Freshwater fishery managers are trying to understand the factors that influence the movement and habitat selection of focal species such as endemic trout and answer questions such as, how humans have altered the ability of animals to redistribute between suitable habitats?, and how can they restore the connectivity and movement which allows the persistence of species? Recent advances in telemetry technologies have enabled researchers to track individual fish at high resolution over time and space. Although movement studies have been conducted on stream-resident LCT in larger tributaries (Alexiades et al. 2012), significant uncertainty remains regarding the drivers of LCT movement and habitat selection, particularly in small streams. In Mahogany Creek, stream-resident LCT appear to move even less than previously observed during streamflow recession and summer baseflow periods compared to prior stream-resident LCT movement research from the Truckee River, Nevada, USA (Alexiades et al. 2012). This may be attributed to differences in stream size and available habitat (Taylor & Cooke 2012; Boavida et al. 2017). The movements we observed, however, were strongly associated with declining riffle crest thalweg depths. This metric is used to identify hydraulic conditions that influence fish passage between pools (Rossi et al. 2023, Kastl 2023) and habitat quality within passage thresholds for migration between contiguous habitat pools for salmonids (Rossi et al. 2021a & 2021b). Although the riffle crest depth may not be the causal factor of movement, it likely serves as an indicator of the changing ecological and physical habitat conditions that lotic organisms respond to (Rossi et al. 2021a). Additionally, increasing stream temperatures had a weaker but still significant influence on stream-resident LCT movement. The primary driver for whether LCT would abandon or retain previously occupied habitat was the fork length and weight of the individual. Larger individuals retained their previously occupied habitat more frequently than smaller individuals. This may be due to dominance hierarchies, a social structure in fishes primarily influenced by body size that dictates access to preferable resources (Drews 1993, Newman 1956), which can influence habitat selection and habitat displacement of LCT. This behavior has previously been observed in cutthroat trout in small streams (Heggenes et al. 1991).
A majority of LCT (82%) demonstrate no movement outside of the ~100 m reach they were initially captured in during the summer streamflow recession to absolute baseflow conditions—a period considered to provide the most significant bottleneck for growth (Harvey et al. 2006, Rossi et al. 2022) and survival (Grantham et al. 2012, Obedzinski et al. 2018) in stream-rearing salmonids. LCT experienced reduced movement during the baseflow period, but they were not restricted within singular habitat units. Thirty-nine percent of individuals observed during baseflow conditions abandoned the habitat unit they were found in at the beginning of this period. This can likely be attributed to deeper associated RCT depths with LCT that did move during this period.
Changes in streamflow are documented as an environmental cue for cutthroat trout movement to explore adjacent habitats (Gowan 2007), a behavioral adaptation to seek out more bioenergetically favorable habitats (Gowan & Fausch 2002). Habitat conditions that are bioenergetically unfavorable for salmonids can result in salmonid emigration from previously occupied habitats (Fausch et al. 1997). When streamflow declines beyond a certain threshold, however, fish movement over shallow water habitat (i.e., pool-riffle-pool movement) declines due to increased risk of stranding (Nagrodski et al. 2012) and predation (Power 1984, Lonzarich & Quinn 1995). This suggests three conclusions regarding the stream-resident LCT population in this watershed. First, in situ habitat within this watershed during the water years in our study provides favorable conditions for stream-resident LCT, resulting in substantially less habitat emigration (Penaluna et al. 2021) than that reported in comparable cutthroat trout movement literature (Young 1996, Starcevich 2005, Hilderbrand & Kershner 2000). Second, stream-resident LCT are extremely well adapted to the conditions in the upper watershed. The apparent lack of movement on a large scale leads us to believe that most of the LCT population found conditions optimal for growth and survival within small home ranges, suggesting high levels of local adaptation (Carim et al. 2017, Heggenes et al. 2007). Lastly, this suggests that differences between habitat units and reaches within the watershed demonstrated such little variance in physical habitat that LCT did not attempt to emigrate to adjacent habitats to seek improved conditions. Alternatively, if they relocated to a nearby habitat unit and moved back to their previously recorded location between sampling intervals and were not detected, this would further emphasize the homogeneity of the habitat quality concerning bioenergetic potential.
Previous studies have identified diel movement in stream trout (Hilderbrand & Kershner 2000). Although not incorporated into our experimental design, individuals in more regularly foot-trafficked areas were monitored daily throughout the week. There were no recorded observations of diel movement among tagged individuals. Our tags were transmitting signals on a 12-hour duty cycle. Therefore, obtaining location data for LCT at night was impossible; movements during this period may have occurred; however, this was outside the scope of our study. Nocturnal movement has been observed in cutthroat trout with differing foraging territories between day and night (Hilderbrand & Kershner 2000). Nakano et al. (1999) reported notable spikes in drifting and benthic invertebrate concentrations in nocturnal drift samples; however, this food source may be less accessible due to low-light conditions (Fraser & Metcalf 1997). We suggest further research into the impacts of nocturnal movement and foraging behaviors of cutthroat trout, as these potential foraging opportunities have implications for species fitness (Railsback et al. 2005).
Our study focused primarily on the streamflow recession and baseflow periods; however, the duration of tag operation and incidental LCT recaptures allowed us to also examine LCT movement patterns during streamflow increases and across sampling periods. Only 6.7% of individuals’ movements exceeded 3.8 m/day during the increasing streamflow period, the mean movement value across both sampling years, compared with 15.7% for all recorded movements during the streamflow recession period. These findings are consistent with those of previous cutthroat trout movement studies that reported a significant decline in movement during fall and winter periods (Hilderbrand & Kershner 2000, Brown & Mackay 1995). Additionally, the two individuals recaptured across sampling years using PIT tag identification demonstrate the long-term use of singular habitat reaches and even habitat units. This corroborates findings by Campbell et al. (2018) from Mahogany Creek, our study system, that stream-resident LCT tend to remain within the same habitat reaches.
Two trout demonstrated the significance of movement as a response to declining streamflows despite the overall lack of movement during our sampling period. The stream reach containing these LCT during the 2021 sampling season (Figure 1 Site 4) experienced intermittent streamflow and, ultimately, completely desiccated. This stream reach was impacted by wildfire 20 years prior and, as a result, has incised and has increased sediment supply. Both trout exited this reach before intermittency and found refuge downstream within one week of each other as the streamflow and minimum passage thresholds (RCT depths) abruptly declined. The last recorded RCT depth while these two fish were within this reach was 7.7 cm, which was within seven days of their emigration. This value was not near the minimum RCT depth recorded across all survey reaches; however, it declined the fastest, with complete stream reach desiccation occurring just over one month after their emigration. While this reach was not sampled to quantify the survival of non-tagged individuals, these conditions would have resulted in mortality for nearly all present aquatic biota (Larimore et al. 1959). Had this reduction in streamflow occurred more quickly in the case of more extreme drought conditions, fish could have been trapped in this drying reach with no possibility of escaping through downstream movement.
Across all variables analyzed as potential drivers of LCT movement, change in RCT depth was the strongest predictor across all models (Table 2). Our study did not examine RCT depths at exact fish location sites, but rather at nearby sites with similar channel geometry and bed roughness; however, RCT depths within stream reaches of similar channel geometry and roughness tend to have similar relationships with streamflow (Rossi et al. 2021a). We observed an associated minimum RCT depth of 4 cm across all fish emigration observations (n=46), suggesting a minimum passage threshold for movement between habitat units. Kastl (2023) and Rossi (2023) produced similar findings for stream-rearing juvenile salmonids in coastal streams and reported that movement between habitat units abruptly declined below RCT depths of 3.8 and 4.0 cm, respectively (Kastl 2023, Rossi unpublished). Although stream desiccation was an isolated phenomenon in this study, the response of LCT to changes in minimum passage thresholds highlights the importance of baseflow-oriented management strategies. Water years with decreased baseflow can be expected to increase as climate projections predict increases in precipitation variability in the region. Management strategies for at-risk watersheds should be developed to reduce the risk of salmonid mortality. In the long term, stream reaches experiencing connectivity issues should be monitored to better understand hydraulic and geomorphologic processes and impairments. Rossi et al. (2023) demonstrated that stream reaches with seasonal intermittency can benefit from streamflow restoration efforts. If stream reach assessments indicate that there is significant degradation, habitat restoration efforts should be prioritized to improve streamflow connectivity for stream-resident trout during streamflow recession.
While a majority of movement observations were limited to less than 10 meters per day, we observed larger movements that hinted at transitions between trout life history events. Many of these movements (>10 m/day) occurred at the beginning of our sampling efforts each year, with the bulk of these observations occurring from late June to early July 2021 (Figure 4c). This finding coincides with declining streamflow as we have documented; however, this trend of larger early season movements can also likely be attributed to seasonal life history transitions. Cutthroat trout occupy a much larger home range leading up to and following the spawning period in late spring and early summer. Young (1996) reported an identical trend in Colorado River cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii pleuriticus), with weekly movements greater than 200 meters per week in early June declining to less than 20 meters per week in August. This trend was exemplified by one LCT in particular in upper Summer Camp Creek, which was tracked each week from June through September 2021. This fish’s mean daily movement narrowed from 48 m/day to nearly zero during baseflow as it was seeking out suitable habitat for the low flow period. This demonstrates the necessity for deep minimum passage thresholds in the late spring and early summer for fish to ‘test the waters’ of local stream reaches following their spawning period. With changes in flow regimes stemming from increasing precipitation variability and reduced snowpack in cutthroat trout habitats, this has the potential to reduce LCT fitness as it could impact their ability to find suitable summer habitat (Williams et al. 2009).
The only observed factor that impacted LCTs’ decision to continue occupying or abandon a given habitat unit was their fork length and weight due to the homogeneous and relatively undisturbed nature of the habitat in the Mahogany Creek watershed. However, our observations regarding the impacts of fork length and weight contradict our hypothesis. Larger individuals were less likely to abandon their habitat than smaller LCT. This suggests that dominance hierarchies among stream-resident LCTs impact their decision or ability to retain or emigrate from specific habitat units. Nakano (1995) reported that dominant stream salmonids had priority to optimal foraging territories within habitat units. Habitat units can support multiple large individuals in watersheds with greater habitat volume; however, in small streams such as Mahogany Creek (mean±se habitat unit area = 14.7±0.8 m2, n = 489), the ability for multiple stream-resident LCT to share the same habitat unit may be limited (Horan et al. 2000). We hypothesize that the relatively limited habitat availability within individual habitat units paired with dominance hierarchy effects on habitat selection led to smaller, less dominant LCT to be displaced from their previously occupied habitat units. Habitats where fish were displaced were not sampled to identify the presence of potentially more dominant fish. In one instance, however, a 173 mm LCT (fork length: 69th percentile) was displaced from its habitat by an oversummering adfluvial LCT that was approximately 600 mm long and was visible from the stream bank. While competition from oversummering adfluvial LCT is considered uncommon in this watershed, this observation demonstrates how dominance hierarchies drive habitat selection and abandonment in stream-resident LCT.
Movement can be a useful strategy for improving fitness; however, it comes with associated costs and risks. For stream-rearing trout, especially those inhabiting a small, desert stream that hosts an extremely localized food web, movement comes with the risk of emigrating from cover and exposing themselves to predators. This exposure, as we observed in this study, is exacerbated by reduced minimum passage thresholds during low flow periods leading to a tipping point at which movement becomes untenable out of fear of predation or stranding (Brown et al. 1999, Nagrodski et al. 2012). During this period, the benefit of remaining in place outweighs the value of seeking out alternative habitats, especially in streams with high-quality, homogeneous habitat and no distinct areas of greater invertebrate densities.
Given the demonstrated lack of movement, the results from this study support the restricted-movement paradigm (Gerking 1959; Rodriguez 2002). Gowan et al. (1994) outlined issues leading to sampling bias that would artificially inflate the amount of restricted movement observations; however, in this study, we were able to address these issues. We captured high-frequency, high-resolution data and leveraged radio tagging methods paired with passive tagging ‘gateways’ to confirm a lack of emigration from our study reaches. While our study supports the body of literature on cutthroat trout movement patterns, it is important to recognize the literature that has produced alternate findings (Table 4). Alexiades et al. (2012), Brown and Mackay (1995), and Schrank and Rahel (2004) reported that cutthroat trout had maximum home ranges of 3.8 km, 7.6 km, and 82 km, respectively, in their study systems. These studies took place in watersheds with drainage areas ranging from 6300 km2 to 17800 km2, in contrast to the smaller, 34.5 km2 drainage area of the Mahogany Creek watershed. These findings suggest that cutthroat trout movement may scale with basin size. Since cutthroat trout habitats across the western United States vary greatly, understanding the movement requirements of individual populations is imperative for guiding management actions given changing streamflow regimes.