5.1 Screening for Tolerance to Aluminium Toxicity
A variation in Al toxicity tolerance was observed among the chickpea accessions screened. At 15µM Al, accessions Saina 1, ICCV 11514, ICCV 11316, and ICCV 07114 were consistently moderately tolerant across all indices. Accession ICCV 11519 was tolerant based on RRW, and moderately tolerant across all other indices while ICCV 11504 was tolerant based on RSL and also moderately tolerant across all other indices. Accessions Chania 1, ICCV 03305, ICCV 93954, ICCV 07313, ICCV 96329, and ICCV 97110, on the other hand, were sensitive across all indices. At 60µM Al, all accessions were sensitive across all indices except Saina 1, K036, ICCV 11519, and ICCV 10515 which were moderately tolerant based on RSL, ICCV 11316, 10515, 11514, 07114, 97128, and 11519 based on RRW, and ICCV 11504, 11519 and K036 based on RSW. The differing responses to Al toxicity can be attributed to the genetic variability present among the accessions. Similarly, Negusse et al. [34] reported varied accession response to Al toxicity in a study to identify acid-tolerant chickpea accessions in Ethiopia. Another study by Vance et al. [17] found domestic and wild chickpea cultivars to display different tolerance levels in solution culture screening. Genotypic variation in tolerance to Al toxicity has also been reported in other crops such as maize, wheat, and sunflowers [20, 35, 36]. Al treatments selected for use in this experiment were 15 and 60µM, with the hypothesis that tolerant accessions would be observed at 15 µM, and the extremely tolerant at 60 µM [17].
In this experiment, both root and shoot growth indices were used to determine accession tolerance to Al toxicity with largely similar results achieved. At 15µM Al, accession scores ranged between 38.5 and 62% for RTI, 35.3 and 69.4% for RRL, 34.2 and 63.5% for RSL, 35.6 and 74.7% for RRW, and 33.5 and 71.4% for RSL. A similar trend was observed at 60µM Al, signifying that both root and shoot growth were inhibited by Al toxicity. Additionally, strong and positive correlations between root and shoot indices were observed where RSL correlated strongly and positively with RRL (r = 0.8), while RRW also correlated strongly and positively with RRL (r = 0.7) and RSL (r = 0.8) at 15µM Al. These results, therefore, signify that both shoot and root indices can be used to determine chickpea tolerance levels to Al toxicity, in agreement with other studies. Vance et al. [17], for example, determined RRL to be the most accurate discriminator of Al tolerance in chickpea screening. Root length has also been used to discriminate between Al-sensitive and Al-tolerant accessions in barley, soya beans, and dolichos beans among others [37–39].
The level of tolerance observed at 15µM was not maintained at 60µM. At 15µM Al, ICCV 11514, ICCV 11316, K036, Saina 1, ICCV 11504, ICCV 11519, and ICCV 07114 were moderately tolerant across all indices. At 60 µM Al, all these accessions were sensitive based on RRL and RTI. Saina 1 and ICCV 11504 were moderately tolerant based on RSL and RSW respectively; ICCV 11316, 11514, and 07114 based on RRW; and ICCV 11519 across all three indices. Accession decrease in tolerance with increased Al concentration is attributed to the increase in Al3+ in solution culture that severely damaged chickpea roots and hence impeding the absorption of nutrients and water. Inconsistent displays of tolerance in chickpea at different Al concentrations levels was also reported by Vance et al. [17] when screening wild chickpea accessions for tolerance to Al toxicity.
5.2 Screening for Tolerance to Manganese Toxicity
At 150µM Mn, reduced shoot growth, yellowing of leaf tips and serrated margins, and reduced leaf sizes was observed. These symptoms worsened over time and varied among the accessions resulting in scores ranging between 1.67 and 4. These observations are attributed to accumulation of Mn ions in plant roots and shoots that reduced nutrient uptake and translocation. Among cowpeas the symptoms were more severe and leaf drops were observed, an indication of better tolerance to Mn toxicity among the chickpea accessions. The Mn toxicity symptoms in chickpeas observed in this study were also reported by Ahlawat [40] and El-Jaoual and Cox [41], who observed marginal chlorosis and necrosis of leaves, dark reddish brown leaf spots, reduced root growth, and distorted small-sized leaves.
Symptom scores correlated weakly with RSL (R = 0.55). Based on symptom scores, 20 accessions were tolerant, 5 moderately tolerant, and 1 sensitive while for RSL, 6 accessions were tolerant, 14 moderately tolerant and 6 sensitive. The weak correlation is attributed to the effect of environmental and other external factors that may skew symptom scoring. In this case, the presence of ideal environmental conditions for crop growth in the glasshouse may have masked the effects of Mn toxicity and therefore reduced the severity of the symptoms observed. These findings agree with those of Fernando and Lynch [19] and Pradeep et al. [25] who reported that accession genetics and environmental factors such as light intensity and temperature may have an impact on symptom scoring. As such, accession symptom scores and corresponding shoot growth may not be closely related [25]. Therefore, incorporating plant growth parameters alongside symptom scoring in screening chickpeas for Mn tolerance is necessary.
Accession variance in tolerance to Mn toxicity was observed. Based on symptom scores, all accessions were tolerant except ICCV 07114, Chania 1, ICCV 10515, ICCV 03305, and Israel which were moderately tolerant, and Leldet which was sensitive. Accessions ICCV 97128 and ICCV 11514 were tolerant while ICCV 07114 and Ndaria were sensitive based on RSL and RSW. Accession variation in tolerance to Mn is attributed to the genetic diversity present among them. These results agree with those of Pradeep et al. [25] who found differing responses to Mn toxicity at different treatment levels among prominent chickpea accessions in Australia. Studies on other crops have also documented genotypic differences in tolerance to Mn. Khabaz-Saberi et al. [20], for example, reported varying levels of Mn toxicity tolerance among different wheat genotypes.
Reduced shoot lengths and shoot biomass were observed among the treated plants. This is attributed to reduced photosynthesis resulting from Mn toxicity, an occurrence thought to result from decreased availability of oxygen during periods of metal stress in plants [42]. The reduction can also be attributed to damaged cell metabolism and cell death induced by the intake of excess Mn. Mn toxicity degrades lipids, carbohydrates, proteins, and nucleic acids, damaging cell metabolism, and even cell death in some instances [18, 22]. The results of this study agree with those of Pradeep et al. [25] who reported significant reductions in shoot lengths and dry weights in an experiment to identify Mn-tolerant chickpea germplasms. Reduced shoot lengths as a result of Mn toxicity have also been reported in broad beans [43].
5.3 Screening for Acidity Tolerance Through Pot Experiments
Pot experiments were conducted to verify accession tolerance levels observed in hydroponic experiments. In screening for tolerance to Al toxicity, inconsistencies between results from the two experiments were observed. Based on RTI, accessions ICCV 11514, K036, ICCV 10515, and Saina1 were tolerant. 19 other accessions were moderately tolerant and only 4 sensitive. In contrast, no accession was tolerant at 15µM Al in hydroponic screening as 11 accessions including Saina 1 and ICCV 11514 were moderately tolerant and the rest sensitive. Based on RSL, ICCV 11514 and K036 were still tolerant, together with ICCV 00108 and ICCV 11316. No accessions were tolerant in hydroponic screening. The inconsistencies between pot and hydroponic experiments are attributed to the heterogeneous nature of soil that makes it difficult to provide precise Al treatments and hence the differing results. Additionally, ion interactions in soil may compound or alleviate Al toxicity challenges. In contrast, Baier et al. [44] found a strong correlation between hydroponic and soil experiments when screening wheat for tolerance to Al toxicity. Similarly, Nava et al. [45] concluded that results from hydroponic experiments and those from acid soils were similar when screening oat cultivars for tolerance to Al toxicity.
While inconsistencies between hydroponic and pot screening results were evident for most of the indices used, an exception was noted where pot RRL results correlated significantly (r = 0.8) with those from the hydroponic experiments at 15µM Al. Saina 1, ICCV 11504, ICCV 11514, K036, ICCV 11316, Chania 2, ICCV 07114, and ICCV 00108 emerged as the standout tolerant accessions in both experiments. This consistency is a result of RRL taking into account the mean root growth, unlike other indices such as RTI which was calculated from the root length at harvest and did not take into account root length variations at sowing. Therefore, RRL is a better indicator of accession tolerance to Al toxicity. In a similar study, Vance et al. (2021) determined RRL to be the most accurate discriminator of Al tolerance in chickpea screening.
In screening for tolerance to Mn toxicity, RSL measurements from the experiments correlated weakly and negatively, (r=-0.1) while RSW correlated weakly (r = 0.13). The weak correlation is attributed to differing levels of Mn ions present in the nutrient solution cultures and soil used in the experiments. Plants grown hydroponically were treated with 150 ppm while soil Mn ion content was 33.6 ppm. Other than pH, soil Mn content is also influenced by many factors including redox conditions and moisture levels [46]. Apart from soil properties, soil Mn availability is also controlled by plant characteristics and the interactions between roots and the rhizosphere [47].