Mixed-cation lead mixed-halide perovskite (nominal composition (FA1 − xMAx)Pb(I1 − yBry)3) thin films (compositions hereby denoted as {x/y}) were prepared using an ethyl acetate antisolvent-based spin-coating route as detailed in the Methods section. Independently changing the methylammonium (x) or bromide (y) contents in the precursor solution alters the bandgap between 1.55 eV (25% MA, 0% Br) and 2.38 eV (75% MA, 100% Br), as determined by UV-vis-NIR spectroscopy (Fig. 1a and Supplementary Fig. 1)19. Calculations indicate that the ideal perovskite bandgap is 1.80–1.90 eV or 1.90–2.00 eV for the top-cell in all-perovskite tandem or perovskite-based triple-junction solar cells, respectively1. This bandgap corresponds to a bromide content of 40% – 60% for the two applications (identified by shaded regions in Fig. 1a).
We used scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to characterize the surface morphology of the resulting perovskite thin films. Figures 1b – 1g show low magnification surface SEM images of films with compositions {x/y} = 0.25/0.40, 0.50/0.40, 0.75/0.40, 0.25/0.60, 0.50/0.60, and 0.75/0.60. The images show a smooth surface in films with lower MA and Br contents ({x/y} = 0.25/0.40, 0.50/0.40) whereas other compositions that are richer in MA and/or Br ({x/y} = 0.75/0.40, 0.25/0.60, 0.50/0.60, and 0.75/0.60) show additional morphological features on the surface. Specifically, we observe a heterogeneous distribution of large peaks and valleys on the surface of the films with {x/y} = 0.75/0.40, 0.50/0.60, and 0.75/0.60 whereas the film with {x/y} = 0.25/0.60 exhibits a morphology intermediate to the smooth and rough surfaces observed. We note that the appearance of morphological heterogeneity does not significantly affect SEM features at 1–2 µm or reveal voids in the film surface (Supplementary Fig. 2).
Figures 1h and 1i show three-dimensional atomic force microscopy (AFM) profiles of two films with compositions {x/y} = 0.25/0.40 (smooth), and with higher MA and Br content {x/y} = 0.50/0.60 (rough) to better visualize the distinct peak- and valley-like features observed in rough films. Figures 1j – 1o show line profiles of surface atomic force micrographs (Supplementary Figs. 3 and 4). The feature sizes in the smooth films ({x/y} = 0.25/0.40, 0.50/40, and 0.25/0.60) are on the order of 100 nm whereas compositions that yield heterogeneous films ({x/y} = 0.75/0.40, 0.50/0.60, and 0.75/0.60) exhibit feature sizes as large as 1.50–2.0 µm. The line cuts also show that the widths of the features in the more heterogeneous films are on the order of 2.0–5.0 µm14,16.
We used synchrotron-based grazing-incidence wide-angle X-ray scattering (GIWAXS) measurements to understand the crystallographic properties of smooth and rough perovskite thin films (Fig. 2). A shift to a higher scattering vector (q) for the peak corresponding to the (100) plane (from q ≈ 1.02 to 1.06 Å−1) with increasing MA or Br content suggests the lattice contraction upon the substitution of small cation/anion species (circular averages are shown in Supplementary Fig. 5)19. The peak corresponding to unreacted PbI2 (q ≈ 0.9 Å−1) remains unchanged across compositions.
Notably, we find that compositions that show roughness > 1 µm (Fig. 1) also show a preferential crystallographic orientation. For example, compositions yielding smooth films ({x/y} = 0.25/0.40, 0.50/0.40, and 0.25/0.50) show GIWAXS patterns (Fig. 2a, 2b, and 2d) with broad and complete ring-like features, consistent with randomly oriented crystallites (Fig. 2j). In contrast, films with roughness > 1 µm with composition ({x/y} = 0.75/0.50, 0.50/0.60, and 0.75/60) show GIWAXS patterns indicating preferential orientation of the (100) plane due to the appearance of intense spots on the ring at q ≈ 1.0 Å−1 (Fig. 2f, 2h, 2i, 2j and 2l), especially in the out-of-plane direction18. Here, the inclusion of Br has a stronger influence in driving preferential orientation than MA (Fig. 2j, 2k and 2l). The change in preferential orientation does not arise from compositional changes only. For example, perovskite films of nominally identical compositions deposited using a two-step interdiffusion method show the random orientation of crystallites for compositions with high MA and Br content, as opposed to the preferential orientation observed in films coated using the one-step antisolvent method (Supplementary Fig. 6)16,18,36.
We then performed synchrotron-based in situ GIWAXS measurements during film formation to characterize the crystallization dynamics of smooth and rough perovskite thin films. For these measurements, we processed the perovskite layer on an indium tin oxide (ITO)-coated glass substrate at a spin-coater placed in the X-ray beam path. We chose the compositions (MA-poor {x/y} = 0.25/0.60 and MA-rich {x/y} = 0.75/0.60) such that they yield different morphological outcomes ({x/y} = 0.25/0.60 yields a smooth film while {x/y} = 0.75/0.60 yields a rough film) but are similar in their nominal Br content. Figure 3 shows in situ GIWAXS patterns as a function of spin-coating time, focusing on the time range near the antisolvent casting at t = 25 s.
Both compositions show no scattering features in the initial stages (up to 21 s, Fig. 3a and 3b) of the spin-coating process when the wet film is largely disordered. Upon adding the antisolvent (Fig. 3c and 3d), the film with composition {x/y} = 0.75/60 immediately shows a strong scattering feature in the out-of-plane direction, corresponding to the (100) crystallographic plane of the perovskite phase. In contrast, the (100) feature is absent in the film with composition {x/y} = 0.25/60, appearing later at 29 s (Fig. 3e and 3f) and increasing in intensity thereafter (Fig. 3g and 3h). Here, as seen in Fig. 2g, the feature resembles a ring which is indicative of a random orientation of crystalline perovskite phases. We also observe similar crystallization dynamics in the characterization of other smooth ({x/y} = 0.25/0.50) and rough ({x/y} = 0.75/0.50) perovskite films (Supplementary Figs. 7 and 8).
These results indicate a faster crystallization and an earlier onset of preferential orientation of the MA-rich {x/y} = 0.75/60 thin film compared to the MA-poor {x/y} = 0.25/60 perovskite31,37. This result agrees with prior observations of faster crystallization of Br-rich phases in a MA-based environment than in a FA-based environment31. The faster crystallization of Br-rich phases can also be attributed to weak interactions of bromide precursors and DMF, their corresponding poor solubility, and the poor stability of lead bromide complexes in solution, which collectively favor faster nucleation9,38,39. Furthermore, it has been demonstrated that Br-based phases form the perovskite phase directly whereas I-based phases undergo crystallization through intermediate complexes31. MA-containing Br-based perovskite phases have also been shown to grow as highly oriented phases37. As a result, based on the GIWAXS data showing faster crystallization and more preferential (100) orientation in films with roughness > 1 µm ({x/y} = 0.75/0.50 and 0.75/0.60), we propose that in an MA-rich environment, heterogeneous crystal nucleation leads to the formation of oriented bromide-rich perovskites immediately after antisolvent casting (Supplementary Fig. 9) followed by the incorporation of iodide-containing phases18, and that the heterogeneous crystallization causes the film wrinkling. The larger change in the scattering vector (Δq) for the perovskite composition {x/y} = 0.75/0.60 during the film-coating and thermal-annealing stages of the crystallization compared to that for {x/y} = 0.25/0.60, supports the hypothesis that Br- and I-rich phases crystallize at different rates in rough films (Supplementary Fig. 10).
Subsequently, we used synchrotron-based nanoscopic X-ray fluorescence (nano-XRF) microscopy to study the bulk composition of perovskite layers and observe the influence of morphological heterogeneity on compositional disorder (Fig. 4). The technique relies on elemental X-ray emission signatures to map the microscopic distribution of constituents25,32. Here, we used the elemental map of Pb (Supplementary Fig. 11) as an indicator for film thickness since peak-like features increase the local film volume that corresponds to a higher X-ray fluorescence intensity.
We used nano-XRF mapping to analyze the spatial elemental distribution in smooth and rough perovskite thin films. For example, a film with composition {x/y} = 0.25/0.40, which yields a uniform surface (Fig. 1b), shows a homogeneous distribution of Pb, I, and Br (Fig. 4a). As a result, the iodide-to-bromide ratio in the film also shows a homogeneous distribution (Fig. 4b). We examined four highlighted regions (dashed boxes in Fig. 4b) to confirm that the iodide-to-bromide ratio is largely independent of the Pb content in the region, i.e., the local thickness of the film. Line cuts of iodide-to-bromide ratio overlapped with the Pb content (Fig. 4c) further confirm the lack of correspondence between the two quantities for a smooth perovskite film. Similar homogeneous distribution of ions is observed for other smooth films with compositions {x/y} = 0.50/0.40, 0.50/0.50, and 0.25/0.60, as shown in Supplementary Fig. 12.
In contrast, compositions that yield rough surfaces {x/y} = 0.75/0.40, 0.75/0.50, 0.50/0.60, 0.75/0.60, show a heterogeneous distribution of Pb, Br, and I (Fig. 4d and Supplementary Fig. 13). For example, the elemental maps (Pb, I, and Br) for the perovskite film with composition {x/y} = 0.50/0.60 (Fig. 4d) show the presence of peak- and valley-like features, as observed in the surface SEM characterization (Fig. 1). Furthermore, the iodide-to-bromide ratio map (Fig. 4e) shows regions of iodide richness and deficiencies which follow the peaks and valleys observed through the Pb elemental map (highlighted regions in Fig. 4d). Line cuts at four distinct locations of the film and two-dimensional maps (Fig. 4f, 4g and Supplementary Fig. 14) further confirm the positive correlation between increasing layer thickness and higher iodide concentration. Based on these observations, we hypothesize that compositional differences (MA- and Br-richness) influencing the rates of crystallization of iodide- and bromide-rich phases31,32,38 drive the development of spatial halide heterogeneity during film crystallization40, with iodide-rich phases forming in the peak-like regions of the films whereas bromide-containing phases predominantly crystallize at the valley-like regions. Compositional heterogeneity has previously been discussed in lead halide perovskites25,32,41; however, this work is the first to report its association with surface morphology in wide-bandgap compositions relevant for multijunction devices.
Because of the link between perovskite bandgap and stoichiometry, we expect that compositional heterogeneity will also cause spatially heterogeneous bandgap disorder with regions of high iodide content exhibiting lower bandgaps, and high relative bromide content exhibiting wider bandgaps respectively17,30,42. To test this hypothesis, we used hyperspectral photoluminescence (PL) imaging to characterize perovskite thin films’ emissive properties. We performed hyperspectral PL mapping of as-prepared films (referred to as “pristine”), excited with a mercury halide lamp in the 350–450 nm range at 130 mW cm− 2 excitation intensity, with an acquisition time of 1 min. We then continuously illuminated the film for another 5 min., and measured again with a 1 min. acquisition time (referred to as “illuminated”). Figure 5 displays the PL emission peak wavelength maps from those hyperspectral PL imaging of perovskite films deposited on glass with compositions {x/y} = 0.25/0.40, 0.75/0.40, and 0.75/0.50 (Supplementary Fig. S15), illuminating the top surface (all films were encapsulated in the glovebox with UV-curable glue).
As we demonstrated with AFM and SEM earlier, films with low Br content {y = 0.40} and increasing MA content (x) show more pronounced wrinkles (Fig. 1). Using hyperspectral PL imaging, we also observe that wrinkling increases with MA content in low Br films {y = 0.40}. In a homogeneous film with low MA and Br content ({x/y} = 0.25/0.40), the PL emission wavelength is centered at ~ 690 nm (Fig. 5a, 5c, and 5d). The spatially averaged PL spectrum also shows a single peak (Fig. 5c), indicating that the emission is the same across the scanned area. On the other hand, for a rougher film with composition {x/y} = 0.75/0.40, the PL map and spatially averaged spectrum show two distinct emission peaks, indicative of wide- and narrow-bandgap domains within the scanned region (Fig. 5e, 5g, and 5h). The emission is primarily dominated by wide-bandgap domains, with a peak maximum at ~ 685 nm (Fig. 5g). Sparsely distributed, narrow-bandgap domains contribute to the second PL peak maximum at 730–750 nm. Additionally, we note that narrow-bandgap sites (λlong) are comparatively brighter than wide-bandgap sites (λshort) (Supplementary Fig. 16). We attribute the increased brightness of the lower bandgap regions to charge-carrier funneling from wider bandgap sites, as proposed previously43. This emission heterogeneity is in good agreement with the compositional heterogeneity we observed through nano-XRF mapping (Supplementary Fig. 13), where we found the raised peak-like regions to be comparatively iodide-rich and correspondingly emit at lower energies/longer wavelengths.
Over the range of compositions studied, we observed that PL heterogeneity in the pristine film increases further with increasing the bromide content (Fig. 5i, 5k and 5l), in {x/y} = 0.75/0.50, with the maximum emission wavelength distribution broadening from 650 to 670 nm (Fig. 5l). The spatially averaged emission spectrum shows a short- (655 nm) and long-wavelength (745 nm) emission contribution, consistent with halide heterogeneity as a result of morphological disorder (Supplementary Fig. 13). However, the redshifted emission at the peak-like regions could also result from self-absorption or optical interference effects that occur at increased layer thickness44,45. To rule out optical effects, we used time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (TOF-SIMS) mapping in the hyperspectral imaging area (Supplementary Fig. 17) and found that stronger long-wavelength emission regions correspond to local increase in the iodide-to-bromide ratio. This correlation is strong evidence that the local redshifts of emission wavelength and increase in PL intensity are due to the high iodide content in peak-like regions. Together, TOF-SIMS and hyperspectral mapping correlation verified that PL wavelength mapping can provide important qualitative information about local compositional heterogeneity in these films.
Subsequently, we continuously illuminated the same samples for 5 min. with blue (450 nm) light with an intensity of 130 mW cm− 2 (Supplementary Fig. 18). This illumination was done in order to cause ion migration that is known to lead to light-induced halide segregation34. In Figs. 5b, 5f and 5j, we show the spatially resolved PL redshift after 5 min. of illumination, calculated from Figs. 5a, 5e, 5i and Supplementary Fig. 18. In a compositionally homogeneous, smooth film with composition {x/y} = 0.25/0.40, continuous illumination does not affect the PL emission maximum (Fig. 5b and 5d), but only causes a slight broadening of the PL full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) from 35 nm to 45 nm (Fig. 5c). In contrast, films with heterogeneous PL emission prior to illumination ({x/y} = 0.75/0.40 and 0.75/0.50) show a redshift in the maximum emission wavelength by approximately 50–100 nm (Fig. 5f, 5h, 5j, and 5l). We note that the change in the emission wavelength after illumination is lower in the peak-like regions (Δλ ~ 10 nm) compared to the valley-like regions (Δλ ~ 50 nm) (Fig. 5f and 5j). This is because in peak-like areas the iodide-to-bromide ratio is already high before illumination, as we show in Supplementary Fig. 17 via correlated TOF-SIMS. For the perovskite film with composition {x/y} = 0.75/0.40, the initial emission with two peak features evolves to one broad redshifted emission peak indicating the formation of a broad distribution of emissive iodide-rich species (Fig. 5g). The illuminated {x/y} = 0.75/0.50 film shows a higher low-energy emission of 745 nm (Fig. 5k), and a weak emission from short-wavelength range of 655 nm.
We performed TOF-SIMS mapping of the perovskite film ({x/y} = 0.75/0.50) before and after continuous illumination to further understand the effect of ion migration as a function of morphological heterogeneity. By tracking the iodide content before and after illumination, we found that peak-like regions in the film undergo an increase in iodide content on the film surface (Supplementary Fig. 19a). In contrast, a homogeneous film ({x/y} = 0.25/0.50) shows a small and homogeneous increase in iodide content across the film surface upon continuous illumination (Supplementary Fig. 19b), indicating comparatively reduced halide migration as expected from hyperspectral PL imaging (Fig. 5b).
Finally, we fabricated perovskite solar cells (Fig. 6a) in an inverted (p-i-n) device architecture using [2-(9H-carbazol-9-yl)ethyl]phosphonic acid (2PACz) and C60 as hole- and electron-transport layers, respectively (Supplementary Fig. 20). The transport layers were especially chosen due to their compatibility with multijunction device architectures and the conformal deposition of C60 with thermal evaporation46. Sensitive photocurrent spectroscopy was used to characterize defect dynamics in solar cells. The increase in defect density as a function of Br content has previously been studied35,38,47, but the role of morphological and compositional disorder on electronic defects of wide-bandgap perovskites is relatively poorly understood. For a solar cell with composition {x/y} = 0.25/0.40 (Fig. 6b), the external quantum efficiency (EQE), calculated from the photocurrent spectrum, shows a flat above-bandgap (> 1.8 eV) EQE profile followed by an exponential drop (Urbach tail) at the bandgap-edge of the active layer. Following that, in the sub-bandgap 0.80–1.60 eV region, a clear EQE contribution of approx. 10− 7 – 10− 6 can be observed (at approx. 1.35 eV). A second, less prominent, feature can also be observed at lower energies (at approx. 1.0 eV). Previous work has shown that such sub-bandgap features originate from electronic defects near the perovskite/C60 interface48–50, and that changes in the sub-bandgap photocurrent intensity and photocurrent contribution at the Urbach tail upon prolonged illumination can be associated with light-induced halide segregation47,51,52.
With increasing MA content, the optical bandgap increases, causing a blueshift in the EQE onset. At x = 0.75, additionally, the sub-bandgap contribution (< 1.5 eV) appears less pronounced, manifesting as a broad feature instead of a peak as observed in compositions {x/y} = 0.25/0.40 and 0.50/0.40. This broadening is likely related to the increased roughness resulting from morphological heterogeneity in such compositions (Fig. 1), which reduces optical interference by increasing light scattering.48 The morphological heterogeneity as a function of increasing MA content also manifests as an increase in the Urbach energy, indicating an increase in band-edge energetic disorder.32,53,54
These effects are much more pronounced upon increasing the bromide content ({x/y} = 0.75/0.50 and 0.75/0.60). Both compositions, for example, show that an additional shoulder appears on the Urbach tail (1.6–2.0 eV), likely indicating the presence of low-energy iodide-rich domains in the pristine device (Fig. 6c)47,51,52. These observations agree with the non-uniform halide distribution, as observed using nano-XRF microscopy (Fig. 4) and hyperspectral PL imaging (Fig. 5). Such an increase in band-edge disorder has been shown to limit the open-circuit voltage in solar cells55. Furthermore, the sub-bandgap photocurrent contribution in the 0.8–1.6 eV increases by approx. an order of magnitude for {x/y} = 0.75/0.60 composition, indicating a higher defect density as compared to the composition {x/y} = 0.25/0.40. The presence of sub-bandgap defects has been consistently associated with high non-radiative recombination in perovskite solar cells50,56,57. Taken together, these observations indicate a higher degree of band-edge disorder and sub-bandgap defect density with increasing compositional/morphological disorder in wide-bandgap perovskites.
We used continuous illumination (532 nm, 1-Sun equivalent intensity, 5 min.) to induce defect migration and drive halide segregation in the solar cells58. Halide migration in mixed-halide wide-bandgap perovskites can result in redshift of the band-edge, related to the formation of iodide-rich phases, and also cause an increase in the sub-bandgap defect density34,47,51,52. Figures 6d – 6h show EQE spectra of solar cells following the photo-stress. In solar cells with low MA and low Br content ({x/y} = 0.25/0.40 and 0.50/0.40), that show smooth morphology and minimal compositional heterogeneity (Figs. 6d and 6e), light-induced changes to the EQE spectrum are minimal, consistent with our observations from hyperspectral PL and TOF-SIMS imaging. In contrast, high MA and high Br containing solar cells with rough perovskite layers ({x/y} = 0.75/0.40) show a change in the band-edge signal (Fig. 6f), indicating an increase in iodide-rich phase concentration, in agreement with changes observed through PL imaging. Furthermore, in compositions such as {x/y} = 0.75/0.50 and 0.75/0.60 (Figs. 6g and 6h), a large increase in the band-edge EQE contribution indicates the formation of a large density of iodide-rich phases because of light-induced halide segregation. Moreover, in composition {x/y} = 0.75/0.60, the change in the Urbach tail is accompanied by an increase in the sub-bandgap defect contribution (0.8–1.6 eV) to the EQE spectrum, indicating an increased defect density upon continuous illumination47. Similar trends in photocurrent contribution from band-edge states and sub-bandgap electronic defects are observed in other solar cells using smooth ({x/y} = 0.25/0.50) or rough ({x/y} = 0.50/0.60) perovskite layers (Supplementary Fig. 21).