Proteomics Overview
In total, 736 proteins were quantified (Supplemental Table 2). Of the quantified proteins, 42% (308) could be categorized as mitochondrial. Proteins localizing to other membranous organelles, including endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, nuclei, and cell membranes were additionally identified, along with some cytoskeletal proteins (Supplemental Table 2). Test-retest reliability assessments were done using data obtained from technical duplicates of the three control muscle samples. Pearson correlations between each pair were CT 1 = 0.92, CT2 = 0.93, and CT 3 = 0.92. For subsequent analyses data from each pair of control samples were averaged.
Membrane-Bound Proteins are Distinctly Different between IIM-mito & Control Muscle
Principal component analysis (PCA) was used as an initial statistical method to visualize differences between muscle biopsy-derived proteosome samples (Fig. 2A). Normal control samples clustered separately from all muscle disease samples. Within the muscle disease samples, the patient with mitochondrial myopathy clustered separately from all the IIM-mito patients, and the DM patients clustered separately from other IIM-mito subtypes. sIBM patients clustered together and included the PM patient (HTLV-1 positive) and one of the OM patients (OM-13). A separate cluster with OM patients could be visualized and included one of the sIBM patients (sIBM-5). Together, these initial results suggested that proteomic analysis from isolated mitochondria/membrane-bound organelles of human muscle biopsies can identify broad IIM-mito patient groups and possible overlapping pathophysiology between subsets.
We next wanted to determine if IIM-mito patient muscle could be distinguished from control muscle based on differential protein expression using our approach to combine mitochondrial/membrane-bound organelle isolation with mass spectrometry. Ratios and p-values were used to determine significantly regulated proteins (p < 0.05, fold change > 3-fold) comparing muscle disease (sIBM, DM, PM, OM, mitochondrial myopathy) to control samples. For the 91 unique proteins that were significantly regulated, we used unsupervised hierarchal clustering, and revealed a clear separation between control and muscle disease samples (Fig. 2B). Further, the mitochondrial myopathy patient grouped independently from all the IIM-mito samples. Proteins in each of the highlighted clusters are listed in Supplemental Table 3.
The largest differentially expressed Gene Ontology clusters contained proteins that function in antigen processing and presentation (cluster 80; overexpressed in myositis samples), protein folding/ER stress and cytoskeletal and myofiber binding (cluster 83; predominantly underexpressed in myositis samples) (Table 2).
Next, we visualized the relative quantitative composition of analyzed proteomes between groups. These proteomap depictions provide visual images to highlight the proportions of analyzed proteomes that are dedicated to performing specific cellular functions, thus representing how the muscle’s energy focus differs in each IIM-mito subtype from control (Fig. 3A-D). The predominant proportion of all the muscle biopsy-derived proteomes, including control, was involved in metabolism (yellow/brown color), consistent with our methods of isolating mitochondria and other membrane-bound organelles. Collectively, even where general proportions did not differ greatly from control, the composition of each functional group (e.g. abundance of particular proteins in a group) was markedly different within and between the IIM-mito subgroups compared to controls. Interestingly, metabolism was overrepresented in sIBM and OM, but not DM compared to controls. Within the category of metabolism, oxidative phosphorylation and transport were overrepresented in all IIM-mito subtypes compared to controls, changing the balance within metabolic pathways. For example, the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle was underrepresented compared to control. Together, these results suggest dysfunction in the balance and process of energy production with myositis muscles.
Mitochondrial inner membrane protein expression
Patients were chosen for this study based on histological abnormalities, particularly loss of COX staining. We next examined the data for proteins that localize to the mitochondrial inner membrane that could account for the loss of COX expression. Six proteins were differentially expressed using the criteria of (p < 0.05, fold change > 3-fold) (Fig. 4A). Variability in expression of these proteins was observed between patients and in some cases between controls. Previous studies have shown various deletions and mutations in mitochondrial DNA demonstrating that mitochondrial abnormalities may be due to differing causes among these patient groups(20–22). To further investigate mitochondrial abnormalities that may only affect a subset of our tested patients, we broadened the search criteria to include proteins that met the fold change criteria but not the p-value (fold change > 3-fold). This led to the discovery of 7 additional proteins (Fig. 4B) that exhibited expression changes that could contribute to the observed mitochondrial pathology seen in these patients.
Antigen processing and presentation components are upregulated in IIM-mito muscle.
A prominent feature of myositis muscle is the aberrant upregulation of antigen processing and presentation components. MHC class I expression in IIM muscle has been extensively documented and shown to perpetuate disease features, whereas MHC class II molecule expression has been described but is less well characterized(23, 24). Consistent with this known disease phenotype, proteins involved with antigen processing and presentation were overexpressed in IIM-mito compared to control muscle, but not in muscle from the mitochondrial myopathy patient (Fig. 5A-B). Classical MHC class I molecules consist of an alpha protein dimerized with a Beta-2-Microglobulin (B2M) protein. Each individual is capable of expressing 3 alpha MHC class I proteins (HLA-A; HLA-B, HLA-C). These class I molecule components were the most highly overexpressed in our IIM-mito patient samples (Fig. 5A-B). MHC class II molecules are comprised of a dimer with an alpha and beta protein. Patient samples showed modest overexpression of HLA-DRA and HLA-DRB1 (Fig. 5B). IIM-mito patients in this study also overexpressed the non-classical HLA-H protein. TAP1 (Transporter 1, ATP Binding Cassette Subfamily B Member), part of the complex responsible for transporting antigens to MHC class I molecules, was additionally overexpressed (Fig. 5B). Gene expression was previously shown to be upregulated for TAP1 and further solidifies the strong signature of antigen processing and presentation proteins in IIM-mito patients(25).
Acquired deficiency of adenosine monophosphate deaminase 1 (AMPD1) expression has been validated in IIM patient muscles and shown to contribute to muscle weakness in an inflammatory myositis mouse model(26–29). Although AMPD1 did not meet the criteria for inclusion in our initial analysis (Fig. 2B), we identified and found this protein to be underexpressed in most myositis compared to control patients (Fig. 5B) as expected (p = 0.125; fold change = -26.17). Underexpression of AMPD1 was noted in the patient with a mitochondrial myopathy (MM-4) as well. Just as we observed in searching for mitochondrial inner membrane protein differences, using a p-value cutoff is helpful in identifying the most consistent differentially expressed proteins, but presents challenges when trying to search for novel pathways in a highly heterogeneous patient population.
Pathway analysis comparing myositis muscle to control muscles.
To investigate if proteomics performed on the membrane-bound organelle fraction of muscle biopsies could identify novel pathways potentially involved in IIM, and/or provide more direct information regarding known dysregulated pathways, we interrogated databases aimed at biomolecular pathway discovery (Reactome) and physical interactions between proteins (Metascape). After excluding the patient with a mitochondrial myopathy (MM-4), all proteins differentially expressed 2.83-fold change from control (1.5 log fold change) were used for the analysis. P-value cutoff was not used to account for the heterogenicity in patients. We identified 168 underexpressed proteins and 60 overexpressed proteins (Supplemental Table 4).
Underrepresented Pathways and interacting protein network.
Using the Reactome database, 125/168 underexpressed proteins were curated and mapped to cellular pathways which revealed 92 significantly underrepresented pathways (FDR adjusted p ≤ 0.05). These pathways were grouped based on cellular functions. Broad categories along with their associated proteins are presented in Table 3, and an expanded comprehensive table containing pathway names and p-values in Supplemental Table 5. Twenty-six (out of 30) of the top pathways represented 6 broad cellular functions: cellular response to stress, autophagy, synaptic communication, programmed cell death, muscle contraction, and membrane trafficking. Significant, albeit less prominent pathways discovered in the analysis include oncogenic MAPK, calcium, and Rho GTPase signaling pathways, cell cycle, protein folding, metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates, mitochondrial energy production, intracellular vesicle transport, and chemical synapse transmission.
When physically interacting proteins were examined, underexpressed proteins in IIM-mito muscle formed interacting networks involved in muscle contraction and heat shock responses, protein translation, regulation of cellular protein ubiquitination, mitochondrial energy production, and vesicle trafficking (Fig. 6). These networks were also revealed in our broader analysis analyzing underrepresented proteins (Table 3 and Supplemental Table 5), albeit this analysis shows more specific parts of the pathways where multiple physically interacting proteins are underexpressed in IIM-mito muscle, which could assist with identifying therapeutic targets.
Overrepresented Pathways and interacting protein network.
Using the Reactome database, 56/60 overexpressed proteins were curated and mapped to cellular pathways and revealed 60 significantly overrepresented pathways (FDR adjusted p ≤ 0.05). These pathways were grouped based on cellular functions. Broad categories along with their associated proteins are presented in Table 4 and an expanded comprehensive table containing pathways names and p-values in Supplemental Table 6. In the top 30 pathways identified, most were involved in immunity, including adaptive immunity, cytokine signaling, and infectious diseases. Collectively, these pathways were composed largely of proteins focused on antigen processing and presentation. Pathways involved in extracellular matrix organization were the sole non-immune members in the top 30 overrepresented group.
Further examination expanded the network of pathways that are affected by changes in collagen proteins, in addition to extracellular matrix organization. This includes pathways involved in vesicle-mediated transport, nervous system development, hemostasis, and signal transduction (MET and PDGF signaling). Pathways involved in metabolism, diseases associated with TLR signaling, and sensory perception were also significantly overrepresented in IIM-mito patients.
Top overrepresented physically interacting protein networks in IIM-mito included collagens specific to chain trimerization and associated syndecan 1 signaling, which may function in cellular proliferation, migration, and repair of damaged muscle (Fig. 7). Collagens were prominent in our broader analysis of overrepresented proteins (Table 4 and Supplemental Table 6). This physically interacting network analysis adds to our knowledge by showing which of the overexpressed collagens bundle together in IIM-mito muscle. Additionally, interacting proteins involved in muscle and non-muscle cellular movement, trafficking and cell adhesion were upregulated. As expected, complexes related to immune function (antigen processing and presentation) were also upregulated in IIM-mito muscle relative to control.
Localization of Differentially Expressed Proteins in IIM muscle.
We next selected biopsies from a separate cohort of IIM-mito subjects to localize proteins identified as differentially expressed from control subjects in this study. Subject characteristics are reported in Supplementary Table 7. MHC class I, COPS7A (CSN7A; COP9 signalosome subunit 7A), RAB7A (Ras-related protein Rab-7a), and HSP70-1 (HSPA1A; Heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 1A) were chosen for localization. MHC class I was overrepresented in IIM-mito patients, while COPS7A, RAB7A, and HSP70-1 were underrepresented in IIM-mito patients compared to controls.
Figure 8 shows detection of MHC class I protein, which is important in antigen processing and presentation (as described with Fig. 5). MHC class I protein was detected on the membranes of many muscle fibers as expected. Additionally, expression was also localized to small cells adjacent to mature muscle fibers (panels A, D labeled with arrows).
Figure 9 shows detection of COPS7A staining in subjects. This protein is a component of the COP9 (constitutive photomorphogenesis 9) signalosome, a diverse signaling complex involved in processes such as cell proliferation, DNA damage repair, cell cycle, metabolism, and inflammation(30). COPS7A was localized to select nuclei within our muscle biopsies, but also showed some cytoplasmic staining. Additionally, labeling was localized to structures that resemble a neutrophil net (panel D, labeled with arrow) and occasional cell membranes (panel E, labeled with arrow).
Figure 10 shows detection of RAB7A staining. As a protein involved in regulating vesicular trafficking, RAB7A localized to structures within cells, likely endosomes/lysosomes with varying intensities between myofibers. Concentrated expression was detected in rimmed vacuoles from sIBM samples (panel B labeled with arrow). RAB7A was also detected in regions of cellular infiltration (panel E labeled with arrow).
Figure 11 shows detection of HSP70-1. This protein is involved in cellular homeostasis and the heat shock response and was found absent on myofibers within muscle biopsies. Intracellular HSP70-1 was detected most prominently in myofibers that were invaded by inflammatory cells (panels B, C labeled with arrows), and peripheral/sarcolemmal staining was localized to some myofibers (panels A, D, E labeled with arrows).
Visualizing Subcellular Localization of Differentially Expressed Proteins in IIM-mito Muscle.
Figure 12A-B provides a pictorial representation of the differentially expressed proteins and the cellular compartments where they function using data from Supplemental Table 4 (fold change 2.83). The majority of differentially expressed proteins were underrepresented in IIM-mito (168 of 228; 73.7%). Four of the 228 proteins are not represented in the figure because their functions are uncertain. This highlights the widespread dysregulation occurring in IIM-mito muscle, as every organelle is affected. Consistent with pathway analysis, affected proteins are involved in cell maintenance, contractile function, and signaling, providing a comprehensive picture of the dysregulation captured from the isolation of membrane-bound organelles from muscle biopsies.