The combination of geological structural features and mining engineering factors during mineral excavations can lead to the emergence of complicated hydrogeological conditions that pose a threat to the environment and mining operations. A common consequence of ground disturbance is mine water inflow and mud rush into underground mines (Butcher, Stacey, & Joughin, 2005).
Modern practice of underground mining for copper, iron, and diamonds in steeply dipping thick ore bodies using sublevel and block caving systems leads to the formation of extensive caved rock zones. These appear on the earth's surface in the form of conical depressions and sinkholes ranging from hundreds to thousands of square meters. Sinkholes disrupt the base of all overlying aquifers, resulting in the formation of new artificial aquifer complexes, which is a source of danger for mining operations. Mud rushes from the caved rock zone amount to tens and hundreds of thousands of cubic meters. They render unusable kilometers of mine workings, cause millions of tons of minerals to be lost, and threaten human lives.
The problem of mud rushes was first described with reference to the Kimberlite-hosted diamond deposits in South Africa. The first accident was recorded in 1894 (Sutton 1897). Such accidents have repeatedly led to human casualties. Thus, for example, from 1947 to 1953 there were six accidents at De Beers mines, each killing between 10 to 27 people (Kuttner and Stewart 1953). The problem of mud rushes is characterized as a specific threat characteristic of kimberlite diamond deposits. One of the most recent accidents occurred in 2011 at the Dutoitspan diamond mine, where over 4,000 m3 of mud entered the mine workings (Holder et al. 2013).
In the second half of the 20th century, the problem of mud rushes was encountered during the development of iron ore deposits in the Krivoy Rog basin (USSR, Ukraine), where losses of clean and diluted ores total exceeded 550 million tons (Dubinin et al. 1989)
Mud rushes are also typical for large copper deposits developed using block caving mining methods, the example being El Teniente, Chile. Over the period of 2001 to 2017, in just one of the sectors (Diablo Regimiento) of El Teniente mine, there were 94 in-rushes of wet muck and 282 in-rushes of non-wet muck recorded (Castro et al. 2017, 2018; Szczepiński 2019; Salas et al. 2022). Also known are accidents at the IOZ and DOZ mines of Block Cave Mine, PT Freeport Indonesia, where during mining, several dozens of major and minor accidents occurred due to mud rushes into the mine workings (Syaifullah et al. 2006; Rubio et al. 2011; Wicaksono et al. 2012; Setyadi et al. 2013; Cahyadi et al. 2017).
At the Sokolov iron ore mine (Republic of Kazakhstan), more than 250 accidents occurred between 2004 and 2018 due to mud rushes from the stopes. The largest accident occurred in 2005, when more than 150,000 m3 of water and 35,000 m3 of mixed sedimentary rock entered the mine workings to a depth of 400–600 m with two human fatalities. More than 24,000 meters of mine workings were flooded with a mixture of water and clay. It took more than six months to restore the mine's functionality (Efremov 2019).
Study area
Sokolov iron ore deposit is located in the north of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Fig. 1) as a part of the Kostanay iron ore basin, one of the largest in Eurasia (contains 85% of the Republic’s iron ore reserves). The Sokolov deposit together with the Sarbay deposit located six kilometers from it form the Sokolov-Sarbay iron ore complex. Both deposits belong to the skarn type and have a similar structure; long-term drainage has resulted in a consolidated cone of depression with a radius of 10 km.
Geological structure of the study area
The elevations of the earth's surface in the area of the deposit are at 180–190 m. Two km south of the deposit is the river Tobol, in which water levels vary from 125 to 140 m. The deposit is located in Paleozoic metamorphic rocks, overlain by Meso-Cenozoic sediments. The latter contain a water-rich Cretaceous aquifer. The ore bodies are located at depths from 120 to 1600 m and below and dip at angle of 45 degrees.
Sedimentary rocks of about 120 m in thickness occur in the upper part of the geological structure. The bedding of the rocks of different age and genesis forms several aquifers, separated from each other by impermeable layers. The following elements are distinguished in the hydrogeological section (Fig. 2):
1. The aquifer of Quaternary alluvial deposits does not feature continuous distribution. Its structure is determined by individual lens-shaped bodies of sand, sandy loam, and loam. The recharge is by infiltration, mainly due to snowmelt water.
2. The Oligocene aquifer is distributed throughout except in river valleys. It is composed of 2–8 m thick layers of sand and is characterized by a hydraulic conductivity of up to 5 m/day. The recharge is by infiltration.
3. The Chegan clay layer, which is the regional aquitard, is distributed throughout with the exception of river valleys. Its thickness is up to 35 m
4. The Eocene aquifer is composed of gaizes of the Tasarak formation to a thickness of 45 m. In its natural state, the aquifer is under pressure, with the absolute elevation of the groundwater level at about 165 m. The hydraulic properties of the aquifer are generally quite low, with the conductivity at 0.01–2.0 m/day and most commonly at 0.3–0.6 m/day. The recharge of the aquifer is through the area where it reaches the surface, as well as by flow-over from the Cretaceous sands.
5. The Cretaceous aquifer is composed of quartz-mica and quartz-glauconitic sands. The aquifer spreads throughout and rests on the lignite clays and rubble-loam deposits of the weathering crust. The aquifer is confined; under natural conditions, the groundwater level is at 165 m. The thickness of the aquifer in the area of the deposit reaches 50 m. The hydraulic conductivity of the Cretaceous sands decreases from 20 m/day in the river valleys to 0.05 m/day towards the watershed (Edigenov 2013). The aquifer is recharged at sites where the regional aquitard has eroded.
In the areas of the Sokolov and Sarbay deposits, there is no layer of Maastrichtian clays; therefore, the Eocene and Cretaceous aquifers are considered as a single Eocene-Cretaceous complex. This complex is the main source of water encroachment for the mine workings.
6. The weathering crust consists of lignite clays in thicknesses varying significantly from zero to dozens of meters, and up to 150 m in fault areas. The weathering crust presents a relative aquitard; the connection between the Cretaceous aquifer and the underlying aquifer complex is through hydrogeological windows at places where sands rest on the Paleozoic foundation.
7. The Paleozoic aquifer complex extends throughout and includes several stratigraphic divisions of the Silurian, Devonian, and Carboniferous.
The rocks of the Paleozoic complex are represented by an effusive-sedimentary sequence composed of andesitic and basaltic porphyrites, their tuffs and tuff breccias, and less commonly, by limestones and tuffites of the Lower Carboniferous. The rocks feature diorite and diabase-porphyrite intrusions. Mineralization and formation of metasomatic rocks is confined to where effusive-sedimentary and intrusive rocks occur in contact.
Groundwater is confined to the upper fractured zone, where open fracturing is developed to a depth of 20–40 m; in effusive sedimentary rocks and in zones of tectonic disturbances, it reaches a depth of 100 m or more (Veselov et al. 1992). The hydraulic conductivity of the rocks varies with depth, being 0.085 m/day in the upper part and decreasing to 0.0005 m/day in the middle.
Effects of Mining
Mining at the Sokolov deposit is carried out using a combined method: the larger southern part is developed by the open-pit mining, while the northern part by underground mining. The Sarbay deposit is developed by the open-pit.
The northern part of the Sokolov deposit is mined using sublevel mining method. The shafts are located in the west in the basewall of the deposit. Ore bodies are accessed at 5 horizons at levels -60 m, -120 m, 190 m, -260 m, -330 m, and -400 m. At the moment, stoping is conducted mainly at the -330 m complex. Thus, the current depth of operations is about 500 m (Исанченко , Верин, & Раков, 2004).
From 1976 to 1998, the deposit was mined with the filling of the goaf. The caved rock zone began forming in 1981. In total, more than 100 craters emerged to the surface, many of which re-emerged in already formed craters.
Currently, the caved rock zone on the surface measures about 1600 m in length and 600 m in width, oriented submeridionally (Fig. 3).
The caved rock zone consists of four groups of individual pipe-shaped cones, and its shape is determined by the configuration of the ore bodies. To prevent the accumulation of water in open craters, since 2009 they are being filled with waste rock from the Sokolov open pit.
As a result of mining the steeply dipping ore bodies, caved sedimentary material (sands, loams and clays, repeatedly mixed with each other and with rock) now is found below the main aquifer (Fig. 4).
The presence of a large volume of mud in the caved rock zone and the influx from the Cretaceous aquifer lead to mud rushes and to mud pushing onto the haulage levels.
Mud in mine workings presents a hazard to operations, leads to production delays, ore contamination, and decreasing productivity. An analysis of 250 events showed that the volume of mud rush varies from 1 m3 to 37,000 m3. Most of the large (over 100 m3) wet mud rushes are localized in ore blocks located in the central and northern district of the mine field (Fig. 5) (Efremov, 2019).
According to monitoring data, the main source of influx to the caved rock zone is the Cretaceous aquifer, which provides 70% of the mine water inflow; another 15% of mine water inflow is from the Paleozoic aquifer complex, hydraulically connected to the Cretaceous. The remaining 15% of the mine water inflow is from the Oligocene aquifer.
To ensure the drainage of the Cretaceous aquifer, the Sokolov mine and the Sokolov open pit are surrounded along the perimeter by an integral external drainage gallery at elevation +33 m. The drainage gallery consists of underground workings driven through Paleozoic rocks and is equipped with drainholes from drainage gallery and drainholes from surface to gallery to ensure drainage of the Cretaceous aquifer. In total, the perimeter of the workings surrounding the mine is 9.5 km long, and that around the open pit is 15 km. Over the lifetime of the external drainage gallery, Sokolov mine has been provided with 1,222 wells drilled from drainage gallery and 100 wells drilled from the surface to the drainage gallery.
To date, the Cretaceous aquifer has not yet been completely drained; the thickness of the residual water head in the vicinity of the caved rock zone is 5–20 m. In support of the efforts to increase the efficiency of the dewatering system, we have developed a groundwater model of the mining area exposed to hydrodynamic impacts.