Adipoq + cells contain not only MALPs but also late, bipotent mesenchymal progenitors.
Since Adipoq is a marker for MALPs, we previously used Adipoq-Cre to study MALPs in vivo. To examine whether Adipoq + cells contain other progenitors, we integrated scRNA-seq datasets of bone marrow mesenchymal cells from 1- and 16-month-old mice we reported before (Fig. 1A) 15. Pseudotime trajectory analysis revealed that early mesenchymal progenitors (EMPs) give rise to late mesenchymal progenitors (LMPs) and lineage committed progenitors (LCPs), which are then differentiated into either adipogenic lineage (MALPs) or osteogenic lineage (osteoblasts and osteocytes) (Fig. 1B). Violin plots clearly showed that while Adipoq is highly expressed in MALPs, it is also expressed in LCPs followed by osteoblasts and osteocytes in 1 month dataset at very low levels (Fig. 1C). Interestingly, EMPs started to express Adipoq at 16 months of age, albeit the level was low.
To analyze Adipoq + cells in adult mice, we generated inducible Td reporter mice driven by Adipoq-CreER. These mice, AdipoqER/Td, at 3 months of age received daily Tamoxifen (Tam) injections from day 1 to 3. At day 7, many Td + cells were observed inside the long bone (Fig. 1Da). Within the metaphysis region, Td + cells were made of 73.5 ± 1.0% Cd45- stromal cells, 2.7 ± 0.2% Perilipin + adipocytes, 9.0 ± 0.4% pericytes, and 14.8 ± 1.2% bone lining cells (Fig. 1Db-e, n = 5 mice). Although some bone surface lining cells were also Td+, they did not express Osterix, an osteogenic cell marker (Fig. 1De, f). Particularly at the endocortical bone surface, we observed a lot of Td + cells in the close proximity to Osterix + osteoblasts. Td did not label chondrocytes, osteocytes or periosteal cells (Fig. 1Df, g). In addition, in situ staining of Pparg, the master transcriptional factor for adipogenic differentiation 25 and another marker for MALPs 15, showed that it is only expressed in Td + cells (Fig. 1E). These data indicate that Adipoq-CreER targets MALPs, but not bone forming cells (osteoblasts and osteocytes). Furthermore, CFU-F assay showed that almost all CFU-F colonies are Td- (Fig. 1F, G), suggesting that Adipoq + cells lack the proliferation ability required by early progenitors.
To determine the fate of Adipoq + cells, we harvested long bones of AdipoqER/Td mice at 1, 4, 8 and 12 weeks post the first Tam injection for lineage tracing experiment (Fig. 2A, B). Perilipin staining revealed that Td labels nearly all mature adipocytes throughout the tracing period. On the contrary, Td gradually labeled osteoblasts and osteocytes over time. While no Td + osteoblasts and osteocytes were detected at 1 week in both trabecular and cortical bone, the percentages of Td + osteoblasts increased to 46.1%, 77.1%, and 92.1% and the percentages of Td + osteocytes increased to 9.9%, 12.4%, and 27.6% in the trabecular bone at 4, 8 and 12 weeks, respectively. In the cortical bone, almost all endosteal osteoblasts became Td + after 4 weeks but few osteocytes (3.4%) became Td + even after 12 weeks of tracing. These data suggest that Adipoq + cells contain not only committed adipo-lineage cells but also uncommitted mesenchymal progenitors capable of osteogenic differentiation.
We noticed that Td + cells are not evenly distributed through the bone marrow. Thus, we counted them at four anatomic sites: subchondral bone, top metaphysis (region close to the growth plate), bottom metaphysis (region distal to the growth plate), and diaphysis (Fig. 2C). Interestingly, we found that the density of bone marrow Td + cells (excluding bone surface and embedded cells) is drastically reduced in the midshaft region compared to the trabecular bone region. During the 3-month tracing period, Td + cells in the area with high trabecular bone volume (subchondral bone and top metaphysis) remained unaltered, but Td + cells in the area with low trabecular bone volume (bottom metaphysis and diaphysis) decreased significantly (Fig. 2C, D). These data indicate that mesenchymal progenitors labeled by Adipoq-CreER are not early-stage progenitors with self-renewal ability.
MALPs are the major producer of osteoclast regulator factors in adult bone.
Our previous scRNA-seq of mouse bone marrow predicted that MALPs are the major producers of osteoclast regulatory factors, including RANKL and Csf1 15. We recently profiled bone marrow from human femoral heads. Cell clustering revealed 6 mesenchymal cell clusters: Fibro-MSC (mesenchymal stromal cell), APOD+-MSC, Adipo-MSC, THY1+-MSC, Osteo-MSC, and Osteoblast (Fig. 3A). Among these clusters, Adipo-MSC and THY1+-MSC highly expressed adipogenic genes, and a major difference between them was THY1 expression level. Thus, we consider them both as human counterpart of MALPs (Fig. 3B). In line with mouse data, RANKL (TNFSF11) was mainly expressed in THY1-MSCs, albeit the level was low compared to mice. CSF1 was mainly expressed in Adipo- and THY1-MSCs followed by Fibro-MSCs. Their expression in osteolineage cells was much lower than in MALPs. We also examined their expression in other bone marrow cells (Fig. S1). While RANKL expression was restricted in mesenchymal lineage cells, CSF1 expression was broader, which also includes megakaryocyte-erythroid progenitor (MEP), erythroblasts, basophil/eosinophil/mast Cell (Ba/Eo/Ma), Vessel cells etc. However, the highest expression was still detected in Adipo-MSCs.
To confirm this finding, we stained RANKL in situ on 3-month-old AdipoqER/Td mouse femurs harvested at day 7 after the first Tam injection. Interestingly, almost all RANKL-expressing cells were Td+ (Fig. 3C, n = 5 mice). Most of them resided in the metaphyseal and diaphyseal bone marrow and some were on the trabecular and cortical bone surface. Moreover, co-staining showed that RANKL + cells were also Pparg + cells (Fig. 3D). On the contrary, only 60 ± 0.8% of Csf1-expressing cells were Td+ (Fig. 3E, n = 5 mice). Importantly, we did not observe any Rankl and Csf1 mRNA expression in osteocytes in either trabecular bone or cortical bone, demonstrating that MALPs, but not osteogenic cells, are the major cell source of osteoclast regulatory factors.
MALP-derived RANKL supports bone resorption in adult mice.
To investigate the role of MALP-derived RANKL in adult bone remodeling, we constructed Adipoq-CreER RANKLflox/flox (RANKL iCKO) mice. At 3 months of age, these mice displayed similar trabecular and cortical bone structures in femurs and vertebrae as WT siblings (Fig. S2). Next, we subjected both WT and iCKO mice to Tam injections for 3 days. Four weeks later, Rankl mRNA was reduced by 70.0% in bone marrow from iCKO mice but not in the cortical bone (Fig. 4A). This change did not alter their body weight (Fig. S3A) and longitudinal bone growth, as indicated by growth plate thickness and femoral bone length (Fig. S3B-D). Strikingly, compared to WT mice, iCKO mice exhibited a 3.3-fold increase in trabecular bone volume fraction (BV/TV), a 1.8-fold increase in trabecular number (Tb.N), a 2.0-fold increase in trabecular thickness, and a 69.7% decrease in trabecular separation (Tb.Sp) (Fig. 4B-D). However, their cortical bone structure was not altered (Fig. S4). Similar massive bone gain phenotype was also observed in vertebrae (Fig. S5).
We next performed bone histomorphometry to uncover the cellular changes. TRAP staining revealed that osteoclasts are greatly reduced by 63.0% at the trabecular bone surface, but not changed at the chondro-osseous junction (COJ) and endosteal bone surface (Fig. 4E-F). Meanwhile, osteoblasts (Osterix + bone surface cells) was decreased by 17.4% (Fig. 4G, H) and their activity was also significantly reduced (Fig. 4I, J). Serum chemistry confirmed those changes, showing a 34.7% reduction in bone resorption marker CTX-1 and a 14.2% reduction in bone formation marker P1NP (Fig. 4K). Overall, these data show that MALP-derived RANKL is important for maintaining bone resorption in adult mice.
RANKL not only regulates bone metabolism but also immune system 9. Since RANKL is expressed in MALPs that are distributed throughout the bone marrow, we examined hematopoietic cells in iCKO mice. However, flow analysis did not detect any changes in hematopoietic components in the bone marrow or peripheral blood (Fig. S6A, B). Their spleen weight was not altered either (Fig. S6C), suggesting that hematopoiesis is normal in iCKO mice.
RANKL depletion in MALPs attenuates ovariectomy (OVX)-induced bone loss.
OVX surgery in mice mimics human postmenopausal osteoporosis. To understand the functional role of MALP-derived RANKL in pathological bone loss, we injected Tam into 3-month-old female WT and iCKO mice for 3 days and subjected them to sham or OVX surgery the day after the last injection. Mice were euthanized 6 weeks later. Estrogen deficiency was confirmed by an 86.7% decrease in uterine weight and a 21.8% increase in body weight of WT (Fig. S7A, B). Similar changes were also observed in iCKO mice. In sham groups, iCKO mice displayed a drastically increase in femoral and vertebral trabecular bone mass (2.9-fold and 1.5-fold, respectively) compared to WT mice (Fig. 5A, B, S8). OVX reduced femoral trabecular BV/TV by 57.8% in WT mice and 36.9% in iCKO mice. Compared to WT mice, iCKO mice exhibited 4.5-, 1.9-, and 1.8-fold increases in BV/TV, Tb.N, and Tb.Th, respectively, and a 70.3% decrease in Tb.Sp at 6 weeks post OVX. This preservation of trabecular bone post OVX was more prominent in vertebrae, with 53.4% and 25.8% decreases in BV/TV in WT and iCKO mice (Fig. S8), respectively. OVX did not affect femoral cortical bones in both WT and iCKO mice (Fig. S9).
Bone histomorphometry revealed that OVX increased osteoclast surface in both WT and iCKO mice but iCKO mice with OVX have 49.8% less osteoclast surface compared to WT mice with OVX (Fig. 5C, D). OVX also increased osteoblast surface and osteoblast activity in WT and iCKO mice (Fig. 5E-G). Serum chemistry further confirmed that bone turnover is increased in both genotypes but bone resorption, marked by CTX-1, is 37% less in iCKO with OVX compared to WT with OVX (Fig. 5H). Taken together, the above data demonstrate that RANKL from MALPs contributes to the enhanced bone resorption in the OVX model.
OVX also induces bone marrow adiposity (Fig. 5I, J). Interestingly, while MALPs are precursors for marrow adipocytes, their number did not change after OVX (Fig. S10). Compared to WT, we did not observe any change in marrow adipocytes in iCKO mice after sham surgery. After OVX, adipocyte area and size in iCKO mice were increased similarly as WT mice (Fig. 5I, J). These data suggest that RANKL from MALPs does not participate in OVX-induced marrow adiposity.
RANKL depletion in osteoporotic bone restores bone mass.
Next, we investigated whether MALPs-derived RANKL can be targeted for osteoporosis treatment. To do so, we subjected 3-month-old mice to OVX. Six weeks later when trabecular bone mass is significantly reduced, iCKO mice received vehicle or Tam injections for 3 days to deplete RANKL expression in MALPs. As a control, WT mice received OVX surgery and similar injections. To our surprise, even 3 times of Tam injections significantly increased femoral and vertebral trabecular bone mass in WT mice by 1.6-fold and 1.5-fold, respectively, at 4 weeks later (Fig. 6A, B, S11), suggesting that Tam alone has beneficial effects on bone. In comparison, Tam administration increased femoral trabecular bone mass in iCKO mice at a much higher level (3.3-fold), accompanied by a 1.5-fold increase in Tb.N, a 2.0-fold increase in Tb.Th. and a 49.0% decrease in Tb. Sp (Fig. 6A, B). Similar effects were also observed in vertebral trabecular bone (Fig. S11).
Subsequent bone histomorphometry revealed that Tam injections in WT mice decreased osteoclast surface by 18.7% (Fig. 6C, D) and increases osteoblast surface by 1.1-fold as well as osteoblast activity in WT mice (Fig. 6E-G). Strikingly, Tam injections in iCKO mice greatly reduced osteoclast surfaces by 53.1% (Fig. 6C, D). Osteoblast surface was reduced by 9.6% (Fig. 6E, F) and osteoblast activity was also reduced (Fig. 6G). Serum chemistry confirmed that iCKO mice have a greater reduction of bone resorption than WT mice after Tam treatment. Taken together, our data suggest that after OVX-induced osteoporosis is established, depletion of RANKL in MALPs is still effective in restoring trabecular bone within a short period of time.
MALP-derived RANKL contributes to bone healing after injury.
Osteoclasts play important roles in the cartilage and bone remodeling stages of fracture healing 2. However, whether they are also required for healing after bone defect injury is not well studied. Since Adipoq + cells are located inside the bone, not at the periosteal bone surface, we next drilled non-critical size holes in the femoral cortex of iCKO and WT mice. In this injury model, trabecular bone appears first in the bone marrow close to the cortical defect region and then is resolved after healing, indicating a bone remodeling process. Meanwhile, the defect area is filled with new bone via intramembranous ossification. We carried out the drill-hole injury on mice 4 days after daily Tam injections at day 1–3. MicroCT analysis showed that the hole in WT mice is healed nicely at 4 weeks post injury with almost no intramedular trabecular bone left. However, iCKO mice still had a significant amount of trabecular bone remaining. Compared to WT mice, iCKO mice showed decreased BV/TV in the cortical bone area (25.7%) and increased BV/TV in the intramedullary area (2.0-fold) (Fig. 7A, B), indicating a delayed healing. Histomorphometry analysis showed that osteoclasts in iCKO mice are drastically reduced by 62.7% in the defect cortical bone area and 78.0% in the intramedular trabecular bone area (Fig. 7C, D), while osteoblasts are not affected (Fig. 7E, F). Our data indicate that MALP-derived RANKL drives osteoclastogenesis and bone remodeling in this type of bone repair.