3.1. X-ray Diffraction (Both XRD Y axis in
ZnO NPs and ZnO-rGO NC XRD patterns are displayed in (Fig. 3a & b). The distinctive diffraction peaks of the green synthesized ZnO NPs was given at 2θ = 31.74o, 34.44o, 36.28o, 47.68o, 56.54o, 62.98o, and 67.92o which were assigned to the appropriate planes of (100), (002), (101), (110), (103), and (112). By using the Debye-Scherrer equation [26], Eq. (4) was used to determine the crystalline size.
D = Kλ / βCOSθ (4)
Where λ is the wavelength, β is the full width at half maximum (FWHM), and θ is the Bragg angle. K is a constant (0.94). The average crystallite size of ZnO NPs was 16 nm. ZnO-rGO NC has a substantially higher peak intensity at 2θ = 31.74°, while other peaks have much lower intensity. In (Fig. 3b), the formation of the nanocomposite is shown with reducing peak intensities. The ZnO-rGO NC XRD pattern shows both rGO-related broad peaks and ZnO-related diffraction peaks. The UV–Vis absorption spectra of green synthesized ZnO NPs in an aqueous solution was also displayed (Fig. 3c). At 374 nm, a significant absorption peak from the UV-vis-spectrophotometer is observed. This implies that the nanoparticles can interact through surface changes or chemical or physical adsorption processes with molecules or species in their immediate surroundings to enhance adsorption.
3.2. FESEM Spectra
FESEM images obtained from ZnO, rGO, and ZnO-rGO NC are depicted in Fig. 4. The ZnO (Fig. 4a) shows the formation of evenly organized spherical structures; in Fig. 4b, rGO nanostructures were shown and appeared to form sheets. Furthermore, the ZnO-rGO NC showed a cluster of dispersed pellets across the plates, indicating that the composite was produced in the presence of rGO plates and zinc pellets (Fig. 4c). As a starting point for additional research and understanding of the characteristics and possible uses of the materials under study, the descriptions given for Figs. 4a, 4b, and 4c provide insightful information about the materials' morphology, structure, and composition.
3.3 FTIR ZnO Nanoparticles
In Fig. 5, a peak limited to the region of the spectrum (500–4000 cm–1) was seen in the FTIR spectrum of ZnO NPs. The vibration of OH at 3440 cm-1 is associated with the adsorption of water molecules. A peak at 2949 cm-1 is linked to internal C-H stretching bonds [27]. The peak indicates the C-C bond in the adsorption at 1450 cm-1. 1270 cm-1 stretching bond is attached to C-OH groups.
3.4. TEM Spectra of ZnO Nanoparticles
As can be seen in (Fig. 6a & b), ZnO is found to consist of clumped, flake-like nanoparticles that range in size from 50 to 100 nm. The enlarged TEM spectra below show resolved lattice fringes of individual ZnO crystallites. Smaller nanoparticles frequently have larger surface area-to-volume ratios. This larger surface area can be useful in situations where surface interactions are important, such as in catalysis. ZnO's reactivity can rise in a range of chemical processes.
3.5. EDX Spectrum of ZnO-rGO NC
At 50.1, 35.16, and 9.56 weight percent, respectively, the presence of C, O, and Zn was verified by the EDX image. Furthermore, as seen in Fig. 7, the EDX spectrum showed no additional peaks, indicating the purity of the green synthesized nanocomposite. The presence and purity of C, O, and Zn in the nanocomposite, as inferred from the EDX analysis, indicate that the material is appropriate for adsorption applications. A high surface area is implied by high carbon content, and the lack of contaminants guarantees that the adsorption capacity is not diminished. These elements working together suggest that the green synthesized nanocomposite has great promise as an adsorbent.
3.6 Energy Bandgap
The energy bandgap of ZnO NPs was ascertained using the Tau Plot since a semiconductor's bandgap significantly affects both its electrical and optical capabilities. Understanding the bandgap of ZnO NPs is crucial to understanding how they behave under different circumstances. The band gap was found to be 3.085 eV (Fig. 8); the nanoparticles provide useful information for their applications in a variety of domains. The measured bandgap is in agreement with green synthesized ZnO NPs that were previously used in a related experiment [28].
3.7 Effect of Contact Time on BF Dye Removal
Using a series of batch studies with fixed dosages of 0.7 g, pH values of 7, and dye concentrations of 50 ppm, the effect of time on BF dye removal efficacy was investigated. Figure 9 displayed the time-dependent graph. The findings showed that the percentage of the dye removed increased as the dye exposure to adsorbent increased over a longer time period. For ZnO-rGO NC, the highest percentage of dye removed at 60 minutes was 82.72%. There was no discernible improvement in dye removal efficiency after 60 minutes. This could have occurred from prolonged dye and adsorbent exposure as well as the absence of active sites.
3.8. Percent removal of BF dye from aqueous Solution
At different time interval, ZnO NPs, rGO NPs and ZnO-rGO NC's adsorption efficiencies were studied (Fig. 10). The highest level of adsorption was reached in 60 minutes. ZnO-rGO NC removed the highest percentage of BF dye (82.72%), whereas ZnO NPs recorded the lowest percentage (55.5%) and rGO NPs removed (64.3%). Given that nanoparticles tend to clump together, the high value observed for ZnO-rGO NC in comparison to ZnO NPs and rGO NPs may have resulted from these nanoparticles' lower surface areas. Indeed, the results suggest that this may have been the case. The formation of bigger clusters as a result of the aggregation may have restricted the accessibility of the active areas on the nanoparticle surfaces.
As opposed to agglomerating nanoparticles, ZnO-rGO NC has a high surface area, is evenly distributed throughout the solution, and increases the number of active adsorption sites. No more notable adsorption was seen after the maximum adsorption was reached at 60 minutes in most instances [29]. The FESEM image (Fig. 11a) shows that before adsorption, the ZnO-rGO nanocomposite has a relatively smooth and well-defined surface morphology. Following basic Fuchsin (BF) dye adsorption, the surface morphology was altered by the presence of dye molecules, adsorption-induced particle aggregation occurred, and the surface texture was altered (Fig. 11b).
3.9 Effect of initial BF dye concentration
The outcomes of batch studies that were conducted to ascertain how much dye concentration affected the efficacy of removing BF dye are shown (Fig. 12). The batch experiments were conducted with different dye concentrations (10, 25, 50, 75, and 100 mg/L) under constant circumstances (pH: 7, dosage: 0.7g, time: 60 minutes at room temperature). ZnO-rGO NC adsorbent resulted to 81% removal efficiency, according to the data. When the initial dye concentration increased, so does the competition for the active sites in the adsorbent. The removal percentage (Re %) is lowered as dye molecules build up in the active sites.
3.10 Effect of adsorbent dose on BF dye Adsorption
To find the dye removal efficiency, the experiment was conducted using a pH of 7 at room temperature, 50 ppm of BF dye, and a 60 minute equilibrium time. The impact of adsorbent dosage on BF dye removal was investigated from 0.3 to 0.7 g/L (Fig. 13). It was evident that the maximum dye removal at 0.7g was 77%. Similar studies in the literature highlighted the primary cause of dye removal attributed to the increased dosage of the adsorbent, which subsequently resulted led to the enhancement in active sites and improved dye removal [30].
3.11 Effect of pH on BF dye Adsorption
The pH sensitivity of ZnO-rGO NC adsorbent in removing BF dye at room temperature, 0.7g dose, 60 min of equilibrium time, and dye concentration of 50 ppm, respectively, was determined from the studies. Figure 14 displayed the dye removal efficiency results at different pH values (3 to 8). The findings showed that pH 7 was the point at which the maximum removal BF dye occurred. The ZnO-rGO NC adsorbent's dye removal efficacy was found to be 55% in an acidic environment (pH 3). At pH 7, BF dye removal effectiveness increased to 85%, and at pH 8, there was a minute decrease in the dye’s removal from 85 to 80% when the solution's pH was alkaline. This result is supported by findings on malachite green under similar conditions reported in the literature. Ionization potential of the functional groups of the adsorbent decreases with increasing pH of the solution and the rise in pH (alkaline) enhanced the removal efficacy of malachite green at a reduced level from 96–76% [31].
3.12 Adsorption Isotherms
The dispersion of the adsorbate amongst the adsorbent and solution at equilibrium circumstances, or the dynamic balancing between the adsorbate concentrations at the interface and bulk solution, must be examined in order to comprehend the workings of the adsorption process. The adsorption capacity and a few constants whose values represent the surface characteristics and affinity of a sorbent can be found using the data from the sorption equilibrium. The analysis of the equilibrium adsorption data in this investigation was carried out using the isotherm parameters proposed by Langmuir and Freundlich.
3.12.1 Langmuir Isotherm
According to the Langmuir isotherm [32] there are no contacts or transmigrations of adsorbed molecules on the adsorption surface, and mono-layer adsorption takes place at binding sites with homogenous energy levels. Eq. (5) is the linear Langmuir equation.
q e = qmKLCe / 1 + KLCe (5)
From the above equation, the equilibrium concentration of BF dye is Ce (mg L− 1), the quantity of BF dye adsorbed per unit mass of adsorbent is qe (mg g − 1), and the Langmuir constants for adsorption capacity and rate of adsorption are qm (mg g− 1) which is compared to other natural or modified adsorbents in literature (Table 2) and KL (L mg− 1), respectively. Plotting Ce/qe against Ce yields a straight line with a slope of 1/qm and intercept of 1/qmKL (Fig. 15). A dimensionless separation factor, RL, which is defined (Eq. 6), can be used to express the main features of the Langmuir equation.
R L= 1/1 + KL C0 (6)
In the aforementioned equation, C0 is the initial concentration of BF dye. The value of RL indicates whether the adsorption is Unfavorable, if: RL>1; Linear, if: RL= 1; Favorable, if: 0 < RL< 1; Irreversible, if: RL= 0.
Table 2
Comparison between ZnO-rGO NC's adsorption capability and other known natural and modified adsorbents reported in Literature.
Adsorption capacity(mg g− 1)
Eggshell Membrane
Basic Fuchsin
Basic Fuchsin
Prunus Cerasefera (LPC)
Basic Fuchsin
Basic Fuchsin
Basic Fuchsin
Mussel Shell Biomass Waste
Basic Fuchsin
Local natural clay
Basic Fuchsin
Basic Fuchsin
This Study
Table 3. Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms on the adsorption of BF dye onto ZnO-rGO NC adsorbent.
ZnO-rGO nanocomposite
3.12.2 Freundlich Isotherm
A surface that is heterogeneous or supports sites with different affinities is the basis of the Freundlich model [40], an empirical equation. The subsequent equation (Eq. 7) provides the logarithmic form of Freundlich:
log(q e ) = log(K f ) + 1/n log(C e ) (7)
Where n is the heterogeneity factor, Kf (mg g − 1)(L g − 1)1/n is the Freundlich constant associated with adsorption capacity, and qe is the equilibrium dye concentration on the biosorbent (mg g − 1). The intercept and slope of the straight line plotting log (qe) against log (Ce) (Fig. 16) are used to compute Kf and 1/n. The Freundlich and Langmuir models were used to characterize the equilibrium data gathered at different temperatures during this experiment. The results are shown in Table 3.
The slope and intercept of the plot between Ce/qe and Ce were used to compute the Langmuir isotherm constants, KL and qm. Table 3 illustrates how well the isotherm fits the experimental data. At 308 K, ZnO-rGO NC's maximum dye adsorption capacity was determined to be 84.08 mg g − 1. As the temperature rose to 323K, the values of KL decreased, suggesting that a lower maximum adsorption capacity was caused by the rising temperature.
Based on the intercept and slope of the straight line in the plot of log (qe) vs. log (Ce), the Freundlich constants Kf and 1/n were determined. Table 3 demonstrates how the temperature increased while the adsorption capacity of Kf dropped. The favorability of adsorption is measured by the magnitude of n. Adsorption that is advantageous is represented by values of n between 1 and 10 (1/n smaller than 1). The value of n for this investigation was 0.53, showing a favorable adsorption.
The adsorption of Basic Fuchsin onto ZnO-rGO NC was found to have the best fit to the Langmuir isotherm equation based on the data gathered. The binding energy may have been uniform throughout the entire surface of the adsorbent by the fit of the adsorption data to the Langmuir isotherm. Furthermore, it further signifies that the dye molecules that were adsorbed formed a monolayer and did not interact or compete with one another.
3.13 Adsorption Thermodynamic
The essential thermodynamic factors dictate the spontaneity of the adsorption reaction. The following equations can be used to determine the conventional Gibbs free energy changes (ΔG◦), entropy changes (ΔS◦), and enthalpy changes (ΔH◦):
ΔG◦ = ̶̶ RT Ln (KL) (8)
Ln (KL) = ΔS◦/R ̶̶ ΔH◦/RT (9)
Where K0 is the thermodynamic equilibrium constant, T is the absolute temperature (K), R is the universal gas constant (8.314 J mol1K1), and ΔG◦ is the free energy change (kJ mol1). By extrapolating to zero, values of K0 can be computed using the relation Ln (qe/Ce) vs. qe at various temperatures.
Table 4
List of Thermodynamic Parameters of BF dye adsorption onto ZnO-rGO NC
ΔGo (KJmol− 1)
ΔHo (KJmol− 1)
ΔSo (KJ− 1 mol− 1)
ZnO-rGO nanocomposite
Table 4 contains a list of thermodynamic variables. The BF dye adsorption process onto ZnO-rGO NC is spontaneous and feasible by the negative ΔG◦ values (− 2020.17592 kJ mol − 1 to − 2475.623702 kJ mol − 1). When the temperature was elevated from 308 to 323 K, the ΔG◦ values increased, indicating that the adsorption was chemical in nature. Subsequently, ΔH◦ and ΔS◦ were calculated using Eq. (9) and the slope and intercept of LnKL against 1/T plot (Fig. 17). In Table 4, the data are displayed. The sorption process is exothermic, as indicated by the negative value of ΔH◦ (-7.30 kJ mol − 1), and the solid-solution interface appears to be more random, as indicated by the negative value of ΔS◦ (-30.26 J mol − 1K − 1). Also, it validates the enhanced randomness during adsorption at the solid-liquid interface. The phenomena of chemical adsorption, which is brought about by electrostatic interactions, naturally lead to this outcome.