PCR methods for the detection of PERV-C To screen pigs for the presence of PERV-C, a PCR developed by Takeuchi et al. [1] is commonly used, designated here PCR1 (Figure 1A). Later Dieckhoff et al. developed a new PCR [31], designated PCR4 by Kaulitz et al. [12] using primers based on a PERV-C sequence (accession number EU440732.1, [32]). In addition, PCR2, PCR3 and a real-time PCR were developed [12]. The PCR1 detected up to 1.1x103 molecules of a PERV-C plasmid, and the real-time PCR performed as duplex PCR simultaneously detecting PERV-C and porcine cyclophilin detected 100 copies/reaction PERV-C [12]. PCR1, PCR2 and PCR3 detected equally good PERV-C in German landrace pigs [12]. Later, when we detected new variants of PERV-C in German wild boars, we added two new PCRs, PCR6 and PCR7 [15]. All primer and probe sequences were found in the PERV-C reference sequence (accession number AM229312, [33]), but not in the PERV-A reference sequence (accession number AY288779.1, [34]) (Table 1). In this manuscript, the real-time PCR was performed as a duplex real-time PCR detecting in parallel porcine GAPDH and the sensitivity was 10 copies PERV-C /100ng DNA [21]. To evaluate the specificity of the developed PCRs and to determine the presence or absence of PERV-C, we screened indigenous Greek black pigs, Auckland Island pigs and pigs from a German slaughterhouse. In this manuscript, three new PCRs, PCR8, PCR9 and PCR10, were added, which partially were designed to obtain larger amplicons for sequencing purposes (Figure 1A). To stress it again, all primer and probe sequences were found in our PERV-C reference sequence, but not in the PERV-A reference sequence (Table 1).
Detection of PERV-C in indigenous Greek black pigs Initially, 21 indigenous Greek black pigs were screened for PERV-C using PCR4. This screening revealed that 11 of 21 animals (52.4%) were positive [22]. To further investigate the presence of PERV-C in these animals, four animals from farm 1 were analyzed using PCR1. Screening with this PCR1 reconfirmed the presence of PERV-C in all pigs, except pig 3 (Figure 2A). The same result had been obtained for PCR4 [22]. The absence of PERV-C specific bands in PCR1 and PCR4 for animal 3 suggests that PERV-C is either absent in this animal or that the primer-binding sites are mutated, making them unrecognizable by one or both primers.
To test these possibilities, PCR5 and PCR6 were performed (Figure 2A). Testing DNA from the liver and spleen of animals 2 and 4 with PCR5 and PCR6 produced strong amplicons identical in size to that of the positive control. No amplification was observed with PCR 5 and PCR6 when DNA from both tissues of animal 3 was used. Interestingly, no amplification was detected in animal 1 with PCR 5, and only a faint band was observed with PCR6 using DNA isolated from the spleen, but not from the liver. Given the importance of this PCR6 result, the PCR was repeated several times to ensure reproducibility, and the results of two experiments are presented in Figure 2A. The difference between liver and spleen suggests that there is a mutation in one or both primer binding sites in the provirus in the liver, but not in the spleen, indicating different proviruses in these organs.
To obtain a larger amplicon for sequencing purposes, PCR8 was performed, using the forward primer of PCR6 and the reverse primer of PCR5. To our surprise, DNA extracted from all tissues from all four animals yielded amplicons, also from pig 3. Most interestingly, the amplicons from the liver and spleen of animal 3 were larger compared to the amplicons from animals 1, 2 and 4, indicating a potential insertion (Figure 2A). PCR7 (the combination of the forward primer of PCR5 and the reverse primer of the real-time PCR) and PCR9 (using the forward primer of the real-time PCR and the reverse primer of PCR5) were also positive for all four animals.
Detection of PERV-C in other pigs When the DNA from the German slaughterhouse pigs were screened using a real-time PCR [12], all animals were also positive (Table 2). In contrast, the Auckland Island pigs and the PK15 cells were negative in the real-time PCR (Table 2). The Auckland Island pigs [21] and the pig cell line PK15 [35] are well known to be PERV-C negative. They were also PERV-C negative in this study in PCR4 (Figure 2B) and PCR8, which was using the forward primer of PCR6 and the reverse primer of PCR5 in order to obtain extended amplicons (Figure 2C, 2D).
Sequence analysis of PERV-C from indigenous Greek black pigs Sanger sequencing of the PCR8 amplicon from pig 4 resulted in a high-quality sequence and an alignment of this sequence with a PERV-C reference sequence AM229312 [33] revealed that the sequences were nearly identical (Figure S1).
However, since the Sanger sequencing of the other amplicons did not produce satisfactory results, possibly due to the simultaneous amplification of different proviruses present in the pig genome with differences in the sequence, all amplicons were sequenced using the Nanopore method. As expected, putative insertions were detected in the sequence from animal 3 when compared with the sequences from animals 2 and 4 (Figure 1B). The largest insertion disrupts the binding sites of the forward primers of PCR1 and PCR4, while the other disrupts the binding sites of the reverse primers of PCR1 and PCR4. The smallest insertion disrupts the binding site for the forward primer of PCR5. Consequently, none of these three PCRs produced amplicons when DNA from animal 3 was tested (Figure 2A). However, when the large insert and the whole amplicon sequence from animal 3 were analyzed using nucleotide BLAST (nBLAST), a high sequence similarity PERV-A was observed (Figure S2), indicating that the provirus amplified with PCR8 in pig 3 is PERV-A.
Based on the nanopore sequences of the PCR8 amplicons from animals 3 and 4 a dendrogram was built, showing that the amplicon from animals 4 is closer to the PERV-C reference sequence and the amplicon from animal 3 is closer to the PERV-A reference sequence (Figure 3).
Comparative analysis of the primer binding sites The sequences obtained by nanopore sequencing of the 692bp amplicons obtained by PCR8 were used to analyze the primer binding sites of PCR1, PCR4, PCR5, PCR6, PCR7, PCR8 and PCR 9 as well as the binding sites for primers and probes of the real-time PCR (Table 3). The nanopore sequences were of high quality and the sequences of the amplicons derived from the liver DNA and the spleen DNA were 100% identical. When the sequences of the primers and the corresponding sequences in the amplicons were compared, it was confirmed that the forward and reverse primers of PCR 1 and PCR4 are highly specific, because in the PERV-A sequence (amplicon of PCR8 from animal 4) the primer binding sites were disrupted by larger sequences absent in PERV-C. The sequences of the PCR5 primer binding sites in pig 3 had mutations, in the case of the forward primer an insertion of sequence “AAC” disrupted the primer binding site (Table 3), explaining the absence of amplicons when PCR5 was performed (Figure 2A).
The real-time PCR is not PERV-C-specific In addition, a real-time PCR as described by Kaulitz et al. [12] was performed. Primers and the probe had been designed using sequences found in the PERV-C reference genome, but not in the PERV-A reference genome (Table 1). An identical copy number in the spleen and liver of animals 2 and 4 (21 Ct) was found, but a lower copy number in both tissues of animals 1 and 3 (26 Ct) (Table 2). Interestingly, no significant differences in the PERV copy numbers were observed between the liver and spleen of all animals. When the real-time PCR was used to screen the four indigenous Greek black pigs from farm 1, all four animals including pig 3, which was found PERV-C negative on the basis of PCR1, PCR4, PCR5 and PCR6 (Figure 2A) were found to be positive in the real-time PCR (Table 2). In contrast, the Auckland Island pigs, which were also found PERV-C negative using the mentioned PCRs, were negative in the real-time PCR (Table 2). All ten German slaughterhouse pigs were positive in the real-time PCR, including pig 3, which was found to be PERV-C negative using PCR1 and PCR4 [30] (Table 2).
Sequences obtained by PCR10 In order to obtain an even larger sequence for extended sequencing, PCR10 was developed using the forward primer of PCR6 and a new primer downstream of the reverse primer of PCR5 (Table 1). PCR10 was positive for all tissues of all four indigenous Greek black pigs (Figure 2A), including pig 3. The amplicons from the liver and spleen of pig 3 and pig 4 were sequenced by the nanopore method and were compared with the PERV-C reference gene (Figure S3). There were significant differences, indicating that different proviruses had been amplified. When these sequences were analyzed using nBLAST, the sequences from pig 3 corresponded to PERV-B and that from pig 4 to PERV-A, indicating that the primer amplified non-PERV-C proviruses. PCR10 was also positive for the German slaughterhouse pig 3, the sequence of the amplicon was also identified as PERV-A. Therefore, a comparison of the primers of PCR1, PCR4, PCR5 and the primers and the probe of the real-time PCR with the corresponding binding sites in the sequences was not conductive (Figure S3). Interestingly, PCR10 was negative for an Auckland Island pig and positive for PK15 cells (Figure 2E).
Screening for PERV-A/C To detect PERV-A/C recombinants, primer pairs were used which had been previously validated for identification of different types of recombinants [7, 36-38]. Despite comprehensive screening with these primer pairs, no PERV-A/C sequences could be detected in the genome of indigenous Greek black pigs (Figure 4).