Meat juice is often extracted from tissue that is easily accessible and of little commercial value. Diaphragmatic muscle is most frequently analysed as it is accessible and already used in Trichinella surveillance (Wallander et al., 2015). However, testing of meat juice from skeletal muscle such as foreleg and hindleg (Molina et al., 2008), forequarter and hindquarter (Kaden et al., 2009) and diaphragmatic muscle (Felin et al., 2017; Kaden et al., 2009; Wallander et al., 2015) as well as organ tissue, such as liver (Navarro et al., 2020), heart (Wallander et al., 2015; Yonemitsu et al., 2019) and tongue (Wallander et al., 2015), have been described. One study comparing tissue types found the highest agreement between serum and heart derived meat juice, with diaphragmatic tissue placed third (Wallander et al., 2015), while others found heart and sternomastoideus muscle to produce meat juice more reliably or at greater volumes than diaphragm (Nielsen et al., 1998; Yonemitsu et al., 2019). The present study found suitable agreement between cattle diaphragm, masseter and neck yields, thus, coupled with ease of access and low commercial value, neck was requested for the subsequent deer study.
A specialised funnel can be purchased for meat juice extraction (Kabe Labortechnik GmbH, Nuembrecht, Germany), however, more rudimentary methods have been described in other studies, such as dripping the thawing meat juice through a plastic bag tied with an elastic band or a clamp (Loreck et al., 2020; Meemken et al., 2014). Here, meat juice was obtained by thawing samples in an upturned 30 mL universal container over a polythene bag, cut to create a funnel. Meat juice was collected in a was 50 mL falcon tube.
The present study found that pre-extraction freeze temperature had a significant impact on meat juice yield and volume. Freezing of muscle samples causes the formation of ice crystals, a process known as nucleation, which influences the release of intracellular fluid and proteins into the intracellular spaces (Añón and Calvelo, 1980; Leonard et al., 2022). Fast freezing at -80⁰C causes the formation of small ice crystals, while a slower freeze rate (-20⁰C), causes larger crystals to form. Larger crystals disrupt the muscular structure to a higher extent, resulting in a greater volume of fluid release (Cook et al., 1926; Leonard et al., 2022; Petrović et al., 1993; Rahelić et al., 1985). Freeze temperature analysis in the cattle study found statistically significant greater overall meat juice yield when extracted from the higher freeze temperature (-20⁰C). Therefore, all deer samples for study 2 were frozen at -20⁰C. Adequate volumes of meat juice was extracted from 81.0% of these samples.
The concentration of antibodies in meat juice is known to be approximately 10x lower than in serum; prompting several studies to recommend meat juice should be analysed at more concentrated volumes than serum (Glor, 2013; Loreck et al., 2020). However, in the present study, cattle IBR gE values for meat juice showed good agreement with serum when tested at the manufacturer’s recommended dilution (modified meat juice analysis was not performed). European legislation for IBR testing in cattle (Animal Health Law Regulation (EU) No 2016/689, section 4 annex II) provides for the use of meat juice on ELISA as an alternative to serum, without the caveat of modifying the dilution of the meat juice. This is supported by the results obtained here, which indicate that meat juice would be a suitable serum substitution for IBR gE surveillance in cattle.
Dilution analyses of Pestivirus p80 values for cattle, comparing serum and meat juice tested at recommended 1:9 against meat juice also tested at modified dilution of 1:1 was performed here. Results indicated that meat juice correlated best with serum when tested at the recommended 1:9 dilution (R = 0.64) compared to the modified lower dilution (R = 0.18). There was a high correlation between meat juice at recommended and modified dilutions (R = 0.64); as dilution decreased, %INH increased, as would be expected. For deer samples, due to the discontinuation of the PrioCHECK™ Ruminant BVD p80 ELISA kit during the course of the study, only modified meat juice dilution could be assessed. A moderate correlation between the matrices was determined (R = 0.49). This indicates that meat juice, at this dilution, may a suitable alternative for serum on this ELISA in deer.
IBR glycoprotein B (gB) based tests have previously been determined as highest sensitivity and specificity than gE assays (Kramps et al., 2004) and, being competitive assays, are less sensitive to species-specificity as they don’t rely on anti-species conjugate. Therefore, this assay was used in the deer study. Here, meat juice was poorly correlated to serum at both recommended and modified dilutions and in all tissue, therefore, appears to be an inappropriate alternative to serum for deer on this assay.
Future recommendations
Dilution analysis on deer meat juice for Pestivirus would ideally have been performed here, however, the PrioCHECK BVD/BD p80 kit was discontinued during the course of this study. Replication of this study, using currently available Pestivirus ELISA would be strongly recommended.
The unavoidable use of non species-specific diagnostic tests may have impacted test sensitivity and specificity for both serum and meat juice in the deer study. However, it should be acknowledged that this is an intrinsic limitation to most wildlife studies. True validation of diagnostic assays for wildlife species are required in order to effectively survey them for pathogens of interest.
Further works to investigate the impact of repeated freeze-thaw cycles and storage conditions on meat juice samples post-extraction should be assessed, as these are factors known to affect serum.
As meat juice is a recommended matrix for IBR surveillance in cattle, guidelines should be adapted to include standardised tissue selection protocols.