the abscopal effects of radiation therapy
The induction of abscopal effects, the effect of RT on the tumors outside of the field of RT, is crucial to realize long-term survival benefits of a RT combination therapy. To determine whether Erb-(IL10)2 could elicit abscopal effects of RT, we inoculated mice with B16-EGFR-OVA cells at both flanks: the primary tumor on the right flank was irradiated to determine the direct effect of RT, whereas the secondary tumor on the left flank was not irradiated and served to measure the potential indirect, abscopal effects. Consistent with previous data (Figure 1B), the combination treatments led to a significant tumor growth delay in the primary tumors (Figure 4A). The effects of Erb-(IL10)2 treatments alone on either primary or secondary tumors were modest and similar (Figure 2). RT 10 Gy as single modality significant inhibited the growth of the primary tumor, but had no effect on secondary tumors (Figure 4). In contrast, the combination of Erb-(IL10)2 with RT on the primary tumors significantly inhibited the growth of secondary nonirradiated tumors compared with the administration of Erb-(IL10)2 alone (Figure 2B). Taken together, these results show that a single dose of local radiation (10 Gy) is unlikely to trigger an abscopal effect, and Erb-(IL10)2 induces the abscopal antitumor effect of RT.
Erb-(IL10)2 treatments enhance the local and abscopal effect of radiation therapy via distinct mechanisms
Next, we investigate the mechanisms of abscopal effects induced by Erb-(IL10)2 therapy. Erb-(IL10)2 treatments could induce abscopal effects through the recruitment of T cells from the tumor microenvironment or the tumor-draining lymph nodes (tumor-DLNs). To answer this question, we used FTY720, which blocks T cells egress from lymph organs, to distinguish T cell activation in the tumor microenvironment from occurring in the tumor-DLNs(33-35). The addition of FTY720 treatments to Erb-(IL10)2 1 mg/kg did not decrease its antitumor effect (Figure 5). The additional FTY720 treatments to the combination of Erb-(IL10)2 and RT therapy did not reversed their antitumor effects in the irradiated tumors (Figure 5A). Interestingly, the additional FTY720 treatments to the combination therapy of Erb-(IL10)2 and RT abrogated the abscopal antitumnor effects on the secondary nonirradiated tumors (Figure 5B). The results suggest that Erb-(IL10)2 treatments induce the abscopal antitumor effects of RT and enhance RT efficacy via distinct mechanisms.
We then investigate whether the combination of RT and Erb-(IL10)2 treatment could elicit tumor antigen–specific T cell immune responses in the tumor-DLNs. We used OVA peptides to stimulate OVA-reactive CD8+ T cells. Lymphocytes from tumor-DLNs were isolated from the mice inoculated with B16-EGFR-OVA tumor cells on days 19, three days after the second administration of the Erb-(IL10)2, which has been shown to induce the strongest anti-tumor immune responses according to previous data. Lymphocytes from the tumor-DLNs in each group of mice were separated and then activated in vitro with OVA or SIY peptides in ELISPOT assays. The frequency of IFN- γ -secreting T cells was then determined (Figure 6). The frequency of OVA-specific IFN-γ-producing CD8+ T cells in the DLNs of the mice that received combination treatment of RT and Erb-(IL10)2 was significantly increased compared with those that underwent RT or Erb-(IL10)2 treatment alone (P= 0.0026, isotype control vs. RT + Erb-(IL10)2; P= 0.0034, Erb-(IL10)2 vs. RT + Erb-(IL10)2; P= 0.0064, RT vs. RT + Erb-(IL10)2). The results suggest that the combination of RT and Erb-(IL10)2 therapy induces tumor antigen specific T cell stimulation in tumor-DLNs.
According to the results in Figures 5 and 6, Erb-(IL10)2 combined with RT likely activates tumor-infiltrated CD8+ T lymphocytes to eliminate irradiated tumor cells, while the abscopal antitumor effects is likely mediated by the recruitment and activation of circulating CD8+ T lymphocytes from tumor-DLNs.