4.1 Time lag versus internal erosion
Several piezometers were installed in the dam foundation on critical cross sections. The normalized time lag (TL) in the residual soil above the phyllite layer is shown in Fig. 9 and Fig. 10. The readings from 2003 to 2022 indicated the progression of erosion as TL gradually decreased, which could be divided into three periods: 2003–2008, 2008–2013, and 2013–2022. The maximum TL of OSP10 at the offset distance 15 m. to the downstream area provides a good example—it decreased from 50 to 20 to 0 days for periods 1–3 respectively. These values indicated that rock/soil cracks had gradually opened up, resulting in high permeability and possible internal erosion. In addition, in the dam axis area, the TL values of OSP8 and 8/1 indicated very shorter time lags of less than 10 days. The erosion in this area toward upstream might have occurred before the first installation of piezometers.
The potential for erosion and plugging was detected along the seepage paths in the residual soil layer, as shown in Fig. 10. The first period of erosion and plugging behavior is shown in Fig. 10A. Specifically, on OSP10 at the offset distance 15 m. to downstream, there was plugging as TL increased up to 50 days. Then, during the second period (Fig. 10B), the maximum TL reduced from 50 to 14 days. Finally, in the third period, TL was nearly 0 days, with no sign of the plugging area (Fig. 10C). These results indicated that soil cleavages could open with increasing seepage pressure, known as “hydraulic fracturing” (HF). Subsequently, internal erosion occurred through the seepage path. However, TL in the phyllite layer (Fig. 11) showed no decreasing trend related to internal erosion.
The TL values at different locations fluctuated with the reservoir water level. Figure 10 shows the TL values at OSP8, OSP8/1, and OSP10 in the residual soil. During the RWL increase from + 148 to + 162 m. MSL, TL presented alternate high to low time lags, revealing the alternate plugging and erosion of the surrounding soil. These phenomena proceeded until all the filler material eroded out, resulting in a continuous increase in permeability. In the phyllite layer (Fig. 11), because the permeability was higher than in the residual soil. A reduction in the time lag is not clearly shown, with the exception being in the lower part of the residual soil, where TL is very low when RWL exceeds + 158.5 m. MSL, indicating the erosion progression, as shown in Fig. 12. At OSP 10/1 and OSP11/1, as shown in Fig. 13, there was no apparent internal erosion until the RWL increased to + 160.0 m. MSL. These results agreed with [27–28] who reported that the HF on a study dam started from the lower hinges of the residual soil in the syncline area.
4.2 Pore pressure ratio versus internal erosion
Figure 14 provides a plot of PR in the foundation layer. The highest PR values were located mostly on the upstream and lower parts of the residual soil. The pressures had no impact until reaching the trigger level of + 148 to + 149 m. MSL. The high range for PR was 0.95–0.70, indicating. These indicated hydraulic fracturing and internal erosion phenomena. In the phyllite layer at a distance of 45 m. from the dam axis to downstream, the PR values were lower (0.50–0.15), which are considered as normal seepage, compared to the analyses reported by [27]
[29] proposed risk levels of internal erosion using PR, as shown in Fig. 15. The contour maps of internal erosion indicated by PR levels show the progression with time in Fig. 16.
During the first monitoring period from 2003 to 2022, the level of internal erosion of the very likely (red-shaded) area located upstream to about the dam axis is shown in Fig. 16a. The advancement proceeded to the downstream area during the second and third periods (Fig. 16b and c). The greatest increase in HF was at Sta. 2 + 700, where the rock fractures gradually opened and erosion developed along this path, which corresponded to the old stream channel. In addition, the field observations showed that the downstream area at sta.2 + 650 to 2 + 700 had wet areas when the reservoir level rose above 160 m. MSL. This result was in agreement with [36], who used ground aeration sound, showing the possibility of a high seepage flow zone.
The trend in internal erosion can be observed in Fig. 17. Piezometer OSP8 had PR values in the range 0.9–1.0 from 2003 to 2022. Seepage from upstream to the dam axis had almost no head loss. The PR values at OSP 8/1 and OSP 10 from 2003 to 2022 increased from 0.7 to 0.8 (OSP 8/1) and from 0.6 to 0.8 (OSP 10). In contrast, at OSP11/2 located near downstream, the PR value remained constant at 0.6, indicating no erosion. Soil particles could migrate from the upstream area to downstream and at the curtain distance in the downstream area, resulting in plugging and self-filtering. This blocking area was temporary and tended to move downstream.
4.3 Triggered water levels versus internal erosion
Linear regression was used to evaluate the yearly triggered water levels (HW), as they related to the level of internal erosion. In general, the piezometer readings showed triggered levels at 148.00–150.00 m. MSL, as shown in Fig. 18. The HW values from the dam axis to about 45 m downstream presented a decreasing trend with time, as shown in Figs. 19 and 20. There were decreasing values of ΔHw = 1.6 m, 0.8 m, 0.5m, and 0.2m for OSP8, OSP8/1, OSP10, and OSP11/2, respectively, 2003 to 2022. The Hw values of the piezometers located in the phyllite (Fig. 20) did not decrease with time, indicating that seepage in the residual soil layer flowed more easily than in the phyllite. As the cracks opened, the trigger levels decreased. OSP 8 was vulnerable to erosion because the trigger level decreased about 1.6 m., as shown in Fig. 18A.
The changes in HW can be used as criteria for determining HF occurrence in the study case. Four levels of HF could be identified: HW decreasing: >1 m. (very likely), 0.25–1 m. (likely), < 0.25 m. (unlikely), and constant (very unlikely).
The relationship between HW and PR is presented in Fig. 21. The residual soil layer had a greater seepage problem than the phyllite layer, since it had a lower HW with a higher PR. In the residual soil, the range in HW was from + 148 to + 150 m. MSL. with a PR range from 0.7 to 1.0, whereas in the phyllite layer, HW is the range from 149 to + 156 m. MSL, with low PR values in the range from 0.2 to 0.6.
4.4 Indication criteria for internal erosion
FEM was applied to set benchmarks for TL and PR based on piezometer readings for normal seepage. The results are shown in Fig. 22, where the average TL piezometer value near the dam axis was 100 days and the PR values were in the range 0.53–0.62. The TL values recorded between 2003 and 2022 were much lower than 55 days, compared to the benchmark. In addition, the PR range of 0.73–1.00 was higher than the benchmark. All the TL and PR data were analyzed based on regression equation.
The percentage decreases in TL and PR are plotted in Fig. 23. Based on this information, the risk levels for HF occurrence were proposed for the very likely, likely, unlikely, and very unlikely scenarios, according to [29]. The risk criteria are presented in Table 1, classified according to the three main indicators (PR, TL, and HW).
The criteria in Table 1 can be used to construct a decision tree for use in an expert system, which would be beneficial for dam owner monitoring a large number of dams. The decision tree could also combine the dam database to monitor the risk condition of each dam after each piezometer reading.
Table 1. TL, PR, HW criteria for HF risk assessment
Risk Level | PR [29] | TL* Decreasing | HW** Increasing |
Very unlikely | 0.0–0.3 | < 5% | Constant |
Unlikely | 0.3–0.6 | 5–50% | < 0.25 m. |
Likely | 0.6–0.8 | 50–80% | 0.25–1 m. |
Very likely | 0.8–1.0 | > 80% | > 1 m |
TL* is percentage decrease from analytical or first reading after construction. HW** is head decrease from first reading after construction. The values are applied from study case only.