Physico-chemical soil properties at the experimental sites. Soil properties across the experimental sites showed wide variation, except for pH which has a low coefficient of variation (CV) of 7.9% (Table 1). Average pH value (6.6) indicated that the soils can be generally regarded as slightly acidic. Total soil organic carbon (SOC tot) was very low, and this condition seem to be moderately consistent across the sites. Average total nitrogen (Ntot) (0.65 g/kg) and available phosphorus (Pavail.) (2.4 mg/kg) are rated ‘very low’ according to Nigerian National Special Programme on Food Security NSPFS31 and Esu32 fertility classification of Nigerian Savanna soils. According to the same fertility rating, average K (0.79 cmolc kg− 1) is considered optimum to high, Mg (1.25 cmolc kg− 1) is considered ‘low’ to ‘moderate’, and Ca (3.67 cmol c kg− 1) Zn (5.02 mg kg− 1), Fe (118.8 mg kg− 1), and Mn (151.2 mg kg− 1) all fall under the ‘optimum’ sufficiency range. Boron (0.09 mg kg− 1 on average) is rated as ‘very low’. However, the CVs of Mg (66%), B (103 %), and Zn (69%) were the highest among the soil properties and further indicate high variation across the sites. Percentage sand was on average was 54.7 % and did not vary too much, with the texture classes predominantly sandy clay loam and sandy loams.
Maize grain yield. Maize grain yield ranged from 101 to 7,450 kg ha− 1 across the nutrient treatments (Tables 2a and 2b). Except under NPKB plots, average grain yield of the NPK and NPK + treatment plots were above 3,000 kg ha− 1. The NPKZn treatment increased grain yield by 28% compared to NPK. Omission of either N or K (in PK and NP treatment respectively) both reduced yield by 59%, and that of P (NK treatment) reduced yield by 56% compared to that of the NPK treatment. On average, yield for the Control plot was below 1,500 kg ha− 1. The highest coefficient of variation (66% and 65%) of yield under Control and NP respectively indicated that the experimental fields were highly variable in terms of fertility status.
Ear leaf nutrient concentration. Ranges of nutrient ear leaf concentrations across the treatments is shown in Tables 2a and 2b. All treatments with N application resulted in higher N ear leaf concentration compared to the Control and PK treatments. Phosphorus (P) concentration ranged from 0.04% in Control treatment to 0.39% in NPK and NPKZn treatments. Higher average P ear leaf concentrations were observed for the NP, PK and all NPK treatments, and were significantly different from that of the Control (0.16%) and the NK (0.20%). For K, there was no significant differences between the various treatments, though the NK and NPK + treatments had slightly higher ear leaf K concentrations. The omission of K did not reflect in lower average ear leaf concentration. The highest average K ear leaf concentration was observed for the NK treatment. There was no indication that K application in itself led to higher K concentrations in the ear leaf. Average ear leaf concentration of Ca was below 1.23% across the treatments. However, Ca concentration was higher in NPK and NPK + treatments. Magnesium (Mg) concentration ranged from 0.01 to 1.46%. There was little difference in the average Mg and Ca concentrations for the various treatments, only that the Control had a lower concentration for the elements. Sulphur concentration ranged from 0.01 to 1.2 9% across all treatments. With the exception of NPKSZnB treatments (0.05%), the S ear leaf concentration for all the NPK related treatments was slightly elevated (ranging from 0.71–0.84% on average) compared to the Control, NP, NK and PK treatments, which seems to suggest there some relationship to the yield level.
There was no clear link between the micronutrients in the ear leaf to any of the treatments. Highest concentration of Cu was 11.25 mg kg− 1 for the Control treatment and the lowest concentration of 2.24 mg kg− 1 was found for the NPKB and PK treatments. Manganese (Mn) concentration was generally higher in plots where N was applied. There was an average of 35% increase of Mn ear leaf concentration across N treatments compared to when N was omitted and for the Control. Among the NPK and NPK + treatments the mean Zinc (Zn) concentration was highest for the NPKZn (23.5 mg kg− 1) and the NPKSZnB (19.9 mg kg− 1) treatments, but not different from the NP and NK treatments (~ 24.0 mg kg− 1). This suggest a possible effect of the Zn application, whereby the dilution of the Zn concentration in the higher yielding treatments was compensated by the Zn application under the NPKZn and NPKSZnB treatments. Boron (B) concentration in the ear leaves ranged from 0.33 to 5.85 mg kg− 1. Surprisingly lower B concentrations were found for the NPKB and NPKZn treatments. Concentration of Fe was averagely high across the treatments, with highest means recorded with NPKS and NPKZn treatments.
DRIS indices. The DRIS ratios were selected based on higher variance ratio between the low and high yielding sub-populations. The variance ratios of all the selected dual ratios of the low against the high yielding sub-populations were ≥ 1, which indicate relative higher variance of the low yielding sub-population. The variance ratios of N/K (153.7) and B/Zn (118) (Table 3) were the highest among the ratios.
Percentage of plots with negative DRIS indices for the nutrient treatments (Table 4) indicates that PK, NPKS and NPKZn treatments have highest percentage of plots with negative DRIS nutrient indices. Among the nutrients, B had the lowest percentage of plots with negative index values across the nutrient treatments, while Fe had the highest number of negative index plots. Among the nutrient omission treatments, the PK treatment showed the highest frequency of plots with negative N index which reflects the impact of the N limitation on the DRIS index value. The NK, NP and NPK treatments showed lower percentage (33.3 and 40.0% respectively) of plots with negative N DRIS index indicating that N was imbalance due to higher concentrations of other nutrients. The percentage of plots with negative N DRIS index for the NPK and NPK + treatments ranged from 40.0 to 64.3% apart from the NPKS treatment which had 84.6% of plots with a negative N DRIS index value. The slightly higher percentage for the NPKZn treatment indicates a possible dilution of the N concentration on the ear leaf because of the higher yield.
The percentage of negative P DRIS index value plots was lowest for the ‘Control’ treatment (viz. 58.3%) and for the other treatments the percentage did not differ much, with the percentage ranging between 64.3 to 84.6%, indicating that for all treatments the relative P concentration is lower than for the reference population. There was no marked decrease in percentage of the plots with negative P DRIS Index value for the NP and PK treatments or a marked increase in percentage for the NK treatment (P-omission treatment).
Omission of K (NP treatment) resulted in a reduced percentage (33%) of negative K index plots, contrary to what would be expected and the NK treatment showed an unexpected high percentage of plots with negative K DRIS index values. Otherwise, the percentage of negative plots varied between 46.75 and 76.9% indicating that the relative K concentration was generally lower than for the norms where K was involved. The NPKS increased number of plots with negative Fe index by 19% and that of B by 13% compared to NPK. Ca index however, becomes increasing negative in plots where Zn was applied or N was omitted from NPK. Both the PK and NPKZn treatments resulted to relatively higher percentages of plots with negative DRIS index scores for most of the nutrients. For the NPKZn, this was also true for most nutrients except for the N and P DRIS indices and to lesser extent for the S DRIS index score. The generally lower percentage of plots with negative B DRIS index values, across the various treatments, indicates that the relative B ear leaf concentrations of the low sub-populations was not much different, which probably indicates that the B concentration was low across the board. On the other hand, the percentage of negative plots with negative Fe DRIS index values was relatively high, irrespective of the treatment, indicating that the reference population of plots with high yields have relatively lower Fe concentration in the ear leaves. The same applies to Mg, where we find high percentages of plots with negative DRIS scores across the treatments, indicating that the reference population has a relatively low Mg ear leaf concentration, indicating a possible nutrient limitation.
Table 5 shows the ranking of the nutrient limitations based on the DRIS index value for each treatment. For the interpretation one has to take account of the treatment and the nutrients. N ranked high (2nd ) in the order of nutrient limitations for the PK treatment, while it ranked lower for other treatments where N was applied, indicating N was highly limiting. For P and K, the pattern was less clear and also not ranking highly in terms of nutrient limitations for the respective nutrient omission treatments. Sulphur ranked high in the order of nutrient limitations for the NK, NP and PK treatments as well as for the NPK and NPKSZnB treatments. It ranked low for the NPKS and the NPKZn. This suggest that S was clearly a limiting nutrient, with the low ranking for the NPKZn explained by the possible positive effect of Zn application on the availability of S. Zinc ranked high in the order of nutrient limitations for the ‘Control’, NK and NP treatments, but did not seem to be specifically prominent for the other high yielding treatments. Boron ranked lowest based on its DRIS index value for seven of the nine treatments and ranked highest for the NPKZn treatment. Note that the NPKZn treatment generated the highest yields and the corresponding plots will therefore constitute a large part of the reference population. The negative interaction with B thus explains the generally low percentage of plots with negative B DRIS index scores and consequently low ranking in the order nutrient limitation for the remaining treatments other than NPKZn. Therefore, the low ranking in order of nutrient limitation in this case does not necessarily signify that B is not a limiting nutrient.
With regards to the nutrients that are not included in any of the treatments, Mg ranked high in the order of nutrient limitations for all the treatments (often ranking first, second or third). This is also consistent with the relatively high percentage of plots with negative Mg DRIS index values. Therefore, among this group Mg is considered the most important yield limiting nutrient. Secondly, Fe ranked relatively high, ranking second to sixth depending on the treatment. Also, in this case it is consistent with the generally high score of plots with negative Fe DRIS index values across the treatments. No particular evidence of Mn limitation was observed in any of the treatments. Noteworthy is the high ranking in order of nutrient limitation for the NPK (3rd ) and the NPKZn treatment (2nd ), indicating possible interaction with Zn application. A similar observation was made for Ca and Cu, in that there was no particular evidence that the nutrients might be limiting, but that for particular treatments the high ranking is noteworthy. In this case the NPKS, NPKB and the NPKSZnB treatments show high ranking of Ca and Cu (Table 5) suggesting an interaction with S and B on the availability of these nutrients.
Relationship between nutrients ear leaf concentration and DRIS indices. Figure 1 show varied strengths of relationship between ear leaf nutrient concentration and corresponding DRIS index values from weak to strong. The Figure show that ear leaf nitrogen concentration is a poor indicator of N index in DRIS with a low R2 value (0.24). The figure also shows a strong proportionate increase in DRIS index values of S and Cu at corresponding higher ear leaf nutrient concentrations. The DRIS index values of K, S and Zn were the most strongly explained by ear leaf concentration among the analyzed nutrients (R2 = 0.73). Higher ear leaf nutrient levels of K, Mg, Ca, and Zn correspondingly showed strong influence for consistent decrease (negativity) in DRIS indices.
GGE biplot analysis. Figure 2 show relationships among the nutrient DRIS indices on a biplot. PC1 explained 34 % of the total variation in the data. The PC1 was strongly influence by the positive correlations with the DRIS indices Mn, N, Fe, P and B. Additional 22.3 % of the variance was explained by PC2; and was positively correlated with index of Zn with negative correspondence with Cu index. Indices of P, B, Mn, N, B, K, and S were positively correlated with each other; indicating a synergistic relationship. Indices of Zn and Mg were positively correlated with each other and negatively with Cu and Ca. indicating a possible antagonistic association between them.
The ‘Which-Won-Where’ view of the GGE biplot (Fig. 3) show the degree of influence of nutrient treatments on the nutrients DRIS indices. The general rule in GGE is that nutrient indices that share the same sector with a particular nutrient treatment are the most associated with that treatment. The indices of Zn and Mg formed a cluster and share the same sector with Control and NK treatments. The largest cluster was formed by the indices of K, S, P, Mn, Fe, B and N, and found in the sector of PK treatment. This sector is bordered closely by Control, indicating that these two treatments have similar DRIS index values for most of the nutrients within that cluster. In the diagnosis, Cu and Ca indices became more consistently important yield limiting under NPKZn and NPKSZnB. The DRIS nutrient indices associated with NPK, NPKS and NPKB did not show any consistent pattern of occurrence.