2.1. Drugs and chemicals
Dextran (Molecular Weight 298 kDa), Piperine, and 2, 3, 5-Triphenyl tetrazolium chloride (TTC), were purchased from Sigma Aldrich (St. Louis, USA). Other reagents and chemicals obtained from local firms (India) were of maximum purity. Size of nanoparticles was measured on Zetasizer Nano-ZS (Malvern Instruments, UK). The water, acetonitrile and acetic acid HPLC grade were purchased from TCI (India). Heparin sodium salt was purchased from porcine. All other chemical used in this work were HPLC grades.
2.2. Synthesis of HDD-PIP-NPs
PIP was encapsulated in 6-O-(3-hexadecyloxy-2-hydroxypropyl)-dextran (HDD) following the protocol reported with certain modifications (Ray et al. 2013). HDD (0.250 g) was suspended in 60 mL double distilled water and to this, a PIP solution (0.025 g dissolved in 8 mL of ethanol) was added over a time course of 15 min. The solution was stirred at 300 rpm for 24 hours in the dark at a temperature of 25 ± 2 ºC. Subsequently, the resulting solution was dialyzed against double distilled water with stirring for 24 hours, with regular changes of water to remove impurities. 24 h was enough to release unbound PIP which has been found in a controlled experiment. The dialyzed solution was lyophilized for 24 h to obtain HDD-PIP-NPs (0.210 g) as a white solid in ~ 67% yield.
2.3. Characterizing the HDD-PIP-NPs
2.3.1. Percent yield
The yield (%) of HDD-PIP-NPs was estimated by following formula:
Yield (%) = (Weight of HDD-PIP-NPs X 100)/(Weight of (PIP + HDD)………Equation-(1)
2.3.2. Particle size measurement
The average size and polydispersity index (PDI) of the HDD-PIP-NPs were measured using dynamic light scattering (DLS) (Clayton et al., 2016). The freeze-dried NPs were dispersed in water at a concentration of 1 mg/mL, and the particle size was subsequently measured. The particle size measurements were carried out at 25 ± 2º C with the following parameters in Zetasizer Nano Instrument: 10 measurements per sample; nominal 5mW He-Ne laser operating at 633 nm wavelength; absolute viscosity for water 0.89 centipoises (cP), and refractive indices of water and dextran, 1.33 and 1.36, respectively. The size measurements were done in triplicates.
2.3.3. Drug loading and entrapment efficiency
The PIP loading content and its entrapment efficiency (EE) of PIP-NP were determined by centrifugation at 5000 rpm for 20 min to separate the unentrapped PIP. After the centrifugation step, added the appropriate amount of methanol for ultrasonic and then used HPLC (LC-20AD, CBM-20A, CTO-20AC, Rheodyne injector, and SPD-20A). The PIP loading and entrapment efficiency were determined by spectrophotometrically using Lambda 20 UV/VIS Spectrophotometer (Perkin Elmer, USA) (Alfei et al. 2020). The %DL and %EE was estimated using the formulas as given below. All the measurements were performed thrice.
%DL =(Weight of PIP in HDD-PIP-NPs X 100)/ (Weight of HDD-PIP-NPs).Equation-(2)
%EE = (Amount of PIP present in the HDD-PIP-NPs X 100)/(Amount of PIP taken).
2.3.4. Surface morphology of nanoparticles
The surface morphology characterization of the HDD-PIP-NPs was performed using TEM.
Transmission Electron Microscopy
In brief, lyophilized powder of HDD-PIP-NPs was dispersed in water (5mg/mL) and a drop was placed on a surface of TEM grid and a drop of 1% uranyl acetate was added to the surface of the Formvar-coated grid. The excess fluid was removed after 1 min and the grid surface was air dried at 25 ± 2 ºC before being loaded into TEM instrument. HDD-PIP-NPs were visualized at 80 kV by Gaten digital micrograph (PA, USA).
2.4. PIP Release study from HDD-PIP-NPs
For drug release profiling from HDD-PIP-NPs, approximately 5 mg of the nanoparticles was dispersed in 1 mL of PBS (pH 7.4). This dispersion was then transferred into a dialysis tube with a 12 kDa molecular weight cut-off, which was suspended in 20 mL of PBS in a glass vial. The solution was stirred at 240 x g at 37°C. 200 mL samples were collected from the glass vial at pre-determined intervals and analyzed spectrophotometrically at 345 nm and at the same time, an equal quantity of fresh buffer was added to the glass vial and the release process was continued. The amount of piperine released was determined by referencing a standard curve of pure piperine in PBS that had been previously generated.
2.5. Preparation of Piperine Test Formulations
For oral administration, 350 mg of HDD-PIP-NPs were dispersed in 62.5ml normal saline (0.9% and pH 5.5) strength to obtain the concentration of 5.6 mg/ml, maintaining the dose 56 mg/kg and a dose volume of 10ml/kg prepared by dispersing 350mg HDD-PIP-NPs. The prepared solutions were protected from light and incubated at 4°C. The prepared HDD-PIP-NPs dispersion was vortex for 30 seconds and immediately used for dosing.
The PIP (56mg/kg) with dose volume (5.6mg/ml) dissolved in 0.1M phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) given orally.
2.6. Chromatographic system
PIP concentration in the relevant experiments were analysed at 340 nm using a High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) system from Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, USA. The system, consisting of a chromatographic pump (LC-20AD), System Controller (CBM-20A), Column oven (CTO-20AC), Rheodyne injector, and UV–Vis detector (SPD-20A), was operated at the room temperature (24 ± 1℃). Data collection, calibration, and integration LC Solutions chromatography data analysis system was used to collect, calibrate and integrate data. Kinetex Reversed-Phase C18 column (250 x 4.6 mm, particle size 5µm) was utilized for the separation. Acetonitrile, water, and acetic acid were mixed at the ratio of 60:34.5:0.5(v/v/v), and the solution was further filtered with a Millipore filter system (0.22µm)to obtain the mobile phase and the flow rate was maintained at 1.5 ml/min (Ren et al., 2018). The pH of the mobile phase was adjusted to 3.0.The mobile phase was degassed for 30 minutes after filtration and before being utilized for the experiments.
2.7. Preparation of Standard Solutions and Quality Control (QC) Samples
Methanol extracted blank plasma was used for the preparation of HDD-PIP-NPs stock solution (1000 µg/ml). The stock solution was further diluted using blank plasma to obtain working solutions of concentration (1.00, 5.00, 10.00, 50.00, 100.00, and 500.00 µg/ml). The range of concentrations (0.5, 2.5, 5, 25, 50, 250 µg/ml) were prepared for obtaining the standard curve. The solutions were prepared by diluting the working solution with blank plasma, cortex, cerebellum, hippocampus, and CSF (1:1). The calibration standard was prepared by spiking 10µl of working solutions. For determining the accuracy and precision of the HPLC method quality control (QC) samples of high (250.00 µg/ml), medium (5.00 µg/ml), and low (0.5 µg/ml) concentrations were prepared. All samples were light protected and stored at 4℃.
2.8. Pharmacokinetic Study
Four male Charles Foster rats were taken for oral gavage (n = 4). All rats received a 56mg/kg dose of HDD-PIP-NPs via oral gavage. Heparinized capillary tubes were used to collect blood (0.2 ml) from the retro-orbital plexus at following time intervals: 0 (pre-dosing), 15, 30, 60,120, 240, 360, 480, and 1440 min after oral administration in accordance to the study by Kumar et al (Kumar et al., 2019). The sampled blood was stored in labelled tubes containing sodium heparin. The collected blood samples were centrifuged at 4000 rpm for 10 min at 4°Cand the separated plasma was transferred to labelled Eppendorf tubes. The obtained plasma samples were stored at − 80°C till they were further analysed by HPLC (Kumar et al. 2019). The relative bioavailability of PIP and HDD-PIP-NP was calculated according to the equation:
Relative BA (%) = 100 X \(\:\frac{{AUC}_{formulation}/{Dose}_{formulation}}{{AUC}_{PIP\:or\:HDD-PIP-NP}/{Dose}_{PIP\:or\:HDD-PIP-NP}}\)…………Equation-(4)
The pharmacokinetic results are represented as mean ± SE. The time to reach the maximum plasma concentration (tmax) and peak plasma concentrations (Cmax) values were measured from the concentration-time data of plasma. Other pharmacokinetic parameters such as elimination half-life (t1/2), the area under the curve from time zero to twenty-four hours (AUC0-24hr), the volume of distribution (Vz), mean residence time (MRT last), and Total body clearance (Cl) were calculated by non-compartmental methods using software PK Solver.
2.9. Brain Distribution Study
Twenty (20) male Charles Foster rats were used for oral administration. All rats were further divided into five groups (n = 4 for each group), for the time-points of 30 minutes, 60 minutes, 120 minutes, 240 minutes and 360 minutes. Anaesthesia and dosing were performed similarly to the pharmacokinetic study. The samples were isolated at the time interval 30, 60 120, 240, and 360 minutes after HDD-PIP-NP oral dosing. Following cervical dislocation, the brains were isolated and cleaned with normal saline. Three regions of the brain samples (cortical, hippocampus, and cerebellum) were carefully isolated and immediately processed for the HPLC analysis.
2.10. Plasma and Brain Sample Preparation
Collected plasma samples were mixed with HPLC grade methanol (1:2) by vortexing thoroughly for 30 seconds and a clear supernatant was obtained by centrifuging the mixture at 3000 rpm for 10 min at 4°C. To estimate the PIP concentration for each sample, 10 µl of each obtained clear supernatant was used for HPLC analysis.
The different brain regions were homogenized in methanol using a tissue homogenizer (BR Biochem Pvt. Ltd, India) in an ice cold bath. For the homogenization of cerebellum (0.5gm), cortex (0.5gm), and hippocampus (20 mg) 1, 1, and 0.5ml of methanol were utilized respectively. Subsequently, the brain homogenate–methanol mixture was centrifuged at 5000 rpm for 20min at 4°C and the clear supernatant was collected.10 µl of each sample was used for further analysis with HPLC.
2.11. Experimental Animals Grouping
All experimental procedures and surgeries were conducted in accordance with the animal use protocol approved by the Central Animal Ethical Committee at the Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi (Registration No. 542/GO/ReBi/S/02/CPCSEA). Inbred male Charles foster (CF) albino rats (250 ± 30 g body weight) were acclimatized for 14 days by maintaining 12h light/dark cycle, stable humidity, ambient temperature (25 ± 2°C) and were provided with pellet diet and water.
The animals were fasted for 8–10 hours before the experiment, with ad libitum access to water.
Group I: TFCIR surgical procedure only (normal saline as vehicle only; 2 hrs. post-reperfusion) (n = 6) for 3 days.
Group II: TFCIR surgical procedure with HDD-PIP-NPs (14 mg/kg, equivalent to 8.75 mg/kg bulk PIP, 2 hrs. post-reperfusion) (n = 6) for 3 days.
Group III: TFCIR surgical procedure with HDD-PIP-NPs (28 mg/kg, equivalent to 17.5mg/kg bulk PIP, 2 hrs. post-reperfusion) (n = 6) for 3 days.
Group IV: TFCIR surgical procedure with HDD-PIP-NPs (56 mg/kg, equivalent to 35mg/kg bulk PIP, 2 hrs. post-reperfusion) (n = 6) for 3 days.
2.12. Surgical procedure for Transient Focal Cerebral Ischemia Reperfusion (TFCIR)
Cerebral MCAO surgery was performed as described previously with minor modifications (Tripathi et al. 2014, Tripathi et al. 2021). Briefly, rats at the age of 6–8 weeks were anesthetized with a cocktail of ketamine (140 mg/kg) and xylazine (23.32 mg/kg), intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection. The initial step of MCAO surgery involves cleansing the neck region of the animal with 70% ethanol. Following this, the skin is incised to expose and isolate the right common carotid artery. The right common carotid artery was exposed at the level of the external and internal carotid artery (ECA and ICA) bifurcation. A 25 mm length and 0.22mm diameter of 4.0 siliconized monofilament nylon suture (Doccol corporation) was inserted into ECA from the common carotid artery bifurcation and pushed into the ICA for 10 mm until a slight resistance was felt, to block the origin of the middle cerebral artery (MCA). Following this, the skin incision was sutured, and reperfusion was initiated 60 minutes after MCAO by slowly withdrawing the suture thread until the tip cleared the internal carotid artery (ICA). After the procedures, animals were placed back into their cages and closely monitored. Their body temperature was maintained at (37 ± 1.0) °C using a heating pad (Far infrared warming pad, Kent Scientific Corporation).
2.13. Brain Infarction, Brain water content and Neurological score analysis
Brain infarction was analysed at day 3 using TTC staining procedure (Schilichting et al. 2004). Briefly, 2mm coronal section of each rat brain was incubated in 2% TTC solution for 30 minutes. 10% formalin was used to fix the stained brain slices and pictures were taken by the scanner. Percent infarction was measured and calculated according to (Tureens et al. 2004). The percentage brain water content of all groups was determined at day 3 by the wet-weight and dry-weight method (Keep et al. 2012) using the formula:
% Brain water content = 100 X (Wet Weight - Dry Weight)/ (Wet Weight). Equation-(5)
The rats were decapitated under chloroform anaesthesia, followed by isolation of the brains from the skull which was weighed immediately and the corresponding weight was noted as weight wet. The dry weight was measured after drying the brain in a desiccating oven at 100°C for 2 days to obtain a constant weight (Kumar et al. 2019).
Neurological deficits scores were calculated at 24 h, 48 h and 72 h after reperfusion (n = 6) by the method of Longa (Tripathi et al. 2014). The five-point scale was defined as follows: Grade 0 indicated no neurological deficits; Grade 1 indicated failure to extend the contralateral forepaw; Grade 2 indicated circling to the ipsilateral side; Grade 3 indicated falling to the contralateral side due to brain damage; and Grade 4 indicated no spontaneous walking and depressed consciousness.
Data analysis
Statistical analyses were conducted using GraphPad Prism version 5 (San Diego, CA). The data, presented as mean ± SD, were assumed to follow a normal distribution. Statistical significance was determined using One-Way analysis of variance (ANOVA), followed by Tukey’s multiple-comparison test. Neurobehavioral scores, expressed as median (range), were analyzed using the Mann − Whitney U test. A p-value of less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant.