Using mass cytometry, we show herein that rare circulating fibroblasts and fibrocytes, expressing CDH11 and chemokine receptors, possibly originating from inflamed joints and bone marrow, respectively, are increased in patients with inflammatory arthritis. Single-cell proteomics by mass cytometry is an ideal technology for identifying and characterizing rare cells in whole blood samples36,37. Its minimal background noise and improved sensitivity make it particularly well-suited for the detection and characterization of low-abundance cellular events, as, for example, circulating tumor cells in cancer patients, detected in frequencies ranging from 1 to 100 cells per ml of blood38,45. Circulating fibroblasts and fibrocytes in our patients had a median cell count of 7 and 70 per ml of peripheral blood, respectively, whereas their presence has been previously studied in RA16, but not in PsA patients.
By investigating the expression of markers that are known to characterize synovial fibroblasts, such as CDH11, CD90, CD34, and Notch3, we unveiled the heterogeneity of circulating fibroblasts, akin to their synovial counterparts22,46,47. This heterogeneity was more evident in the circulating fibroblast pool of RA compared to PsA, suggesting potential differences in fibroblast involvement between the two types of arthritis, as also observed in synovium studies35. On the other hand, fibrocytes have been previously studied in RA by flow-cytometry, but not in PsA, being elevated compared to controls at baseline, as well as during re-evaluation after three and six months25.
In both RA and PsA patients, circulating neutrophils co-expressing CD90 and CDH11, were increased compared to controls, with their levels remaining elevated after a three-month anti-rheumatic standard treatment, regardless of disease activity. CD90, by binding to integrins, including αVβ3, has been shown to be involved in the adhesion of leukocytes to activated human endothelial cells (EC), facilitating their extravasation into different tissues43,48,49. Although certain studies have reported CDH11 and CD90 expression on immunocytes17,21,43,50, this is the first proteomic study to investigate their expression at the single-cell level in the peripheral blood. In our study, the presence of leukocytes co-expressing CDH11 and CD90 was also detected in RA synovial biopsies, and not in OA, further supporting their potential migration into the synovium. These cells were located closely to CDH11-expressing synovial fibroblasts, indicating their possible interaction through CDH11-mediated homotypic binding. In the context of RA, CD90 expression has been observed on CD14+ cells in perivascular areas of the synovium, possibly indicative of the migration of these cells from the peripheral blood to the synovial tissue51. Moreover, mass cytometry data from synovial tissues has also revealed the expression of CDH11 and CD90 by certain monocytes, T and B cells22. Interestingly, the levels of CDH11+CD90+ neutrophils that co-expressed Notch3 and CCR6 were also elevated in our patients, which may further support the migratory potential of this subset, as there is evidence suggesting the involvement of Notch3 in the process of immunocyte transmigration into the inflamed tissue, by mediating leukocyte adhesion to the endothelium44.
Circulating fibroblasts, fibrocytes and CDH11+CD90+ neutrophils mainly expressed CCR6, among the examined chemokine receptors, CCR4, CCR7, CXCR3 and CXCR5. This may be indicative of their increased capacity to receive inflammatory signals from the joint, where its ligand, CCL20, is upregulated during arthritis52. Moreover, increased counts of fibroblasts and fibrocytes expressing CCR7 were observed in patients compared to controls. Although, CCR7 is traditionally involved in the migration of cells towards lymphoid organs, its ligands CCL19 and CCL21 have been found to be highly produced in the synovium of both RA and PsA53. Thus, CCR6 and CCR7 expression may facilitate the guided movement of these cells from the bloodstream towards distant joints.
The concept of circulating synovial fibroblasts was initially proposed as a hypothesis to explain inflammatory monoarthritis/oligoarthritis progression to polyarthritis, with studies showing the ability of injected pathogenic fibroblasts to a joint to cause arthritis and then migrate to unaffected joints, where they undergo proliferation and promote a pro-inflammatory microenvironment13. Given that the mesenchymal CDH11, which is essential for the development of the synovium54, has been detected in RA patients’ peripheral blood17 and is also a marker gene for circulating PRIME cells16, it can be hypothesized that specific fibroblast subpopulations are activated and migrate into the bloodstream toward distant joints, thus spreading arthritis.
Building upon the findings from the aforementioned studies13,15–17 and based on the results presented herein, we propose a model where fibroblasts and fibrocytes, expressing CDH11, originating from the joints and bone marrow, respectively, enter the bloodstream and migrate into distant synovia, either alone or by forming complexes with CDH11+CD90+ neutrophils (Fig. 7). Such migration processes may operate independently of adaptive immunity-mediated pathogenetic mechanisms, which is in line with our mass cytometry findings. According to our proposed model, migration of fibroblasts and fibrocytes along with neutrophils may be facilitated by binding of CD90 to integrins of endothelial cells during extravasation, with these cells being attracted towards the joint by synovium-derived chemokines. Homotypic binding via CDH11 may enable the formation of cell clusters with enhanced migratory potential that could possibly insert the joint. As in the case of circulating tumor cell clusters, where non–tumor cells, such as platelets and neutrophils, can interact with tumor cells to enhance their survival and metastasis55,56, we could assume that the formation of cell aggregates between circulating fibroblasts/fibrocytes and neutrophils may protect these rare circulating cells against harmful shear stress and mechanical forces formed in the bloodstream. Moreover, PDPN on fibroblasts may bind to C-type lectin‐like receptor 2, which is mainly expressed by platelets, potentially resulting in platelet activation57. Platelets are known to favor tumor dissemination and metastasis by protecting tumor cells from mechanical forces during circulation, enabling them to evade immune surveillance, and mediating adherence to the vascular endothelium, thus favoring extravasation57,58. Therefore, circulating fibroblasts may bind to not only neutrophils, but also platelets, via PDPN, further facilitating their trafficking through the circulation.
Current biologic therapies for RA and PsA have significantly improved not only the quality of life but also the prognosis of these patients59. Nonetheless, attaining and sustaining long-term remission remains a considerable challenge. One of the reasons for the suboptimal management of these patients could be the insufficient targeting of critical players, such as cells with mesenchymal characteristics. We showed herein that the levels of circulating CDH11-expressing fibroblasts, fibrocytes and neutrophils remain elevated regardless of the disease activity of patients, underscoring that our proposed model is drug-independent. Our results suggest the potential involvement of these circulating cells, as well as the possible formation of fibroblast/fibrocyte-neutrophil aggregates, in the pathogenesis of chronic joint inflammation, therefore supporting the endeavors for the development of anti-mesenchymal therapies, targeting for example CDH1160,61.
The major limitation of our study is that we have not explored potential functional implications associated with the examined cell populations or assessed their migratory capacity through, for instance, migratory assays. Another limitation of our study is the fact that cell recovery during acquisition in mass cytometry experiments is always less than 100%, which, combined with the cell-cell adhesion properties of CDH11, which may exclude a subset of CDH11-expressing cells from the single-cell analysis, suggests that the actual counts of the described cells might be indeed much higher than the observed values.
To conclude, our results form the basis for future experiments to extend our understanding of the pathogenetic role of circulating cells with mesenchymal phenotype, forming cell-cell complexes, and the dynamic cellular interactions leading to arthritis “metastasis”. Based on previous studies13,15–17 and our findings, arthritis may be spread by a process shared by RA and PsA which operates independently of adaptive immunity and current drugs, thus, holding promise for novel therapeutic interventions.