3.1 Mn2+ adsorption at different pH
As shown in Fig. 1a, the amount of Mn2+ adsorbed under acidic conditions increased with the addition of the same amount of Mn2+ and with an increase in pH. When the initial concentration of Mn2+ in the solution was less than 5 mmol/L, δ-MnO2 was completely adsorbed at both pH 2.5 and 4. However, as the concentration of Mn2+ in the solution continued to increase, the adsorption of Mn2+ by δ-MnO2 reached saturation at pH 2.5. At pH 4, the adsorption of Mn2+ by δ-MnO2 reached saturation when the concentration of Mn2+ reached 22.5 mmol/L. This is attributed to the point of zero charge (PZC) of δ-MnO2, which ranges between 1.5 and 2.5. With the increased pH, the negative charge on δ-MnO2 also increased, subsequently enhancing its Mn2+ adsorption capacity. Notably, the maximum adsorption capacity for Mn2+ is lower at pH 2.5 than that at pH 4.
We conducted kinetic experiments using 25 mM Mn2+ with 3 g/L δ-MnO2, and the results are shown in Fig. 1b. When the solution had a pH of 2.5 and 4, the concentration of Mn2+ in the solution rapidly decreased from 25 mM to 2.5 mM and 3.6 mM after the addition, respectively. The kinetic process of δ-MnO2 adsorbing Mn2+ can be divided into two parts. Initially, in the first 48 h, the adsorption of Mn2+ by δ-MnO2 showed minor fluctuations, indicating instability in the adsorption of Mn2+ during this phase. This is likely due to Mn2+ continuously undergoing electron transfer with δ-MnO2 and exchanging with Mn (IV) in bulk, which promotes the crystallization and structural transformation of δ-MnO2.29, 30 Subsequently, in the second part, from 48 hours to 15 days, the amount of Mn2+ adsorbed by δ-MnO2 gradually increased over time. The distinctly different two-stage adsorption process is likely due to the structural and morphological evolution of δ-MnO2 caused by Mn2+.
3.2 XRD patterns of the isothermal adsorption sample
The XRD pattern of the sample obtained after 15 d of reaction is shown in Fig. 2. The XRD pattern of the samples when the Mn2+ concentrations were 0, 1 mmol/L and 5 mmol/L shows two broad diffraction peaks at 37° (d(100) = 0.24 nm) and 65° (d(110) = 0.14 nm) (Fig. 2), which can be attributed to δ-MnO2 with poor crystallinity, small-sized and randomly stacked [MnO6] octahedral layers.21,22 The d-spacing ratio of d(100) to d(110) is 1.73, which indicates a hexagonal layer symmetry.21 When Mn2+ was added up to 10 mmol/L, the peak at d(100) = 0.24 nm began to sharpen and a new shoulder peak appeared at 42.2° 2θ, indicating that Mn2+ was gradually adsorbed on the top and bottom of the octahedral vacancies (Fig. 2). When Mn2+ was added to more than 25 mmol/L, (110), (200), and (310) α-MnO2 peaks appeared (ICDD No. 00-29-1020, d (110) = 0.69 nm, d (200) = 0.48 nm, and d(310) = 0.31 nm) (Fig. 2). In the isothermal adsorption curve, when the concentration of Mn2+ in the solution reached 10 mmol/L, the adsorption capacity of δ-MnO2 for Mn2+ was close to saturation (Fig. 1a). In the XRD patterns, even in this state of adsorption saturation, δ-MnO2 did not undergo structural transformation. As more Mn2+ was added, the amount of Mn2+ adsorbed by δ-MnO2 did not change significantly, but δ-MnO2 transformed into α-MnO2 structure. It might be because the appropriate amount of Mn2+ did not directly integrate into δ-MnO2, but rather facilitated the transformation of δ-MnO2 to α-MnO2 through its effect on the electron transfer of surface Mn (III/IV).
3.3 XRD patterns of the adsorption kinetics samples
The XRD patterns of the obtained samples under pH 2.5 are shown in Fig. 3. The initial mineral was poorly crystalline δ-MnO2. After 2 days of reaction, the intensity of the diffraction peak at d = 0.24 nm increased. And at the same time, the characteristic diffraction peak of α-MnO2 (d (110) = 0.70 nm) appeared at 12° 2θ, which indicated that δ-MnO2 was transformed into α-MnO2 after 2 days (Fig. 2a).7, 11 When the reaction time was extended to 7 days, the intensity of the diffraction peak gradually increased indicated that the δ-MnO2 transformed into α-MnO2 (Fig. 2a). Before the transformation, δ-MnO2 continuously exchanged with Mn2+ in the solution, preparing for the conversion to α-MnO2, such as the generation and arrangement of Mn (III).7 Therefore, the adsorption amount of Mn2+ by δ-MnO2 was constantly fluctuating. When the reaction proceeded for two days, δ-MnO2 transformed into the more stable α-MnO2, and α-MnO2 further adsorbed Mn2+ from the solution.
The XRD patterns of the samples, capturing the dynamic interaction between δ-MnO2 and 25 mM Mn2+ in a pH 4 solution over a period of 15 days, are shown in the Fig. 3b. Compared to the rate at which δ-MnO2 begins to convert to α-MnO2 within 2 days in a pH 2.5 solution, δ-MnO2 in a pH 4 solution only starts to transform into α- MnO2 after 7 d. When the reaction time was 4 days, the peak intensity of d(100) = 0.24 nm increased, indicating that the crystallinity of the δ-MnO2 increased with increasing reaction time.18 When the reaction time was extended to 7 days, the peak intensity at d = 0.24 nm increased, and the characteristic diffraction peak for α-MnO2 (d(110) = 0.70 nm) appeared at 2θ = 12°. This indicated that after 7 days, δ-MnO2 transformed into α-MnO2.7, 11 Therefore, compared to the reaction system at pH 2.5, δ-MnO2 in pH 4 exhibits a fluctuation cycle (preparation period) of 7 days in Mn2+ adsorption. An increase in adsorption is observed when δ-MnO2 begins its transformation into α-MnO2 on the 7 days.
3.4 Morphological changes of δ-MnO2 under different pH
3.4.1 Morphological of Initial δ-MnO2
Figure 4a illustrates the initial formation of nanoflakes aggregates upon mixing the KMnO4 and MnSO4 solutions. Further captured at a higher resolution (Fig. 4b), reveals poorly crystalline δ-MnO2 nanosheets ranging in size from 3 to 5 nm, featuring a lattice spacing of d(100) = 0.24 nm. Furthermore, the selected area diffraction (SAED) pattern (inset of Figure. 4a) shows two diffuse diffraction rings at ∼0.24 nm and ∼0.14 nm, which is consistent with the d(100) = 0.24 nm and d(110) = 0.14 nm spacings of δ-MnO2, respectively. This observation consists with the results obtained from XRD pattern in Fig. 3
3.4.2 Morphological changes of δ-MnO2 under pH 2.5
When δ-MnO2 reacted with Mn2+ for 1 hours at pH 2.5, as demonstrated in Fig. 5a and b, nanoribbons with lengths of 10–20 nm were formed. Upon magnifying nanoribbons, it becomes revealed that these nanoribbons are assembled from several δ-MnO2 nanoflakes. They display lattice with a spacing of d(100) = 0.24 nm, while lacking the typical lattice spacing of d = 0.7 nm characteristic of α-MnO2. This indicates that these nanoribbons are assembled δ-MnO2.
When the reaction time was extended to 1 day, as shown in Fig. 5c and d, the δ-MnO2 nanoflakes gradually disappeared, while the nanoribbons increased in length to 100 nm. The δ-MnO2 nanoflakes were gradually transforming into δ-MnO2 nanoribbons as there were no lattice stripes of α-MnO2 observed. The side perspective of a nanoribbon highlight by yellow dashed line in Fig. 5d demonstrates that an δ-MnO2 nanoflake assemble at the end surface of a nanoribbon.
When the reaction time was extended to 4 days, the δ-MnO2 nanoflakes almost disappeared, resulting in the formation of nanorods with good crystallinity and lengths ranging from 100 nm to 300 nm (Fig. 6a). Upon further magnification of the nanorods, the lattice with a spacing of d(110) = 0.70 nm characteristic of α-MnO2 structures were observed internally (Fig. 6b), consistent with the XRD pattern (Fig. 3a). Small nanorods were assembled side-to-side with each other, increasing the thickness of the original nanorods observed in Fig. 6b. Previous studies also described this side-to-side assembly of α-MnO2 nanorod along the (110) plane driven by surface energy.11, 21
When the reaction time reached 7 days, the nanorods grew to approximately 400 nm and tended to grow in the same direction shown in Fig. 6c. As shown by the amplified image in Fig. 6d, short nanorods with length of about 150 nm connect with each other by end-to-end assembly along the α-MnO2 (001) planes to form secondary nanorods.
3.4.3 Morphological changes of δ-MnO2 under pH 4
When all other conditions remained unchanged and only the pH value was adjusted from 2.5 to 4, nanoribbons with weak crystallinity appeared after a reaction time of 12 h shown in Fig. 7a. The internal lattice of the nanoribbon is inconsistently oriented, with spacing of d(100) = 0.24 nm, indicating that it is a δ-MnO2 structure. These nanoribbons are approximately 40 nm in length, which is longer than the nanoribbons (length about 20 nm) formed after 1 hours at a pH of 2.5. It is noteworthy that the d(100) = 0.24 nm lattice directions within the nanoribbons are inconsistent, which may be due to the δ-MnO2 nanoribbons being newly assembled by δ-MnO2 nanoflakes and not having the opportunity to adjust orientations (Fig. 7b).
When the reaction time reached 4 days, δ-MnO2 nanoflakes gradually transform into nanoribbons with length from 100 to 200 nm (Figs. 7c and d). δ-MnO2 nanoflakes were observed to assemble on the end faces of the nanoribbons (Fig. 7d). This may be due to the outside nanoflakes of the initial δ-MnO2 nanoflakes aggregation were first assembled into long nanoribbons. Then the inner δ-MnO2 nanoflakes were gradually involved as the reaction progressed. Therefore, δ-MnO2 was still present after 4 days. Figure 7d shows several nanosheets stacking and thickening each other, resulting in the formation of nanorods.
After 7 days of reaction, TEM observations revealed that the δ-MnO2 nanoflakes had disappeared, and nanorods approximately 500 nm in length had emerged (Fig. 8a). The SAED with d(110) = 0.70 nm characteristic of α-MnO2 was observed, indicating the beginning of the transformation from δ-MnO2 to α-MnO2 (Fig. 8b). In Fig. 8b, numerous nanoribbons (30 nm in length and 5 nm in width) were observed assembled at the end of nanorods. Notably, these nanoribbons did not exhibit lattice with a spacing of d(110) = 0.70 nm, suggesting they are still of the δ-MnO2 structure. It is probable that these nanoribbons stacked upon each other during the assembly process, ultimately extending along the assembled faces of the nanorods and forming α-MnO2 nanorods.
After 15 days of reaction, there are nanorods with 300–500 nm in length and 30 nm in width were formed (Fig. 8c). Upon further magnification of the nanorods, the lattice with a spacing of d(110) = 0.70 nm characteristic of α-MnO2 structures were observed (Fig. 8d), which was consistent with the XRD findings after 15 d (Fig. 3b). Additionally, it was observed that the nanorods underwent side-to-side assembly along the (110) crystal planes, leading to an increase in width.