The present study investigated relationships of PAHs exposure and cancers related to deregulation of ERs in the general U.S. population using a nationally-representative sample. Our results illustrated that the potential relevance between uPAHs and each type of cancers varied depending on specific uPAHs and the types of cancer. We observed that 9-OHFlu was positively associated with breast cancer, with a clear dose-dependent relationship. Additionally, 1-OHPyr appeared to increase the risk of breast cancer, while 2-OHFlu was associated with an elevated risk of uterine cancer. Conversely, 2-OHNap and 1-OHPhe might serve as protective factors against ovarian cancer. There might be no significant associations between PAHs exposure and prostate cancer.
ERs are expressed in cells distributed throughout the female genital tract and breast [17]. In human prostate, ERs were found in both prostate stromal and epithelial cells [19]. As for ER-positive cells, oestrogen could promote DNA instability, cellular hyperplasia and neoplastic transformation of normal epithelial cells into carcinomas after binding to ERs [17]. Furthermore, previous studies have illustrated that the activation of estrogen signaling was associated with carcinogenicity and progression of uterine, breast, ovarian and prostate cancer [17][22]. Estrogen receptor signaling is one of the most investigated pathways related to the endocrine-disrupting abilities of PAHs [18]. Various PAHs were previously reported to be agonist or antagonist of ERs [16], which could be explained in three aspects. Firstly, several investigations demonstrated that PAHs and hydroxyl PAHs had different roles in the estrogenicity [18][20][21]. Secondly, when PAHs bind to AhRs, the activated AhRs could indirectly interfere with ER-responsive trans-activation functions or directly compete with estrogen[18]. Finally, metabolism or bio-accumulation of PAHs varied in different tissues and cells[18]. Additionally, PAHs shown differential actions between ERα and ERβ, which could always play different roles in the estrogen signaling [16]. Therefore, specific PAHs might have different effects on various cancers, and different PAHs might have different effects on specific kind of cancers. This assumption was also supported by the findings of the present study.
Our results revealed a dose-response relationship between increased concentrations of 9-OHFlu and elevated breast cancer risk. Besides, 1-OHPyr and 2-OHFlu were implicated in the carcinogenicity of breast cancer and uterine cancer, respectively. Previous studies also showed that women exposed to PAHs from multiple sources, such as occupational, ambient air, and smoking, had a higher incidence of breast cancer [13][14][15][23]. F Our current analysis further identified the specific PAHs in the PAHs mixture contributing to the progression of breast cancer. However, there was no epidemic studies to investigate the role of PAHs on uterine cancer. Fortunately, the findings of PAHs administration in animals and cells could support these results. Previous laboratory evidence indicated that both 1-OHPyr and 2-OHFlu showed strong estrogenic activity [24][25]. Although there were no laboratory evidence directly investigating the association between 9-OHFlu and ERs, we hypothesize the 9-OHFlu might show similar estrogenic activity to 2-OHFlu because they were both hydroxyl fluorene (OH-Flu). Additionally, as a kind of aryl hydrocarbon, 9-OHFlu could activated AhRs. promoting the development of breast cancer [27]. Recent research demonstrated that exposure to OH-Flu were associated with lower DNA methylation of AHRR in lung cancer [26]. AHRR, a suppressor of the AhR pathway, has been shown to inhibit AhR-driven breast cancer growth in two different murine models when over-expressed [27]. These findings suggested that 9-OHFlu plays a vital role in the carcinogenicity and progression of breast cancer, and targeting the mechanism of the carcinogenicity of 9-OHFlu might have therapeutic benefits, but further investigation is needed.
We observed that there were no significant relationships between all of the ten uPAHs and risk of prostate cancer. Although part of the ten uPAHs were evidenced as agonist of ERs, high dosage PAHs exposure was related to reduction of serum testosterone (T) concentration and exerted anti-androgenic effects by competing with androgen binding to androgen receptor (AR) [33][34]. According to the reliance of prostate cancer to the AR signaling, the effect of PAHs on T and AR signaling might impair the effect of PAHs on ERs. Besides, gender differences in the genotoxic capabilities of PAHs could exist. Males typically exhibit lower cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzyme activity and greater DNA repair capacity compared to females, making them less susceptible to PAH-induced chromosomal damage and oxidative stress [1][35]. A number of epidemiological studies also investigated the associations between occupational PAHs exposure and prostate cancer [28]. Part of them demonstrated that PAHs exposure was implicated in prostate carcinogenesis in petroleum workers, chimney sweeps and hairdressers [28][29]. However, others demonstrated non-significant elevated risks of prostate cancer associated with occupational exposure to coals and oils [30][31]. Additionally, Rybicki et al. indicated that occupational PAHs exposure increased risk of prostate cancer in men with GSTP1 Val105 variant, rather than in the entire male population [32]. All in all, more studies are needed to confirm the associations and mechanisms between PAHs and prostate cancer risk.
Our results showed that 2-OHNap and 1-OHPhe might be protective factors against ovarian cancer. Previous studies have demonstrated that the elevated risk of ovarian cancer is strongly linked to the activation of Erα [36]. ERβ is always recognized as a vital tumor suppressor in ovarian cancer [37]. Besides, normal ovarian tissue generally contains high level of ERβ, predominantly expressed in granulosa cells, theca cells, surface epithelium and corpus luteum [38]. A laboratory study have indicated that 1-OHNap and 9-OHPhe can selectively induce the transcriptional activity of ERβ without affecting Erα [25]. As the similar structures of between 1-OHNap and 2-OHNap, and between 1OHPhe and 9-OHPhe, we hypothesize that 2-OHNap and 1-OHPhe might exert similar effects on ERα and ERβ despite the lack of direct studies on these relationships. Furthermore, using exogenous estrogens as hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in premenopausal women has been associated with a significantly decreased relative risk of ovarian cancer [39]. However, long-term HRT use in post-menopausal women was associated with an elevated risk of ovarian cancer [40], possibly due to a reduction in the total number of ovulations, a major risk factor for ovarian cancer [41]. Consequently, further investigation is warranted into the associations between PAH exposure and ovarian cancer risk, as our study shows no significant trends and few studies have addressed this issue. Our research has several advantages. First, the data we used have external validity and national relevance. Second, the present study includes large sample size, random sample selection, and uniform data collection. Third, the relationships between ten specific PAHs and four types of cancer were investigated from an epidemiological perspective, which could provide possible mechanistic implications for further explorations and clinical translations.
However, this study also has some limitations. Firstly, the nature of cross-sectional studies makes it unable to draw a causal association between the present results. Fortunately, the laboratory evidence supports the assumption that exposure to part of specific PAHs could elevate the risk of breast and uterine cancer. Second, while we adjusted for some covariates, additional factors such as dietary influences were not considered. Third, NHANES questionnaire data are based on participant self-reported, therefore, there might exist recall bias. Finally, the present study used uPAHs concentrations to present the specific PAHs exposure. Due to individual variations in liver and kidney metabolic capacity, urinary PAHs may affect the assessment of internal PAHs exposure levels. To the best of our knowledge, there were no methods and techniques to detect the markers of PAHs in blood.