3.1 Planar standard solar cell
Since the FDTD is a space and time-domain technique, the fields are calculated as a function of time across some spatial regions within the simulation. Then, the Fourier transform gives the fields as a function of frequency (spectral calculation). By propagating power across the surface, the normalized transmission-reflection can be calculated, Fig. 4 shows the total reflection curve of the standard SC structure introduced in Fig. 3 (without the presence of the MNS). This curve, because of the coherence interference, has peaks and valleys and can be engineered according to changing the thickness of layers and dispersive reflective indexes. For standard SC with a thin-film structure, the correspondence of the FDTD with the TMM method is well seen in Fig. 4. The optical power absorbed per unit volume can also be calculated by the FDTD. The photon absorption rate is equivalent to the generation rate when it is assumed that each absorbed photon excites an electron-hole pair. In the inset of Fig. 4, the generation rate is shown along with the active layer of the standard SC, that the highest rate being around its center. In the standard cell, the ideal Jsc (short circuit current) of 14.67 mA/cm2 was calculated. With the addition of MNS, the assumption of 1-D photonic crystal of the cell (or TMM method) no longer be sufficient, and therefore the FDTD technique was used for other results.
3.2 Plasmonic NS (MNS) at the interface of ITO/ZnO, far-field
In the following, the far-field results (total reflection) of plasmonic cells of the O-group (different modes, O.1-O.4) are shown in Fig. 5, while the material of the plasmonic structure is Al, Ag, and Au, respectively. In this part, the MNS is at the interface of ITO/ZnO. As shown in Fig. 5, none of the O-group of MNS can't cause to reduce the reflection across the whole spectrum than the standard cell. Also, in modes 3 and 4 of the O-group, the difference between the reflection curve of plasmonic samples and the standard one becomes less. In O.1 and O.2 from the wavelength of 660 nm onwards, a decrease in the reflection curve than the standard sample is observed. The largest drop is for Au, then Ag, and finally Al. This behavior is more or less seen for O.3 and O.4. Only the Al sample had reflections below the standard curve in the wavelength range between ~ 400 nm and ~ 500 nm. The simulated far-field results for groups P and S are also shown in Fig. S1 and S2 (supporting information).
In P-group, except for mode P.2, there is not much change in the reflection curve than the standard one. In P.2, a decrease in the reflection curve is observed only in the range of 380 nm to 530 nm, especially for Al. The total reflection comparison of the O, P group, and the standard cell shows the shape impact of MNS shape on the far-field effect. Compared to Fig. 5 and Fig. S2, there is not much change in the far-field behavior of groups O and S. The area under the reflection curve in the range of 350 nm to 800 nm can be introduced as a quantity for relative comparison. The normalized value of this quantity to the standard cell (Ai/As) is given in the Supporting Information (Fig. S3). In other words, the lower of Ai/As means the higher of forwarding scattering due to the MNS. It is shown that for Ag, the size of this quantity is more than one in O and S-group and less than one in the P-group. The opposite behavior is right for Au. For Ag, the rate of change in this quantity from O-S to P-group is more significant. What has been shown for Al is that this quantity is less than one for all three groups and its behavior is more uniform than two others. Therefore, compared to Ag and Au, Al with less dependence on its geometry, is more significant to reduce the backward reflection.
Moreover, the lowest Ai/As is for mode 2. In fact, in mode 1 than the other modes, the height (in the c direction) of the NS is complete, so they refer more to nanoparticles prepared using methods such as the chemical method. From the viewpoint of contact angle, in mode 2 the contact angle is more than 90 degrees (little wetting), in mode 3 the contact angle is 90 degrees and in mode 4 the contact angle is less than 90 degrees (good wetting). Therefore, depending on the ratio of the height of the NP to its lateral surface and material, engineering the contact angle of NSs can be considered as one of the factors for the effective scattering of light into the active layer.
3.3 Plasmonic NS (MNS) at the interface of ITO/ZnO, near-field part, maximum field intensity
In the following, the near-field of the introduced MNS (group O, P, and S) was studied. For this purpose, some cross-sections were selected. These cross-sections are shown in Figs. 2 and 3. On different points of these surfaces, the intensity distribution can be calculated at each wavelength. It is also possible to compare the maximum field intensity (E2max) on these cross-sectional surfaces in terms of wavelength. Indeed, the near-field result is due to the presence of plasmonic structures and usually occurs near and between them. Due to the somewhat disperse distribution in the size and position of the nanoparticles, these cross-sections will undoubtedly show different forms of NPs from one surface to another. Therefore, the near-field results will vary for each one. However, to compare the results of the introduced models of the MNS in the solar cell, such simulated near-field results can be useful. Figure 6 shows that on the selected surface of the O-group with different materials, at what wavelength, the field intensity is maximized. This near-field effect is a result of the slice of MNS in the cross-section as well as other adjacent parts of MNS that do not exist on this surface. Al has been recognized as the deep UV plasmonic material, but it is also able to be tuned as new visible-plasmonic material. As can be seen for Al, primarily due to the plasmonic NS in an environment with a higher refractive index than air (NZNO ~ 2.4) in the SC structure, the peaks of maximum near-field intensity are extended to higher wavelengths than the bulk case. The presence of multiple peaks at spectral maximum intensity can depend on numerous factors in the MNS, such as NP size distribution, a different form of NP coupling, bipolar resonance, and higher modes such as quadrupole as well as longitudinal-transverse excitations [32, 33]. As the height of the nanoparticles decreases in different modes of the O-group (O.1 to O.4), the location of the peaks shifts so that the peaks become intensive at larger wavelengths. In َAg-O.1 and Ag-O.2, peaks are seen throughout the visible spectrum. By changing the mode to Ag-O.3 and Ag-O.4, the number of peaks drops, and the peaks with high intensity will be out of the visible spectrum. The same pattern (more or less) is seen for Au. Since the bulk plasmonic wavelengths for Au, start almost in the middle of the visible region (unlike Ag, which begins at about 400 nm). Therefore, Au up to 550 nm has not a significant near-field effect in none of the modes.
For Al, there are peaks throughout the visible spectrum, and for all four modes. In terms of the numerical value of the peaks, higher intensities are for Au, Ag, and Al, respectively. The spectral maximum field intensity for group P and S are given in Fig. S4 and S5, respectively. The difference between the O and S group is mainly in their lateral elliptical and circular shape. This change in MNS geometry, although cause little differences in the far-field simulation (Fig. 5 and S2), show the near-field changes are much significant. The far-field results of the P-group do not demonstrate much difference in the total reflection spectrum with the standard one (Fig. S1). In contrast, Fig. S4 shows that this structure can be associated with significant effects in the near-field domain. One of the significant differences in NS geometry between O, S, and P-group can be considered in the ratio of diameter to height of NPs. The P-group represents more prolate particles and less surface coverage than other groups. As can be seen in Fig. S4, the lower number of peaks and to some extent lower widths, indicate that the coupling effects and generally the effect of adjacent NPs are relatively less in this case. In other words, due to the greater distance among the NPs (or lower surface coverage), this state is closer to the approximation of the independent particle. Therefore, P-group shows apparent differences between its near-field effects and other groups. In the p-group (three modes), the field-intensity scale is larger than the other two groups, especially for Au. At first sight, this may be attributed to the effects of adjacent particles on each other (selected cross-section for the P-group has more particles than O and S-group). But given that the distance between the particles is considerable, this assumption cannot be extreme (the highest intensity was also observed inside the NP). Also, among the three modes of p-group (Fig. S4), P.2 shows a much greater superiority, highlighting the importance of NP geometry.
3.4 Plasmonic NS (MNS) at the ITO interface/ZnO, near-field part, the field intensity image
In the extension of the near-field study, at the same cross-sectional surfaces where the spectral E2max was calculated, the electric field intensity (E2) on these surfaces at specific wavelengths (400 nm, 500 nm, 600 nm, 700 nm, and 800 nm) are simulated and presented for some modes. Figures 7 and 8 show these intensity profiles for O.2 and P.2 mode for material Al, respectively. To compare the near-field effect, similar images for the standard cell are shown in Fig. S6. In the standard cell at a wavelength of about 400 nm, the field intensity above the active layer is also significant. As the wavelength increases, the intensity increases further in the middle of the active material. These images of the field intensity at different points on the cross-sectional surface show the effect of the near-field at that specific wavelength. The field intensity is the result of the interaction of light inside the cell structure with the NP(s) shown on the cross-section as well as other particles present in the MNS but is not exist on the selected surface. As can be seen, the intense near-field effect is more lateral and in the vicinity of NP(s), especially when the nanoparticles are very close to each other (coupling NPs).
By moving away from the MNS to the active layer (~ 10 nm), the near-field effect decreases rapidly. But, in the opposite direction, the intensity of near-field effects reduces slower. It seems that in O-S modes, the MNS doesn’t lead to greater near-field intensity in the active layer, than the standard one. Here it appears that a slight change in MNS geometry can lead to a distinct change in near-field effect. In contrast to the far-field effects, which in some modes resulted in a little difference between the total reflection of the plasmonic sample and the standard one. Comparing O.2 and P.2 images (Figs. 7 and 8), as well as compare both with the standard one (Fig. S6), can be used to view differences. For the P.2 sample, intensity attenuation toward the active layer occurs more slowly in the active region of the solar cell. This can be attributed to the different geometry of the MNS and its lower surface coverage. Moreover, similar field intensity images for O.2 and P.2 modes are given in Fig. S7-S10, for Ag and Au material. It can be seen that changing the material but in the same mode, changes the appearance of the near-field. In O.2 mode, it is observed that for Al and Ag there are near-field effects for all five selected wavelengths. But for Au, strong near-field effects are more seen at 700 nm and 800 nm. These results are somewhat in line with Fig. 6, where the maximum intensity wavelengths of Au are mostly seen at around 700 nm and 800 nm, too. The same comparison in P.2 mode for three materials shows more exciting changes. In Fig. 7, in the four selected wavelengths, the field intensity inside themselves the MNS doesn’t show a significant value. But for P.2 mode, especially at image related to the wavelengths of 400 nm and 500 nm for Ag (Fig. S8) and wavelengths of 600 for Au (Fig. S10), there is a significant field intensity within the MNS. This significant field intensity inside the structure can be led to parasitic loss absorption. Therefore, this behavior of the P.2 mode (for Ag and Au compare to Al) can be considered as a negative effect on the application in the plasmonic SC design.
3.5 Plasmonic NS (MNS) at the interface of ZnO/active layer of organic solar cell
Lastly, to evaluate the differences, the MNS (P.2 mode) added on the interface of the ZnO/active layer (i.e., directly, in the active layer). In this case, the near-field images at selected wavelengths are given in Fig. 9 for Al and in Fig. S11 and S12 for Ag and Au, respectively. A qualitative comparison of Fig. 7, 8, and 9 show that the Al-P.2 MNS at the ZnO/active layer is associated with changes in the form of the near-field than Al-P.2 MNS at ITO/ZnO. In other words, the intensity of the backward near-field at the wavelengths of 400 nm and 500 nm has been reduced to a reasonable extent, and the intensity of the forward near-field at the wavelengths of 600 nm and 700 nm has been increased. These can be useful in designing solar cell enhancement due to the near-field effect. The same comparison between Fig. S8 and S11 also shows remarkable differences. The Ag-P.2 (at the interface of ITO/ZnO) parasitic absorption at wavelengths of 400 nm and 500 nm is no longer observed when they are inserted at the ZnO/Active layer. In the case of Au, the changes are somewhat reversed. On the other hand, in the Au-P.2 on ZnO/active layer, the parasitic absorption is intensified at 600 nm and 700 nm wavelengths than the ITO/ZnO case. Shortly, in terms of the near-field effect, the Au case is numerically stronger, but it more appears in the form of parasitic absorption loss (Fig. S12 and S14). A slight parasitic absorption effect is seen to a small extent in the Ag sample, but its near-field amplifications are over a broader spectrum of wavelengths. In the Al case, it does not show parasitic absorption in the wavelength range.
The spectral reflection and the maximum field intensity of P.2 MNS (Al, Ag, and Au) on the interface of the ZnO/active layer are also shown in Fig. S13 and S14, respectively. Again, the reflectance difference is little than the standard sample.