Our data provided evidence that A. lapachosus did practice intraguild predation on A. cachamai. The species differed in terms of their functional response, interference competitive strength, and host selection behavior. Anagyrus cachamai was the species that had the greatest ability to exploit the resource, and A. lapachosus, the strongest species in the interference competition. The functional response models highlighted a superior host exploitation ability for A. cachamai. On the other hand, the outcome of competition models indicated that asymmetric larval competition occurred between A. cachamai and A. lapachosus, with the latter outcompeting the former. Likewise, A. lapachosus females preferred parasitized mealybugs to unparasitized ones, while A. cachamai females avoided them. These behavioral differences played a key role in the wasp emergence patterns that were identified (Table 1).
The coexistence among species with different competitive strengths may be possible if the parasitoids possess differences in their competitive abilities 36,37. In this context, it is expected that the weakest competitor presents the greatest ability to exploit the resource 38,39. We found that A. cachamai, the less aggressive species, was the most efficient consumer since it had a shorter handling time. Although A. lapachosus females presented the highest change in the attack rate as a function of the number of nymphs offered, it was in the same order of magnitude as that observed in A. cachamai, while the difference observed in the handling time differed by an order of magnitude. Cusumano et al. 40 found similar results for the interaction between Trissolcus basalis (Wollaston) (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) and Ooencyrtus telenomicida (Vassiliev) (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae), both egg parasitoids of Nezara viridula (L.) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). For this parasitoid-parasitoid interaction, T. basalis was the most efficient consumer, showing the shorter handling time, while O. telenomicida was better in larval competition. The authors suggested that T. basalis - O. telenomicida coexistence can be driven by a trade-off between host finding and competition.
Similar to many parasitoid species 41–43, the order of arrival to the host affected the competitive strength of A. cachamai and A. lapachosus. Anagyrus cachamai females experienced a decrease in their competitive strength when the females arrived first to the host. The same pattern was observed in A. lapachosus females. However, the consequences for each parasitoid species were different. The second female species might have produced physical and chemical changes in the host’s environment to create conditions that favored its own larval survival in detriment to the parasitoid that arrived first 24,44. For instance, the parasitoid female might inject viruses or toxins during oviposition 45 or mechanically eliminate the immature competitor larva with its ovipositor 23.
Regarding the behavior of attacking an already parasitized host, the strength of the second arriving species is expected to be higher than the one already inside the host 46. Although the competitive strength of both Anagyrus species increased when they arrived second to the host, the proportion of times where A. cachamai arrived second to the host and won the competition against A. lapachosus was highly variable (0.713 (0.285–0.955)). Anagyrus cachamai females probably compensated their reduced competitive ability in the interference competition with a faster host manipulation and avoidance of parasitized hosts. As mentioned above, A. lapachosus females preferred parasitized nymphs to non-parasitized ones. The acceptance of hosts within the same trophic level is a mechanism to eliminate competitors, as well as a strategy to obtain high-protein or alternative hosts when the resource is scarce 2,17. To our knowledge, our study is the first report of intraguild predation within the genus Anagyrus Howard. We hypothesized that A. lapachosus larvae behave either as predators of A. cachamai larvae during intrinsic competition, or, perhaps less likely, the former species could behave as a facultative hyperparasitoid. However, we have found no records of hyperparasitoid species in the genus Anagyrus, which is comprised entirely of primary parasitoids of various mealybugs.
Some of the selected models (44.4%) indicated that A. cachamai and A. lapachosus females did not attack a certain percentage of the hosts offered. Possibly, the hosts were not suitable for the development of their offspring. An alternative explanation may be that only 24–48 hour old females were used, not considering the synovigenic behavior of the two parasitoid species 28, where their egg load changed throughout the female’s lifespan. Transient egg limitation can make eggs more valuable than if the wasps never experienced a limitation, influencing females to be less likely to lay eggs in unsuitable hosts. Similarly, egg reabsorption often confers greater fitness than ovipositing in unsuitable hosts. To achieve a better understanding of the process or processes that affected host selection behavior of both Anagyrus species, it will be necessary to expand the interaction experiment design to include additional factors, for example, females of different ages.
Parasitoid impact on host population is underestimated when host mortality is not taken into account 47. Both larval and adult parasitoids can induce host death following oviposition. When neither parasitoid nor host emerges, Abram et al. 47 called it non-reproductive effect. However, host mortality cannot be easily measured, especially if it is not possible to detect the parasitoid via dissection or if the oviposition was interrupted and no egg was laid 48. Currently, in biological control programs, the population consequences of non-reproductive mortality of hosts induced by their parasitoids and its effects in multiple-hosts systems are unknown 48,49. Abram et al. 47 proposed including the contribution of non-reproductive mortality both in models of host-parasitoid population dynamics, as in those that include multi-trophic interactions, in order to have a better understanding regarding its effect on the community interactions. With the methodological approach proposed in this study, we found that multi parasitism increased the death probability of the Hypogeococcus sp. nymphs. This result was also reported for other parasitoid species 50,51. Host mortality increase can be caused by the physical damage produced by the increase in the number of stings with or without oviposited larvae per host, changes in its internal environment 52, host rejection 48, death of the egg or larva of the parasitoids that do not develop but end up killing the host 53, and parasitized hosts being more susceptible to infections 54.
Finally, to analyze the type of interactions that existed between A. cachamai and A. lapachosus, we used models both with host depletion (exponential decaying host density with consumption, according to Rogers 55) or without it (the basic Holling’s models 56). In our simulations, we found that one-third of the time, the Rogers models were selected, and another two-thirds, the Hollings were selected. These results suggest that indeed the host depletion is affecting the performance of the parasitoids, in an intermediate form between that proposed by Rogers and the original from Holling.
The role that intraguild predation played on the interaction between A. cachamai and A. lapachosus and its consequences for the control of Hypogeococcus sp. revealed two possible scenarios that depended on the order in which the Hypogeococcus sp. nymphs were exposed to these parasitoids. If the nymphs were first exposed to A. cachamai and then to A. lapachosus, given that A. lapachosus females preferred the parasitized nymphs, the degree of overlap between these two species would be high. As a consequence, control by the parasitoids would be lower than expected when the interaction is at random, as it is in the case when A. lapachosus females do not have a host selection behavior (Fig. 4). If the order of exposure of nymphs to parasitoids was reversed, the overlap between A. cachamai and A. lapachosus would decrease. The females of A. cachamai had a greater ability to exploit the resource than those of A. lapachosus, and the former species avoided the already parasitized nymphs, the total number of parasitized nymphs would increase, exceeding that expected by random (Fig. 5).
In conclusion, our models predicted that a multiple species release strategy would likely produce more control of the pest host than a single species release when A. lapachosus was released first. To obtain a more comprehensive knowledge of the interactions between these two parasitoids on the suppression of Hypogeococcus sp., investigations on continuous generations should be conducted. It is also necessary to identify and characterize the natural enemies present in the release area given that negative interactions with other parasitoids and/or predators could adversely affect pest control. Our next goal is to investigate the interactions between A. cachamai and A. lapachosus on continuous generations in field manipulative experiments.